It's FRIDAY!!! Let's have a Doo! String the chairs, fire up the Wowburgers, and get Harve up there with his guitar. Slick down your hair, spiff up your leisure suit, and let's party!
It's FRIDAY!!! Let's have a Doo! String the chairs, fire up the Wowburgers, and get Harve up there with his guitar. Slick down your hair, spiff up your leisure suit, and let's party!
Who's gonna moon whom?
I'll bring some homemade salsa if someone wants to bring chips or anything else that might go well with homemade salsa. (I just posted my recipe on the Food in your Region thread in the kitchen forum).
Excie lately Linda Gerba has been coming up a lot lately where is she. I just love not using commas because Niki gets frustated with it being an English professor and all.
Fellowshipper: I am not an "it"; I am a "she." Pay attention!
You are letting that February sun get to you. Here's a deal for you: send me some of your Sun, and I'll send you some of our Winter.
Know what I saw a couple of days ago? 'Bout a hundred ROBINS, flitting around in a couple of bushes. That gave my heart a lift, because they're always the first birds to come back for SPRING.
Where is Rhino, and where are SimonNeverSinister and Tommy and the rest?
We need some baloney sandwiches and tea; that'd bring 'em around.
There's been a thread about Gene Slavit over in the Friend Finder area; does anybody hear from him?
Fellowshipper: I am not an "it"; I am a "she." Pay attention!
You are letting that February sun get to you. Here's a deal for you: send me some of your Sun, and I'll send you some of our Winter.
Know what I saw a couple of days ago? 'Bout a hundred ROBINS, flitting around in a couple of bushes. That gave my heart a lift, because they're always the first birds to come back for SPRING.
Where is Rhino, and where are SimonNeverSinister and Tommy and the rest?
We need some baloney sandwiches and tea; that'd bring 'em around.
There's been a thread about Gene Slavit over in the Friend Finder area; does anybody hear from him?
Well... keeds, some among us might be thinkin to themselves that I, as it were, am FULL of baloney already! ;)
I don't know nothin bout Gene Slavit, but I have spoken recently with our brother Simon... as is his manner, he has been an industrious lad... but he does stop by for coffee and to see what we've been up to... like you uns, I sure miss his wit and wisdom on this our thread. :D
Sooo bitterly cold today. BUT - the forsythias are starting to show some yellow color. They're not dumb enough to bloom yet, but the buds are there. Spring is coming!
Niki, I looked back on the threads. I may have inadvertinly said something. You are not an it but a she. I know you and you are the one of few in the Ninth Corps I spent the night over at your house with your keeeds and hubby. Maybe I need to go back and read for clarification. I only went back to two pages. Anyhoo.
I have been going to work in my shorts as it is summer here. Quite tolerbly but I wear my shorts. Waiting for fall around the corner as you wait for your spring. Sure miss you guys.
Du-uude, you know that I was keeeeding you! We are jealous of your weather, as we seem to be in what I hope will be the last cold blast of winter. How's the banana situation down there? We miss you, too!
Du-uude, you know that I was keeeeding you! We are jealous of your weather, as we seem to be in what I hope will be the last cold blast of winter. How's the banana situation down there? We miss you, too!
but niKa... I'm sitting on the balcony here in the keys listening to the crickets and the palm trees... and I'm in my shorts and golf shirt, the same clothes I wore to work today...
but niKa... I'm sitting on the balcony here in the keys listening to the crickets and the palm trees... and I'm in my shorts and golf shirt, the same clothes I wore to work today...
Heh heh heh... trying to make us jealous Dr. StrangeLove?
Not working on me! I get to dress like that nearly year round.
Pitchers and catchers report. Many teams that's today! Spring training games start in two weeks...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Tom Strange
Rocky... re: the green card... do you want to have the more than abundant life?
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It's FRIDAY!!! Let's have a Doo! String the chairs, fire up the Wowburgers, and get Harve up there with his guitar. Slick down your hair, spiff up your leisure suit, and let's party!
