Iozzo cryogenically frozen; Rhino growing up (any of us, for that matter, growing up); Rocky getting his "lefty" vision fixed - this thread is getting weirder and wonderfuller.
I wanted more children, truth be told, but Mr.niKa had this odd idea that FOUR was enough. Go figure. The last of the Steps just having graduated from high school, we're down to the Wholes, and one of them only has one more year in elementary school. This means that retirement, travel, and lots of fishing is only about ten or eleven years away.
Talk about weirder and wonderfuller.
Good luck with your eyes, Rock. Good luck with the baby, Lisa, if you ever read this. Good luck with the growing up, Rhino, although I have a feeling that it's something that'll sneak up on you when you're in the middle of something else entirely. I missed that part of my 20's, also, and it's quite odd to go through such a transformation later in life. Nice, but odd. The responsibility gene had a delayed onset in my case.
My youngest,who just turned 18 last week,is graduating highschool on Wednesday...That means I now have zero dependants,no more curfew on my night life,and am free to go truckin',like the dooh dah man,blessing and visiting our wonderful WOWs on the field...
Tom, wa-HOO! Your youngest is about the same age as the youngest of our oldest set. Wait, what does that mean? Heck if I know, but congratulations, man!
Just watch: Rhino is going to fall head over heals with somebody, and start having babies, just when the rest of us are in the final stages of same. Heck, we're all old enough to be granparents, and not all of us are yet. That's got to be some kind of final karmic understanding, of which I am not yet capable.
Rhino, when you need 'em, I'll send you our old rattlesocks, if I haven't already blessed some grad student or postdoc with them. Those people have babies right and left. Just finally gave away the three baby gates this past semester. I'm feeling the blessing of lightening my load.
Thanks Niki ... the idea sounds OK, but as energizing as the joy of fatherhood might be, I'm not sure I'd really be up for it. I better start getting my aerobic points again ... I'll go do a 12 minute test right after this beer...
I'd have to get the baby clothes and stuff from my nephew I guess, they just had their fourth little girl yesterday ... guess that's why the kid thing was on my mind, as well as dear Lisa ... so is she delivered? or was it just a myth?
Thanks Niki ... the idea sounds OK, but as energizing as the joy of fatherhood might be, I'm not sure I'd really be up for it. I better start getting my aerobic points again ... I'll go do a 12 minute test right after this beer...
I'd have to get the baby clothes and stuff from my nephew I guess, they just had their fourth little girl yesterday ... guess that's why the kid thing was on my mind, as well as dear Lisa ... so is she delivered? or was it just a myth?
I guess we'll just have to wait until our friend 16Keys shows up and gives us the latest...
Rhino, if you want some insight on late fatherhood, Dave Letterman, who turned 60 not quite 2 months ago, loves to talk about his son... his first born and only offspring, who is now 3 1/2.
It can be good... if you have a good partner (spouse) and don't have to pull your hair out just to make (financial) ends meet.
But those conditions are never automatic.
I will tell you that nearly 18 years hence, the best, most dramatic day in my life thus far (still) was the day my daughter was born.
And I loved being dad. That's why I volunteer with preschool kids at a local crisis shelter. They're so open, inquisitive, and most are happy even though they come from unfortunate family situations.
I guess we'll just have to wait until our friend 16Keys shows up and gives us the latest...
Rhino, if you want some insight on late fatherhood, Dave Letterman, who turned 60 not quite 2 months ago, loves to talk about his son... his first born and only offspring, who is now 3 1/2.
It can be good... if you have a good partner (spouse) and don't have to pull your hair out just to make (financial) ends meet.
But those conditions are never automatic.
I will tell you that nearly 18 years hence, the best, most dramatic day in my life thus far (still) was the day my daughter was born.
And I loved being dad. That's why I volunteer with preschool kids at a local crisis shelter. They're so open, inquisitive, and most are happy even though they come from unfortunate family situations.
