hegothope... nice pic... you're still lookin' good bro... (although some might suggest a little gecian formula!) :D-->
not me of course...
and about the meetings/reunions... I'm with you and reverend2Ts... but it's not like there's gonna be 100 people there ya know...?
and I volunteer myseestorEx (Excathedra) and myotherseesterEx (Ex10) for stringing chairs and serving beer... (we DO NOT want Simontheloaded or Rocky anywhere near the beer serving)...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
Here is our 7th Corps graduation list. You can thank Jill, one of my secretaries for all this hard work, copying it from a typewritten list we all had.
I hope there is a good turnout. But even if not, it will be a lot of fun. I mean, it's Vegas, after all.
Why didn't they have the Rock there each year instead of in the cornfields of Ohio?
After seeing the yearbook Val posted and this list of names I realize that there were many more people in our corps then I had remembered.
We were such a large group, and in our final year, I moved locations every couple of months, got to know some people quite well and others I barely knew at all.
But what.... are there like four or five of us here at Greasespot?
Any one else out there from the 7th Corps?
Oh yes and since this is the reunion thread, I've been checking out kayaking
on the Colorado River and on Lake Mead. there's a nice trip on the river,
though its an all day thing, 10 or 11 hours.
here's a short description of the river trip.
"This is a twelve-mile run on the Colorado River from Hoover Dam to Willow Beach through Black Canyon. The water runs steady with a short area of fast water, no rapids at all. There are many places to stop along the way including; caves (emerald cave is the best), warm springs and waterfalls, petraglyphs, climbing and hiking, sandy beach for relaxing and camping. I have gone down twice and both times saw bighorn sheep drinking along the shoreline. It is a refreshing surprise and I know you will have a great time. "
There are shorter trip options on Lake Mead as well.
Though it sounds inviting, I am not sure about a 12 hour ordeal, Simaptico.
My vision is more along the lines of sipping a few cold ones in a sunny area somewhere and chatting with some old friends I have not seen for 20+ years. Playing that much "catch up" might take the entire weekend. :)-->
But I do want to bungee jump again and see those awesome fountains at Bellagio some night.
Kayaking can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it. as far as exercise it feels like palades (spell?) My favorite kayaking trip was in Florida by the way.
Now bungee jumping,
never ever....ever.....ever...could I do that.
Once I tried a miniture rollercoaster at one of those little traveling carnivals, thinking
" I can handle that " It scared me so much I cried !!!
Youre description of the river from the dam to Willow beach etc. is very accurate and perfect.
It is really lovely here.
I am thinking that allot of "us" will want to do this stuff, or as John stated, find a beach and sip on a few cold ones. There are tons of boats to rent etc. Lots to do here.....
In order to get a group rate we all have to stay in the same hotel.
If everybody is going to just get their own hotel reservations, they will have to figure out on their own, for their ride out to Lake Meade on sudnay night for the private dinner boat I have arrainged. (taxi $$$, rental car etc).
I have arranged for a bus to pick us ALL up at the hotel we will be staying at, and take us to the Lake, and return us to the hotel (so people can drink if they wish), and not have to deal with driving at all. :P-->
Also, if everyone is in the same hotel on the same wing etc, it will be much easier to get together in different groups for the other activites.
(boating, ie: kayaking, sailing, houseboat etc, hiking, golfing, shopping, bungee jumping, seeing a Las Vegas Show, lunching, gambling, sitting poolside, etc). Otherwise, you will spend allot of time walking to other hotels looking to meet up with your party.
You HAVE to walk through the smokey gambling section in EVERY Hotel-Casino to get to the room, that is they way they are set-up, (so you gamble your way to your room).
I am still looking into the hotel of choice, so if people would rather make their own arrangements, and make their own driving and transportation arrangments to and from the Lake Meade Dinner Boat on Sunday night please let me know now!!
