I think that is about the lowest thing anybody could say to a woman. What a sick bunch, and they thought they were the pinnacle of Christianity. They had no idea what Christ was all about.
I didn't know then either what a fifth columnist was.
But I think it's a traitor. At the time there were leaks to the media from the someone in the Corps evidently and there was some article in a newspaper and Dr. was upset over where the info came from.
Nobody really knifed anybody that I know of. But it was just really weird that he would even say that. Especially since at the time we all took everything Dr. said so seriously.
Based on the definition, VP meant enemies within. Maybe that was the beginning of the purge?
He probably meant anybody that didn't like what he did on that bus of his, among other things. It was probably also a way to make the Corps fear one another, if they had any thoughts of "disloyalty," somebody next to them was under orders. He could be a scary, freaky guy, VP. A real wacko.
fifth column
A clandestine subversive organization working within a country to further an invading enemy's military and political aims.
[First applied in 1936 to rebel sympathizers inside Madrid when four columns of rebel troops were attacking that city.]
fifth colum·nism (klm-nzm) n.
fifth columnist n.
fifth column
n : a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst [syn: Trojan horse]
Fifth Column
This term for a group of insurgents, traitors, or spies is a calque from Spanish. It dates to 1936 and the Spanish Civil War. That year, Nationalist general Emilio Mola had surrounded Madrid with four military columns and declared that he had a "fifth column" ("quinta columna") within the besieged city. The quotation was widely reported in British and American newspapers and the term quickly caught on and generalized.
What about LCM's comments about homosexuals? In one "teaching" he said that someone who was a "fag kid" "should be fried". And in some Corps letter he said:
"You should be thankful you're not in the Old Testament times, because there are some of us who would gladly execute you."
There's a PDF letter in the old Waydale Documents section that still makes my skin crawl. Corps letter from LCM - July 1994. It's so hateful and violent and sick, that I can't believe anyone read it without wondering what the hell was wrong with him!!!
There were a lot of comments like that - violent suggestions by the MOG that made people think that it just might be okay to get physically abusive with anyone who didn't fit into the TWI mold sexually. Even if you were a "homo sympathizer" (geez), you were suspect.
He made a lot of those violent comments not only about homosexuals but about people who left TWI or turned against him. Of course, he always went back to the Old Testament to justify his violent illustrations.
"He's a time bomb waiting to explode and ruin God's people's lives." Can you say HUGE HYPRCRITE????? That man was ruining marriages and lives of women he victimized!!
"The standard of forgiveness is the way God in Christ forgives us. The only thing that gets us back in fellowship is a confession of broken fellowship...not participation in ministry function or saying the right words, but an honest heart recognition that you are wrong;". Man he sure didn't hold that standard up himself. If I remember the standard Jesus set in forgiveness with the woman found in adultery, he didn't "fry her a$$". He thought about it and told those who without sin to cast the first stone. Then he told the woman to go and sin no more. Jesus represented the true love of God. I truly believe Craig Martindale was so full of hatrid for his own lies and deceit, that he couldn't stand his own stench. He obviously was so deeply entrenched in his stench that he had no humility to stop. He made his wrongs his doctrine. He took frustration from his own life and took it out on the ministry. Not to mention that he was a beady-eyed pharisee dictator. God have mercy on his wretched soul. He said that if we didn't get our lives straight and clean, there would be weeping and nashing of teeth at the bema. Wonder what he thinks now????
they are very very agressive and hostile to any questioning now .
I asked how Donna M. could say a child died because the father left the minstry . The tape on the front page of this site.
how she died the child because her father wouldnt stand with Matindale or the way ministry.
I asked about fear based teaching . At first it was screaming and yelling( Puck them they cant hurt me and he knows it) to intimidate me to shut up.
they he demanded proof she ever said that on a Sunday Night teaching tape. i gave it to him ..
so then it was she made a mistake !!!!
WOW it got good then a MISTAKE by a leadership???
uh oh cant say that it is right or good... he started back tracking and mubling and wispering the way they do if they think you are going to consider what they think
So the answer was God told her by revelation YEP God tells people by revelation when someone is SUPPOSE to die for walking away from the ministry.. not the one who left the way mind you his child even more cruel.
ok buddy I said.
So the fear based teaching was from God by revelation to let everyone know they can and will die if they walk away ????
yes . ok I love ya man , Why would god do that?
to keep the household pure....
this isnt twenty years ago or five this was a conversation I had with leadership last PUCKING WEEK!
this is their .... this is what they want . this is the core of where and what they think.
