Depends, Oaks. Working from a list of core beliefs and attitudes is useful when determining tolerance levels.
-gender/sex preferences
-primary language
-physical qualities
-family relations/size/background
-geographical location
-body odors/smells
-clothing and dress preferences
-music/art preferences
Based on this list a 3 Tier Tolerance Matrix, or a "3TM" index rating can be generated.
1 difference - a "1", easily tolerated within normal boundaries and activities.
2 differences - a "2", tolerance negotiable, and likely under most circumstances.
3 or more differences - a "10". Tolerance doubtful, since something's obviously very wrong with these kinds of people, things that may not be correctable in a non-professional medical environment. And of course, a "2" must be closely monitored as progression to a "10" is possible at any time, particularly in election years and at the start of the new fall TV season.
quote: Well, just about everyone's okay with me, except people that say stuff like "Heed! Pants, now!" and don't explain it.
Steve! -- me too. But I suspect it has something to do with road construction, and the lack of the driver's ability to recognize such in time to pull over before he/she is totally engulfed in traffic, at a dead stop, miles from an exit, and no bathroom in sight. :D-->
Is Lindy "stuck on the road of life", which is always under constructon? -->
Heathens? Infidels? How do you view those who believe differently than you do? How do differing beliefs fit into your world-view? (The poll choices are anything but complete!) "
So I will leave out the poll questions and go for the "anything but complete."
Heathens? No.
Infidels? No.
I view those who have their own mind set their beliefs that are different than mine as how they view me. I just want to have peace in this world and since that ain't so, well, I watch where I walk so that I don't step in the owners of dogs that let them poop on community lawns and not clean up after such a defecation. Those land mines are are so messy the bottom of ones bare feet. And that is my differing belief others wolrd-view!
quote: How Do You View Those Who Believe Differently?
Depends on the person. If they want to strong-arm people to believe the same way they do, then I don't associate with them. I will respect them as a human being.
I never try to push anyone in to believing "my way".
My sister and I have come to a great understanding in our differences concerning when life begins. I believe that life actually begins when a fetus can function on it's own (this could be BEFORE full term), but I don't believe in abortion for the heck of it. I teetered on this issue for quite some time after leaving twi. But the invitro fertilization process made me think more. They freeze eggs. Those eggs can become fetuses and possibly a human being. I could never freeze a human being and expect them to have life again. Although science could prove differently. If so, I will change my mind again. ;)--> I still teeter on the different stages of the fetus though.
My sister and I still respect each other's views. I could have the same respect even if she were not my sister.
I no longer believe it is my responsibility to judge other people by their beliefs. I am firmly of the belief that whatever gets you through the long, dark, night, is fine with me.
However, when their actions hurt someone else, there is a problem.
I voted that they are misguided. While that would not be my exact answer, it comes close enough. I would say there are truths in everything, but not every road leads to Chicago. Also you cannot find life in what single grain of truth you can find in one faction. You have to have many grains, and you have to go to other sources to get them. You just simply cannot make bread out of one strand of wheat. You need thousands upon thousands of strands, and the the grain from each strand, grind them into dough to make the bread.
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My view is developing closer to 4a - there's truth in everything.
But I don't want to go to Chicago.
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Choice #4 fits me... Been to Chicago and got a Greasespot T-shirt from Pawtuckett and met many from Greasespot there as well!
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I view them as people God loves.
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and your point is ...???
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Trefor Heywood
I think it's more important to judge people by their actions rather than their beliefs.
I have no problem with Moslems but I have loads of problems with neo-Moslem terrorists for example.
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Depends, Oaks. Working from a list of core beliefs and attitudes is useful when determining tolerance levels.
-gender/sex preferences
-primary language
-physical qualities
-family relations/size/background
-geographical location
-body odors/smells
-clothing and dress preferences
-music/art preferences
Based on this list a 3 Tier Tolerance Matrix, or a "3TM" index rating can be generated.
