Except for the Trinitarian aspects, I found the article very cogent. God clearly doesn't "need" us, but created us as a manifestation of His love. The reference to Kierkegaard, opining that it would be dismal to think that having created us, God would become dependent on us, was interesting. It would be as though we were some sort of designer drug He concocted to please Himself! I also thought that the point that grace is meaningless if God does it to please Himself was well-taken.
Took a look at the article, and 1st impression is -- Yes, we are needed, (but) given teaching from past and present, it is because He (God) chose to do so.
Will be looking at this later on, and more completely. :)-->
I liked the link very much. It addresses the idea so many have today that God just would not be able to make it without their expert input on all His work.
the idea that this mini christ in everyone is what is needed to save the world and what really is the secret with all power has been making me sick for a very long time.
it is very difficult to wake people up to the idea that God is God and frankly no matter how much the leader may priase your money making schemes or bible you read the Fact is there is only ONE GOD and we are not the one.
the idea of getting rewards is what begins this idea in people then it escalates into ego and poer trips as written in the very first book of the bible.
This article speaks of God like a father with children and we are included because He wants us to join in His work and activities and blessings in life. I would have liked it to elaborate on the fact Jesus is the only begotten Son without sin that pleased God and we are the siblings that he (jesus christ) loved enough to include in the family of God . Remember the prayer in John that was Jesus for us not god softening His ideals and allowing the circumstance of His thought to be any different towards us.
Jesus is the Saviour of us. Jesus is the standard Jesus is the reason we even have a season with God today and a chance at eternal life.
God does not need me,but He does love me . I think this concept is difficult for some to understand till we get older in the bible age and even today many folks have had children in their teens and early twenties on into their thirties... the bible says we are not an adult till we are at least thirty . That means some of our children are grown up and began families of their own by the age we are considered an adult . this is the bible model of how life can and I think should be a blessing to see His greatness. The mystery lives in the family deeply.
When we are young we see the need of our children and the helplesness and we really do understand the idea of God as a Father or parent that provides and supplies and protects well.
Yet the bible says to "grow up" to be in christ to grow is a concept that implies taking on more responsibility and personal choices in life and that means less of a parent would be needed for many simple tasks such as home and hearth etc.
As I think it is with God and me as I have grown to trust Him as the one who loves me I realize what the truth means in my life , Ihave learned my lessons I have accepted the responsibility life is, so the relationship to my Father has changed.
when my daughter was small it was my job to be sure she got up in the morning and completed her daily tasks , it was my job to keep her safe and protected. Now she has been taught well and can function in our world with her own mind and less of my input.
But we still love one another and often need the companionship of one another for comfort and joy in life.
My life would be far less blessed without such richness of time and work of the relationship .
Such as the relationship with god and His children we are His children we should grow up and become adults and the relationship is one of a sharing and living in a world that is made for us to be happy in.
I know people who have had no children yet somhow they tend to make a family or reach others in life that fill this lesson for them in some way whether it be a study of acadenmics or a neighborhood child or a dog or cat to nuture and see the growth of another is what life is met to be. In my family grandchildren and babies of the grandmom is normal and if life is met without the outside circumstances of birth control and money etc.. the family is intact the model of what God considers children clearly shows a growth of personhood into their own person towards a purpose of loving one another and THAT is what God is the Father of with children of all ages and stages of growth .
It is a fun thing it is a family and as this article states it is His purpose for mankind.
God has angels God has all the animals He created God has many things He could love and use to keep Him company and loved I think He made the family so we could see How much Love is the most important thing of all that works in the miricle of life itself. The idea we have a choice betwen satan and God is a concept I enjoy and it mkaes life fun and worthwhile and rather helpless in the reality of what truth really is . without the contrast today would we be a butch of brats without the concept of choice and responsibility Jesus christ took on to show us who and what and how God really thinks we should grow up to be as His children?
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Except for the Trinitarian aspects, I found the article very cogent. God clearly doesn't "need" us, but created us as a manifestation of His love. The reference to Kierkegaard, opining that it would be dismal to think that having created us, God would become dependent on us, was interesting. It would be as though we were some sort of designer drug He concocted to please Himself! I also thought that the point that grace is meaningless if God does it to please Himself was well-taken.
