Superman (Kal-El, Son of Jor-El) had a weakness with kryptonite.
Especially the green stuff, which knocked him for a loop.
Did the man/God/God-man Jesus have his own special "Kryptonite"?
A deadly chunk of rock from his home world?
Which his arch-foe found and used against him?
Something else I've been noticing in the evolution of the "Superman" character.
Especially as he's depicted alongside other Heroes in the recent episodes of "The Justice League" - his strength seems downgraded -Superman appears "weaker" - being made more "human". In part because "invulnerability"
Are you talking about mistakes in the category of picking the wrong kind of wood to make a table out of? Or accidently cutting himself with a sharp tool? If so, he could have done that and still always did the fathers's will and never sinned.
I never liked Superman. Never liked DC Comics at all for that matter. Gimme Marvel and Spidey any day.
Well, I believe that Jesus did make simple everyday mistakes like most of us sincere humans do, and he still remained sinless.
One verse of scripture that I'd like to point out is Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God".
That verse IMHO is a bad translation. The Greek word translated "sin" in that verse is hamartano, and should correctly be translated "erred". Hamartano has nothing to do with evil, rebellion or willful transgression against God, which is implied by the word "sin", but rather literally means "missing the mark". The context of that verse is simply showing that man is not infallable, and God did in fact create man with a fallable nature.
He made a mistake when he thought his disciples would pray for him in the garden and trusted them to do so .
they didnt . sure he made mistakes but mistakes are not sin.. sin needs repentance and forgiveness mistakes takes on some learning maybe a maybe a regret or two. when we run into brick wall we learn how to do curves much better the next time right? I mean maybe it has just been me all these years but wwhat would I have lived without my glaring mistakes in life ?
the kingdom is in the future but I do suppose we will again be learning about the King of King as well forever and eternity is our capcity to learn.
I believe Jesus never made a mistake because the bible said
"he (Jesus Christ) allways did the Father (God) will"
So if Jesus the Christ allways did what God wanted him to do how could he make a mistake if God can not lie
with love Roy
It's not necessarily true that making a mistake sullys the fact that Jesus always did his father's will. If that is true, then perfect fellowship is not available since we are not infallable. Do you care to offer an arguement to the contrawise? :)-->
IMO, Jesus made most of his best mistakes on purpose. ;)-->
I mean, c'mon, he insulted and offended and challenged and threatened empirical warmongers and patriotic racist control-freaks. That is stupid and self-destructive behaviour, but oh so brilliantly so.
Heerz a question: did the Father make mistakes?
I mean, not having a mother to raise him, and all. ;)-->
When did he start reading to know Gods will? Like the day after he was born. After all Christmas is a big day and he had lots of presents to open All that the wise guys brought. Did he do carpenter work? Every nail went in right and every board was cut right. Wasn't a place where his mother was looking for him and he wasn't there she got all worried. Was that a mistake? Hey ma I'm going down to the temple and show all these guys I can read. Or was he supose to be somewhere else thats why she didn't know where he was.
the difference I see is the bible and the commandment to love one another and the element of being concious of a higher power and His ways and means of living. the fact we are told we need to forgive and actualy ask the father to forgive our sins but not so much with the mistakes. like I said I think mistakes are part of the learning process of life and sinsare to be disobedient or rebel against Gods will in our life.
I had a WC grad say to me she asks for forgivness every night"just in case". I thought gee that is a good idea!
quote: like I said I think mistakes are part of the learning process of life and sins are to be disobedient or rebel against Gods will in our life.
I agree with MJ. And how about the account in Mark 8:22-25, where he healed the blind man with His spit? Vpw put the spin on it that Jesus "worked" with the man to get his (the blind man's) "believing" up to snuff, but could it be that Jesus was instead "working" the rev to get it right?? -->
If He didn't get it right the first time, that would be a mistake, yet still not a sin.
I think the difference between sin and mistake has more to do with spelling of the words, more than anything else. And then our own personal inner pictionary connected to them.
Does the word "sin" require a moral component to understand?
