2.) "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand they are delivered."
3.) "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things."
I think #65, "Lost Yesterday", might appeal to you. This is the one where Remo deals with the "POWERESSENCE" movement (a spoof of Dianetics and L.Ron Hubbard).
:D--> Looks like Sinanju.net has a quick overview of a lot of them, so you can
look them over and decide what you want. Just remember it's light fiction,
a pleasant diversion, or you'll be disappointed.
Myself, I love the scene in 117 where Remo takes out Todd Grautski, the
Collablaster (he mailbombs college students) while he's in jail, and takes out
Kershaw Ferngard, the LIRR Killer at the same time because it's convenient.
(Think a minute and you'll know who they spoofed.) Remo doesn't like BEING the
Destroyer, but he occasionally enjoys moments (usually not officially assigned
to him) when he takes out someone who really deserved it.
Oh, and not my fault if you get sucked into the series.
If you're buying fewer than one in ten, you don't have a "problem". :)-->
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After the Flood, God told Noah that he could eat animals as well as vegetables: Genesis 9:3.
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Geneis 9:2,3 --
2.) "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand they are delivered."
3.) "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things."
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Ok! Thanks!
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You're welcome!
If God meant for us to be vegetarians, He wouldn't have made meat so tasty!
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But this stuff can get really weird
Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord.
Esau loved his pottage. But did he eat curds and whey too?
It says we can eat meat, so we might as well.
(Meats for the belly and the belly for meats)
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If I remember correctly, "before" can also be translated as "against".
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And if I remember right, Nimrod hunted men, not just animals.
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Quoth Limbaugh:
I love animals. They're delicious!
I admire the women's movement. Especially when I'm walking behind it.
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"Before the LORD" having the same meaning as the contemporary term
"in the LORD's face."
(This is completely different in meaning from when David danced before
the LORD as a gesture of humility and praise before God.)
If we aren't meant to eat animals, why are they made of meat?"-
Remo Williams, one of the Destroyer books.
"PETA-People Eating Tasty Animals"
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Hey Wordwolf...
Please post the name of that book, about Remo. I am recovering from surgery, will be laid up for a while and I love sci'fi.
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I could be wrong, but Remo is more American James Bond than Sci-Fi.
And there are tons and tons of books in the series. Might as well start with book one.
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Remo is one part "secret government agent", one part Sci-Fi, one part martial
arts, and one part spoofing issues in society.
Here's a quick intro to the series:
Newark cop Remo Williams was framed for a crime and sentenced to the electric
chair. He awoke with a new face and was told that CURE, a government agency
designed to work outside the law to uphold the law, had orchestrated that to make
him its enforcement arm. They hired Chiun as his main instructor. Chiun is the
master of Sinanju (the only living one until Remo gets there.) Sinanju is the one
martial art that's the secret original of all martial arts. Masters of sinanju
seem to skirt the laws of physics and exceed the human body's potential in reaching
its "real" full potential. Remo's adventures all fall into 2 categories. The
first is the missions he is sent on for CURE, by Harold Smith, its sole
administrator. (Smith works covertly, passing tips to police and government
agencies most of the time, and only assigns Remo when conventional means can't
solve a problem.)
The second category of adventures Remo gets into are the result of his new
responsibilities as a Master/Student of Sinanju. Chiun rarely discusses it, but
he's concerned that an ancient Sinanju prophecy regarding a Master of Sinanju
and Shiva the Destroyer will be fulfilled in Remo.
("I am Shiva the Destroyer, Death the Shatterer of Worlds.")
That should be everything you really need to know to jump in to the series.
(There's more stuff on CURE and Sinanju.)
There's HUNDREDS of books in the series. The names of the original writers are
Warren Murphy and Richard Ben-Sapir. I think the current ones are being
ghost-written. I can probably recommend several books in the series, but really,
you can jump in anywhere. If you can get something before book 100 or so,
so much the better. Frankly, I think it took at least 30-40 books before
Murphy and Sapir hit their stride. (So, start AFTER book 50, say.)
At least 1/2 the books spoof some current issue or problem in society or in the
Websites for more info:
(overview of character and series)
I think #65, "Lost Yesterday", might appeal to you. This is the one where Remo deals with the "POWERESSENCE" movement (a spoof of Dianetics and L.Ron Hubbard).
look them over and decide what you want. Just remember it's light fiction,
a pleasant diversion, or you'll be disappointed.
Myself, I love the scene in 117 where Remo takes out Todd Grautski, the
Collablaster (he mailbombs college students) while he's in jail, and takes out
Kershaw Ferngard, the LIRR Killer at the same time because it's convenient.
(Think a minute and you'll know who they spoofed.) Remo doesn't like BEING the
Destroyer, but he occasionally enjoys moments (usually not officially assigned
to him) when he takes out someone who really deserved it.
Oh, and not my fault if you get sucked into the series.
If you're buying fewer than one in ten, you don't have a "problem".
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If God did not intend for us to eat animals then why did he make them out of meat?
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Stayed Too Long
To all those who worship their fly rod and are of the Catch and Release denomination, I say, "Catch and release into bacon grease".
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