MrStrange: Work in Arlington, Live in Alvarado. I manage a large (what else?) flower shop,and if you ever send flowers instead of IMing your spouse...chances are good I may have made them!
ex10-If I knew how I'd private topic you...I didn't know the Yates where divorced...but then I left to become WC spouse about that moment. If you knew things where a mess, then you know my former branch coordinator!! I may try the private topic thing, how hard can it be?
Howdy all you Texans. We are here in Austin. Been here for 13 years now. Lived in Wichita Falls before that. And before Wichita falls I was a damn Yankee. (So that doesn't count)
BackForty, we may have crossed paths before as we went to many functions in Dallas/Fort Worth.
My brother, Mike was WOW in Irving about the same time you were there, so you may know him too.
Two people come to mind... Fern, an elderly woman who kept a motherly eye on us WOW's. I remember going to her apartment and feeling like I was in a real home .. instead of a quick mock up wow home. And Greg Bernardini.. he was our Corps leader .. 6th. Do you remeber them or their whereabouts?
All I know about Greg Bernardini is that he and his wife Cindy were the children's coordinators at Rome City during our corps time '84 thru '86 at least. Beyond that, I have no idea.
They are well and involved with the Geer group out of Chicago (the group that was run by the late Joe Guarini - - now by Howard Stein (WI), Bob Carden (IL), Al Wajnberg (IL), Rich Watkins (IN), and a F-10 guy whose name escapes me at the moment). I forget their exact location but it's somewhere near Springfield IL, I believe.
I saw Greg a couple of years ago and he's pretty much the same wise-cracking guy he's always been. He said Cindy and the kiddos were all doing well.
If you want to contact him, you can reach him through Bob Carden's group (Rottiegirl knows the name - - I forget now) in Naperville, IL.
I think I know you. Were you in Lansing,Mi? Have you ever heard of Charlotte,Mi? I remember a perky little gal named Andrea. But then again we were all annoying little twits bouncing around back then...LOL.
Hello looking for a friend who lives in Texas Ft Worth area, her name is Kara shes about 40 now knew her from Maine in the 80s, was good friends then and would love to connect with her, thank ya much
I don't know of whom you speak, but I recommend two websites:, and ( You may need to shell out $8 for the latter site, but you won't necessarily need to know Kara's married name (in case all you know is a maiden name.
Was in San Antonio 1976-77 as a WOW. Names have faded. But I remember Fern, Nan Neil, Mary Dogherty, Pat Patterson. Um it hurts to think... but there were a lot of real decent people. Thats when I first got "in" - and Way World was calm.
Dozer, do you remember Gregg Burnisdini (sp) He was a leader the year you were there in San Antonio. I was in Houston at that time. Do you remember folks like Lee, John and Shelly Turner? Rev. Burton, Mike and Mickey Richardson? Rob Gant? Gregg loved Children and started a children's fellowship last I was there. Love to hear from ya. Jeannette (Jean Clevenger)
Rob Gant seems vaguely familiar, and I do remember the Turners (though I haven't seen any of them in well over a decade). When did you leave Houston? (I've been in the area since '81.)
I was a WOW in Midland 1984-85. I stayed there until 1988. San Angelo? Yes, it was about 3 hours from Midland if I remember right. We drove there once to see Lake Nazworthy. We stayed, mumbled something about Lake Nastyworthy, and drove back home. Sorry, that's all I remember about it. That was a long, long time ago.
What do you expect from a couple of Oregonians? West Texas is not God's country to west coasters.
Well if you Oregonians ever end up in the Hill Country, word of wisdom:
Don't Mess With Texas
a Texan with lots of Guns and Ammo.... You'll want to Admit it's God's Country or Else!!! :D
Seriously tho, The West Coast is truly beautiful too. I made WA state my home for a little over 10 years, and all the rain n drizzle can get a bit depressing, and the barometric pressure is heck on a TEXAN, so now its Time I head back. Was born in Texas -- I plan to Die there too!!
I as in Houston in 80-82 (my interim and LOA year) with the 10th corps. Mark and Holly Lewis and the Cagels were there. I heard that Jerry passed away quite a few years ago.
I have been in Fort Worth since "83. Have two girls and a husband (not in that order tho)
I was one of the small feisty Italians form New York that cmae to texas to stay.
When i was in Texas my first year I was asked." so, are you a Yankee or a d*mn YANKEE?" I wasn't sure of the difference so I asked and was informed "a yankee comes down and visits, a D*mn Yankee STAYS!" LOL!!!
Glad to be here - Ex 10 I have some friends in the Woodlands.
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MrStrange: Work in Arlington, Live in Alvarado. I manage a large (what else?) flower shop,and if you ever send flowers instead of IMing your spouse...chances are good I may have made them!
ex10-If I knew how I'd private topic you...I didn't know the Yates where divorced...but then I left to become WC spouse about that moment. If you knew things where a mess, then you know my former branch coordinator!! I may try the private topic thing, how hard can it be?