Or is that another thing entirely.
I mean, how many sins cause mistakes to be made,
and how many mistakes made cause more sin?
Some sins/mistakes are made by us,
And some sins/mistakes are made to us.
Seems Christ got a lot of his sinning/mistaking out of the way in David's life, anyway.
Personally I think the word sin is something like a "grevious error."
Mistakes on the other hand are human.
I am not trying to differentiate with you on sematics without a point. I think our Lord was very human and therefore very vulnerable. Understanding that God also is vulnerable is IMO very important. It makes him more reachable. Amazingly,we can somehow impact him with our prayers.
quote: I know its nice to think he made mistakes but if he was perfect he could not of but do not think that it was not possible because Adam did
well -- I think He was perfect, yet I also believe He was a man, human, and prone to a thinking pattern just like us. Yes -- Adam did make a huge mistake, but his mistake was a sin. To say that Jesus may have made mistakes, does not mean that He sinned.
I think the spirit is perfect, and holy and just. humans and angels and animals are created in His image with the ability to understand and make choices. including jesus christ.
ok ok not for nothing but I mean was it a mistake to give the angel lucifer so much power that he fought God almighty for a position in the heaven and had to be cast out?
haha seriously I mean did God have a bad judgement of character in that promotion of the angel that is most beautiful or what really happened in that mess? I mean he has been angry about it every since and it has caused alot of problems for Gods other creations nameley us and the beasts.
I truly believe god lets us chose how to perform in our life how to think what to believe the choices we make etc. and some of it he says is sinnful against his Will which is to be our creator and God the Father.
Jesus christ role is suppose to have made it easier to make amends in the process of pleasing the one true God and His will for us. because he went through the same type of trials and problems and emotions and everything adam did and yet never diobeyed the will . I think if he had even a little bit of human in him which He did from Mary his mom then he made mistakes and god taught him or life or other people tat is our life.
sin is when we directly chose to disobey God and get involved in the other powers that prevail on earth to please it or ourself.
Since Jesus was not born with a sin nature, he was not prone to think like we do. I am sure he tripped up stairs and bumped into things, but the point is he never sinned, not once, not ever. I don't think he was capable of sinning.
He was capable of sin the devil tempted him for many days and offered him the entire world if he would bow down to his will.
Jesus rebuked the devil. He was capable of listening to satan and doing what he wanted he had the same choices the first Adam did on who to listen to.
He chose to obey God the Father.
Now as the reserected christ and Saviour of Mankind (now that is a reward!) he can not sin , but in his earthly life he had as much sin nature as adam and eve did and we do.
quote: Since Jesus was not born with a sin nature, he was not prone to think like we do. I am sure he tripped up stairs and bumped into things, but the point is he never sinned, not once, not ever. I don't think he was capable of sinning.
I agree. Completely, with the exception of the fact that as a human -- his thinking capacity had to be like ours. Adam had no sin nature either, yet he gave in to temptation, and did sin. Jesus was capable of sinning, yet He chose not to.
Recommended Posts
Superman (Kal-El, Son of Jor-El) had a weakness with kryptonite.
Especially the green stuff, which knocked him for a loop.
Did the man/God/God-man Jesus have his own special "Kryptonite"?
A deadly chunk of rock from his home world?
Which his arch-foe found and used against him?
Something else I've been noticing in the evolution of the "Superman" character.
Especially as he's depicted alongside other Heroes in the recent episodes of "The Justice League" - his strength seems downgraded -Superman appears "weaker" - being made more "human". In part because "invulnerability"
gets boring?
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Sorry, I'm a little confused here. Are there actually two questions? I think the first one is "Is Jesus God?". Is this the correct intent?
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Are you talking about mistakes in the category of picking the wrong kind of wood to make a table out of? Or accidently cutting himself with a sharp tool? If so, he could have done that and still always did the fathers's will and never sinned.
I never liked Superman. Never liked DC Comics at all for that matter. Gimme Marvel and Spidey any day.
