I am blessed to announce to all that I am certain it is OK with Valerie, because she's a believer. Matter of fact, when I get out there, I am believing to stay at her house for a month or so, just sos I have enough time to find a job and other housing. I just got off the WOW field, and outta the corps, a few years ago, and I know God would bless her richly for having me, a fellow believer, to stay with her, even if it were for an indefinite time. Also, I am planning to bring some of my 'fruit' from the field ... Dang, will she be blessed!!!!!!!!
Wouldn't it be sumpthin if Simonion and sexy Exie came and brought their 'fruit' also (Bullinger) ???
No, alfalpha, I meant what I said, and said what I meant. The words I use, and their order, are PERFECT (artios), throughly perfected (exartizo) unto every good eye.
To "bring also" indicates the subject did something in addition to the "bringing", based on the word "also" following the action verb of "brought". This is NOT The Word Of God, with a capital 'T' and so on.
It IS, however, PERFECT in its placement following "other fruit", indicating something or someone else besides the "fruit" would be coming, namely, the subject (me).
This reunion is for 7th Corps and College division of 76-77 and 78-79. The Family Corps that was with us is welcome.
It OBVIOULSY goes with out saying that spouses are welcome......
I am not hosting a ex-way free for all. Please do not speak for me concerning who you think is included in the reunion and making things difficult. I have cleary stated who the reunion is for.
If someone wants to do another type of ex-way reunion for "everybody" that is great. :)--> Do it, and plan it and do all the ground work, and planning, and phone calls, and reservations, and hours and hours on the itnernet to do so.
If I was planning an ex-way free for all I would have clearly stated it.
Why hasn't anybody done this before now?
The reunion I am planning is for 7th Corps, and College Divison of 76--77 and 78-79. and Family Corps that was with us.
I will soon be putting up the web-site for the reunion for the 7th Corps, College Division of 76-77, 78-79, and Family Corps that was with us.
I am not telling you this to be mean I am just letting everyone know exactly what I am doing here.
The things that I have planned are for our group.
The HEART of it has been, since the beginning, for the 7th Corps and College division that was with us.
I applogize for absent mindedly excluding the Family Corps that were with us. :(-->
Please forgive me.
There are many many ex-way beleivers that do not fall into these categories I would LOVE to see.
Many of us want to find many lost friends.
Perhaps someone will jump to it and get something going for next fall or some time in the future?
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter of the 7th Corps and College division 76-77 78-79 reunion.
Valerie, your 7th Corps bro John R. asked way back in Sept. if others could come, as have several people since then, but there was no response. In fact, Sunesis extended a loving, albeit indirect, welcome to the 9th, and nothing was said to contradict her.
It's easy to see how the 9th Corps would feel they might be welcome after 4 months of discussion and nothing said to the contrary.
How 'bout this: Why couldn't other (e.g., 9th) Corps folks go to LV at the same time as your reunion, without partaking of your cruise or your exclusively 7th Corps activities. Then whoever from both Corps wanted to could get together during their free time. (Don't know if anyone from the 9th still wants to go, but if.)
This sounds like another condemnation party to me. Perhaps Valerie might have been too busy to even read this post for the last 4 months. WHY would the 9th Corps think they should be invited to a 7th Corps reunion??? Are you all jealous because no one took the responsibility to plan a reunion for YOUR Corps??? Come on! Step up to the plate! Grab the bat! Take a swing at it!!!
Upon reflexion,I guess if I started a thread to make a general announcement,and a bunch of interlopers seemingly made mockery of it,although I don't think that was the intent,I would probably be ....ed also(Bullinger)...Peace btu and have a fun reunion....
and when (not if) we do "our thing" you all should feel free to "crash the party"... we don't care, the more the merrier, we just may not have dessert for all... (but we will believe God for the bounty and serve fish and bread)
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
Oh, some day I think we should just do an annual Corps Week in Las Vegas.
Followed by another week for eveyone else including new people.
But if you ask me to volunteer for things I probably wont be very reliable. And I probably will only be there for half of each week so I can enjoy the best of both worlds.
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John, iF U C Kay, tell her I miss her ...
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Tom Strange
BAD reverend2Ts... BAD...
you must report to the kitchen at once where you will be personally responsible to make the Sunday sack lunches for the next two weeks!
and no skimping on the GORP!
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Do you have a "problem" if "other" people wish to partake?
If nothing else, I would like to go and see Alfakat (who I haven't seen in about 20 years).
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I am blessed to announce to all that I am certain it is OK with Valerie, because she's a believer. Matter of fact, when I get out there, I am believing to stay at her house for a month or so, just sos I have enough time to find a job and other housing. I just got off the WOW field, and outta the corps, a few years ago, and I know God would bless her richly for having me, a fellow believer, to stay with her, even if it were for an indefinite time. Also, I am planning to bring some of my 'fruit' from the field ... Dang, will she be blessed!!!!!!!!
Wouldn't it be sumpthin if Simonion and sexy Exie came and brought their 'fruit' also (Bullinger) ???
