Behold, how great a fire a good old boy kindeleth... Just pack it on Ice, Ted, 'till you & your sweetie get off the WOW field next year. You both ARE going WOW, aren't you??
YouGotDope, I may be back in FL working from home by the end of Feb, which meaneth that when the Ted&DB show happens, I "might could" (old southern term) find mah way across the state for the junior gathering together. Sexie, are you listening to the rauchus, loud voice?? What's in YOUR calendar for that date??
Time for Dan church. Love to all. Bless them which prosecute you. Go and do thou likewise. Where's Apes & Peacocks??
That would be awesome! I'll make sure to get some of Ted's pot for us and wean DB off the bottle and into the Magical Mystery mode. It's much easier on the liver and nobody fights or gets arrested it seems.
Ted, at your age you will need regular exercise. I think you need to go to start going to nearby Clearwater Beach for daily walks or swims. The only distraction is all those bikinis. No wonder a certain "leader" we knew and you know spent at least one day a week there......alone....because he said he had a "skin condition" which needed a lot of sun. Ha!
Ted, welcome. Okay, maybe you haven't taken the twelve-minute test or been forced to teach a tree in Kansas in the middle of winter, but surely you've heard from heaven in other ways.
Doojab, those cases would never stick as murder charges. Ken Barden was killed by a hit-and-run pickup truck as he ran to a car that had stopped to pick up the Bardens on their way back from L.E.A.D. Other than making very tired people hitchhike, TWI could claim lack of responsibility. Rochelle W. was a suicide after being treated like garbage by the leadership; it's malfeasance; it's abuse, reckless endangerment, and utter compassionless stupidity, but not murder. Heaven knows (God certainly does) the number of children who were never born into this world because Weirwille needed to cover up his sins. I blame him for spreading a doctrine that caused many young women to trust that their abortions were "right on with the Word." Not much to be done about any of these, now, except not to let them (or warning reminders about the flaming idiots who influenced them to happen) be forgotten.
On a much lighter note, the new Miss America is an OU student. Cool.
Niki, I remember when I was in the Corps how easily I accepted the idea of abortion and being older I realize how wrongly we were brainwashed. My wife is a psycho, not. She is a Psychotherpist. One problem she counsels girls about is allowing their unborn child to be aborted. Although it may be a convenient way of not having the responsibility of raising an unwanted pregancy, it is paramount to understand the underlying emotional dispair a woman endures for many years after an abortion. A girls basic instinct is to provide life and when they do this it is something they carry around for life. I feel for the girls that took part of this action unknowing the long time consequences.
As I get older I am learning wrong idealogy we were exposed to. I do disregard the Verd we were taught. The other crap just crept in unbeknowst to me at my tender age.
On the last sentence I meant to say I do not disregard the Verd we learned it has sustained me and given me a base in the uncertain rivers of life I have crossed. A stepping stone if you will. And when the water meets a rock it builds up and boop it goes over.
I agree Yellowfeather, we are realizing some of our "training" was a tad warped. I was told, while in res, that I was the first living abortion. Today, I'm not so sure...
I saw a bumper sticker last year when I was in the states going to Pensacola beach for holiday. It read, "SMILE YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ABORTED" I had to get my composure whilst driving as I almost lost control.
Exie, ditto (as in Ghost). I don't know what I would have done without you those years we were together. Even today I am thankful for your life, heart, humor and love. I wish I could give you more...
I am thankful for the rest of you 9th also (except Simon and StrangeMan, as they have forsaken the gathering together of the saints here on these our posts).
I can't make it, myself . . . I need to wash my hair.
Or is it . . . I need to walk the dog.
Wait, darn. I don't have a dog.
I need to go and find a stray dog, wash its hair, and walk said dog. Therefore, I'm unfortunately absolutely unable to make it to Corps night this evening.
Not even if there are jackhammers involved.
On a lighter note, my cat fell into the bathtub, day before yesterday. I know that you are depending upon me to keep you informed about these simple little domestic events. The cat was shocked - shocked, I tell you. And she looked much thinner with her hair plastered down like that!
Hey 9th corpse, I will join you tonight for corps night if I can get my arse out of the dishroom in time. us 11th corps are still allowed in aren't we?
you guys just aren't committed ... if you were walking in the spirit, you'd appreciate corps night more ... the spirit of drambuie that is. I don't have the energy to go back and see if all that prattle made any sense at all ... it didn't at the time, that's for sure ...
Yes,I have sinned,and am no more worthy to be called 9th corpse...I have spent mine portion of thy living on brawling women in wide houses and riotous living...Having spent all,I joined myself unto the master of the house,who sent me into his field to feed swine...I would fain have filled my belly with the husks that the swine did eat,but no man gave unto me,no,not for an hour...Make me as one of thy hired servants,or apprentice corpse,lest I perish(Robert) with hunger...
