Am I aging according to the word of truth or according to the vices of this world?
I moved to Florida decades ago to seek out the fountains of youth at the beaches here. I hope it is helping to stop the aging process. God help us all!
Rhino, Du-uude! You and IgotHurricanes still only look about 25 years old. WHAT is it that you guys are doing? Not fair. Women get older; men get cuter. Mr.niKa is the same way; he gets cuter every year.
IgotOut, it does seem that you are uniquely positioned to do well during Hurricane season (unless you stand on that ledge at the wrong time). That gave me the willies just to look at the PHOTO; I could never have stood on that ledge! You are a maniac.
The odd thing about guys, however, is that you will LIKE it that you are an acknowledged maniac. That's just . . . weird. If memory serves, weren't you also in the very first L.E.A.D. group?
Since the current President does not believe in global warming, your business will likely get better.
Just hold on to something solid until the weather blows over, okay?
Happy Saturday at the new Greasespot. Iced tea and chicken nachos for everyone!
Yes, NotInKansas, I am crazy and I know it. But you would be surprised how many like me there are out there. I was born witout a natural fear of heights I think. Yes, I was on the first LEAD and climbed the most difficult cliffs easier than our so called leaders did. After our session they asked if I would joing LEAD staff when I graduated. I said no because it was not challenging enough and I hate camping and the whole nature thing.
You and mr.niKa would get along. He loves to climb high stuff. Never has much time for it these days, but thinks of the caribeeners and pitons, which are up in the attic, with a wistful look in his eye. I don't think that he was born without any fear of heights; I believe that he has a healthy respect for the tallness of the things that he climbs; it just seems that he loves the focus that such climbs bring. Every couple of years, he takes off for a few days, and comes back with sto-ries and pictures.
He also loves scuba, which I have recently learned I cannot ever do again. I had back-to-back cases of immersion pulmonary edema; the first one went undiagnosed until the second one, when we finally figured out what was up: unusual, likely under-reported. completely not fun. But there's still snorkelling! :ph34r:
Well, it is probably five, I'll get one more current sometime, but I look like that still. The trick is to drink beer on a daily basis and stay single, but what fun is that? OK, it was kinda fun ... but I sorta envy you married folks with kiddoes.
I have a fear of heights though, and was terrible at climbing on LEAD ... too lanky I guess.
I've only figured out who Tom Strange and Tom Tuttle are so far, oh, and Simon. But I could be gravely mistaken. I guess I'll get to you other guys eventually. :) Even Igot's pic didn't help.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Be still my heart, for this our brother Simon was lost under a pile of paperwork and now is found....
Welcome back. You and excie were missed.
(interloper alert off)
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Oh,my God!
Here am I and my wife.
Am I aging according to the word of truth or according to the vices of this world?
I moved to Florida decades ago to seek out the fountains of youth at the beaches here. I hope it is helping to stop the aging process. God help us all!
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Tom Strange
such a question from such an innocent lambkin... I don't think I'll touch that one... not with... well, never mind...
what is that strange shape amongst the brethren supposed to be? is it yet another clue to the mystery?
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hi ((((((( everyone ))))))
igotsun, i didn't know hope was in the mini corps snort snort
what is your secret, sunblock or surgery ?
(ha ha tom strange)
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PS. igotmeaslave, get off this cult site and get to work
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It's a cult site?
Ice Cream and funny hats for everyone!!!
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Nice to see Mickey Mouse taking the time out to visit with the elderly and the blind....Or is that Minnie Mouse...
"I'm tellin' you,she's ****in' Goofie"...
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mickey wearing false eyelashes
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that was funny simon - the elderly and the blind !!!!
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****** cultists! Stop posting now and get on with your lives.
I ain't old but how did you know I was blind?
It was from too much ultraviolet here in the sunshine state. (Maybe Wayne Pierce will try to heal me, Simon).
Ha.. I forgot Mike won't let us curse. How do I say God...... D.A.Mmmm the best way on this site? That is was the first word of my post.