No Myth. And if any of you were taking notes at "Sound Out '84" , you would have your telescopes pointed skyward looking for a "massing of Planets", or a "triple conjunction" the rest of us..... to see a heliacal rising over the Port of Honolulu as we await this blessed event. (Coming to theaters this Fall)
btw, THIS sports fan had a good Thursday... had the left eye fixed... I NOW can see 20-20 in both eyes (looking far... then there's that #$^&* 40-plus issue with reading... so, having obtained reading glasses last night, I now can say that ONCE I was (nearly, sorta) blind, but NOW I see! And boy is it kewl!
and another btw, 16Keys, are YOU by any chance any where near DesMoira, Iowa? :)
btw, THIS sports fan had a good Thursday... had the left eye fixed... I NOW can see 20-20 in both eyes (looking far... then there's that #$^&* 40-plus issue with reading... so, having obtained reading glasses last night, I now can say that ONCE I was (nearly, sorta) blind, but NOW I see! And boy is it kewl!
and another btw, 16Keys, are YOU by any chance any where near DesMoira, Iowa? :)
Dear Rocky,
I get the sense that you are back home early this evening from your daily ritual of door-to-door witnessing.
I had the singularly significant distinction of going Lightbearers to Des Moines, Iowa my first year in the Corps. It was actually LightBearers (the sequel), second time around. Your keen sense in choosing that town can only lead me to conclude that your "spiritual eyesight " is still as keen as it was in your younger days as a "Tracker".
I get the sense that you are back home early this evening from your daily ritual of door-to-door witnessing.
I had the singularly significant distinction of going Lightbearers to Des Moines, Iowa my first year in the Corps. It was actually LightBearers (the sequel), second time around. Your keen sense in choosing that town can only lead me to conclude that your "spiritual eyesight " is still as keen as it was in your younger days as a "Tracker".
Have you been talking with Simon Zealotes?
Haven't been in contact with Mr. Z for a while now, but we do touch bases semi-regularly as well as pondering the virtues of America's Pasttime while watching the Boys of Summer in the air conditioned Chase Field in downtown Phoenix. Ah, yes LightBearers the sequel was a delightful time for me in Springfield IL, Honest Abe's stompin grounds before becoming the first republican elected president of the US...
However, I had to forego the witnessing on this fine summer evening, in favor of doing a word study and delivering a 10 minute teaching on the Way Tree to the mesquite tree which has auxano'd well enough to provide tremendous shade on my home from the intense afternoon rays of sunshine here in the Valley of the Sun.
I am, however, most thankful that you have joined our koinonia (fellowship) here at the ol' GreaseSpot Cafe.
Haven't been in contact with Mr. Z for a while now, but we do touch bases semi-regularly as well as pondering the virtues of America's Pasttime while watching the Boys of Summer in the air conditioned Chase Field in downtown Phoenix. Ah, yes LightBearers the sequel was a delightful time for me in Springfield IL, Honest Abe's stompin grounds before becoming the first republican elected president of the US...
However, I had to forego the witnessing on this fine summer evening, in favor of doing a word study and delivering a 10 minute teaching on the Way Tree to the mesquite tree which has auxano'd well enough to provide tremendous shade on my home from the intense afternoon rays of sunshine here in the Valley of the Sun.
I am, however, most thankful that you have joined our koinonia (fellowship) here at the ol' GreaseSpot Cafe.
My 9th Corps darlings,
It is great to be here. I also felt that I needed to respond to Rhino's inquiry to my musical background and the reference to 16 keys. My only claim to anything remotely musical is my attachment to the violin referenced in "Touch of the Master's Hand"......................hence, I am neither Frederich nor Ruth Rott.
I also wanted to clarify the anticipated due date for Ms. Lisa and her husband and their new baby girl! Look to the sky around the 4th of July!!!!!
Thanks keys, for replying to one of my twenty questions ... I went lightbearers to St louis with Randy Beefeater ... or some kind of alcohol ... I'm guessing 16keys' favorite St Lou Cardinal is Ken Boyer, is that correct? ... I saw him play in the old Sprotsman's Park. The catcher then was McCarvr ... related to some old corpse ... I went to his Pop's house in Memphis once with Fawster Smeth ...
Lisa is certainly an inspiration ... how grand to look forward to such fireworks on the 4th ... OK ... my bet is on a 6 pound 12 oz bouncing baby girl ... 19" ... Is there a pool set up yet?
OK, gotta do setup for a Public Ex tonight ... the word is really mooooving here lately, and many have herd the good news ...
The catcher then was Tim McCarver ... related to some old corpse ...
the word is really mooooving here lately, and many have herd the good news ...
