Forgive me I considered your words reproof. I get to posting 90 miles per hour and every now and then I wonder what I meant to really say.
Doesn't this just say it all, {{{{{SongDude}}}}}? :D-->
There's nothing for you to apologize for...because when I went back and looked at my post, I saw exactly your I am sorry...and you forgive me...and we are kewl. :D-->
Also...we've "known" each other here on the 'net for awhile...and I've never seen anything that you've written that would indicate you to be anything like some folks in AK....ya know?
Emotions overrun brains a whole lot when talking about twi...which is good imo...because we weren't allowed to express them when we first experienced they all come out at the oddest of moments...then we can apply brains to them and figure them out...:D-->
And somehow I think that this thread is actually exemplifying Abi's original point...we are all one...feeling, thinking, growing together...
I dont think that I have ever posted on a doctrinal thread before but I find this very interesting. I'm not very 'doctrinal' by nature but the concept in Abigails first post works for me. The biblical concept of the body still seems fairly accurate although not nearly as narrowly as TWI taught it, within a very closed circle and to hell with everyone else.
As far as the question about the homeless- I do it everyday. There is nothing that I have ever done that is as difficult or as rewarding or that keeps me quite as connected to things that I consider valuable. There are alot of success stories and alot of hard tragedies to deal with and alot of sadness and pain. This summer has been a rash of heroin addicted veterans for some reason, which has been tough, but its worth it when you see em clean up over time, deal with issues and become self sufficient again.
I've been on a bit of a new spiritual awakening, if you will, since leaving TWI. I have found out that there's a lot, a ton, a bunch even of good information out there that I've been missing out. Seems an awakening was going on and because TWI-ts have their heads in the ground we've missed it all.
I'm not eloquent enough to explain what I've been learning, but it has given me a completely different pserspective on the Bible and the truths there. My cousin says you can understand the Bible to the depth of your spiritual knowledge.
Abigail, I think you are right on with us all being part of one body and one mind. I think all of us make up the consciousness of the universe and we all contribute to it whether we believe that or not and wether our contributions are positive or not. Everything we do, say, think impacts us and others we may not even be aware of.
I think Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood and him feeling virtue go from him is an example of the hands on healing many people are doing these days in a way.
Jesus said we would do greater works than him and TWI-ts limit that to speaking in tongues while justifying reasons they aren't able to do even do half the things Jesus DID actually do.
The move "What the Bleep" also touches on this. (Awesome movie, btw) I have more to say, but not much time. Great thread, Abigail!
The Unified Field Theory is mostly physics based, but many people believe that it is a good start on proof that we are all unified and "one soul" as Abigail so wonderfully put it. I think this is what the Bible means when it talks about us being of one mind and one body. It's a shame most religions don't see it that way.
I ran across a thread on the Open forum from a while back on this and thought y'all might enjoy seeing it so I brought it up to the top.
"Abigail, I think you are right on with us all being part of one body and one mind. I think all of us make up the consciousness of the universe and we all contribute to it whether we believe that or not and wether our contributions are positive or not. Everything we do, say, think impacts us and others we may not even be aware of."
Exactly, Belle!!!
"The Unified Field Theory is mostly physics based, but many people believe that it is a good start on proof that we are all unified and "one soul" as Abigail so wonderfully put it."
I haven't seen the thread but will check out later when I have more time. On a similar note, I see the same with quantum physics, or perhaps that is what you are already speaking of?
"I think this is what the Bible means when it talks about us being of one mind and one body. It's a shame most religions don't see it that way."
Yes, one body, but without the narrow perspective of "one religion". Just different parts of the same body, different paths, all parts, all paths, necessary.
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French muser to gape, idle, muse, from muse mouth of an animal, from Medieval Latin musus
Date: 14th century
intransitive senses
1 : to become absorbed in thought; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : archaic : WONDER, MARVEL
transitive senses
: to think or say reflectively
synonym see PONDER
- mus·er noun
As I look back thoughts of the past now here... an Ecclesiastes 3:15~~~ kinda sounds like a Shriner gig or maybe many a gig over eons of time the evolution of human kinds mind into discovery that the world is not flat and ... well... all that other stuff...
I checked out the thread but it mostly went WAY over my head. However, a good read on quantum physics as it applies to spirituality is "I'm Not Really Here". Don't fall off your chair laughing because it is written by the comedian, Tim Allen.
It is a funny book, but it is also serious and it explains this stuff in terms even I could understand. I recommend it very highly to anyone who is interested in this stuff.
