On your feet everybody,it's time for the 7th inning stretch,...are you ready? A-one A-two...He took me out of the pi-it,and from the mirey claaay,...He set my fee-et upon a Rock,..establishi-ing my wa-a-a-aay,...for it's root! root! root! fot the Cubbies,..our God to ma-agnify,...and He'll take! take! take! me someday to his home on hiiiigh! Allright!!!!
Fa-a-a-ther Abraham,he had two sons,....twoooo sons had fa-a-ather Abraham,.....They didn't laugh,NO!....they didn't cry NO!....this is what they did.............
I'm as happy as a submarine with a brand new screen door.
We just got back from the Rose Bowl.
There were little pompoms waiting on the stadium seats for us; we waved them and screamed, and the Sooners kicked some major rear end. It was domination, intimidation, and exhiliration. I screamed like a teenager. I screamed so hard that my lungs still hurt, today.
Wow, that was fun.
What did youse guys do over Christmas vacation? We drug four kids in a Van from here to there, and back again.
two weeks off, a few days like LEAD, except at home... plenty of time to think, re-evaluate the job and desired direction... sleep in.
Saw deCaprio and Hanks in Catch Me If You Can. Incredibly hilarious.
But THE college football game is, at this moment, at halftime in Tempe.
Talk about Red... lots of snowbirds from Ohio in the Phoenix area this week. At the game, they estimate anywhere between 20 to 50 times as many Buckeye fans than Hurricane fans.
I saw one sign on a local tv news spot that said "Columbus discovered Tempe"
Otherwise, the big event (and the "Big Show" politically) begins Monday, with swearing in of the new Dem Governor Napolitano.
Pundits are figuring it could take until July to negotiate a one year state government budget.
All the while, Simon Z sweats bullets hoping they don't raise taxes for his woofin biz.... unless he doesn't care....
[This message was edited by Rocky on January 03, 2003 at 20:30.]
We had a four-year-old with a cold, so we watched the Rose Parade on Great-Grandma's living room floor, sitting on pillows, with bowls of cereal.
We have worked on the Downey float in the past, however, because a Cousin lives in Downey and works on it every year.
My Husband and I rode to the game with four relatives who are Wazzuu fans; we bought them pie after the game; they were charming and sweet about the whole Sooners-kicking-butt thing, and we didn't rub it in.
Until we were alone in our van, on the way back to Grandma's - then, many high fives and war whoops.
I'm glad that you got to do some LEAD-type stuff on the break; it seems that I remember some LEAD experiences with you.
Well, sounds like great fun and a nice place for a stuffy nose youngun to be on New Year's morning.
I didn't watch the Rose Bowl game but figure it was most gracious of you and the other professor to wait before gloating! :)--> I'm glad the buckeye nuts didn't riot in Tempe. THAT game seemed to get a real significant contribution from the 12th man (the collective body of screaming fans dressed in red and silver).
Probably some of your students in the game this year?
Just thought I'd check in....How's it going NotinPasadenaanymore? New Years eve,I had to drive five miles out of my way to get around the Fiesta bowl parade....I like seeing the blimps at night....
Ah, Tom . . . couldn't find any tickets at the last minute, eh? Oh, well.
It was more like the bleating of Cougars . . . we had "a mighty truimph o'er the foes . . . we arose a victor from the flowery domain, and the trophy lives forever in our case to reign . . .
It's a Rose,
It's a Rose,
Hallejulah, It's A Rose.
Rockaroonie: Yes, a few of my former students were in the game; Antwone Savage, Quentin Griffin, and some who are on the roster but didn't play. One of the ladies who sat next to us has a son who was in my husband's class this past semester.
Last year, I even had a graduating senior on the team whom I'd taught in Honors English, back when he was in 8th grade! That was fun.
I didn't exactly teach them everything that they know, but Griffin sure taught me a few things about good character in collegiate athletes. That kid is the real deal. He was only 11 yards shy of the all-time OU record for single-season rushing, and our guys did a "gimme" to Washington for Wazzuu's 2nd touchdown so that Q could get back in the game and get his 11 yards. He wouldn't go in, though, simply for a record. He put on his Rosebowl champs ballcap backwards, stood on the sideline, and let the younger player have the downs. This is a kid who doesn't need record books to know who he is.
Lordy, I just love meeting kids like that. It makes me feel good about the world.