Indeed, Mr. McCarver IS related to one lovely former corpse member turned GREASESPOTTER... but I would be indiscreet to reveal the identity of that member of our online fellowsheep! (as she previously did ask me to maintain that discretion... but she is NOT from the 9th).
I also would be anticipating (my guess) a bigger baby, perhaps as much as 8lbs... for lovely Lisa.
Rhino.... Randy Beefeater?! :wacko: Perhaps you meant Stoly? I heard not so long ago that one from the 9th that MIGHT have such a moniker was somewhere in the Toledo area....
An 8 pounder ... WOW ... she must have married a large person, I don't remember Lisa as an Amazon woman ...
Randy Vodka? hmmm But I guess Beefeater may have some "bad" connotations, but it was the only gin I could think of.
Yes, I suppose Mr McA' would prefer to have no connection with any cult ... but that was so long ago it seems irrelevent. And we aren't talking about his immediate family, but it was kinda neat to chat with his Dad a little, since I was always a Cardinal fan.
Aah,yes....Lightbearers in Des Moira..Canvassers for Christ....Marketers for the 900 promises in God's Word...Agents for more abundance...Purveyors of eternal life..."Let the redeemed of the Lord say,so....and let them say it door-to-door"...
Brings to mind a rather pleasant conversation I had with a fella whose wife had fully registered for the PA &FL class that explains Bible contradictions as it develops more harmony in the home...Being fully registered means the wife had paid her $100 minimum required donation for the class ('tho,in all my years,I don't recollect anybody actually donating anything above the minimum required amount)....The husband called me,and our conversation went something like:
(Husband): "I think it's wonderful what you young people are doing,and all,but I don't think my wife will really have the time to take your class right now"...
(Me): "Well,she seemed pretty eager for the class to start"....
(Husband): "Oh,yeah,she can get excited like that,but you know,I think it would be better if she waited; in fact,I'd like to take it with her....just not now"...
(Me): "Really?....You wouldn't want to take it with her now?"....
(Husband): No,and she doesn't want to take it now,either"...
(Me): "Do you think she could call and tell me that,'cuz just this morning----"
Aah,yes....Lightbearers in Des Moira..Canvassers for Christ....Marketers for the 900 promises in God's Word...Agents for more abundance...Purveyors of eternal life..."Let the redeemed of the Lord say,so....and let them say it door-to-door"...
Brings to mind a rather pleasant conversation I had with a fella whose wife had fully registered for the PA &FL class that explains Bible contradictions as it develops more harmony in the home...Being fully registered means the wife had paid her $100 minimum required donation for the class ('tho,in all my years,I don't recollect anybody actually donating anything above the minimum required amount)....The husband called me,and our conversation went something like:
(Husband): "I think it's wonderful what you young people are doing,and all,but I don't think my wife will really have the time to take your class right now"...
(Me): "Well,she seemed pretty eager for the class to start"....
(Husband): "Oh,yeah,she can get excited like that,but you know,I think it would be better if she waited; in fact,I'd like to take it with her....just not now"...
(Me): "Really?....You wouldn't want to take it with her now?"....
(Husband): No,and she doesn't want to take it now,either"...
(Me): "Do you think she could call and tell me that,'cuz just this morning----"
(Husband): "GIMME BACK MY GODDAMN MONEY!!!!"....
Which couldn't have been an easy task since that check was now attached to a (signed) green registration card, along with six others just like it, paperclipped to a blue form, and sitting in an envelope, in the local post office on it's way to a P.O.Box in Ohio!
Which couldn't have been an easy task since that check was now attached to a (signed) green registration card, along with six others just like it, paperclipped to a blue form, and sitting in an envelope, in the local post office on it's way to a P.O.Box in Ohio!
could that have been...
Box 328
New Knoxville, OH 45871 ??? (just write to The Teacher...) :blink:
That could be wrong... I haven't seen anything from them in 21 years... and I didn't look it up. Yikes, 21 YEARS... some of us weren't even 21 when we were at Emporia!
Too bad Rocky and I aren't still in the way doing public exes...All we'd have to do is advertise in Spanish on Telemundo that we'll be handing out green cards for a hundred bucks and they'd be lining up all around the block...Call it each one win Juan...I mean,why settle for citizenship in the U. S. when you can have citizenship in the heavenlies?....Talk about Ephesians 3:20...'exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think'....Those people'd be so blessed they'd have to ask God to cool it...