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I presume by mistakes don't you mean, did he ever trip over himself, say something and regret it, doubt what he did, etc.
Today I think much about the humanity of Christ.
Particularly that verse in Hebrews that says "being made perfect"
and the one in the gospels where he said therefore I santify myself.
it allows for some interesting thought.
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Well, I believe that Jesus did make simple everyday mistakes like most of us sincere humans do, and he still remained sinless.
One verse of scripture that I'd like to point out is Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God".
That verse IMHO is a bad translation. The Greek word translated "sin" in that verse is hamartano, and should correctly be translated "erred". Hamartano has nothing to do with evil, rebellion or willful transgression against God, which is implied by the word "sin", but rather literally means "missing the mark". The context of that verse is simply showing that man is not infallable, and God did in fact create man with a fallable nature.
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God first
Hi All
I believe Jesus never made a mistake because the bible said
"he (Jesus Christ) allways did the Father (God) will"
So if Jesus the Christ allways did what God wanted him to do how could he make a mistake if God can not lie
with love Roy
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He made a mistake when he thought his disciples would pray for him in the garden and trusted them to do so .
they didnt . sure he made mistakes but mistakes are not sin.. sin needs repentance and forgiveness mistakes takes on some learning maybe a maybe a regret or two. when we run into brick wall we learn how to do curves much better the next time right? I mean maybe it has just been me all these years but wwhat would I have lived without my glaring mistakes in life ?
the kingdom is in the future but I do suppose we will again be learning about the King of King as well forever and eternity is our capcity to learn.
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What kind of diaper training he had without a mistake? Where does it say a mistake is a sin?
Lot of mistakes in the Gospels. he got mad and turened the tables over in the temple. Was that a mistake?
Edited by 2slickduckLink to comment
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It's not necessarily true that making a mistake sullys the fact that Jesus always did his father's will. If that is true, then perfect fellowship is not available since we are not infallable. Do you care to offer an arguement to the contrawise?
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IMO, Jesus made most of his best mistakes on purpose.
I mean, c'mon, he insulted and offended and challenged and threatened empirical warmongers and patriotic racist control-freaks. That is stupid and self-destructive behaviour, but oh so brilliantly so.
Heerz a question: did the Father make mistakes?
I mean, not having a mother to raise him, and all.
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When did he start reading to know Gods will? Like the day after he was born. After all Christmas is a big day and he had lots of presents to open All that the wise guys brought. Did he do carpenter work? Every nail went in right and every board was cut right. Wasn't a place where his mother was looking for him and he wasn't there she got all worried. Was that a mistake? Hey ma I'm going down to the temple and show all these guys I can read. Or was he supose to be somewhere else thats why she didn't know where he was.
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God first
Hi CKnapp3
What is perfect fellowship and when do we do it.
I do it when I am doing God's will but when I do my fleshly will I made misstake
Yes there are things Jesus Christ did that others would call a mistake but are there or were they plan to help our flesh understand
You see I find freedom in loving my God and his son Jesus the Christ
Now about fighting about it what for? will it change your mind or my mind about it
with love Roy
Hi Danny
Did you not read in the writtens of old like
The History of Joseph the Carpenter
The Gospel of Pseudo - Matthew (Gospel of the birth of Mary )
Letters of Christ and Abgarus or The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age
The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (Gospel of the Birth of Mary)
The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour
The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ
Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach
Have you not read where Jesus the Christ talk while after he was borm like Adam did before he was borm
or did you not read of all the things he did as a child
what have you read how far have you took your search for truth
with love Roy
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Really -what is the difference between "mistakes" and "sins"?
(I've often been tempted to use "mistakes" in place of "sins" with experimental translations.)
Is the line of distinction mainly between an (mis-)action intended or unintended?
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I think many may consider a sin a mistake ,
the difference I see is the bible and the commandment to love one another and the element of being concious of a higher power and His ways and means of living. the fact we are told we need to forgive and actualy ask the father to forgive our sins but not so much with the mistakes. like I said I think mistakes are part of the learning process of life and sinsare to be disobedient or rebel against Gods will in our life.
