Unbelievable.. I never thought that this one would survive into the two page category.
Actually, the "you gotta work PFAL" nonsense kind of got me going. When I go "tilt" it seems I don't get mad anymore- just venture into the land of looniness.
I think a long time ago, I just got kind of tired of trying to do God's job. Just too much, don't even try anymore. Cripe- if I can't figure it out after sixty PFAL classes, and hundreds of times through the books, and still miss "the hidden message" something has to be wrong with it. Doesn't work? See a contradiction, or error? Well, maybe you just don't see da hidden meaning.. read it again.
Mr. H - Would you sit through PFAL if you could do it "Mystery Science Theater 3000" style? Sitting in front of all the new students, along with Jim, Dm and Uncle (don't forget the bottle), giving running commentary on the whole thing?
Well... if I was locked up in a spaceship, and the "queen" of PFAL videos somehow would beam it in weekly so I'd HAVE to listen..
I suppose I'd listen, but I sure would not like it.
But that'd be less than humane.. imagine getting rewarded "food" pellets for each hour that you successfully completed. The cold, cold vacuum of space would be preferable..
Seriously though.. I don't HATE pfal. Not even interested in debating it's merits or demerits so much. Just don't want it. Had enough.. somebody thinks its the greatest thing since fish crawled up on dry ground.. that's their (his) priviledge.
What got me thinking about this was that I bought it. I bought PFAL, again and again. How many times did you buy it? Don't tell me that it was free. What did I pay? Time. Time that I could have otherwise spent on more worthwhile endeavors. More time with family. More time with friends. more time for education. I bartered vacation time from work to be able to participate at the level that I did. I also paid by convincing people that this was supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread; couldn't run a class unless you had new folks.
Money. Oh sure, they don't "charge" you again, but what did you pay? I know what I paid. I invested in the A/V equipment and upkeep. Compared to the remaining cost, this was quite small. I also "abundantly shared" consistently for YEARS. Even back then, try getting around that little detail, and see how "welcome" you really were at the class. I saw what kind of "warm" welcome "deadbeat" grads got. Plus all the trips to da headquarters to stay in good standing. Subscription to the latest wonder tape. Add to that other classes, and for those you HAD to pay. The cost of participation is a lot higher than what you read on da little green card.
I think most of us paid- paid way too much.
I was not unlike lots of other folk.. I bought PFAL, time and time again. No more.. no thanks.. I've had enough. You'd have an easier sell offering snow to an eskimo.
I do not harbor ill will or even dislike for Mike. I just think he's trying to sell the product to the wrong crowd. I'm not buying. Never again. He needs to give it a new face maybe. Try running all that stuff by some REAL scholars. See if "the greatest theologian on the continent of Europe" will validate it. When you find stuff that does not make him laugh all the way to tears, maybe you've got the part of it that you may be able to market. And I don't doubt that there is at least some good in it, but not for me.
He also needs an audience that DOES NOT CARE about the deeds of the teacher- the plaigarism, the adultery, the rape, etc. etc. "Unfortunately", I care. To be successful, he has to sell the teacher along with the teaching. Those who VP raped, plundered and pillaged will be unlikely proponents of the product. Try convincing them that so much good came out of it compared to the "little" they suffered.
Cripe. Its like trying to sell a guy a box of matches the day after his house burned to the ground. Maybe it was just that they guy did not "master" the accuracy of fire making. Go back and read the book again..
How many ways do I not want PFAL? Let me continue to count the "ways".
Honestly. What about the claim of power? You know, power like hasn't been manifested since da first century? Somehow, after sixty plus classes, I would have seen it. Somebody would have seen it- maybe we were asleep in our seats and missed it. Maybe we were not "spurtual" enough. Maybe we did not read it hard enough. But what did we get? A lot of nice WORDS. A lot of promises. Nobody healed, at least in a spectacular way, nobody raised from the dead. No knowledge of the word "like it hasn't been known since the first century".
You can hardly accuse me of seeking after miracles. I was in that deadbeat organization over twenty five years despite not basically seeing anything- especially on an earth moving level. "Signs and Wonders follow the word"- must have not been the word, then.
Where is the beef? Obviously, not in PFAL, at least to the extent that is claimed.
Cripe- you had THOUSANDS of "faithful", convinced fanatical "we know da word like it hasnt been known since the first century" followers at one time, and LITTLE came of it, at least in a practical sense. It's friggin pitiful. And what came out of it in a doctrinal sense is questionable, at best.
Holy crap. I could not delude myself into having the kind of power PFAL promised once- neither could anybody else. Somehow, I am supposed to go back and "master" the material, and with "da magic of believing" I can have it all once again. No thanks..