Excie,tell them the real reason you dropped your cell phone down the toilet...First you dropped a quarter down there,then decided it wasn't worth sticking your hand down in there just for a quarter...
Speaking of toilets,I read this on a bathroom wall in a bar when I was taking a pistis:
Sorry all of you. That's what I get for eaves dropping in on a conversation. Your'e right, niKa, they wouldn't stick - but ahh the dream...if they could.
Thankfully there is a God that sees all and is just.
Yeah, right John... logged in as Hope by accident... I do this all the time, trying to log in but somehow entering Exie's user id & password. Sometimes I inadvertently enter under David Bayleaves. You never know just how the spirit will move you.
Dooj, quit "hoping", as that's John's job, and start believing, man. Stand & be counted.
I have dreamed a dream... but I'm not gonna tell YOU about it!!
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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TED Ferrell
Hey J R I don't need any puple pills but if you have a bag of salt peter to help slow me down some that sure might come in handy.
OK you niners that think pot is the deviner here's lyrics from a song I do in my show from time to time.
Wildwood Weeds
Them there weeds use to grow wild in our yard back home
Never did know what they was called just never gave it much thought
Til one day I was out in the yard a talking to a bunch of friends mine
I reached down for one of them weeds to chew on
Next thing I knew I was on a trip and everybody was gone
When I came to my brother Bill was standing over me
A asking me what is the matter with you eyes
Told him they got glassy from chewin? on them weeds :
So he figured that he'd give them weeds a try
We spent the rest of that day and night lookin' for my brother Bill
Then we seen him up yonder singing Achkey Breaky Heart
On top of the windmill
Well sir weren't long before word got round about them cute little weeds
I mean to tell ya! there was people coming from miles around
When they got to our place they was all bent of a shape about life
But when's they left every last one of em'
Was a wearin?a big ole smile
One day some old boys from Washington DC dropped by
When they seen them weeds they turned white as a sheet
They went out in our yard and dug up weeds and burned weeds
Til they had killed ever last one of them happy go lucky weeds
Then them boys gave us a lecture about how them weeds was against the law
They got in their cars and went driving off we just stood their a waving
Saying you alls welcome to come back you hear
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, While we was a setting .....ON A SACK OF SEEDS
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Don't you DARE use that after we're married or you're in BIG trouble!!!
I remember that song (but not from you). It was popular a while back.
By the way, not only didn't I win the lottery, I didn't even match one number. Guess I still have to go to work tomorrow.
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Behold, how great a fire a good old boy kindeleth... Just pack it on Ice, Ted, 'till you & your sweetie get off the WOW field next year. You both ARE going WOW, aren't you??
YouGotDope, I may be back in FL working from home by the end of Feb, which meaneth that when the Ted&DB show happens, I "might could" (old southern term) find mah way across the state for the junior gathering together. Sexie, are you listening to the rauchus, loud voice?? What's in YOUR calendar for that date??
Time for Dan church. Love to all. Bless them which prosecute you. Go and do thou likewise. Where's Apes & Peacocks??
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That would be awesome! I'll make sure to get some of Ted's pot for us and wean DB off the bottle and into the Magical Mystery mode. It's much easier on the liver and nobody fights or gets arrested it seems.
Ted, at your age you will need regular exercise. I think you need to go to start going to nearby Clearwater Beach for daily walks or swims. The only distraction is all those bikinis. No wonder a certain "leader" we knew and you know spent at least one day a week there......alone....because he said he had a "skin condition" which needed a lot of sun. Ha!
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Ted, welcome. Okay, maybe you haven't taken the twelve-minute test or been forced to teach a tree in Kansas in the middle of winter, but surely you've heard from heaven in other ways.
Doojab, those cases would never stick as murder charges. Ken Barden was killed by a hit-and-run pickup truck as he ran to a car that had stopped to pick up the Bardens on their way back from L.E.A.D. Other than making very tired people hitchhike, TWI could claim lack of responsibility. Rochelle W. was a suicide after being treated like garbage by the leadership; it's malfeasance; it's abuse, reckless endangerment, and utter compassionless stupidity, but not murder. Heaven knows (God certainly does) the number of children who were never born into this world because Weirwille needed to cover up his sins. I blame him for spreading a doctrine that caused many young women to trust that their abortions were "right on with the Word." Not much to be done about any of these, now, except not to let them (or warning reminders about the flaming idiots who influenced them to happen) be forgotten.
On a much lighter note, the new Miss America is an OU student. Cool.