Post your curse words now so I can learn how.
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I can't.
My child might repeat them in school.
Don't ask me how I know.
Let's just say that after a couple of stupid, under-the-breath slip-ups, MamaniKa has cleaned up her act.
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How are you folks in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas doing? Please know that we up here in Oklahoma are thinking of you, and praying for you.
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what's with these god.damn hurricanes
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the 3rd and 5th lowest pressure atlantic hurricanes on record ... so close together ...
I guess the conditions are right ... last year it was Florida getting them ...
hope this one slows down a little
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Today we were getting quite a bit of rain and sporadic winds from these god.dam hurricanes here in Tampa, FL
If I never see another god.damnable hurricane for several years it will be fine with me. But it has been very good for our businesses.
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Yeah,I feel for you,John...Hurricane's a comin' and there's not a god damned thing you can do to stop it...
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my god damn spiritual perception and awareness alarm is going off ... there is sumpthin going on, and it ain't caused by god dam global warming ...
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Okay, you guys are weird. Loveable, crazy-weird. Is it something in the weather?
Hold on to something solid, Igotout! Toss an anchor out, or something.
love, niKa
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My new Avatar picture was taken from this one. I was posing that day on the edge of a 32 story building. (No hurricane winds that day. :D)
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Rhino, Du-uude! You and IgotHurricanes still only look about 25 years old. WHAT is it that you guys are doing? Not fair. Women get older; men get cuter. Mr.niKa is the same way; he gets cuter every year.
IgotOut, it does seem that you are uniquely positioned to do well during Hurricane season (unless you stand on that ledge at the wrong time). That gave me the willies just to look at the PHOTO; I could never have stood on that ledge! You are a maniac.
The odd thing about guys, however, is that you will LIKE it that you are an acknowledged maniac. That's just . . . weird. If memory serves, weren't you also in the very first L.E.A.D. group?
Since the current President does not believe in global warming, your business will likely get better.
Just hold on to something solid until the weather blows over, okay?
Happy Saturday at the new Greasespot. Iced tea and chicken nachos for everyone!
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Yes, NotInKansas, I am crazy and I know it. But you would be surprised how many like me there are out there. I was born witout a natural fear of heights I think. Yes, I was on the first LEAD and climbed the most difficult cliffs easier than our so called leaders did. After our session they asked if I would joing LEAD staff when I graduated. I said no because it was not challenging enough and I hate camping and the whole nature thing.
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You and mr.niKa would get along. He loves to climb high stuff. Never has much time for it these days, but thinks of the caribeeners and pitons, which are up in the attic, with a wistful look in his eye. I don't think that he was born without any fear of heights; I believe that he has a healthy respect for the tallness of the things that he climbs; it just seems that he loves the focus that such climbs bring. Every couple of years, he takes off for a few days, and comes back with sto-ries and pictures.
He also loves scuba, which I have recently learned I cannot ever do again. I had back-to-back cases of immersion pulmonary edema; the first one went undiagnosed until the second one, when we finally figured out what was up: unusual, likely under-reported. completely not fun. But there's still snorkelling! :ph34r:
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Hey Nika ...
It's because that picture is 25 years old B)
Well, it is probably five, I'll get one more current sometime, but I look like that still. The trick is to drink beer on a daily basis and stay single, but what fun is that? OK, it was kinda fun ... but I sorta envy you married folks with kiddoes.
I have a fear of heights though, and was terrible at climbing on LEAD ... too lanky I guess.
I've only figured out who Tom Strange and Tom Tuttle are so far, oh, and Simon. But I could be gravely mistaken. I guess I'll get to you other guys eventually. :) Even Igot's pic didn't help.
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Tom Strange
dearest niKa... what happened to your balloons?
hegotHope, was my sister in that group with you?
I'm glad that dam hurricane is gone... at one point last week we had 15 of my wife's relatives here... aye chihuahua!
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