Nika, that was a favorite of mine also, to just sit and watch the pea-pul go by. That was the best way to find someone. I remember the corps week/ROA just after I got divorced, I showed up, feeling too wierd, like I'd murdered someone, or stolen the love coach for some joy riding. I was out by the registration tent riding in on a flat bed, and saw 2 9th corps, the male of which smoked pot with the bee-uls, and their love and greetings put me back at ease. Made me feel like I was not the HUGE failure we were made to feel like. Like I still had some worth to someone. There I was, a corps grad, and needed some help. How weak!!! How outta fellowship!!! Thank God Craiggy wasn't the one to greet me in his special way ...
It must be a picture already on the internet somewhere. Use the blue reply button (not "Quick Reply". When the input box comes up, there will be some buttons along to top. One looks like a picture. It will allow you to input, or copy and paste, the URL where the picture can be found. It will then put the HTML code in for you.
nika you are such a sweetheart, same with you other "guys"
it's fine.... enough with "from the chair" ;)--> (meant with affection) unless it's really on your heart ;)--> (more affection)
i think about "the rock" and how great it was to see people like y'all. it was wonderful having that time in the summer to be with friends.
i liked the burgers too ;)-->
but i did anything and everything to get out of certain jobs and of course setup for meetings and meetings.
one year i aced a job with a cushman, that was cool. one other year i did a big garbage truck (rode in the back of it, didn't drive it) and that was fun....
because i was with people that made me laugh and love
I loved the roa. I looked forward to it to see the loved ones. But I must say that as years went by to me my relationships were more shallow and either I became hardhearted or others did. It is sad to think that people change like that. Do you remember traveling for days on end to ohio and seeing the first bumper sticker along the way? Was so exciting.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
It was exciting to see that first green bumper sicker, I miss the ROA as well.
We were suppose to sign up for a job and I just didn't sign up one year. I had so much fun!!!
PS Tom you have tried SO HARD! Let Ex find her own DAM n chair. She has found fault with every replacement. I think the one you found is great, I'll take it!
was you the branch or was i the branch leader whatever, but i must admit you saved (would that be served the best free BEEFCHEEZZBUGGER that i ever eat...) keep loving God and loving perverts and people and all of us that do indeed love GOD. god'spirate
Lotta things go through the heart and life of a man....Why,there was a time in my life when I didn't believe the words "9th" and "corps" at the top of this thread...I remember thinking if we'd ever make it to 50 replies I would dedicate my life to the integrity and accuracy of this thread in our day and in our time...
And when Rev.Tuttle opened his heart like the sunflower to the sun,well,he..uh...ahem, make me cry,son...
By the way,who's this godspirate??I'm a little leary of someone who doesn't capitalize God...When god is not capitalized it looks like the "god of this world",...Satan,splitfoot,the Devil,the Deciever,Beelzebub,Lucifer,the Adversary,Needledick,Baal,and,well,you get the idea...So....godspirate,....we adjure you by Jesus whom Victor Paul preacheth...come out and shew thyself....Oh...and hello to the rest of you.....
Oh my Simon you are a man after mine own heart. I do not mean to be redundant here (as you shared on return from our interim year at Gunnison), I was there and you made that statement. I just love you guys for these dusty thought momentos that we were raised on in our youth. And for this I am grateful, Is there a bonding connection here. I feel it..
Let's hear it for snow-covered gasgrills, in Phoenix, in October.
Went to the pumpkin patch today. Hayride, haymaze, cornmaze, pumpkin lesson, the works. Me and 65 of my closest 6- and 7-year-old friends, and some of their Moms, and their teachers.
My favorite job at Corps Week was breaking about a billion eggs for scrambled eggs. They'd scramble them on a big grill, working so quickly that the eggs didn't run off of the edges. I got to do the scrambling for a couple of batches; it was coooool.
I missed the times of taking off on annual leave (earned vacation time) and cooking burgers from 9;00am-1200 midnight I may be ate up and a little slow but I grow on you. It is a process. I could never do cashiering as I did not have the patients. Hence my career was limited.
My jellostiffer, Oh how I love thee. O for a thousand annie no-toes to sing ...
Who is this Godsprivateinterpretation?? Bring him out to us, that we may know him ...
Ex, I thank you and I thank you for setting me up with the VPWWOW hotline that summer. Why, I can see it yet, that fire-engine red phone, a direct line to the SOGWAP for our stay and our dime. And I remember the dog, what was his name??
Simon, you are the MAN. Spit like a house afire...
I got another (allos) job, one where I cannot work from home (yet), so I must needs split like a twig sos I can be there at corps time.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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chair selection on that "other" thread
;)--> are mahvelous. inflatable one is just what the pope ordered !!!!!
another cyberhug, ok ? mwah !!!!!
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Tom Strange
MyseestorEx... your wish is my command! It's on ebay... I'll go get it! (you can just cover up the pepsi part)...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Nika, that was a favorite of mine also, to just sit and watch the pea-pul go by. That was the best way to find someone. I remember the corps week/ROA just after I got divorced, I showed up, feeling too wierd, like I'd murdered someone, or stolen the love coach for some joy riding. I was out by the registration tent riding in on a flat bed, and saw 2 9th corps, the male of which smoked pot with the bee-uls, and their love and greetings put me back at ease. Made me feel like I was not the HUGE failure we were made to feel like. Like I still had some worth to someone. There I was, a corps grad, and needed some help. How weak!!! How outta fellowship!!! Thank God Craiggy wasn't the one to greet me in his special way ...