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God first
Hi All
Glad we all are growing and having fun as a family
Because you all are very dear to me
with love Roy
Ps I will be praying for all my friends and their family in FL during these trying times
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Doesn't this just say it all, {{{{{SongDude}}}}}?
There's nothing for you to apologize for...because when I went back and looked at my post, I saw exactly your I am sorry...and you forgive me...and we are kewl.
Also...we've "known" each other here on the 'net for awhile...and I've never seen anything that you've written that would indicate you to be anything like some folks in AK....ya know?
Emotions overrun brains a whole lot when talking about twi...which is good imo...because we weren't allowed to express them when we first experienced they all come out at the oddest of moments...then we can apply brains to them and figure them out...
And somehow I think that this thread is actually exemplifying Abi's original point...we are all one...feeling, thinking, growing together...
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I dont think that I have ever posted on a doctrinal thread before but I find this very interesting. I'm not very 'doctrinal' by nature but the concept in Abigails first post works for me. The biblical concept of the body still seems fairly accurate although not nearly as narrowly as TWI taught it, within a very closed circle and to hell with everyone else.
As far as the question about the homeless- I do it everyday. There is nothing that I have ever done that is as difficult or as rewarding or that keeps me quite as connected to things that I consider valuable. There are alot of success stories and alot of hard tragedies to deal with and alot of sadness and pain. This summer has been a rash of heroin addicted veterans for some reason, which has been tough, but its worth it when you see em clean up over time, deal with issues and become self sufficient again.
Better than any damn paycheck.
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I've been on a bit of a new spiritual awakening, if you will, since leaving TWI. I have found out that there's a lot, a ton, a bunch even of good information out there that I've been missing out. Seems an awakening was going on and because TWI-ts have their heads in the ground we've missed it all.
I'm not eloquent enough to explain what I've been learning, but it has given me a completely different pserspective on the Bible and the truths there. My cousin says you can understand the Bible to the depth of your spiritual knowledge.
Abigail, I think you are right on with us all being part of one body and one mind. I think all of us make up the consciousness of the universe and we all contribute to it whether we believe that or not and wether our contributions are positive or not. Everything we do, say, think impacts us and others we may not even be aware of.
I think Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood and him feeling virtue go from him is an example of the hands on healing many people are doing these days in a way.
Jesus said we would do greater works than him and TWI-ts limit that to speaking in tongues while justifying reasons they aren't able to do even do half the things Jesus DID actually do.
The move "What the Bleep" also touches on this. (Awesome movie, btw) I have more to say, but not much time. Great thread, Abigail!
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The Unified Field Theory is mostly physics based, but many people believe that it is a good start on proof that we are all unified and "one soul" as Abigail so wonderfully put it. I think this is what the Bible means when it talks about us being of one mind and one body. It's a shame most religions don't see it that way.
I ran across a thread on the Open forum from a while back on this and thought y'all might enjoy seeing it so I brought it up to the top.
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"Abigail, I think you are right on with us all being part of one body and one mind. I think all of us make up the consciousness of the universe and we all contribute to it whether we believe that or not and wether our contributions are positive or not. Everything we do, say, think impacts us and others we may not even be aware of."
Exactly, Belle!!!
"The Unified Field Theory is mostly physics based, but many people believe that it is a good start on proof that we are all unified and "one soul" as Abigail so wonderfully put it."
I haven't seen the thread but will check out later when I have more time. On a similar note, I see the same with quantum physics, or perhaps that is what you are already speaking of?
"I think this is what the Bible means when it talks about us being of one mind and one body. It's a shame most religions don't see it that way."
Yes, one body, but without the narrow perspective of "one religion". Just different parts of the same body, different paths, all parts, all paths, necessary.
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Main Entry: [1]muse
Pronunciation: 'my?R>Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): mused; mus·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French muser to gape, idle, muse, from muse mouth of an animal, from Medieval Latin musus
Date: 14th century
intransitive senses
1 : to become absorbed in thought; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : archaic : WONDER, MARVEL
transitive senses
: to think or say reflectively
synonym see PONDER
- mus·er noun
As I look back thoughts of the past now here... an Ecclesiastes 3:15~~~ kinda sounds like a Shriner gig or maybe many a gig over eons of time the evolution of human kinds mind into discovery that the world is not flat and ... well... all that other stuff...
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I checked out the thread but it mostly went WAY over my head. However, a good read on quantum physics as it applies to spirituality is "I'm Not Really Here". Don't fall off your chair laughing because it is written by the comedian, Tim Allen.
It is a funny book, but it is also serious and it explains this stuff in terms even I could understand. I recommend it very highly to anyone who is interested in this stuff.
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