I had a WC grad say to me she asks for forgivness every night"just in case". I thought gee that is a good idea!
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I agree with MJ. And how about the account in Mark 8:22-25, where he healed the blind man with His spit? Vpw put the spin on it that Jesus "worked" with the man to get his (the blind man's) "believing" up to snuff, but could it be that Jesus was instead "working" the rev to get it right??
If He didn't get it right the first time, that would be a mistake, yet still not a sin.
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Job did the same thing for his sons and daughters. Look what happened to him!
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I think the difference between sin and mistake has more to do with spelling of the words, more than anything else. And then our own personal inner pictionary connected to them.
Does the word "sin" require a moral component to understand?
Or is that another thing entirely.
I mean, how many sins cause mistakes to be made,
and how many mistakes made cause more sin?
Some sins/mistakes are made by us,
And some sins/mistakes are made to us.
Seems Christ got a lot of his sinning/mistaking out of the way in David's life, anyway.
No wonder David can sing the blues so well.
No wonder Christ is so wise.
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Personally I think the word sin is something like a "grevious error."
Mistakes on the other hand are human.
I am not trying to differentiate with you on sematics without a point. I think our Lord was very human and therefore very vulnerable. Understanding that God also is vulnerable is IMO very important. It makes him more reachable. Amazingly,we can somehow impact him with our prayers.
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God first
Hi All
Just one question to all who believe Jesus made mistakes
If Jesus was perfect in every way how could he made a mistake and stray perfect?
From one who has made mistake after mistake in his life because I am not perfect yet
God and Jesus the Christ is over and over fixing the mistakes/sins I make hourly
I know its nice to think he made mistakes but if he was perfect he could not of but do not think that it was not possible because Adam did
Jesus the Christ know if we made one little mistake or sin we would be lost forever
with love Roy
with love Roy
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well -- I think He was perfect, yet I also believe He was a man, human, and prone to a thinking pattern just like us. Yes -- Adam did make a huge mistake, but his mistake was a sin. To say that Jesus may have made mistakes, does not mean that He sinned.
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I think the spirit is perfect, and holy and just. humans and angels and animals are created in His image with the ability to understand and make choices. including jesus christ.
ok ok not for nothing but I mean was it a mistake to give the angel lucifer so much power that he fought God almighty for a position in the heaven and had to be cast out?
haha seriously I mean did God have a bad judgement of character in that promotion of the angel that is most beautiful or what really happened in that mess? I mean he has been angry about it every since and it has caused alot of problems for Gods other creations nameley us and the beasts.
I truly believe god lets us chose how to perform in our life how to think what to believe the choices we make etc. and some of it he says is sinnful against his Will which is to be our creator and God the Father.
Jesus christ role is suppose to have made it easier to make amends in the process of pleasing the one true God and His will for us. because he went through the same type of trials and problems and emotions and everything adam did and yet never diobeyed the will . I think if he had even a little bit of human in him which He did from Mary his mom then he made mistakes and god taught him or life or other people tat is our life.
sin is when we directly chose to disobey God and get involved in the other powers that prevail on earth to please it or ourself.
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Since Jesus was not born with a sin nature, he was not prone to think like we do. I am sure he tripped up stairs and bumped into things, but the point is he never sinned, not once, not ever. I don't think he was capable of sinning.
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He was capable of sin the devil tempted him for many days and offered him the entire world if he would bow down to his will.
Jesus rebuked the devil. He was capable of listening to satan and doing what he wanted he had the same choices the first Adam did on who to listen to.
He chose to obey God the Father.
Now as the reserected christ and Saviour of Mankind (now that is a reward!) he can not sin , but in his earthly life he had as much sin nature as adam and eve did and we do.
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I agree. Completely, with the exception of the fact that as a human -- his thinking capacity had to be like ours. Adam had no sin nature either, yet he gave in to temptation, and did sin. Jesus was capable of sinning, yet He chose not to.
That's what I meant by that.
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