The only abuse I could say was scary was verbal abuse and physical restraint from my first WOW family coordinator.
I heard stories from people who were in rez who got smacked on the head if they fell asleep during their study time. I heard E* H*rn*y was famous for that.
NOT____I was grabbed by the arms and shoved against my refrigerator for getting a drink of water.
I was so scared that I never told anyone til we got out then I told my hubby. He was mad (not at me). and said if I had told him what happened he and my son would have taken care of him good fashion.
Wish I had now cuz he made my life a living hell after that.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Hey, I got some good verbal abuse. 6 people in a room accused me (some yelling at me) of causing my own 2 miscariages because I wasn't giving enough money.
My poor husband was like a deer in headlights. He didn't say a word to help me.
there are some VPW loyalists who will use the "logic" that if you didn't see it yourself then it didn't happen. And even if it did you probably asked for it or subconsciously enabled it. Unfortunately there are people
who post at Gspot who think like that...
But there was tons of verbal abuse , not
directed just at me, but ,at different times,
the Twig, the Branch, and once the entire
Limb. We weren't getting enough PFAL classes
running so the entire Limb was blistered
for being out of fellowship.
In the mid 70s it wasn't that bad and towards
the 80s it occurred with greater frequency and
into the 80s it became standard practice. I
had had enough when a well known Way sax player
DC chewed me out for something he thought had
happened. Those who know him know that he was/is blind so I'm not sure how he drew the
I listened to martinpuke spew his mouth at lunch for 4 years before he went mia. I think that counts as verbal abuse. I lived in fear of not being a lunch time topic.
Most have heard the story about the time the corpes witch grabbed me by the leg and yanked me outta bed n dumped me on the floor.
It was 8 am and i hadn`t done the vaccuming.
How dare I not take care of my househould resposnsibility in the way home?...No... having worked till 4 am was NOT an acceptable excuse.
Then to be screamed at manically that I was posessed....because I told her to leave me the he-- alone.
She followed me around the house screaming the whole time I packed my things...her poor 6 year old was terrified
I remember when the lc came in my bed room in another way home and started roaring at the top of his lungs because I had a parakeet or two.
How DARE I have pets when I was app corpes? I explained that they weren`t mine...that I worked at a pet store and that they were injured and needed a quiet place to recover...oops BIG mistake...never contradict a lc when they wanna indulge in a
What???? I STILL had horses??? oh my GAWD!!! How heart certainly wasn`t corpes if I had all of these *distractions* never mind the fact that I was the ONLY one meeting new people THROUGH these activities...and getting them involved...however, I suppose that because they weren`t football or fishing (the lc`s activities of choice) they were evil and so was I for allowing them to distract me from my spiritual *duty*
By the time he was done with his screaming tirade...I was so terrified that I humbly swore I would clean my act up... and then promptly rid my life of all those evil poor animals...
So no, no physical assaults, just emotional.......however,
I`d sure like to meet some of these a holes today that I tried so desperatly to
[This message was edited by rascal on November 06, 2003 at 11:38.]
E* H*ny was a guy who loaned his wife to Martindale and he admitted it in public, to my absolute shock. That was bad enough. To learn he whacked people in the head in the Corps really gets my blood boiling. I never liked the guy due to his elitist and pompous attitude to begin with. He never hurt me personally, but I really don't want him in my neighborhood just for the mere temptation of going over for a visit. I'm glad most people don't know who he is.
Get out! E.H. actually admitted it in public? Unbelievable. I spent about two years at Gunnison and I felt from day 1 that he was a jacka$$. You're right, he was pompous. I think he suffers from a Napoleon complex.
I can't say I ever suffered physical abuse, other than being grabbed by the arms a couple times. I was verbally assaulted more than I care to admit. Looking back I should have told them where to stick it.
I always thought that the only reason E.H. made it to the top of the leadership pig-pile was because his wife was a looker (with a nice rack IIRC) and LoyBoy wanted a whack at her.
dovey, so sorry. i'm really glad you left and your son came home and was happy. please give him my warm wishes (i know he doesn't know me but you know). your hubby too.
Although I don't remember it happening to me, there were some psycho parents with wooden spoons that would spank anyone's kids at any time and leave bruises on them. I'm not against spanking when it's really necessary, but some of these people were very abusive and would spank kids for so much as having their shoe fall off in a fellowship. There were some TWI parents who were the most vicious people towards their kids that I've ever seen.
As far as verbal abuse goes, I'd think that anyone in TWI long enough would put up with it at some point. I had a HFC threaten to shoot me at one point if I dated a girl outside of TWI (with this guy, it was hard to tell if he was joking or not.)
I recall an after-meeting meeting at an Advance, where a top rev was discussing some behavior by a Corps member that the leaders of the area didn't approve of. (don't remember who or what)
The rev said something like "When I was in residence and we had a problem like that, we'd take the guy into a room and a bunch of us would beat the crap out of him."
