quote: I am curious as to why Christians believe that they are right and all others are wrong when it comes to their belief in Jehovah.
Mr P Mosh -- I used to think that I was right, and all others wrong, but have since grown up, and matured.
These days I consider myself to know a few things, and those that I once thought "wrong", don't fit the category as "neatly" as I used to think they did.
Having a "handle on the truth" is just that, a handle -- and not a steering wheel. Took me a while to realize that, but I am glad to at least have a grasp at truth. :)-->
Well Zeus was one of many gods, and Jehovah says He is one.
Allah is the cleaned-up version of the moon god the pagan Arabs worshiped before his vision. Ever notice the Islamic flags are all crescent moons and a star.
As for exclusivity, you will have to take that up with Jesus. He said he was the ONLY way to God.
We are asked to forsake all others in our wedding vows, why shouldn't we do the same with our faith?
"As for exclusivity, you will have to take that up with Jesus. He said he was the ONLY way to God. "
Yeah, yeah, and what exactly did he mean by that? Did he mean we had to worship him? pray to him? pray in his name? follow his example? believe he was God's only child or simply one of many of God's children? there are man possibilities.
I saw an amazing truth in the store the other day. Apparently, this woman bore her alien love-child. AMAZING!
You know the old saying, "don't believe everything that you read". Well, as you know, it doesn't apply to the Bible....because it is the real truth.
Didn't David Koresh (sp?) claim to be the returned Christ or something. Well, if he didn't there are at least a hand full or two or thousand that have claimed something similar. But, clearly they are wrong, because.....well because.
Actually, we can't prove any of those people to be wrong anymore than we can prove that Jesus was right. There in lies the problem. Well, not my problem....yours.
There was also another great guy, incredible seer, Joseph Smith. You see he actually found the original golden paged scrolls of the what we know today as the Book of Mormon. They were given to him by the angle Moroni. Yep that is "moron" with an "i". Moroni was also nice enough to give Joe a set of translatin' specticles, so he could write it in English and sell lots of books, er I mean spread the truth concerning the Latter Day Saints and the true history of North America. He actually had witnesses that saw the golden paged scrolls and specticles and saw him translate it. They even signed affidavits attesting to the veracity of the claims. That is pretty convincing. Before the book was published they needed to pay the printer. Joe couldn't afford the fee but thankfully God told one of Joes closest testifiers (by way of Joe)...."I command that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but part it freely to the printing.......And misery thou shalt recieve, if thou wilt slight these counsels; yea, even the destruction of thyself and property....Pay the printer's debt!" Well, God fearing as he was, he paid the printer and praise the Lord now the world has available to them, the greatest book since the Bible...The Book of Mormon. And because of this the LDS clan is the fastest growing religion in the world. That should tell you something as well, don't you think. It must be true.
Well that is the closest thing we have to the Bible today. But we don't even have the original writings of the Bible. We don't know squat about the writers of the most holy book in the world. At least not like we know about Joseph Smith. Like the fact that before he was a bonafide spiritual supernova he was a fortune teller. He used his seein stone to help folks find burried Indian treasures and artifacts. Well he never actually helped anyone, but he sure told them where that treasure would be, they must not have been looking hard enough. Maybe they didn't "master" what Joe said. We do know that later he used that lucky stone to finish traslating the Book of Mormon after the magic specticles were broken.
So at least with the Book of Mormon we have Joe Smith's outstanding credencials. We don't have that with the writers of the Bible, but I'm sure they were at least as qualified and bonafide as Joe. After all it is the truth.
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George Aar
How about "God vs. Mothra", or - the granddaddy of them all- "God vs. Godzilla"?
I dunno though, with that invisibility thing going on, it's just not going to film well...
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God first
Hi All
I believe the reason people think they are right and others are wrong Is
1) they believe what they have been taught without asking God if maybe Zeus or Allah are just others names for our God
2) they never talk with the believers who believe diff or never check the teaching against there teaching how can they know any thing
More or less there eyes are close to any thing but what they think is right
Now I do not know any thing about Zeus and very little about Allah but I am willing to look and ask God about it
Will you ask God yourself?
with love Roy
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Mr P Mosh -- I used to think that I was right, and all others wrong, but have since grown up, and matured.
