If youre saying the guy claimed to know what Jesus favourite reading material was, well Id say that he was obviously privvy to the divine mind and was especially blessed among men. -->
WW was obviously referring to this forum's quite shameless Wierwilldolater, who holds there is a doctrinal deficiency about all English Bible versions, in contrast to written PFAL materials which he maintains were inspired and inerrant. He once retorted to a forum opponent that Jesus will begin teaching out of Weirwille's PFAL book when he returns.
You're in the right place, Refiner. You seem to be a wandering connoisseur of miscreance. While you're sampling TWI and ex-TWI strains of it, you might try Christian Educational Services -- whose ex-Wayfer principals are among the more ambitious and aggressive peddlers of pseudo-biblicist Unitarianism and Socinian Christology, and who have added Open Theism to the core of dogmas they have retained from Wierwille.
You might also sample Anthony Buzzard--a never-TWI figure to whom ex-Wayfers having an anti-Trinitarian itch to be scratched seemingly have gravitated. Buzzard advances the presumptive interpretive authority of a speculatively construed ancient Jewish mind through which to filter interpretations of various biblical passages to oppose the doctrine of the Trinity and promote denial of the eternal existence and deity that Scripture unequivocally declares of Christ.
The forum's never-too-friendly resident Trinitarian and Calvinist cudgel,
What truly frightens me about Heavens gate is they are the cult which claims to have successfully cloned humans and have one born and several on the way to be born this year .
Asked for proof they never supply pictures or birth certificates .
I still wonder tho and somehow do not doubt it possible.
(looks up PFAL on Way International "Loaded language List")
PFAL!!... "Power for Abundant Living". Got it!!
It sure is hard on this site.... I never seen so much abbreviation and 'insider speak' in my life.
Cynic. I dont think upon matters of what I believe anymore. I spent twenty five years dwelling upon such questions and came up with zip.
So I figure the answers are either so deep as to be unfathomable, or the complete obvious and apoparent is true, and there is no conscious being directing things.
"retemory" - noun, a memorized verse of scripture (retain-in-your-memory, tres chic, no?)
"TWI" - noun, The Way International (headquarters - New Knoxville, OH.)
"W.O.W." - noun, the stated goal of TWI, Word Over the World, also an evangelism program whereby one could commit to a one year sentence of promoting TWI and it's theology class.
"PFAL" - noun, a series of classes offered by TWI,(foundational - the intro to WayWorld where the graduation is punctuating by being "led" into speaking in tongues, the intermediate class where the students supposedly learn to "operate" the "manifestations of interpretation of tongues and prophesy, and the advanced class where one learns how to operated "all nine all the time" i.e. the nine "manifestations" of the spirit listed in ICor. 12.
"The Way Corps" (or just "the Corps")- noun, a training program for the really committed ones (those without a real, functioning life) whereby you voluntarily give up your existence for 3 years to live at a WayWorld "root" locale and take classes, eat gerbil food, and work your a$$ off, so you can be trained to be a "twig" leader.
"twig" - noun, a group of Wayfers who meet at somebody's home several times a week to play church (TWI-style)
"branch, area, limb, trunk, root" the proceedingly larger areas of TWI governance (root locales being the hdqrtrs or other campus where the high mucky-mucks reign)
"bless" - verb, noun, adjective, parenthetical phrase, you name it, we used this word for EVERYTHING. Greeting, statement of your current mental condition, what the weather's like, the economic situation, or the mechanical condition of your automobile, "you're the blessed best", it's blessed, what a blessing, I'm blessed, it's blessed, bless!" We beat this word to death.
There's MUCH more to Wayspeak, believe me, but this will get you started. You'll be talking like a Wayfer before you know it...
You're THE BEST, BRO! (You'll haveta learn to drop the "ther", it's just not familiar enough, O.K.?)
Akkk! Even in jest, this type of speak gives me the creeps. Gawd, did I really actually talk like that once? Unbelievable!
Oh, and sorry about the duplication. It looks as though the "Wayspeak" topic has gotten much more thorough coverage already in the "About the Way" forum.
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Just out of curiousity....
What would you say about someone who knows what Jesus' favourite reference
material is, what he expects to teach out of?
I'm very curious.
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Dont quite follow you WW.
If youre saying the guy claimed to know what Jesus favourite reading material was, well Id say that he was obviously privvy to the divine mind and was especially blessed among men.
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Tom Strange
Don't post it here WW!
I'll point him in the right direction via PT!
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God first
Hi All
I know Jesus Christ favourite material but you can not just read it but you can handle it by all the five sences plus wittness it
It called love of God
Now it there another one its wrong because its love no matter where you find it
with love Roy
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WW was obviously referring to this forum's quite shameless Wierwilldolater, who holds there is a doctrinal deficiency about all English Bible versions, in contrast to written PFAL materials which he maintains were inspired and inerrant. He once retorted to a forum opponent that Jesus will begin teaching out of Weirwille's PFAL book when he returns.