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God first
Hi Def59
God bless your loving heart
I have been thinking about what I read but I believe God needs us
God is love and what good is love without some one to love
God is light and what good is light with out something to light up
God is truth and what good is truth without some one to use it with
I believe God needs us to make a circle of love, truth, and other things
So I guess I see things diff
But its something to think about some more
with love Roy
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Took a look at the article, and 1st impression is -- Yes, we are needed, (but) given teaching from past and present, it is because He (God) chose to do so.
Will be looking at this later on, and more completely.
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I liked the link very much. It addresses the idea so many have today that God just would not be able to make it without their expert input on all His work.
the idea that this mini christ in everyone is what is needed to save the world and what really is the secret with all power has been making me sick for a very long time.
it is very difficult to wake people up to the idea that God is God and frankly no matter how much the leader may priase your money making schemes or bible you read the Fact is there is only ONE GOD and we are not the one.
the idea of getting rewards is what begins this idea in people then it escalates into ego and poer trips as written in the very first book of the bible.
This article speaks of God like a father with children and we are included because He wants us to join in His work and activities and blessings in life. I would have liked it to elaborate on the fact Jesus is the only begotten Son without sin that pleased God and we are the siblings that he (jesus christ) loved enough to include in the family of God . Remember the prayer in John that was Jesus for us not god softening His ideals and allowing the circumstance of His thought to be any different towards us.
Jesus is the Saviour of us. Jesus is the standard Jesus is the reason we even have a season with God today and a chance at eternal life.
God does not need me,but He does love me . I think this concept is difficult for some to understand till we get older in the bible age and even today many folks have had children in their teens and early twenties on into their thirties... the bible says we are not an adult till we are at least thirty . That means some of our children are grown up and began families of their own by the age we are considered an adult . this is the bible model of how life can and I think should be a blessing to see His greatness. The mystery lives in the family deeply.
When we are young we see the need of our children and the helplesness and we really do understand the idea of God as a Father or parent that provides and supplies and protects well.
Yet the bible says to "grow up" to be in christ to grow is a concept that implies taking on more responsibility and personal choices in life and that means less of a parent would be needed for many simple tasks such as home and hearth etc.
As I think it is with God and me as I have grown to trust Him as the one who loves me I realize what the truth means in my life , Ihave learned my lessons I have accepted the responsibility life is, so the relationship to my Father has changed.
when my daughter was small it was my job to be sure she got up in the morning and completed her daily tasks , it was my job to keep her safe and protected. Now she has been taught well and can function in our world with her own mind and less of my input.
But we still love one another and often need the companionship of one another for comfort and joy in life.
My life would be far less blessed without such richness of time and work of the relationship .
Such as the relationship with god and His children we are His children we should grow up and become adults and the relationship is one of a sharing and living in a world that is made for us to be happy in.
I know people who have had no children yet somhow they tend to make a family or reach others in life that fill this lesson for them in some way whether it be a study of acadenmics or a neighborhood child or a dog or cat to nuture and see the growth of another is what life is met to be. In my family grandchildren and babies of the grandmom is normal and if life is met without the outside circumstances of birth control and money etc.. the family is intact the model of what God considers children clearly shows a growth of personhood into their own person towards a purpose of loving one another and THAT is what God is the Father of with children of all ages and stages of growth .
It is a fun thing it is a family and as this article states it is His purpose for mankind.
God has angels God has all the animals He created God has many things He could love and use to keep Him company and loved I think He made the family so we could see How much Love is the most important thing of all that works in the miricle of life itself. The idea we have a choice betwen satan and God is a concept I enjoy and it mkaes life fun and worthwhile and rather helpless in the reality of what truth really is . without the contrast today would we be a butch of brats without the concept of choice and responsibility Jesus christ took on to show us who and what and how God really thinks we should grow up to be as His children?
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he has no hands but our hands
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how do you know how mny hands God has?
do you think God needs us excathedra?
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Trefor Heywood
God may not need us but a lot of his so-called "servants" do to bolster their egos and their incomes.
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Thanks for some honest comments.
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