These days I consider myself to know a few things, and those that I once thought "wrong", don't fit the category as "neatly" as I used to think they did.
Having a "handle on the truth" is just that, a handle -- and not a steering wheel. Took me a while to realize that, but I am glad to at least have a grasp at truth.
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to the unknown god...
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Well Zeus was one of many gods, and Jehovah says He is one.
Allah is the cleaned-up version of the moon god the pagan Arabs worshiped before his vision. Ever notice the Islamic flags are all crescent moons and a star.
As for exclusivity, you will have to take that up with Jesus. He said he was the ONLY way to God.
We are asked to forsake all others in our wedding vows, why shouldn't we do the same with our faith?
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maybe, God Vs God?
just a thot
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"As for exclusivity, you will have to take that up with Jesus. He said he was the ONLY way to God. "
Yeah, yeah, and what exactly did he mean by that? Did he mean we had to worship him? pray to him? pray in his name? follow his example? believe he was God's only child or simply one of many of God's children? there are man possibilities.
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How about George Burns vs. God? ... Or Bruce Almighty vs. God? Or ...?
I *love* that! Good one!
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Hey Dig it Garth...
God Smokes Cigars...
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Trefor Heywood
But God lived to be older than 100...
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So then God still smokes cigars...
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It's not that Christians believe "they" are right. It's that we believe "Jesus Christ" was right.
When someone dies, is buried, and three days later comes back from the dead-- I'm with him!!!
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posted September 11, 2004 22:53
It's not that Christians believe "they" are right. It's that we believe "Jesus Christ" was right.
When someone dies, is buried, and three days later comes back from the dead-- I'm with him!!!
chwester, you are making an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary proof. And do you speak for all Christians?
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I saw an amazing truth in the store the other day. Apparently, this woman bore her alien love-child. AMAZING!
You know the old saying, "don't believe everything that you read". Well, as you know, it doesn't apply to the Bible....because it is the real truth.
Didn't David Koresh (sp?) claim to be the returned Christ or something. Well, if he didn't there are at least a hand full or two or thousand that have claimed something similar. But, clearly they are wrong, because.....well because.
Actually, we can't prove any of those people to be wrong anymore than we can prove that Jesus was right. There in lies the problem. Well, not my problem....yours.
There was also another great guy, incredible seer, Joseph Smith. You see he actually found the original golden paged scrolls of the what we know today as the Book of Mormon. They were given to him by the angle Moroni. Yep that is "moron" with an "i". Moroni was also nice enough to give Joe a set of translatin' specticles, so he could write it in English and sell lots of books, er I mean spread the truth concerning the Latter Day Saints and the true history of North America. He actually had witnesses that saw the golden paged scrolls and specticles and saw him translate it. They even signed affidavits attesting to the veracity of the claims. That is pretty convincing. Before the book was published they needed to pay the printer. Joe couldn't afford the fee but thankfully God told one of Joes closest testifiers (by way of Joe)...."I command that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but part it freely to the printing.......And misery thou shalt recieve, if thou wilt slight these counsels; yea, even the destruction of thyself and property....Pay the printer's debt!" Well, God fearing as he was, he paid the printer and praise the Lord now the world has available to them, the greatest book since the Bible...The Book of Mormon. And because of this the LDS clan is the fastest growing religion in the world. That should tell you something as well, don't you think. It must be true.
Well that is the closest thing we have to the Bible today. But we don't even have the original writings of the Bible. We don't know squat about the writers of the most holy book in the world. At least not like we know about Joseph Smith. Like the fact that before he was a bonafide spiritual supernova he was a fortune teller. He used his seein stone to help folks find burried Indian treasures and artifacts. Well he never actually helped anyone, but he sure told them where that treasure would be, they must not have been looking hard enough. Maybe they didn't "master" what Joe said. We do know that later he used that lucky stone to finish traslating the Book of Mormon after the magic specticles were broken.
So at least with the Book of Mormon we have Joe Smith's outstanding credencials. We don't have that with the writers of the Bible, but I'm sure they were at least as qualified and bonafide as Joe. After all it is the truth.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
You'll have to listen to this today, since they're probably going to change it tomorrow.........
:D-->(Thanks to The Bob and Tom Show)
Heaven Vs. Hell Baseball Game
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