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Howdy all you Texans. We are here in Austin. Been here for 13 years now. Lived in Wichita Falls before that. And before Wichita falls I was a damn Yankee. (So that doesn't count)
BackForty, we may have crossed paths before as we went to many functions in Dallas/Fort Worth.
My brother, Mike was WOW in Irving about the same time you were there, so you may know him too.
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Johnny --check your private topic or email me
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Back Forty
I also was a wow in the Dallas area in 82-83.
Maybe I know you. I just got out my Dallas wow photo. We had around 100 wows that year.
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Hi y'all,
Born and raised in Mi. in twi for 20 years there. Moved to Tx. 3 years ago. Any one ever heard of San Angelo?????
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Tom Strange
yeah doorleven... it's out that way about two hours...
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Two people come to mind... Fern, an elderly woman who kept a motherly eye on us WOW's. I remember going to her apartment and feeling like I was in a real home .. instead of a quick mock up wow home. And Greg Bernardini.. he was our Corps leader .. 6th. Do you remeber them or their whereabouts?
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All I know about Greg Bernardini is that he and his wife Cindy were the children's coordinators at Rome City during our corps time '84 thru '86 at least. Beyond that, I have no idea.
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They are well and involved with the Geer group out of Chicago (the group that was run by the late Joe Guarini - - now by Howard Stein (WI), Bob Carden (IL), Al Wajnberg (IL), Rich Watkins (IN), and a F-10 guy whose name escapes me at the moment). I forget their exact location but it's somewhere near Springfield IL, I believe.
I saw Greg a couple of years ago and he's pretty much the same wise-cracking guy he's always been. He said Cindy and the kiddos were all doing well.
If you want to contact him, you can reach him through Bob Carden's group (Rottiegirl knows the name - - I forget now) in Naperville, IL.
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I think I know you. Were you in Lansing,Mi? Have you ever heard of Charlotte,Mi? I remember a perky little gal named Andrea. But then again we were all annoying little twits bouncing around back then...LOL.
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Hello looking for a friend who lives in Texas Ft Worth area, her name is Kara shes about 40 now knew her from Maine in the 80s, was good friends then and would love to connect with her, thank ya much
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I don't know of whom you speak, but I recommend two websites:, and ( You may need to shell out $8 for the latter site, but you won't necessarily need to know Kara's married name (in case all you know is a maiden name.
Good hunting,
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P.S.: The "Friend tracker" forum might be a better place to post!
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Dozer, do you remember Gregg Burnisdini (sp) He was a leader the year you were there in San Antonio. I was in Houston at that time. Do you remember folks like Lee, John and Shelly Turner? Rev. Burton, Mike and Mickey Richardson? Rob Gant? Gregg loved Children and started a children's fellowship last I was there. Love to hear from ya. Jeannette (Jean Clevenger)
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Rob Gant seems vaguely familiar, and I do remember the Turners (though I haven't seen any of them in well over a decade). When did you leave Houston? (I've been in the area since '81.)
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feel free to email at No One was as annoyingly perky as myself, of that I am most certain!
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I am in Houston was in Twi from 1074 till 1998.
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I was a WOW in Midland 1984-85. I stayed there until 1988. San Angelo? Yes, it was about 3 hours from Midland if I remember right. We drove there once to see Lake Nazworthy. We stayed, mumbled something about Lake Nastyworthy, and drove back home. Sorry, that's all I remember about it. That was a long, long time ago.
What do you expect from a couple of Oregonians? West Texas is not God's country to west coasters.
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Hey wayfer I know where San Angelo is. I'm about three hours the other way.
For all you people who don't know west Texas thats 200 miles. 250 if the highway patrol isn't looking.
West Texas is God's country because you don't have to share it with anyone else.
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Well if you Oregonians ever end up in the Hill Country, word of wisdom:
Don't Mess With Texas
a Texan with lots of Guns and Ammo.... You'll want to Admit it's God's Country or Else!!! :D
Seriously tho, The West Coast is truly beautiful too. I made WA state my home for a little over 10 years, and all the rain n drizzle can get a bit depressing, and the barometric pressure is heck on a TEXAN, so now its Time I head back. Was born in Texas -- I plan to Die there too!!
Edited by jetc57Link to comment
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I as in Houston in 80-82 (my interim and LOA year) with the 10th corps. Mark and Holly Lewis and the Cagels were there. I heard that Jerry passed away quite a few years ago.
I have been in Fort Worth since "83. Have two girls and a husband (not in that order tho)
I was one of the small feisty Italians form New York that cmae to texas to stay.
When i was in Texas my first year I was asked." so, are you a Yankee or a d*mn YANKEE?" I wasn't sure of the difference so I asked and was informed "a yankee comes down and visits, a D*mn Yankee STAYS!" LOL!!!
Glad to be here - Ex 10 I have some friends in the Woodlands.
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Hey there. It's so nice to meet up with you again!!! If you want to catch up, email me at:
Do you ever visit The Woodlands? :wub:
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Hope you had a happy birthday, girl!!
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Why thank you, Dr. Sudo. It's been quite lovely.
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