I couldn't believe my ears.
Once at Corps Week, Dr W said, "There are fifth columnists among us. If you find one, you take a knife and cut off her breast if she's female and his balls (I think it was balls) if they're male.
I was sitting there taking notes, and then I thought "Wait a minute, I'm taking notes on this?!" It was weird.
Both times it was weird, hearing people say that stuff. But did I question it? Not much. I was too fogged out.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha so much absurdity ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (i think it was balls) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you're so funny, i'm picturing you taking your notes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... cut off her breast... next line cut off his ba.... WHAT ???? ha ha ha ha ha
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The only abuse I could say was scary was verbal abuse and physical restraint from my first WOW family coordinator.
I heard stories from people who were in rez who got smacked on the head if they fell asleep during their study time. I heard E* H*rn*y was famous for that.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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NOT____I was grabbed by the arms and shoved against my refrigerator for getting a drink of water.
I was so scared that I never told anyone til we got out then I told my hubby. He was mad (not at me). and said if I had told him what happened he and my son would have taken care of him good fashion.
Wish I had now cuz he made my life a living hell after that.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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how dare that basturd touch you
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Oh exxie my dear, Thanks so much. Look like we both been to hell and back twice girlfriend
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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God bless all
I was never physical abuse only verbal
Wyteduv58 I wish you had told your husban sooner because no one should have to live in fear
Hope things are better now
I will never understand how people ( ones that physical or verbal abuse) like that could think they know God
Thanks God bless your hearts
[This message was edited by year2027 on November 05, 2003 at 23:31.]
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yeah well you should have met the good doctor
hey god bless your heart too
:)--> i mean it
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Exxie I did lol
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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I was attacked by my wow coordinator. She dug her fingernails in me and drew blood.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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abuse is abuse is abuse, verbal, physical, mental, emotional. Whatever. It's abuse.
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Hey, I got some good verbal abuse. 6 people in a room accused me (some yelling at me) of causing my own 2 miscariages because I wasn't giving enough money.
My poor husband was like a deer in headlights. He didn't say a word to help me.
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No I never experienced physical abuse though
knew people who did. Of course I know that
there are some VPW loyalists who will use the "logic" that if you didn't see it yourself then it didn't happen. And even if it did you probably asked for it or subconsciously enabled it. Unfortunately there are people
who post at Gspot who think like that...
But there was tons of verbal abuse , not
directed just at me, but ,at different times,
the Twig, the Branch, and once the entire
Limb. We weren't getting enough PFAL classes
running so the entire Limb was blistered
for being out of fellowship.
In the mid 70s it wasn't that bad and towards
the 80s it occurred with greater frequency and
into the 80s it became standard practice. I
had had enough when a well known Way sax player
DC chewed me out for something he thought had
happened. Those who know him know that he was/is blind so I'm not sure how he drew the
conclusions that he did but it didn't stop
him from screaming,foaming and doing his best
LCM imitation that he could muster.
It was a sign to me that things had gotten
really horrible when normally well behaved
people started being bitter and horrible to
others only because the prez did it.
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I listened to martinpuke spew his mouth at lunch for 4 years before he went mia. I think that counts as verbal abuse. I lived in fear of not being a lunch time topic.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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Most have heard the story about the time the corpes witch grabbed me by the leg and yanked me outta bed n dumped me on the floor.
It was 8 am and i hadn`t done the vaccuming.
How dare I not take care of my househould resposnsibility in the way home?...No... having worked till 4 am was NOT an acceptable excuse.
Then to be screamed at manically that I was posessed....because I told her to leave me the he-- alone.
She followed me around the house screaming the whole time I packed my things...her poor 6 year old was terrified
I remember when the lc came in my bed room in another way home and started roaring at the top of his lungs because I had a parakeet or two.
How DARE I have pets when I was app corpes? I explained that they weren`t mine...that I worked at a pet store and that they were injured and needed a quiet place to recover...oops BIG mistake...never contradict a lc when they wanna indulge in a
What???? I STILL had horses??? oh my GAWD!!! How heart certainly wasn`t corpes if I had all of these *distractions* never mind the fact that I was the ONLY one meeting new people THROUGH these activities...and getting them involved...however, I suppose that because they weren`t football or fishing (the lc`s activities of choice) they were evil and so was I for allowing them to distract me from my spiritual *duty*
By the time he was done with his screaming tirade...I was so terrified that I humbly swore I would clean my act up... and then promptly rid my life of all those evil poor animals...
So no, no physical assaults, just emotional.......however,
I`d sure like to meet some of these a holes today that I tried so desperatly to
[This message was edited by rascal on November 06, 2003 at 11:38.]
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E* H*ny was a guy who loaned his wife to Martindale and he admitted it in public, to my absolute shock. That was bad enough. To learn he whacked people in the head in the Corps really gets my blood boiling. I never liked the guy due to his elitist and pompous attitude to begin with. He never hurt me personally, but I really don't want him in my neighborhood just for the mere temptation of going over for a visit. I'm glad most people don't know who he is.
