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What Does the Bible say about angels? By John Lynn

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Hi folks!

We just posted an excellent research article on angels by John Lynn (so watch out for the humor).

The title is "What does the Bible say about angels?"

The article also corrects the erroneous idea that a person will lose their guardian angel when they are born-again.

So, what does the Bible say about angels?

A lot!


Because God is LOVE, and the world is a war zone. The chief combatants are God and Satan, and what they are fighting over is YOU. Yes, people are the prize, the spoils of war, if you will. God wants to win people so He can love them, bless them, and give them everlasting life. The Devil wants to win people so he can destroy them (John 10:10a).

Because both God and Satan are spirit beings, this ongoing battle is being fought primarily in the spiritual realm, with its manifestations made evident in the physical realm in which we live, that is, the world. Both Commanders-in-Chief, God and Satan, have spirit-being “troops” that they command in the battle. God has those whom the Bible calls “angels” (in both Hebrew and Greek the word for angels means “messengers”), and Satan has those referred to as “evil spirits” or “unclean spirits.” Spirit beings are beings with a life force and a composition that are different than those of a human being.

To read the rest of this article, please go to the link below.


I trust it will help you see the role angels have in ALL our lives and correct another error of our TWI days.


Much love to ya!


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To me, the wierd part is, that Jeff/John's model of heaven and earth is loaded with pantheism, which, of course, to them, is a sign of deception in all others.

Regardless as to whether Christianity uses the word "pantheon" or not, the cast of character/beings are quite specific, and each play a specific role in the affairs of heaven and earth, all having first come from a father-God. There are even dragons, serpents, wierd creatures and ten-headed monsters.

And, of course, they'll say that this false pantheon idea is a counterfiet of the true pantheon idea, meant to deceive "God's special people."

So, does that mean it really is a pantheon, then?

What say you Jeff?

We are all little gods and angels in this thing, no?

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(I was gonna copy some parts of that links article and comment, but I found this at the bottom

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So I'll just Comment.


Good Angels

Bad Angels.

Do the Bad Angels wear Black and the Good Angels wear White so when they appear to us we would know the differences between these billions year old entities? Do these Billions year old entity's ride around in ice cream trucks and play that theme to PopEye?YukYukYukYukYuk TooT TooT

What about those angels that that just wanna hang out somewhere else in the universe (s) or other dimensions, powers and mights and dominions? Ya know those who prefer peace. Are there those who protest with signs written "No More WAR!" and chant the same?

What about those that love the beaches on Nirvana 7 in the 9th Dimention? Or just dig to walk the Himalyas and develope Gurus.

Now we have believers and non-believers, and God favors the believers? I had no freedom of will ,that I know of, to be born in this life. Nor to choose my parents and so on. I got stuck with a Body Full Of Sin? I had nothing to do with whatever Adam and Eve!!!! And in God's Foreknowledge "He" knew who would be good or bad, so he sends the Good Angels to the Good Folk of this world as Guardian Angels? And all these Bad Angels get to perform their badness on both those the rain freely falls upon. Smoehting is aiisms hree

And God is limited as well the Devil? Who made those rules? Is this God Omnipotent or sometimes OmniIMpotent?

And ya know what really sucks about my Guardian Angel, don't even know the entity's name. Can I talk to my Guardian Angel? Or would I know which one I am talking to?

"I don't own a telephone because every time it rang and i picked up~~~ I heard voices." Tommy Chong That 70's Show.

Anyway, I thought it was written that the "Ring that ruled them all" was thrown into Mount Doom.


Enjoyed the simplicity of the "excellent research". Whew Man I thought my Gaurdian Angel left me. Why didn't my own GA just tell me that?




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Originally posted by Oakspear:

Where does it say in the bible that Michael, Gabriel & Lucifer were the top ranking angels?


The doctrine that there were exactly 3 angels in charge of all other

angels comes from Revelation 12: 4 and 7.

The doctrine that Michael is one of them comes from his mention in

Revelation 12:7-8. Further, it's substantiated with references

from Daniel, which refer to Michael as "one of the chief princes".

Referring to Michael as "archangel" comes from his being called that

when disputing over the body of Moses.


I don't know of documentation that settles that Michael runs 1/3

and Gabriel runs 1/3. Gabriel passed along the announcements of

the coming Messiah in the Gospels, and he "stands in the presence

of God".

Generally, it's taken as assumptions that:

-Michael is in charge of 1/3 the originals-the warriors

-Gabriel is in charge of 1/3 the originals-the announcers

-all spirit-beings under God are called "angel" ("messenger"),

regardless of their function.

-Archangel is the title given to exactly 3 angels in history

-the 3 angels (Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer) mentioned in the Bible

are the 3 ruling angels=Archangels.


I'd be THRILLED if anyone here can provide documentation disproving

me about those last points being "assumed" and not DOCUMENTED.

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Word Wolf:

Thanks for the effort, but I was hoping for some documentation, I thought you were getting ready to provide it when I read your last line!

I'll do a little checking myself later, but I thought that the word for "angel" in the OT was the same as one of the words for "prince": mlk or something like that.

I'd forgotten about the reference to Michael as an archangel in Jude.

It looks like the rest is nothing but assumptions.


I really hope you're not serious icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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From John Lynn

Reply to Oakspear

Regarding your question about Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer:

It appears that they are the only three angels specifically mentioned in Scripture. Revelation 12:7 speaks of "Michael and his angels" and "the dragon and his angels," indicating that they have a command relationship with other angels. His being called an "archangel" (Jude 9) that is, a ruling angel, follows suit.

The few references to Michael indicate that he is a warrior, while the few refs to Gabe indicate that he is a messenger. The many references to Lucifer indicate that he is a creep.

I see no verse saying that M & G are each in charge of 1/3 of the angels.

God bless you.

John Lynn




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