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Tom Strange
and 2day, ordained in this our feelowsheep! how glow reeuss is owr Gawd Reverend2Ts?
MyseestorEx... what about this chair? do you like it?
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Well, I just tried to post a picture of a weird chair; I don't know what I'm doing.
Hi, everybody.
"Be just, and fear not."
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It must be a picture already on the internet somewhere. Use the blue reply button (not "Quick Reply". When the input box comes up, there will be some buttons along to top. One looks like a picture. It will allow you to input, or copy and paste, the URL where the picture can be found. It will then put the HTML code in for you.
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nika you are such a sweetheart, same with you other "guys"
it's fine.... enough with "from the chair"
;)--> (meant with affection) unless it's really on your heart
;)--> (more affection)
i think about "the rock" and how great it was to see people like y'all. it was wonderful having that time in the summer to be with friends.
i liked the burgers too
but i did anything and everything to get out of certain jobs and of course setup for meetings and meetings.
one year i aced a job with a cushman, that was cool. one other year i did a big garbage truck (rode in the back of it, didn't drive it) and that was fun....
because i was with people that made me laugh and love
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I loved the roa. I looked forward to it to see the loved ones. But I must say that as years went by to me my relationships were more shallow and either I became hardhearted or others did. It is sad to think that people change like that. Do you remember traveling for days on end to ohio and seeing the first bumper sticker along the way? Was so exciting.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Dot Matrix
It was exciting to see that first green bumper sicker, I miss the ROA as well.
We were suppose to sign up for a job and I just didn't sign up one year. I had so much fun!!!
PS Tom you have tried SO HARD! Let Ex find her own DAM n chair. She has found fault with every replacement. I think the one you found is great, I'll take it!
Ex, face it the chair is gone!
Well, I have to get back to the party.
Life is too short for bad coffee!
Dot Matrix
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dear black dot.... i am going to the rock and getting a gold frikkin upholstered chair and my own microphone.... no standing in line this time....
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remember jp's song... there goes my family i know they are... i can tell by the green bumper sticker on the back of their car....
vickles, my darling mini me, you needed to drink more at the rock.... keeps the heart and head soft.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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i miss 9th toooooooo!
was you the branch or was i the branch leader whatever, but i must admit you saved (would that be served the best free BEEFCHEEZZBUGGER that i ever eat...) keep loving God and loving perverts and people and all of us that do indeed love GOD. god'spirate
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hi god's pirate
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and where the hell is simonzeslowposter
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Lotta things go through the heart and life of a man....Why,there was a time in my life when I didn't believe the words "9th" and "corps" at the top of this thread...I remember thinking if we'd ever make it to 50 replies I would dedicate my life to the integrity and accuracy of this thread in our day and in our time...
And when Rev.Tuttle opened his heart like the sunflower to the sun,well,he..uh...ahem, make me cry,son...
By the way,who's this godspirate??I'm a little leary of someone who doesn't capitalize God...When god is not capitalized it looks like the "god of this world",...Satan,splitfoot,the Devil,the Deciever,Beelzebub,Lucifer,the Adversary,Needledick,Baal,and,well,you get the idea...So....godspirate,....we adjure you by Jesus whom Victor Paul preacheth...come out and shew thyself....Oh...and hello to the rest of you.....
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If this is of god, then I will see snow when I look at the gas pumps across the street!
You know, a snowball's chance in Phoenix in October (still over 100 degrees today).
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Oh my Simon you are a man after mine own heart. I do not mean to be redundant here (as you shared on return from our interim year at Gunnison), I was there and you made that statement. I just love you guys for these dusty thought momentos that we were raised on in our youth. And for this I am grateful, Is there a bonding connection here. I feel it..
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Tom Strange
aren't we supposed to be the thread at the top of the list?
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Hello, Pirate.
Let's hear it for snow-covered gasgrills, in Phoenix, in October.
Went to the pumpkin patch today. Hayride, haymaze, cornmaze, pumpkin lesson, the works. Me and 65 of my closest 6- and 7-year-old friends, and some of their Moms, and their teachers.
My favorite job at Corps Week was breaking about a billion eggs for scrambled eggs. They'd scramble them on a big grill, working so quickly that the eggs didn't run off of the edges. I got to do the scrambling for a couple of batches; it was coooool.
I know, I know . . . way too easily amused.
"Be just, and fear not."
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I missed the times of taking off on annual leave (earned vacation time) and cooking burgers from 9;00am-1200 midnight I may be ate up and a little slow but I grow on you. It is a process. I could never do cashiering as I did not have the patients. Hence my career was limited.
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My jellostiffer, Oh how I love thee. O for a thousand annie no-toes to sing ...
Who is this Godsprivateinterpretation?? Bring him out to us, that we may know him ...
Ex, I thank you and I thank you for setting me up with the VPWWOW hotline that summer. Why, I can see it yet, that fire-engine red phone, a direct line to the SOGWAP for our stay and our dime. And I remember the dog, what was his name??
Simon, you are the MAN. Spit like a house afire...
I got another (allos) job, one where I cannot work from home (yet), so I must needs split like a twig sos I can be there at corps time.
Love, love, love, mah people!!!
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Tom Strange
OK folks... I know it's my turn (again) to bring refreshments for feelowsheep...
tonight's menu:
Little Smokies! in BBQ sauce!
Cheese Cubes! Cheddar, Swiss and Pepperjack!
Cold Platter of Broccoli, Celery and Cauliflour! with Ranch dressing!
Also, later we'll go out to the patio for ice cold beer and cigars...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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