Of course you wont hear this down to the nail of evil crap they will keep it from you as long as you never put them up to it .
remanin ignorant of how they think and belief and they will be very happy to see you and you will be blessed by the loving believers .. (sure just do not leave because your child might die, for those with ears to hear only)
they think and belief they have the power people this is an evil cult with leaders that like thinking they can control who dies and who lives.. and then blame it on God almighty.
get out of that crap , stay away from those who can worship on another to the point of your very life or of someone you love.
Dovey - I was at my Mom's for T'giving - sorry I didn't respond to your post. Glad you were able to read that awful letter. I didn't realize there was also a link to an HTML formatted document (Excerpts from PDF Corps letter). But if you read the PDF file, you'll find it's even more awful than the sections on the HTML link.
I agree - I would have sued had my name been mentioned, too. I don't know why that one particular 17th person didn't! I wonder if it's too late?
There's a goldmine of information on the main GreaseSpotCafe.com site, especially the links to the old Waydale Documents section. IMO, if anyone wants to see LCM's true colors, all they have to do is read some of the letters he wrote and some of the Corps notes.
Get out! E.H. actually admitted it in public? Unbelievable. I spent about two years at Gunnison and I felt from day 1 that he was a jacka$$. You're right, he was pompous. I think he suffers from a Napoleon complex.
I can't say I ever suffered physical abuse, other than being grabbed by the arms a couple times. I was verbally assaulted more than I care to admit. Looking back I should have told them where to stick it.
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Dear LuckyGirl,
I think that is about the lowest thing anybody could say to a woman. What a sick bunch, and they thought they were the pinnacle of Christianity. They had no idea what Christ was all about.
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I didn't know then either what a fifth columnist was.
But I think it's a traitor. At the time there were leaks to the media from the someone in the Corps evidently and there was some article in a newspaper and Dr. was upset over where the info came from.
Nobody really knifed anybody that I know of. But it was just really weird that he would even say that. Especially since at the time we all took everything Dr. said so seriously.
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shaz thanks for posting, i missed lucky's post, (((((((luckygirl))))))) that was disgusting, cruel, bizarre, hateful
i'm sorry you had to listen to a word of it
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Based on the definition, VP meant enemies within. Maybe that was the beginning of the purge?
He probably meant anybody that didn't like what he did on that bus of his, among other things. It was probably also a way to make the Corps fear one another, if they had any thoughts of "disloyalty," somebody next to them was under orders. He could be a scary, freaky guy, VP. A real wacko.
fifth column
A clandestine subversive organization working within a country to further an invading enemy's military and political aims.
[First applied in 1936 to rebel sympathizers inside Madrid when four columns of rebel troops were attacking that city.]
fifth colum·nism (klm-nzm) n.
fifth columnist n.
fifth column
n : a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst [syn: Trojan horse]
Fifth Column
This term for a group of insurgents, traitors, or spies is a calque from Spanish. It dates to 1936 and the Spanish Civil War. That year, Nationalist general Emilio Mola had surrounded Madrid with four military columns and declared that he had a "fifth column" ("quinta columna") within the besieged city. The quotation was widely reported in British and American newspapers and the term quickly caught on and generalized.
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you can see where the miniwierwille psychos (bus driver & forehead) picked up some of their paranoia
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So we started whispering instead of yelling.
One night after a slightly heated discussion (whispering) I opened the door to have a cig. and 3 people had thier ears to our door. lol
I asked them if they would like a transcript.

Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Al Poole
sorry folks... I'm still in shock that soomeone E d Horn y BRAGGED about pimping his wife!!!!! What a piece of slime!!!
I left in 86 so never saw most of this perversion... I am ABSOLUTELY flabbergasted.
It's one thing to have some "backroom/bus stuff", but for someone to openly admit to the point of bragging completely floors me.
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Hope R.
What about LCM's comments about homosexuals? In one "teaching" he said that someone who was a "fag kid" "should be fried". And in some Corps letter he said:
"You should be thankful you're not in the Old Testament times, because there are some of us who would gladly execute you."
There's a PDF letter in the old Waydale Documents section that still makes my skin crawl. Corps letter from LCM - July 1994. It's so hateful and violent and sick, that I can't believe anyone read it without wondering what the hell was wrong with him!!!
There were a lot of comments like that - violent suggestions by the MOG that made people think that it just might be okay to get physically abusive with anyone who didn't fit into the TWI mold sexually. Even if you were a "homo sympathizer" (geez), you were suspect.
He made a lot of those violent comments not only about homosexuals but about people who left TWI or turned against him. Of course, he always went back to the Old Testament to justify his violent illustrations.