You're in the right place, Refiner. You seem to be a wandering connoisseur of miscreance. While you're sampling TWI and ex-TWI strains of it, you might try Christian Educational Services -- whose ex-Wayfer principals are among the more ambitious and aggressive peddlers of pseudo-biblicist Unitarianism and Socinian Christology, and who have added Open Theism to the core of dogmas they have retained from Wierwille.
You might also sample Anthony Buzzard--a never-TWI figure to whom ex-Wayfers having an anti-Trinitarian itch to be scratched seemingly have gravitated. Buzzard advances the presumptive interpretive authority of a speculatively construed ancient Jewish mind through which to filter interpretations of various biblical passages to oppose the doctrine of the Trinity and promote denial of the eternal existence and deity that Scripture unequivocally declares of Christ.
The forum's never-too-friendly resident Trinitarian and Calvinist cudgel,
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What truly frightens me about Heavens gate is they are the cult which claims to have successfully cloned humans and have one born and several on the way to be born this year .
Asked for proof they never supply pictures or birth certificates .
I still wonder tho and somehow do not doubt it possible.
that frightens me.
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Perhaps its time to clarify.
I utterly reject any notion of a conscious God, a person, a thinking supreme being.
On the basis of having seen and experienced so much unspeakable cruelty and psychic damage being worked in his name.
If it was me, I would have to put an end to it.
That is my final position on such matters.
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TomS and WW:
."Don't post it here WW!
I'll point him in the right direction via PT!"...
You are concealing information from me.
:(-->Information that Im most interested in reading.
Cough it up.
Email me, if you're paranoid at all.
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Refiner wrote,
"I utterly reject any notion of a conscious God, a person, a thinking supreme being."
Are you an atheist?
An agnostic?
A devotee or quasi-devotee of some impersonal force or abstraction you and others deem to be ultimate?
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(looks up PFAL on Way International "Loaded language List")
PFAL!!... "Power for Abundant Living". Got it!!
It sure is hard on this site.... I never seen so much abbreviation and 'insider speak' in my life.
Cynic. I dont think upon matters of what I believe anymore. I spent twenty five years dwelling upon such questions and came up with zip.
So I figure the answers are either so deep as to be unfathomable, or the complete obvious and apoparent is true, and there is no conscious being directing things.
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George Aar
Re:"It sure is hard on this site.... I never seen so much abbreviation and 'insider speak' in my life."
You shoulda seen it in real life in WayWorld!
Gawd, an outsider often didn't have a clue as to what was being said.
A few brief definitions:
"Believing" - v., hoping, wishing
"available" - adjective, possible, in stock, ready
"lifeline" - noun, deadline (sounds sooo negative, doesn't it?)
"retemory" - noun, a memorized verse of scripture (retain-in-your-memory, tres chic, no?)
"TWI" - noun, The Way International (headquarters - New Knoxville, OH.)
"W.O.W." - noun, the stated goal of TWI, Word Over the World, also an evangelism program whereby one could commit to a one year sentence of promoting TWI and it's theology class.
"PFAL" - noun, a series of classes offered by TWI,(foundational - the intro to WayWorld where the graduation is punctuating by being "led" into speaking in tongues, the intermediate class where the students supposedly learn to "operate" the "manifestations of interpretation of tongues and prophesy, and the advanced class where one learns how to operated "all nine all the time" i.e. the nine "manifestations" of the spirit listed in ICor. 12.
"The Way Corps" (or just "the Corps")- noun, a training program for the really committed ones (those without a real, functioning life) whereby you voluntarily give up your existence for 3 years to live at a WayWorld "root" locale and take classes, eat gerbil food, and work your a$$ off, so you can be trained to be a "twig" leader.
"twig" - noun, a group of Wayfers who meet at somebody's home several times a week to play church (TWI-style)
"branch, area, limb, trunk, root" the proceedingly larger areas of TWI governance (root locales being the hdqrtrs or other campus where the high mucky-mucks reign)
"bless" - verb, noun, adjective, parenthetical phrase, you name it, we used this word for EVERYTHING. Greeting, statement of your current mental condition, what the weather's like, the economic situation, or the mechanical condition of your automobile, "you're the blessed best", it's blessed, what a blessing, I'm blessed, it's blessed, bless!" We beat this word to death.
There's MUCH more to Wayspeak, believe me, but this will get you started. You'll be talking like a Wayfer before you know it...
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Resident curmudgeon:
Well bless me! Thanks for that bit of advice.
I'll be sure to drop the "bless" word aplenty so that I adjust to fitting into an ex TWI mindset all the quicker.
I want to fit in.
Bless you brother.
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George Aar
Bless you too, man!
You're THE BEST, BRO! (You'll haveta learn to drop the "ther", it's just not familiar enough, O.K.?)
Akkk! Even in jest, this type of speak gives me the creeps. Gawd, did I really actually talk like that once? Unbelievable!
Oh, and sorry about the duplication. It looks as though the "Wayspeak" topic has gotten much more thorough coverage already in the "About the Way" forum.
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Feel free to add those first 5 to the other thread, George....
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