I don't respond a whole lot to your posts...because they make me think...often I must think for so long that the posts get buried or something.
But I want you to know that your voice here has comforted me, exhorted me, shown me more compassion and all-in-all just made me glad to know you here.
GSC has become, for me, a group of friends living life and chatting about it. It wasn't this way at first. At first it was a way to express my anger and hurt over twi. Then it evolved into a healing of that anger and hurt. Then it evolved into a testing of the waters for spiritual paths. Now it's just a great place for me to hang out.
Where one "belongs" here changes constantly...until finally you just belong everywhere.
Your compassionate voice is needed and wanted. Please stay around. :D-->
You have a good, honest, pure, and lovely heart. You must do what your heart moves you to do.
I, for one, do not believe in interpretation of tongues and prophecy as we were taught in twi. I don't read your interpretations or prophecies, but that doesn't mean I think less of you or dislike you. All of that stuff just has an icky feeling inside me because of twi.
Just stay loving like you always have. Who can deny that?
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Please take good care of yourself Roy.
We all go through our ups and downs in life.
My thoughts are with you.
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Hey there Roy. I'd say stick around. Spend time on other sites (I've done a lot of that lately), but why cut ties to this site??
Lotsa good folk here, and though discussion flows pretty freely, not everyone listens to others all the time -- same as on other sites.
Dan is right about the up's and down's. They happen. Hope you decide to stay.
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Hi roy- good to see you back-
your input and thoughts are always welcome.
Post or read
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God first
Hi Danny
Thanks with the love Of God
I get Medicare in 10-01-2004 and if it takes meds to to help I will have the money for them then but I whether get heal
thanks again with love Roy
Hi D Miller
Thanks for the loving words
Yes I plan to stray just not post as must maybe once a month and just read for a while or post on others
thanks again with love Roy
Hi Ckeer
thanks for your loving words too
I glad you think about my imput because I think alot of your imput along with others like Danny and D miller
with love Roy
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I don't respond a whole lot to your posts...because they make me think...often I must think for so long that the posts get buried or something.
But I want you to know that your voice here has comforted me, exhorted me, shown me more compassion and all-in-all just made me glad to know you here.
GSC has become, for me, a group of friends living life and chatting about it. It wasn't this way at first. At first it was a way to express my anger and hurt over twi. Then it evolved into a healing of that anger and hurt. Then it evolved into a testing of the waters for spiritual paths. Now it's just a great place for me to hang out.
Where one "belongs" here changes constantly...until finally you just belong everywhere.
Your compassionate voice is needed and wanted. Please stay around.
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Dear Roy,
You have a good, honest, pure, and lovely heart. You must do what your heart moves you to do.
I, for one, do not believe in interpretation of tongues and prophecy as we were taught in twi. I don't read your interpretations or prophecies, but that doesn't mean I think less of you or dislike you. All of that stuff just has an icky feeling inside me because of twi.
Just stay loving like you always have. Who can deny that?
Bless your heart!
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God first
Hi Cool Waters
Yes I will stray around You have blessed my life too and made me think over and over
I can not say thank you enought
with must spiritual love Roy
Hi Wayfer Not!
thank you for loving heart
Yes the Way puff up tongues and prophecy above the others gifts
I had that bad icky feeling too until I moved on and put the Way in the dust but that took me over 10 years
Now whether one speaks in tongues or prophecy does not matter to me but what matters is that we can help one another by loving each other
thanks again for that big loving heart you have
with love Roy
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