Too bad Rocky and I aren't still in the way doing public exes...All we'd have to do is advertise in Spanish on Telemundo that we'll be handing out green cards for a hundred bucks and they'd be lining up all around the block...Call it each one win Juan...I mean,why settle for citizenship in the U. S. when you can have citizenship in the heavenlies?....Talk about Ephesians 3:20...'exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think'....Those people'd be so blessed they'd have to ask God to cool it...
Si' si',Rockito,I can see it now...Classes run by Senor' (Russell) Senior and that beautiful chaquita Marquita as his assistant...Rise up O hombres of God....
Too bad Rocky and I aren't still in the way doing public exes...All we'd have to do is advertise in Spanish on Telemundo that we'll be handing out green cards for a hundred bucks and they'd be lining up all around the block...Call it each one win Juan...I mean,why settle for citizenship in the U. S. when you can have citizenship in the heavenlies?....Talk about Ephesians 3:20...'exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think'....Those people'd be so blessed they'd have to ask God to cool it...
LOL you are in sales, right? But let me get this one thing straight ... you mean you guys are NOT still sending in 10% 15% minimum to Box 328 every time you receive any money? See, it is like Mel Gibson in "Conspiracy Theory" for me ... he had to buy The Catcher in the Rye, I have to send my money in. Fortunately I found a solution, I quit making money ... :)
OK, confession time ... I thought if gross pay was negative, Box 328 would send ME money ... I am somewhat disillusioned ...
But I have been over the two beer limit more than once, so I suppose what goes around comes around ... and it is somebody else's turn to buy a round ...
But "pay" is such a worldy term ... I have learned that if you just help people and and trust that God is good, you will be awarded in heaven, but not on earth ... but I just count it all joy ...
if I was drinking drambouie I'm sure this would be clearer, but I tried a new cheap bottled beer ...Huber Bach ... $3 for a six pack ... it has an initial falstaff taste, but then a mellow and bland after taste ... not bad actually, on ice ...
I am still ruminating on a more clever response to the negative gross or net question. I will be still and know that I am God, then will get back to you ... buuurrrpppp ...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
Posted Images
Iozzo cryogenically frozen; Rhino growing up (any of us, for that matter, growing up); Rocky getting his "lefty" vision fixed - this thread is getting weirder and wonderfuller.
I wanted more children, truth be told, but Mr.niKa had this odd idea that FOUR was enough. Go figure. The last of the Steps just having graduated from high school, we're down to the Wholes, and one of them only has one more year in elementary school. This means that retirement, travel, and lots of fishing is only about ten or eleven years away.
Talk about weirder and wonderfuller.
Good luck with your eyes, Rock. Good luck with the baby, Lisa, if you ever read this. Good luck with the growing up, Rhino, although I have a feeling that it's something that'll sneak up on you when you're in the middle of something else entirely. I missed that part of my 20's, also, and it's quite odd to go through such a transformation later in life. Nice, but odd. The responsibility gene had a delayed onset in my case.
Have a great Monday, Sports Fans.
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Tom Strange
I will not grow up...
(unfortunately I don't have the same control on growing "out")
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My youngest,who just turned 18 last week,is graduating highschool on Wednesday...That means I now have zero dependants,no more curfew on my night life,and am free to go truckin',like the dooh dah man,blessing and visiting our wonderful WOWs on the field...
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Tom, wa-HOO! Your youngest is about the same age as the youngest of our oldest set. Wait, what does that mean? Heck if I know, but congratulations, man!
Just watch: Rhino is going to fall head over heals with somebody, and start having babies, just when the rest of us are in the final stages of same. Heck, we're all old enough to be granparents, and not all of us are yet. That's got to be some kind of final karmic understanding, of which I am not yet capable.
Rhino, when you need 'em, I'll send you our old rattlesocks, if I haven't already blessed some grad student or postdoc with them. Those people have babies right and left. Just finally gave away the three baby gates this past semester. I'm feeling the blessing of lightening my load.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
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Thanks Niki ... the idea sounds OK, but as energizing as the joy of fatherhood might be, I'm not sure I'd really be up for it. I better start getting my aerobic points again ... I'll go do a 12 minute test right after this beer...
