I hear Enya playing in the background. You're spirits must be in love.
I'm not there, spiritually. While your spirits were hugging last night, my spirit went out of my body and went hunting and found LCM's spirit and kicked his patuttii. I must have a warring spirit.
Yeah, Excie, but since he is a woofer, the real question is DID HE GET NAILED?
On the questions posed by our sweet brudder Rev TT, the most vivid recollection I have of that momentus time in our lives is of waiting at the KC airport for a ride... meeting some of you there, and meeting someone who said he was some sort of minister who knew all about how bad Vic and his teachings and operation were. How prophetic. Sigh.
Yes, Rock, I get the paper, but only my local one; that OKC rag doesn't like teachers, so I won't allow it on my front lawn.
Happy Saturday Morning, everybody! Tonight we're having a tailgate party in the living room, to see how our Sooners do against 'Bama!
(oooooops, that last one just sort of slipped in there)
Can I say something, just because I'm here among family? Something I've been longing to say in public for AWHILE?
niKa, read something at google news last night that a guy got arrested in Norman for being caught delivering newspapers naked.
and if you are interested in further development of the comment you made about some fargin so and so, there is a corner of the cafe here where the discussion is in full bloom.
And-go Sun Debbils (local news claims the QB is a bona fide heisman candidate, but they have been known to exaggerate to generate ticket sales).
I used to think (but forgot how) that Mike Fertita and Mary Wehmenen should have married. They were a perfect match. She was the one who used to go out on Saturdays all afternoon by herself on her bicycle and go farmhouse to farmhouse witnessing in the outskirts of Emporia. I also found her asleep under a desk once in the old OSC building at HQ. She said she had to work all night. But she always slept on the floor, anyway. Preferred that.
Since I am self employed I type at work and home since they are both entertwined. Being self employed gives you the freedom to be in bondage to the world. (I don't know what that means, just sounded funny).
He worked for the OKC paper, the Daily Oklahoman. They work hard against any education initiatives that come along. They put opinionated editorials on the front page, as if they're really news, and not propaganda.
I guess they forgot the part about getting dressed in the morning, when they were training their paper carriers.
I'm thinking of dropping the graduate course. It was pretty self-indulgent of me to take it, in the first place, not that there's anything wrong with occasional self-indulgence.
I thought that there would be enough time.
There's not enough time.
Send coffee!
Send a maid!
Send a laundress!
I'd rather take the time and spend it reading to my children.
By the way, has anybody figured out the phrases under our names? I used to be a "regular," but now I know "the menu too well." Is that a promotion? Why is Exie "Madison?"
Ha! Maybe Rocky....I was up late writing my first essay for writing class. NiKa wanna' proof it for me?
Rocky, I have a crate of legal files here for my custody issues, which I have been informed, will never amount to a judgement no matter how well they are written. Let me know if you need any bullet points.
so good to see the feelowsheep of the body together here again... and you too hegotthealfa, our brothers from the elder side of the weird...
and MyseestorEx... I think the Karmiconeder was referring to our participation in "Vespa Chimes" the radio show where we all played hymns on our... hey... why is hymns spelled that way? you don't ever hear the "N" sound do you?
And I post at work because there's no PS2 there to distract me (although I do peek in from time to time from home)... Simontheloaded would post from work as well if he could figure out how to get his internet connection to work on the roof....
...(((DrniKa)))... relax, have a snow cone... continue to enjoy your family... what were the names of the couple in our corps that were from Rhode Island? they were very nice, but I don't remember him looking like Paw does in his picture... of course, it has been a long time...
I don't mind the sicxkckh cork trying to kick us off the top spot,but the 22nd corpse???? Geez,I probably taught some of those kids "The B-I-B-L-E...yes that's the book for meeee....I stand upon,the Word of God,the B-I-B-L-E...Bible!" back when they were in children's fellowship....
we'uns used to not-so-kindly refer to em dismissively as double-digit kork--I know, I know--it was elitist...what do you expect from a program crankin' out a buch of elitist pigs??? :D--> :P--> I do agree--was there even enough 22 kork to add up to 22???
simonlikesgoates, the preferred spelling is(approx.) sickkpphhtthhght kork, emphasis on the 4th syllable---
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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i'm afraid (doubt, worry, fear, issues in unbelief) so, tuttylove
your spirit woke my spirit up
where is mary wehmanan
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Too Gray Now
AAAAHHHH, that's so SWEET!!
To see you two sleeping together, spiritually.
I hear Enya playing in the background. You're spirits must be in love.
I'm not there, spiritually. While your spirits were hugging last night, my spirit went out of my body and went hunting and found LCM's spirit and kicked his patuttii. I must have a warring spirit.
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and where the hell is simon's spirit ? musta been out gettin liquored up last night
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Yeah, Excie, but since he is a woofer, the real question is DID HE GET NAILED?
On the questions posed by our sweet brudder Rev TT, the most vivid recollection I have of that momentus time in our lives is of waiting at the KC airport for a ride... meeting some of you there, and meeting someone who said he was some sort of minister who knew all about how bad Vic and his teachings and operation were. How prophetic. Sigh.
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Yes, Rock, I get the paper, but only my local one; that OKC rag doesn't like teachers, so I won't allow it on my front lawn.
Happy Saturday Morning, everybody! Tonight we're having a tailgate party in the living room, to see how our Sooners do against 'Bama!