1 difference - a "1", easily tolerated within normal boundaries and activities.
2 differences - a "2", tolerance negotiable, and likely under most circumstances.
3 or more differences - a "10". Tolerance doubtful, since something's obviously very wrong with these kinds of people, things that may not be correctable in a non-professional medical environment. And of course, a "2" must be closely monitored as progression to a "10" is possible at any time, particularly in election years and at the start of the new fall TV season.
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God first
Hi All
I see them as my brothers and sisters in Christ
I see doctrine as a small part of love
with love Roy
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Oak -- I would have voted for number 6, had there been one.
#6 choice -----
"With a whole lot more tolerance, understanding, and compassion than I would have even 10 years ago, because I now know that ---
(You're one of my teachers. Do I pass?)
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you da man d!
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Awwwwww shucks!
Kickin' my boot heels in the dust here.
Would that be the dust of former beliefs?
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When it comes to GSC and an ex-Wayers I see everyone as family. We all shared an experience, so how can I write anyone off.
Notre Dame, the Yankees etc. well, that's a different story.
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Everyone else is evil and wrong and and and dummy-heads.
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Well, just about everyone's okay with me, except people that say stuff like "Heed! Pants, now!" and don't explain it.
Okay, then, who's your mommy?
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Interesting remark, Lindyhopper. I have a feeling you are kidding. Is it so?
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What ? only 5 choices. Millions of people millions of different views, but theres only one oakster who drives a WOW mobile.
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Steve! -- me too. But I suspect it has something to do with road construction, and the lack of the driver's ability to recognize such in time to pull over before he/she is totally engulfed in traffic, at a dead stop, miles from an exit, and no bathroom in sight.
Is Lindy "stuck on the road of life", which is always under constructon?
HEED! Pants, now!
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Oak for ---- awww -- never mind!
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Oakspear posted
September 06, 2004 22:33Â Â
"Poll Question:
Heathens? Infidels? How do you view those who believe differently than you do? How do differing beliefs fit into your world-view? (The poll choices are anything but complete!) "
So I will leave out the poll questions and go for the "anything but complete."
Heathens? No.
Infidels? No.
I view those who have their own mind set their beliefs that are different than mine as how they view me. I just want to have peace in this world and since that ain't so, well, I watch where I walk so that I don't step in the owners of dogs that let them poop on community lawns and not clean up after such a defecation. Those land mines are are so messy the bottom of ones bare feet. And that is my differing belief others wolrd-view!
Rok On
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Steve!...hint...."So I Married an Axe Murderer"
Rlady...but of course.
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Depends on the person. If they want to strong-arm people to believe the same way they do, then I don't associate with them. I will respect them as a human being.
I never try to push anyone in to believing "my way".
My sister and I have come to a great understanding in our differences concerning when life begins. I believe that life actually begins when a fetus can function on it's own (this could be BEFORE full term), but I don't believe in abortion for the heck of it. I teetered on this issue for quite some time after leaving twi. But the invitro fertilization process made me think more. They freeze eggs. Those eggs can become fetuses and possibly a human being. I could never freeze a human being and expect them to have life again. Although science could prove differently. If so, I will change my mind again.
;)--> I still teeter on the different stages of the fetus though.
My sister and I still respect each other's views. I could have the same respect even if she were not my sister.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
I no longer believe it is my responsibility to judge other people by their beliefs. I am firmly of the belief that whatever gets you through the long, dark, night, is fine with me.
However, when their actions hurt someone else, there is a problem.
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I voted that they are misguided. While that would not be my exact answer, it comes close enough. I would say there are truths in everything, but not every road leads to Chicago. Also you cannot find life in what single grain of truth you can find in one faction. You have to have many grains, and you have to go to other sources to get them. You just simply cannot make bread out of one strand of wheat. You need thousands upon thousands of strands, and the the grain from each strand, grind them into dough to make the bread.
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To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius.
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