I'd have to get the baby clothes and stuff from my nephew I guess, they just had their fourth little girl yesterday ... guess that's why the kid thing was on my mind, as well as dear Lisa ... so is she delivered? or was it just a myth?
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I guess we'll just have to wait until our friend 16Keys shows up and gives us the latest...
Rhino, if you want some insight on late fatherhood, Dave Letterman, who turned 60 not quite 2 months ago, loves to talk about his son... his first born and only offspring, who is now 3 1/2.
It can be good... if you have a good partner (spouse) and don't have to pull your hair out just to make (financial) ends meet.
But those conditions are never automatic.
I will tell you that nearly 18 years hence, the best, most dramatic day in my life thus far (still) was the day my daughter was born.
And I loved being dad. That's why I volunteer with preschool kids at a local crisis shelter. They're so open, inquisitive, and most are happy even though they come from unfortunate family situations.
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No Myth. And if any of you were taking notes at "Sound Out '84" , you would have your telescopes pointed skyward looking for a "massing of Planets", or a "triple conjunction" the rest of us..... to see a heliacal rising over the Port of Honolulu as we await this blessed event. (Coming to theaters this Fall)
Please do not alert the paparrazzi!!!
16 keys
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btw, THIS sports fan had a good Thursday... had the left eye fixed... I NOW can see 20-20 in both eyes (looking far... then there's that #$^&* 40-plus issue with reading... so, having obtained reading glasses last night, I now can say that ONCE I was (nearly, sorta) blind, but NOW I see! And boy is it kewl!
and another btw, 16Keys, are YOU by any chance any where near DesMoira, Iowa? :)
Edited by RockyLink to comment
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Dear Rocky,
I get the sense that you are back home early this evening from your daily ritual of door-to-door witnessing.
I had the singularly significant distinction of going Lightbearers to Des Moines, Iowa my first year in the Corps. It was actually LightBearers (the sequel), second time around. Your keen sense in choosing that town can only lead me to conclude that your "spiritual eyesight " is still as keen as it was in your younger days as a "Tracker".
Have you been talking with Simon Zealotes?
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Haven't been in contact with Mr. Z for a while now, but we do touch bases semi-regularly as well as pondering the virtues of America's Pasttime while watching the Boys of Summer in the air conditioned Chase Field in downtown Phoenix. Ah, yes LightBearers the sequel was a delightful time for me in Springfield IL, Honest Abe's stompin grounds before becoming the first republican elected president of the US...
However, I had to forego the witnessing on this fine summer evening, in favor of doing a word study and delivering a 10 minute teaching on the Way Tree to the mesquite tree which has auxano'd well enough to provide tremendous shade on my home from the intense afternoon rays of sunshine here in the Valley of the Sun.
I am, however, most thankful that you have joined our koinonia (fellowship) here at the ol' GreaseSpot Cafe.
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My 9th Corps darlings,
It is great to be here. I also felt that I needed to respond to Rhino's inquiry to my musical background and the reference to 16 keys. My only claim to anything remotely musical is my attachment to the violin referenced in "Touch of the Master's Hand"......................hence, I am neither Frederich nor Ruth Rott.
I also wanted to clarify the anticipated due date for Ms. Lisa and her husband and their new baby girl! Look to the sky around the 4th of July!!!!!
16 keys
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Thanks keys, for replying to one of my twenty questions ... I went lightbearers to St louis with Randy Beefeater ... or some kind of alcohol ... I'm guessing 16keys' favorite St Lou Cardinal is Ken Boyer, is that correct? ... I saw him play in the old Sprotsman's Park. The catcher then was McCarvr ... related to some old corpse ... I went to his Pop's house in Memphis once with Fawster Smeth ...
Lisa is certainly an inspiration ... how grand to look forward to such fireworks on the 4th ... OK ... my bet is on a 6 pound 12 oz bouncing baby girl ... 19" ... Is there a pool set up yet?
OK, gotta do setup for a Public Ex tonight ... the word is really mooooving here lately, and many have herd the good news ...

Edited by rhinoLink to comment
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Indeed, Mr. McCarver IS related to one lovely former corpse member turned GREASESPOTTER... but I would be indiscreet to reveal the identity of that member of our online fellowsheep! (as she previously did ask me to maintain that discretion... but she is NOT from the 9th).
I also would be anticipating (my guess) a bigger baby, perhaps as much as 8lbs... for lovely Lisa.