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pfal has something just for you it teaches you keys to unlock the door and how to walk right through so if you want to have a powerful life that's more than abundant toooooooo than pfal is the cl
But life is more enjoyable when you are REALLY over it. Really- in a "special" kind of way..
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Some of this stuff would sound pretty good sung/recited around a campfire..
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"Hairy, throw another brick on the fire.."
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Unbelievable.. I never thought that this one would survive into the two page category.
Actually, the "you gotta work PFAL" nonsense kind of got me going. When I go "tilt" it seems I don't get mad anymore- just venture into the land of looniness.
I think a long time ago, I just got kind of tired of trying to do God's job. Just too much, don't even try anymore. Cripe- if I can't figure it out after sixty PFAL classes, and hundreds of times through the books, and still miss "the hidden message" something has to be wrong with it. Doesn't work? See a contradiction, or error? Well, maybe you just don't see da hidden meaning.. read it again.
Don't think so.
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Jim, we could still have "fire engine red", at least your nose. Just drink the bottle or so of Southern Comfort..
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pfal has something just for you
it teaches you keys to unlock the door
and how to walk right through
so if you want to have a powerful life
that's more than abundant toooooooo
than pfal is the class for youuuuuuuuu
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Thanks Exie.. I almost forgot that..
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I wouldn't take it in the fog
I wouldn't take it with a frog.
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Steve Lortz
Mr. H - Would you sit through PFAL if you could do it "Mystery Science Theater 3000" style? Sitting in front of all the new students, along with Jim, Dm and Uncle (don't forget the bottle), giving running commentary on the whole thing?
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Well... if I was locked up in a spaceship, and the "queen" of PFAL videos somehow would beam it in weekly so I'd HAVE to listen..
I suppose I'd listen, but I sure would not like it.
But that'd be less than humane.. imagine getting rewarded "food" pellets for each hour that you successfully completed. The cold, cold vacuum of space would be preferable..
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Come to think of it, that may make an interesting new series. An un-named individual here could be one of the guys running around carrying his brain..
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Seriously though.. I don't HATE pfal. Not even interested in debating it's merits or demerits so much. Just don't want it. Had enough.. somebody thinks its the greatest thing since fish crawled up on dry ground.. that's their (his) priviledge.
What got me thinking about this was that I bought it. I bought PFAL, again and again. How many times did you buy it? Don't tell me that it was free. What did I pay? Time. Time that I could have otherwise spent on more worthwhile endeavors. More time with family. More time with friends. more time for education. I bartered vacation time from work to be able to participate at the level that I did. I also paid by convincing people that this was supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread; couldn't run a class unless you had new folks.
Money. Oh sure, they don't "charge" you again, but what did you pay? I know what I paid. I invested in the A/V equipment and upkeep. Compared to the remaining cost, this was quite small. I also "abundantly shared" consistently for YEARS. Even back then, try getting around that little detail, and see how "welcome" you really were at the class. I saw what kind of "warm" welcome "deadbeat" grads got. Plus all the trips to da headquarters to stay in good standing. Subscription to the latest wonder tape. Add to that other classes, and for those you HAD to pay. The cost of participation is a lot higher than what you read on da little green card.
I think most of us paid- paid way too much.
I was not unlike lots of other folk.. I bought PFAL, time and time again. No more.. no thanks.. I've had enough. You'd have an easier sell offering snow to an eskimo.
I do not harbor ill will or even dislike for Mike. I just think he's trying to sell the product to the wrong crowd. I'm not buying. Never again. He needs to give it a new face maybe. Try running all that stuff by some REAL scholars. See if "the greatest theologian on the continent of Europe" will validate it. When you find stuff that does not make him laugh all the way to tears, maybe you've got the part of it that you may be able to market. And I don't doubt that there is at least some good in it, but not for me.
He also needs an audience that DOES NOT CARE about the deeds of the teacher- the plaigarism, the adultery, the rape, etc. etc. "Unfortunately", I care. To be successful, he has to sell the teacher along with the teaching. Those who VP raped, plundered and pillaged will be unlikely proponents of the product. Try convincing them that so much good came out of it compared to the "little" they suffered.
Cripe. Its like trying to sell a guy a box of matches the day after his house burned to the ground. Maybe it was just that they guy did not "master" the accuracy of fire making. Go back and read the book again..
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How many ways do I not want PFAL? Let me continue to count the "ways".