Hope R. color>size>face>
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That letter is sick!!!
"He's a time bomb waiting to explode and ruin God's people's lives." Can you say HUGE HYPRCRITE????? That man was ruining marriages and lives of women he victimized!!
"The standard of forgiveness is the way God in Christ forgives us. The only thing that gets us back in fellowship is a confession of broken fellowship...not participation in ministry function or saying the right words, but an honest heart recognition that you are wrong;". Man he sure didn't hold that standard up himself. If I remember the standard Jesus set in forgiveness with the woman found in adultery, he didn't "fry her a$$". He thought about it and told those who without sin to cast the first stone. Then he told the woman to go and sin no more. Jesus represented the true love of God. I truly believe Craig Martindale was so full of hatrid for his own lies and deceit, that he couldn't stand his own stench. He obviously was so deeply entrenched in his stench that he had no humility to stop. He made his wrongs his doctrine. He took frustration from his own life and took it out on the ministry. Not to mention that he was a beady-eyed pharisee dictator. God have mercy on his wretched soul. He said that if we didn't get our lives straight and clean, there would be weeping and nashing of teeth at the bema. Wonder what he thinks now????
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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Hope R.
oo I am glad you wrote that..
they are very very agressive and hostile to any questioning now .
I asked how Donna M. could say a child died because the father left the minstry . The tape on the front page of this site.
how she died the child because her father wouldnt stand with Matindale or the way ministry.
I asked about fear based teaching . At first it was screaming and yelling( Puck them they cant hurt me and he knows it) to intimidate me to shut up.
they he demanded proof she ever said that on a Sunday Night teaching tape. i gave it to him ..
so then it was she made a mistake !!!!
WOW it got good then a MISTAKE by a leadership???
uh oh cant say that it is right or good... he started back tracking and mubling and wispering the way they do if they think you are going to consider what they think
So the answer was God told her by revelation YEP God tells people by revelation when someone is SUPPOSE to die for walking away from the ministry.. not the one who left the way mind you his child even more cruel.
ok buddy I said.
So the fear based teaching was from God by revelation to let everyone know they can and will die if they walk away ????
yes . ok I love ya man , Why would god do that?
to keep the household pure....
this isnt twenty years ago or five this was a conversation I had with leadership last PUCKING WEEK!
this is their .... this is what they want . this is the core of where and what they think.
Of course you wont hear this down to the nail of evil crap they will keep it from you as long as you never put them up to it .
remanin ignorant of how they think and belief and they will be very happy to see you and you will be blessed by the loving believers .. (sure just do not leave because your child might die, for those with ears to hear only)
they think and belief they have the power people this is an evil cult with leaders that like thinking they can control who dies and who lives.. and then blame it on God almighty.
get out of that crap , stay away from those who can worship on another to the point of your very life or of someone you love.
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Hope, I can't bring that site up. I sure would like to read it.
Any suggestions?
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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That letter is the most disgusting, vile, vulgar document I have ever read! I couldn't even finish it.
Someone ought to commit that man to a mental institution and keep him off the streets. I wouldn't let him near my home, my family, my friends, etc.
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Damn I wanna read it!!!!!!!!!!Can it be posted here?
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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It IS here.
The document is posted on the GSC.
The links are from the main page in 2 formats:
HTML is the same format as the page you're reading now.
If you can read this, you can read HTML documents.
Go to the main page, then to "Way Documents".
Select "HTML", then scroll down until you find the excerpt
from lcm.
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Thanks WhiteDove for the e-mail and thanks WordWolf I finally got it downloaded and read it.
If I were those people he named I"d sue his sorry adulterous foot.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Hope R.
Dovey - I was at my Mom's for T'giving - sorry I didn't respond to your post. Glad you were able to read that awful letter. I didn't realize there was also a link to an HTML formatted document (Excerpts from PDF Corps letter). But if you read the PDF file, you'll find it's even more awful than the sections on the HTML link.
I agree - I would have sued had my name been mentioned, too. I don't know why that one particular 17th person didn't! I wonder if it's too late?
There's a goldmine of information on the main GreaseSpotCafe.com site, especially the links to the old Waydale Documents section. IMO, if anyone wants to see LCM's true colors, all they have to do is read some of the letters he wrote and some of the Corps notes.
Sorry to derail...
Hope R. color>size>face>
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I've recommended everyone read all the documents at least once or twice a
year, just to remind themselves how bad the things we weren't told were,
and to remind us how far we've come. When I point that out, though,
people act like I'm handing out homework.
(Hey, I reread them also.)
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they all suffer from that...
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