Marked and Avoided
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Get out! E.H. actually admitted it in public? Unbelievable. I spent about two years at Gunnison and I felt from day 1 that he was a jacka$$. You're right, he was pompous. I think he suffers from a Napoleon complex.
I can't say I ever suffered physical abuse, other than being grabbed by the arms a couple times. I was verbally assaulted more than I care to admit. Looking back I should have told them where to stick it.
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George Aar
Ha! That confirms a long-held suspicion of mine.
I always thought that the only reason E.H. made it to the top of the leadership pig-pile was because his wife was a looker (with a nice rack IIRC) and LoyBoy wanted a whack at her.
Gawd, can it get ANY more perverse?
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When hubby and I decided to leave twi we were accused of being
possesed becase our 16 year old son ran away. They said we were
bad parents and wanted us to tell them our "sins" hubby recalled
a few, but nothing serious (he's a saint in my book) I got more
sins than he does but I refuse to confess, that went over like
a lead ballon and soon they started screaming obsenities at us
and pounded on our table. Then they sent us to our room and
called our assistant twig leaders to come over. When they got
here they were told to take over our twig cuz we had to start
all over from PFAL and take every class as tho we were new babes
We could here them laughing in our dining room, then when they
sent them home we were called back in, and they wanted me to
leave my hubby so I wouldn't get contaminated by his devil
spurts. I said no way hosay. We are leaving. So get out of our
house. they left but not without telling us we were damned
because even our son couldn't stand us. The next day my hubby
went to sons school and gave out flyers for $100.00 for info
on our sons whereabouts. Within the hour we got a call telling
us were he was, so hubby went and got him home and he told us
that he ran away because branch co. was abusing him alot along
with some other boys and they didn't think we would beleive him
We told him thay we left twi and boy was he blessed, he came
home and didn't leave til he was ready to make it on his own
and he is doing geat now. The kicker is that when we left so
did out twig except the couple that took our twig only they had
no one left to lead,lol. I waw beside myself with joy by gettin
out of that miserable excuse for a ministry. We have been
blessed by God ever since and have abundantly prospered in the
money category better than when we were in twi and we still
tithe to this day although not to them. I thank God for getting
us out of there. NO MORE ABUSE FROM THEM. thier initials are
NL and BN can anyone guess who they are?
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Sunny dear, if you were grabbed by your arms then you WERE
DEFINATELY ABUSED PHSICALLY. I'm so sorry for all of us that
took the abuse thinking we must have deserved it, but no one
deserved abuse of any kind. What happened to the love of God.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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dovey, so sorry. i'm really glad you left and your son came home and was happy. please give him my warm wishes (i know he doesn't know me but you know). your hubby too.
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Mister P-Mosh
Although I don't remember it happening to me, there were some psycho parents with wooden spoons that would spank anyone's kids at any time and leave bruises on them. I'm not against spanking when it's really necessary, but some of these people were very abusive and would spank kids for so much as having their shoe fall off in a fellowship. There were some TWI parents who were the most vicious people towards their kids that I've ever seen.
As far as verbal abuse goes, I'd think that anyone in TWI long enough would put up with it at some point. I had a HFC threaten to shoot me at one point if I dated a girl outside of TWI (with this guy, it was hard to tell if he was joking or not.)
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I never used the wooden spoon and anyone who used one on my kids
I guaruntee they never did it again. My kids would tell me and my usual kick back self would turn into the
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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I hated the wooden spoon, and I don't beleive in hitting my children or anyone else's. I got into a lot of trouble for not
using the spoon, but there are other ways of correcting a child.
Time out is one, a sharp no is another and I could go on and on but putor is acting up. HHHHHHmmmmmmm maybe I should use a wooden spoon on
I also told anyone watching my kids in childrens fellowshio not to use the spoon or my kids would tell me and there would be
hell to pay.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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I recall an after-meeting meeting at an Advance, where a top rev was discussing some behavior by a Corps member that the leaders of the area didn't approve of. (don't remember who or what)
The rev said something like "When I was in residence and we had a problem like that, we'd take the guy into a room and a bunch of us would beat the crap out of him."
I couldn't believe my ears.
Once at Corps Week, Dr W said, "There are fifth columnists among us. If you find one, you take a knife and cut off her breast if she's female and his balls (I think it was balls) if they're male.
I was sitting there taking notes, and then I thought "Wait a minute, I'm taking notes on this?!" It was weird.
Both times it was weird, hearing people say that stuff. But did I question it? Not much. I was too fogged out.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
sorry outandabout your post hit my funny bone
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha so much absurdity ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (i think it was balls) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you're so funny, i'm picturing you taking your notes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... cut off her breast... next line cut off his ba.... WHAT ???? ha ha ha ha ha
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