Honestly. What about the claim of power? You know, power like hasn't been manifested since da first century? Somehow, after sixty plus classes, I would have seen it. Somebody would have seen it- maybe we were asleep in our seats and missed it. Maybe we were not "spurtual" enough. Maybe we did not read it hard enough. But what did we get? A lot of nice WORDS. A lot of promises. Nobody healed, at least in a spectacular way, nobody raised from the dead. No knowledge of the word "like it hasn't been known since the first century".
You can hardly accuse me of seeking after miracles. I was in that deadbeat organization over twenty five years despite not basically seeing anything- especially on an earth moving level. "Signs and Wonders follow the word"- must have not been the word, then.
Where is the beef? Obviously, not in PFAL, at least to the extent that is claimed.
Cripe- you had THOUSANDS of "faithful", convinced fanatical "we know da word like it hasnt been known since the first century" followers at one time, and LITTLE came of it, at least in a practical sense. It's friggin pitiful. And what came out of it in a doctrinal sense is questionable, at best.
Holy crap. I could not delude myself into having the kind of power PFAL promised once- neither could anybody else. Somehow, I am supposed to go back and "master" the material, and with "da magic of believing" I can have it all once again. No thanks..
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Won't you help me run this class?
If my sanity would just pass..
We could share in all the miracles
I'd be running just in circles
I found my mind and it still works,
I will not stick it with a fork.
We could be just like the mog
I'd rather turn into a hog
We can have power over others
In that regard I have my druthers.
Can't you see it's just a scam?
I'd rather believe in Peter Pan.
You can bring the coffee mate
They're better off if not awake
We can sit in rock hard chairs
I'd prefer some tiger lairs
Can't you see it does not function?
It does not work for man nor munchkin.
You can flip the charts for me
Only for a drastic fee.
We can hand out "bible" homework
I'd rather run accross a pervert.
PFAL is quite a pain,
Burn the tapes and start again.
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Can't you see we'd have world-class?
I'd rather get kicked hard in the foot.
You could do the press release
I kind of wish that you'd just cease.
It's not the modern Aryism,
It's a work of plagiarism.
We could have it taught in french
The french would hate you for the stench
We could teach it, well, in spain
The spanish would just have great pain.
If it has power of an elf,
Why not try it on yourself?
You could raise them from the dead
I think I'm getting sick in the head..
You could do a few great wonders
Only if you include plunder
Why will you not give it up?
The claims you make just don't add up.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
i dom't know if this the olace to say this or not. but my ex and i were told we HAD to take the advanced class in gunnison.
we did ,but i had to borrow money from the credit union to do it.
then when we got back i caught holy old hell for doing what i was told to do
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coolchef. You left me short on what was said. Ohh it sounds so true from twi but could you tell us what happened or what was said?
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I would not take it on a bet
I'd rather smoke a cigarette
I would not take it at high noon
I would not take it on the moon
I'd rather gargle broken glass
than sit through one more session of that class
I'd just as soon go into jail
or puke my supper into a pail
I'd take a hat pin in the eye
Or catch a taser on the fly
I'd drop my head into the can
I'd be a Michael Jackson fan
I'd lie down on the railroad track
Or move into a run down shack
I'd run into a lion's den
Before I'd take that class again.
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The tie and crewcut seemed so far away..
Now the beta tape I have to play..
Oh, I've cleaned the house since yesterday...
There's not half the twig there used to be.
And all these way corps hanging over me.
Oh their reproof came suddenly...
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Wierwille was trippy
Teaching PFAL to hippies
He was cool after smokin'
Cause God he was promotin'
Too bad PFAL got Way rotten by Way bad leadership
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Uncle H. You're pretty serious about this too, aren't you!
Of course I agree whole heartedly.
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I would not take it on a bet
I would not take it in a net.
I would not take it when I woke
I would not take it as a joke.
I'd rather eat a bar of soap
I'd rather sit at home and mope.
My mirror I would rather crack
I'd rather sit upon a tack
I'd prefer to scrub the floors
Or tangle with a large mad boar.
Or roll in grease beneath the car
Or roll myself in roofing tar.
Compared to fresh green eggs and ham,
PFAL tastes like spam.
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I would not take it with the pope
I'd rather smoke a bowl of dope
I'd rather get hung by a rope
Or for my lunch, I'd eat some soap
I'd rather set my hair on fire
Or have my tongue cut with a wire
Drive a nail into my face
Or make me wear girlie lace
Make me live in Fallujah
Or make me scream hallaloojah!
Paint my house with toxic waste
Or shove my face into some paste
I'd pimp myself out on the street
Or take a saw and cut my feet
I'd rent a room down in hell
Before I'd take pfal.
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