(oooooops, that last one just sort of slipped in there)
Can I say something, just because I'm here among family? Something I've been longing to say in public for AWHILE?
Okay, thanks. I feel a little better, now.
Sorry if he's your cousin, or anything like that.
"Be just, and fear not."
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niKa, read something at google news last night that a guy got arrested in Norman for being caught delivering newspapers naked.
and if you are interested in further development of the comment you made about some fargin so and so, there is a corner of the cafe here where the discussion is in full bloom.
And-go Sun Debbils (local news claims the QB is a bona fide heisman candidate, but they have been known to exaggerate to generate ticket sales).
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I used to think (but forgot how) that Mike Fertita and Mary Wehmenen should have married. They were a perfect match. She was the one who used to go out on Saturdays all afternoon by herself on her bicycle and go farmhouse to farmhouse witnessing in the outskirts of Emporia. I also found her asleep under a desk once in the old OSC building at HQ. She said she had to work all night. But she always slept on the floor, anyway. Preferred that.
Since I am self employed I type at work and home since they are both entertwined. Being self employed gives you the freedom to be in bondage to the world. (I don't know what that means, just sounded funny).
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i used to think also (bullinger)
i remember mary's sleep mat - i believe she made it herself as she did many of her outfits
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Yes, the Naked Newspapercarrier.
He worked for the OKC paper, the Daily Oklahoman. They work hard against any education initiatives that come along. They put opinionated editorials on the front page, as if they're really news, and not propaganda.
I guess they forgot the part about getting dressed in the morning, when they were training their paper carriers.
"Be just, and fear not."
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I'm thinking of dropping the graduate course. It was pretty self-indulgent of me to take it, in the first place, not that there's anything wrong with occasional self-indulgence.
I thought that there would be enough time.
There's not enough time.
Send coffee!
Send a maid!
Send a laundress!
I'd rather take the time and spend it reading to my children.
Leaning that way, certainly.
Thanks for listening.
"Be just, and fear not."
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Hey niKa,
If you get a good deal on a maid, let me know, I need one too.
The kids grow pretty fast, eh?
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Faster than a Hot Wheels Corvette.
"Be just, and fear not."
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By the way, has anybody figured out the phrases under our names? I used to be a "regular," but now I know "the menu too well." Is that a promotion? Why is Exie "Madison?"
When did Rocky meet the Chef?
I'm so confused.
Say, how 'bout them Sooners?
"Be just, and fear not."
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Pawtucket decides about the signatures under our names.
For moster posters, it's a function of the number of posts.
For some, it may be a matter of other aspects of their identity having been observed or ascertained here at the ol' GSC.
Remember when you congratulated me on my 200th post? Not that long ago.
I guess I 've been hangin out here so frequently I now know the chef.
I have no idea about Madison.
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Do you think that Pawtucket was 9th Corps?
We really do seem to like his (his or her? Pawtucket is such a mystery) website.
I'm up so late because I just put a course (one of the courses I'm teaching) online for the first time. Cooooooool.
"Be just, and fear not."
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Hey Hey, I'm up late because I'm writing endless pages for my incessant custody litigation.
Or that's what it feels like. Simon is up this late, as is SirGuess, and KarmicDebt... alll three are fellow Arizonianites!
I wonder if it's something in the air?
I took an online college class on newswriting two years ago. it was fun.
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Ha! Maybe Rocky....I was up late writing my first essay for writing class. NiKa wanna' proof it for me?
Rocky, I have a crate of legal files here for my custody issues, which I have been informed, will never amount to a judgement no matter how well they are written. Let me know if you need any bullet points.
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Tom Strange
so good to see the feelowsheep of the body together here again... and you too hegotthealfa, our brothers from the elder side of the weird...
and MyseestorEx... I think the Karmiconeder was referring to our participation in "Vespa Chimes" the radio show where we all played hymns on our... hey... why is hymns spelled that way? you don't ever hear the "N" sound do you?
And I post at work because there's no PS2 there to distract me (although I do peek in from time to time from home)... Simontheloaded would post from work as well if he could figure out how to get his internet connection to work on the roof....
...(((DrniKa)))... relax, have a snow cone... continue to enjoy your family... what were the names of the couple in our corps that were from Rhode Island? they were very nice, but I don't remember him looking like Paw does in his picture... of course, it has been a long time...
... big hitter, the lama...
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i asked for an oscar and got a madison
pawtucket does have a warped sense of humor, one reason he's a kindred soul
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Honestly Tom, do you really think anyone would get away with "we all played hims on our..."
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Tom Strange
Oh... OK... now I understand...
... never mind....
... big hitter, the lama...
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I don't mind the sicxkckh cork trying to kick us off the top spot,but the 22nd corpse???? Geez,I probably taught some of those kids "The B-I-B-L-E...yes that's the book for meeee....I stand upon,the Word of God,the B-I-B-L-E...Bible!" back when they were in children's fellowship....
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Why, I wouldn't even waste mah time on those little fellas. Wouldn't even spit in their direction.
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we'uns used to not-so-kindly refer to em dismissively as double-digit kork--I know, I know--it was elitist...what do you expect from a program crankin' out a buch of elitist pigs???
:P--> I do agree--was there even enough 22 kork to add up to 22???
simonlikesgoates, the preferred spelling is(approx.) sickkpphhtthhght kork, emphasis on the 4th syllable---
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