I have been recieving bids from the different hotels and meeting with the manamgement in charge of groups etc. So please let me know so I am not doing this, if it is not needed or wanted. -->
Thank you,
Valerie Knowles
7th Corps reunion planner
PS: the hotel group rate will be open to EVERYONE that wants to join us.
If I get all 100 rooms booked I get a couple rooms compt.
At this point in time, the dinner boat cruise on sunday night the 11th of July, is for 7th Corps. Unless of course there is not enough to fill it up.....
The private boat holds 80 people. I will keep everone posted, for sure. The deadline for payment for taht that will be June 10th.
If this does not sound good to you all PLEASE let me know so I do not spend allot of time checking out hotels to see what would be the most comfortable.
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Tom Strange
hegothope... nice pic... you're still lookin' good bro... (although some might suggest a little gecian formula!)
not me of course...
and about the meetings/reunions... I'm with you and reverend2Ts... but it's not like there's gonna be 100 people there ya know...?
and I volunteer myseestorEx (Excathedra) and myotherseesterEx (Ex10) for stringing chairs and serving beer... (we DO NOT want Simontheloaded or Rocky anywhere near the beer serving)...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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hey, Tom--let me be the first to officially volunteer for the beer- drinking crew...you're probably short-handed there....
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cacoon chuckers
If anyone knows how I could get in touch with Pat Conger (I forget her married name) please contact me at cmu8@hotmail.com
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me too! for Pat Conger
have her e-mail me too!!
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Here is our 7th Corps graduation list. You can thank Jill, one of my secretaries for all this hard work, copying it from a typewritten list we all had.
I hope there is a good turnout. But even if not, it will be a lot of fun. I mean, it's Vegas, after all.
Why didn't they have the Rock there each year instead of in the cornfields of Ohio?
7th Corps list
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Thanks igotout !
After seeing the yearbook Val posted and this list of names I realize that there were many more people in our corps then I had remembered.
We were such a large group, and in our final year, I moved locations every couple of months, got to know some people quite well and others I barely knew at all.
But what.... are there like four or five of us here at Greasespot?
Any one else out there from the 7th Corps?
Oh yes and since this is the reunion thread, I've been checking out kayaking
on the Colorado River and on Lake Mead. there's a nice trip on the river,
though its an all day thing, 10 or 11 hours.
here's a short description of the river trip.
"This is a twelve-mile run on the Colorado River from Hoover Dam to Willow Beach through Black Canyon. The water runs steady with a short area of fast water, no rapids at all. There are many places to stop along the way including; caves (emerald cave is the best), warm springs and waterfalls, petraglyphs, climbing and hiking, sandy beach for relaxing and camping. I have gone down twice and both times saw bighorn sheep drinking along the shoreline. It is a refreshing surprise and I know you will have a great time. "
There are shorter trip options on Lake Mead as well.
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Though it sounds inviting, I am not sure about a 12 hour ordeal, Simaptico.
My vision is more along the lines of sipping a few cold ones in a sunny area somewhere and chatting with some old friends I have not seen for 20+ years. Playing that much "catch up" might take the entire weekend.
But I do want to bungee jump again and see those awesome fountains at Bellagio some night.
John Richeson
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Please don't say ordeal
Kayaking is one of my favorite activities, I'm hoping to lure some other 7th corps
to get wet in the Colorado river with me.
I always try to take advantage of the local waterways whenever traveling.
Now bungee jumping, that I might call an ordeal, the very thought of it makes my knees turn to jelly.
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I'll go kayaking. Never tried that. Sounds like fun. Count me in, just not for 12 hours.
Bungee only takes an hour. You should try it. It will make you very alert.
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Kayaking can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it. as far as exercise it feels like palades (spell?) My favorite kayaking trip was in Florida by the way.
Now bungee jumping,
never ever....ever.....ever...could I do that.
Once I tried a miniture rollercoaster at one of those little traveling carnivals, thinking
" I can handle that " It scared me so much I cried !!!
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Tom Strange
simpatico... I'll bet hegotout knows of a roller coaster in vegas that you'd love!