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don't you mean "brought also their fruit" since we know that they will be bringing other things also???
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No, alfalpha, I meant what I said, and said what I meant. The words I use, and their order, are PERFECT (artios), throughly perfected (exartizo) unto every good eye.
To "bring also" indicates the subject did something in addition to the "bringing", based on the word "also" following the action verb of "brought". This is NOT The Word Of God, with a capital 'T' and so on.
It IS, however, PERFECT in its placement following "other fruit", indicating something or someone else besides the "fruit" would be coming, namely, the subject (me).
You just quit stewin' about anything else ...
Just ask Valerie ...
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Tuttle,mean what do you words order of perfect are yours the?
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Dear Believers,
This reunion is for 7th Corps and College division of 76-77 and 78-79. The Family Corps that was with us is welcome.
It OBVIOULSY goes with out saying that spouses are welcome......
I am not hosting a ex-way free for all. Please do not speak for me concerning who you think is included in the reunion and making things difficult. I have cleary stated who the reunion is for.
If someone wants to do another type of ex-way reunion for "everybody" that is great.
:)--> Do it, and plan it and do all the ground work, and planning, and phone calls, and reservations, and hours and hours on the itnernet to do so.
If I was planning an ex-way free for all I would have clearly stated it.
Why hasn't anybody done this before now?
The reunion I am planning is for 7th Corps, and College Divison of 76--77 and 78-79. and Family Corps that was with us.
I will soon be putting up the web-site for the reunion for the 7th Corps, College Division of 76-77, 78-79, and Family Corps that was with us.
I am not telling you this to be mean I am just letting everyone know exactly what I am doing here.
The things that I have planned are for our group.
The HEART of it has been, since the beginning, for the 7th Corps and College division that was with us.
I applogize for absent mindedly excluding the Family Corps that were with us.
Please forgive me.
There are many many ex-way beleivers that do not fall into these categories I would LOVE to see.
Many of us want to find many lost friends.
Perhaps someone will jump to it and get something going for next fall or some time in the future?
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter of the 7th Corps and College division 76-77 78-79 reunion.
Valerie Knowles
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val, i stand reproved
have fun
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forget this
[This message was edited by excathedra on January 11, 2004 at 8:05.]
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and this
[This message was edited by excathedra on January 11, 2004 at 8:05.]
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Linda Z
Valerie, your 7th Corps bro John R. asked way back in Sept. if others could come, as have several people since then, but there was no response. In fact, Sunesis extended a loving, albeit indirect, welcome to the 9th, and nothing was said to contradict her.
It's easy to see how the 9th Corps would feel they might be welcome after 4 months of discussion and nothing said to the contrary.
How 'bout this: Why couldn't other (e.g., 9th) Corps folks go to LV at the same time as your reunion, without partaking of your cruise or your exclusively 7th Corps activities. Then whoever from both Corps wanted to could get together during their free time. (Don't know if anyone from the 9th still wants to go, but if.)
Linda Z
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This sounds like another condemnation party to me. Perhaps Valerie might have been too busy to even read this post for the last 4 months. WHY would the 9th Corps think they should be invited to a 7th Corps reunion??? Are you all jealous because no one took the responsibility to plan a reunion for YOUR Corps??? Come on! Step up to the plate! Grab the bat! Take a swing at it!!!
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Well,she obviously read it enough to call us "idiot thread killers" on another thread...
So be it...
I figured since the 7th corps graduated in 1979,it was planned as some sort of 25th year reunion...The 9th corps would have two more years to wait...
I'm ok with the 9th corps not being invited...I just think we should have been called idiot thread killers on this thread...
Alright,I'll go back to my 9th corps thread...
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Upon reflexion,I guess if I started a thread to make a general announcement,and a bunch of interlopers seemingly made mockery of it,although I don't think that was the intent,I would probably be ....ed also(Bullinger)...Peace btu and have a fun reunion....
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Linda Z
No condemnation here...I just commented on why there might have been a misunderstanding.
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i felt rejected, but okay, i didn't get the "graduating" part.
i wondered why val didn't say something here but instead on the thread killer thread.
anyway, have a wonderful time and please tell us about it and we know you know how to post pictures ! so we'll be waiting.
you 7th corps will always hold a very special place in my heart.
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Tom Strange
and when (not if) we do "our thing" you all should feel free to "crash the party"... we don't care, the more the merrier, we just may not have dessert for all... (but we will believe God for the bounty and serve fish and bread)
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Does this mean I am not invited ?? Whatever happened to spiritual protocol??
Merrily, I say unto thee, comma, thrice shalt thou deny me, comma, twice. And yet for all this would they not hear me ...
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Tom Strange
sure reverend2Ts... you are supposed to be bringing fish sticks and hot dog buns...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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I have not seen this thread in weeks. Ha!
Oh, some day I think we should just do an annual Corps Week in Las Vegas.
Followed by another week for eveyone else including new people.
But if you ask me to volunteer for things I probably wont be very reliable. And I probably will only be there for half of each week so I can enjoy the best of both worlds.
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Help me!
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who is that goofy guy with the performer?
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