Rhino.... Randy Beefeater?! :wacko: Perhaps you meant Stoly?
I heard not so long ago that one from the 9th that MIGHT have such a moniker was somewhere in the Toledo area....
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An 8 pounder ... WOW ... she must have married a large person, I don't remember Lisa as an Amazon woman ...
Randy Vodka? hmmm But I guess Beefeater may have some "bad" connotations, but it was the only gin I could think of.
Yes, I suppose Mr McA' would prefer to have no connection with any cult ... but that was so long ago it seems irrelevent. And we aren't talking about his immediate family, but it was kinda neat to chat with his Dad a little, since I was always a Cardinal fan.
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Aah,yes....Lightbearers in Des Moira..Canvassers for Christ....Marketers for the 900 promises in God's Word...Agents for more abundance...Purveyors of eternal life..."Let the redeemed of the Lord say,so....and let them say it door-to-door"...
Brings to mind a rather pleasant conversation I had with a fella whose wife had fully registered for the PA &FL class that explains Bible contradictions as it develops more harmony in the home...Being fully registered means the wife had paid her $100 minimum required donation for the class ('tho,in all my years,I don't recollect anybody actually donating anything above the minimum required amount)....The husband called me,and our conversation went something like:
(Husband): "I think it's wonderful what you young people are doing,and all,but I don't think my wife will really have the time to take your class right now"...
(Me): "Well,she seemed pretty eager for the class to start"....
(Husband): "Oh,yeah,she can get excited like that,but you know,I think it would be better if she waited; in fact,I'd like to take it with her....just not now"...
(Me): "Really?....You wouldn't want to take it with her now?"....
(Husband): No,and she doesn't want to take it now,either"...
(Me): "Do you think she could call and tell me that,'cuz just this morning----"
(Husband): "GIMME BACK MY GODDAMN MONEY!!!!"....
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Which couldn't have been an easy task since that check was now attached to a (signed) green registration card, along with six others just like it, paperclipped to a blue form, and sitting in an envelope, in the local post office on it's way to a P.O.Box in Ohio!
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could that have been...
Box 328
New Knoxville, OH 45871 ??? (just write to The Teacher...) :blink:
That could be wrong... I haven't seen anything from them in 21 years... and I didn't look it up. Yikes, 21 YEARS... some of us weren't even 21 when we were at Emporia!
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Too bad Rocky and I aren't still in the way doing public exes...All we'd have to do is advertise in Spanish on Telemundo that we'll be handing out green cards for a hundred bucks and they'd be lining up all around the block...Call it each one win Juan...I mean,why settle for citizenship in the U. S. when you can have citizenship in the heavenlies?....Talk about Ephesians 3:20...'exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think'....Those people'd be so blessed they'd have to ask God to cool it...
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Each one
win Juan!
Soon, we'd be
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Si' si',Rockito,I can see it now...Classes run by Senor' (Russell) Senior and that beautiful chaquita Marquita as his assistant...Rise up O hombres of God....
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LOL you are in sales, right? But let me get this one thing straight ... you mean you guys are NOT still sending in 10% 15% minimum to Box 328 every time you receive any money? See, it is like Mel Gibson in "Conspiracy Theory" for me ... he had to buy The Catcher in the Rye, I have to send my money in. Fortunately I found a solution, I quit making money ... :)
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So Bill,when you abundantly share zero dollars to the way,is that 15% of your net or your gross?...
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OK, confession time ... I thought if gross pay was negative, Box 328 would send ME money ... I am somewhat disillusioned ...
But I have been over the two beer limit more than once, so I suppose what goes around comes around ... and it is somebody else's turn to buy a round ...
But "pay" is such a worldy term ... I have learned that if you just help people and and trust that God is good, you will be awarded in heaven, but not on earth ... but I just count it all joy ...
if I was drinking drambouie I'm sure this would be clearer, but I tried a new cheap bottled beer ...Huber Bach ... $3 for a six pack ... it has an initial falstaff taste, but then a mellow and bland after taste ... not bad actually, on ice ...
I am still ruminating on a more clever response to the negative gross or net question. I will be still and know that I am God, then will get back to you ... buuurrrpppp ...
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Is it time to PAR-TAY?
Perhaps we could convene a committee to investigate whether it's time to PAR-TAY!?
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