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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No I really did cry, real tears !
And I've seen pictures of those rollercoasters
in Vegas, thats way more excitment then I am
willing to handle.
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Youre description of the river from the dam to Willow beach etc. is very accurate and perfect.
It is really lovely here.
I am thinking that allot of "us" will want to do this stuff, or as John stated, find a beach and sip on a few cold ones. There are tons of boats to rent etc. Lots to do here.....
The 7th Corps reunion web-site is up.
It is:
Shalom, for now,
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Valerie, I do want to see Hoover Dam. We only flew over it last year but I want to see it up close.
Why don't you use this link on your website for the 7th Corps list. It is easier to read than the one you have linked.
7th Corps list
Who is doing the site for you?
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Valerie ! WOW!! Thanks!
And Carol Hooley McCardle ! I love her.
She was such a good friend to me at a time long ago, she has such a big heart.
Thanks Val for all this work you are doing.
I hope the reunion is a huge success.
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I might just show up and "crash" this party.
I think it is my duty to help Alfakat make sure that the beer is fit for human consumption
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John R (I got out), please email me privately. My email is in my profile. Thank you.

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Looking for Gwen or Paul Pallante. Please e-mail me.
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hey lady cat from tallahassee......do we know each other from puerto rico days gone by...give me a holler sometime.
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Dear 7th Corps,
I am recieving bids from many different Hotels and Casin's for the reunion July.
(other people besided 7th Corps are included in the Hotel accomodations part).
I need to hear what you want to pay, what kind of room do you want?
the rates for a GROUP are from $40 to $159.
I want everyone to be happy, so tell me what you want!
Do you want a small suit that is roomy, or do you want a small room?
Some of the hotel and Casinos have a web-site that have pictures of the rooms....
Talk to me and tell me what you want..
e-mail me at vksonshine@cox.net soon.
I have to lock something in. I am going to reserve 100 rooms for the reunion.
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Who from GS is planning on going?
I am going to meet some of the people from here.
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Well, we were planning on staying here:
It's the one with those cool fountains out front the one that was in Oceans Eleven.
But we can not stay the whole time, either.
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Dear Friends,
In order to get a group rate we all have to stay in the same hotel.
If everybody is going to just get their own hotel reservations, they will have to figure out on their own, for their ride out to Lake Meade on sudnay night for the private dinner boat I have arrainged. (taxi $$$, rental car etc).
I have arranged for a bus to pick us ALL up at the hotel we will be staying at, and take us to the Lake, and return us to the hotel (so people can drink if they wish), and not have to deal with driving at all.
Also, if everyone is in the same hotel on the same wing etc, it will be much easier to get together in different groups for the other activites.
(boating, ie: kayaking, sailing, houseboat etc, hiking, golfing, shopping, bungee jumping, seeing a Las Vegas Show, lunching, gambling, sitting poolside, etc). Otherwise, you will spend allot of time walking to other hotels looking to meet up with your party.
You HAVE to walk through the smokey gambling section in EVERY Hotel-Casino to get to the room, that is they way they are set-up, (so you gamble your way to your room).
I am still looking into the hotel of choice, so if people would rather make their own arrangements, and make their own driving and transportation arrangments to and from the Lake Meade Dinner Boat on Sunday night please let me know now!!
I have been recieving bids from the different hotels and meeting with the manamgement in charge of groups etc. So please let me know so I am not doing this, if it is not needed or wanted.
Thank you,
Valerie Knowles
7th Corps reunion planner
PS: the hotel group rate will be open to EVERYONE that wants to join us.
If I get all 100 rooms booked I get a couple rooms compt.
At this point in time, the dinner boat cruise on sunday night the 11th of July, is for 7th Corps. Unless of course there is not enough to fill it up.....
The private boat holds 80 people. I will keep everone posted, for sure. The deadline for payment for taht that will be June 10th.
If this does not sound good to you all PLEASE let me know so I do not spend allot of time checking out hotels to see what would be the most comfortable.
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