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Tom Strange
ahhh.... just to watch you dance sweetniKa... just to watch you dance!
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Who's gonna moon whom?
I'll bring some homemade salsa if someone wants to bring chips or anything else that might go well with homemade salsa. (I just posted my recipe on the Food in your Region thread in the kitchen forum).
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wasn't there a movie about the green card ?
it says at the bottom linda gerber is 55 today. happy birthday linda. you were always such a sweetie !!!!!!
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Gee, learning really IS an exciting adventure!
Never try to re-heat a hardboiled egg in a microwave.
Don't ask me how I know.
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Oh... just leave it to our imagination(s)!
I won't guess as to who the culprit might be, but could niKa have had to scrape the aftermath off of the walls of the microwave?
Hopefully it wasn't anything but a fun lesson for the niKa clan! ;)
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is this damn thing on ?
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Tom Strange
I think so... but I'm not sure... could you repeat that please?
(and please don't leave me myseestorEx if you hit the big $$$)
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i love you dr. strangelove
i am leaving
all my money to linda gerber
so i'll be here
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Tom Strange
whew! I'm happier than a pig in...
now, where are Reverend2Ts and Simonzeeloaded with words of wisdom?
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Excie lately Linda Gerba has been coming up a lot lately where is she. I just love not using commas because Niki gets frustated with it being an English professor and all.
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awww strangelove
yeah simon and tut those little petroses
i don't know where linda is slipper - i just know she had a birthday recently
i think once you register here at cyber hotel california, that's it you're always here
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Fellowshipper: I am not an "it"; I am a "she." Pay attention!
You are letting that February sun get to you. Here's a deal for you: send me some of your Sun, and I'll send you some of our Winter.
Know what I saw a couple of days ago? 'Bout a hundred ROBINS, flitting around in a couple of bushes. That gave my heart a lift, because they're always the first birds to come back for SPRING.
Where is Rhino, and where are SimonNeverSinister and Tommy and the rest?
We need some baloney sandwiches and tea; that'd bring 'em around.
There's been a thread about Gene Slavit over in the Friend Finder area; does anybody hear from him?
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Well... keeds, some among us might be thinkin to themselves that I, as it were, am FULL of baloney already! ;)
I don't know nothin bout Gene Slavit, but I have spoken recently with our brother Simon... as is his manner, he has been an industrious lad... but he does stop by for coffee and to see what we've been up to... like you uns, I sure miss his wit and wisdom on this our thread. :D
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Sooo bitterly cold today. BUT - the forsythias are starting to show some yellow color. They're not dumb enough to bloom yet, but the buds are there. Spring is coming!
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Niki, I looked back on the threads. I may have inadvertinly said something. You are not an it but a she. I know you and you are the one of few in the Ninth Corps I spent the night over at your house with your keeeds and hubby. Maybe I need to go back and read for clarification. I only went back to two pages. Anyhoo.
I have been going to work in my shorts as it is summer here. Quite tolerbly but I wear my shorts. Waiting for fall around the corner as you wait for your spring. Sure miss you guys.
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Du-uude, you know that I was keeeeding you! We are jealous of your weather, as we seem to be in what I hope will be the last cold blast of winter. How's the banana situation down there? We miss you, too!
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Tom Strange
but niKa... I'm sitting on the balcony here in the keys listening to the crickets and the palm trees... and I'm in my shorts and golf shirt, the same clothes I wore to work today...
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Heh heh heh... trying to make us jealous Dr. StrangeLove?
Not working on me! I get to dress like that nearly year round.
Pitchers and catchers report. Many teams that's today! Spring training games start in two weeks...
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Tom Strange
Looks like I'll have to grapefruit league it this year rockman...
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I figured... much easier to get there from the Florida Keys, eh? Take your camera?
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Tom Strange
but of course... but not the SLR, just the 5mp digital... I might dust off the old SLR though...
party tonight in the Sonlight room? I wanna watch niKa dancin'..!
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