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Niki, I remember when I was in the Corps how easily I accepted the idea of abortion and being older I realize how wrongly we were brainwashed. My wife is a psycho, not. She is a Psychotherpist. One problem she counsels girls about is allowing their unborn child to be aborted. Although it may be a convenient way of not having the responsibility of raising an unwanted pregancy, it is paramount to understand the underlying emotional dispair a woman endures for many years after an abortion. A girls basic instinct is to provide life and when they do this it is something they carry around for life. I feel for the girls that took part of this action unknowing the long time consequences.
As I get older I am learning wrong idealogy we were exposed to. I do disregard the Verd we were taught. The other crap just crept in unbeknowst to me at my tender age.
On the last sentence I meant to say I do not disregard the Verd we learned it has sustained me and given me a base in the uncertain rivers of life I have crossed. A stepping stone if you will. And when the water meets a rock it builds up and boop it goes over.
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I agree Yellowfeather, we are realizing some of our "training" was a tad warped. I was told, while in res, that I was the first living abortion. Today, I'm not so sure...
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you are the one of the best things that ever happened to me, teddy
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I saw a bumper sticker last year when I was in the states going to Pensacola beach for holiday. It read, "SMILE YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ABORTED" I had to get my composure whilst driving as I almost lost control.
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Exie, ditto (as in Ghost). I don't know what I would have done without you those years we were together. Even today I am thankful for your life, heart, humor and love. I wish I could give you more...
I am thankful for the rest of you 9th also (except Simon and StrangeMan, as they have forsaken the gathering together of the saints here on these our posts).
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It's Wednesday. Is everybody ready for Corps Night?
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I'd like to go, but I have to do mah nails tonite ...
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I can't make it, myself . . . I need to wash my hair.
Or is it . . . I need to walk the dog.
Wait, darn. I don't have a dog.
I need to go and find a stray dog, wash its hair, and walk said dog. Therefore, I'm unfortunately absolutely unable to make it to Corps night this evening.
Not even if there are jackhammers involved.
On a lighter note, my cat fell into the bathtub, day before yesterday. I know that you are depending upon me to keep you informed about these simple little domestic events. The cat was shocked - shocked, I tell you. And she looked much thinner with her hair plastered down like that!
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A cat in the water is worth 2 VPW's on Corps night.
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Out There
Hey 9th corpse, I will join you tonight for corps night if I can get my arse out of the dishroom in time. us 11th corps are still allowed in aren't we?
WHACK!!! (wet towel attack)
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you guys just aren't committed ... if you were walking in the spirit, you'd appreciate corps night more ... the spirit of drambuie that is.
I don't have the energy to go back and see if all that prattle made any sense at all ... it didn't at the time, that's for sure ...
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Glub . . . glub (meow) . . . glub . . .
Time to break out those polyester leisure suits and grab the rapidograph pens! Did you do your retemories?
Is the phone hookup . . . hooked up? All of the Root Locations dialed in?
Who's got the chair string?
Just think of it! There are probably ACTUAL PEOPLE WORRYING ABOUT ALL OF THOSE THINGS RIGHT NOW. Arent you glad that you're no longer one of them?
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i'm very glad
but i dropped my cell phone in the toilet
were the 11th corps allowed in our deep sleep i mean spiritual meetings ?
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Yes,I have sinned,and am no more worthy to be called 9th corpse...I have spent mine portion of thy living on brawling women in wide houses and riotous living...Having spent all,I joined myself unto the master of the house,who sent me into his field to feed swine...I would fain have filled my belly with the husks that the swine did eat,but no man gave unto me,no,not for an hour...Make me as one of thy hired servants,or apprentice corpse,lest I perish(Robert) with hunger...
Excie,tell them the real reason you dropped your cell phone down the toilet...First you dropped a quarter down there,then decided it wasn't worth sticking your hand down in there just for a quarter...
Speaking of toilets,I read this on a bathroom wall in a bar when I was taking a pistis:
Somebody wrote:I f**ked your mother.
Underneath,somebody else wrote:Dad,go're drunk...
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha coffee spray. simon i luv ya too much
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Welcome home, son. Thou art a good and faithful servant, filled to overflowing with pistis.
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Hope R.
(John R logged in as Hope by accident)
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Sorry all of you. That's what I get for eaves dropping in on a conversation. Your'e right, niKa, they wouldn't stick - but ahh the dream...if they could.
Thankfully there is a God that sees all and is just.
You all are to funny - I hope I can visit often.
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Yeah, right John... logged in as Hope by accident... I do this all the time, trying to log in but somehow entering Exie's user id & password. Sometimes I inadvertently enter under David Bayleaves. You never know just how the spirit will move you.
Dooj, quit "hoping", as that's John's job, and start believing, man. Stand & be counted.
I have dreamed a dream... but I'm not gonna tell YOU about it!!
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