I enjoy standing outside the Dallas airport and beholding the beautiful yellow rows of taxis......Hey,Nika,...so are you a month older or younger than me? I'm getting along swimmingly here in the semi-comatose state of Anozira...TommieT and I had a wonderful trip out here in a red truck so maany,maany years ago.....I'm sure we went LEAD together,or lightbearers,...or bless patrol,....or at least nodded off at corps night together....Glad to see Tommy's back,....thought he might have gone loa after ho-ho relo........
Speakin of LOA, Simon, do you recall that fateful corps nite in Dec our interim year when LCM, outta the love 'o God in his big ole heart, blessed me by having me stand in the BRC and negetively complement me on my staff review in that still, small voice of his???.
Tears well up in mah eyes when I think back to the tenderness manifested that evening ...
And, as my ex-dept. coord, who wrote up the review knows, it was as honest as the snow covered gas pumps. Thanks for that to this day, ex-dept coord ... CHMF
If you happened to spend the "winter" quarter of our last year in residence at HQ, then you may remember Vince Finnegan standing one of our married 9th Corps sisters up at a meal in the BRC and ripping her apart. Of course, he picked someone who was so intrisically courteous and sweet that she was too shocked and horrified to even respond to him. As tears began to trail down her cheeks, he continued to rail on her for some minutes, and we all watched, too frightened to do anything but sit there.
If we'd said anything in her defense, we would have been next.
Today, we are older, wiser, less intimidated by bullies, not brainwashed, and would have run him out of town. Who among us would have even listened to another word he said about spiritual matters?
Of course, a predator would sense that, and wouldn't try that kind of attack in the first place.
StillInThe WayLurkers: are there still predators like this in the Way? Do people still get stood up at mealtimes and ripped up? If not, then that's at least an improvement on "the old days."
niKa I remember that exact incident and my very thoughts were not a matter what she did but why do these people (bullys) insist on embarrassing others to inflate their ego. I used to vonder vhy Jesus spoke of confronting a situation person to person not person to congregation.I always found those outbursts of anger unnecessary. Anger management could really do some help here. I know this is a fun run thread but it can also be an enlightenment one as well. thanks for allowing me get closure on that cold winter day at hq.
In any case, we, the 9th corps, living by the motto "It Is Bitten", welcome one and all, for as it is smitten "That WHOSOEVER, it doesn't say christians, it doesn't say non-christians, it says "WHOSOEVER". That Whosoevr will, may come. However, you will need to master walking right on by The Spirit, The Hagion, which, sayeth he, ye have heard of me ...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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On your feet everybody,it's time for the 7th inning stretch,...are you ready? A-one A-two...He took me out of the pi-it,and from the mirey claaay,...He set my fee-et upon a Rock,..establishi-ing my wa-a-a-aay,...for it's root! root! root! fot the Cubbies,..our God to ma-agnify,...and He'll take! take! take! me someday to his home on hiiiigh! Allright!!!!
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since jesus came into my heart since jesus came into my heart
floods of joy oer my soul like the sea billows
since jesus came into my heart
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Alright, let's roll away, roll away, roll away, all the burdens of mah heart roll away...
Why, they were no more interested in him than a barrel o' monkeys ...
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Fa-a-a-ther Abraham,he had two sons,....twoooo sons had fa-a-ather Abraham,.....They didn't laugh,NO!....they didn't cry NO!....this is what they did.............
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what did they do ?
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I'm as happy as a submarine with a brand new screen door.
We just got back from the Rose Bowl.
There were little pompoms waiting on the stadium seats for us; we waved them and screamed, and the Sooners kicked some major rear end. It was domination, intimidation, and exhiliration. I screamed like a teenager. I screamed so hard that my lungs still hurt, today.
Wow, that was fun.
What did youse guys do over Christmas vacation? We drug four kids in a Van from here to there, and back again.
Love, niKa
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two weeks off, a few days like LEAD, except at home... plenty of time to think, re-evaluate the job and desired direction... sleep in.
Saw deCaprio and Hanks in Catch Me If You Can. Incredibly hilarious.
But THE college football game is, at this moment, at halftime in Tempe.
Talk about Red... lots of snowbirds from Ohio in the Phoenix area this week. At the game, they estimate anywhere between 20 to 50 times as many Buckeye fans than Hurricane fans.
I saw one sign on a local tv news spot that said "Columbus discovered Tempe"
Otherwise, the big event (and the "Big Show" politically) begins Monday, with swearing in of the new Dem Governor Napolitano.
Pundits are figuring it could take until July to negotiate a one year state government budget.
All the while, Simon Z sweats bullets hoping they don't raise taxes for his woofin biz.... unless he doesn't care....
[This message was edited by Rocky on January 03, 2003 at 20:30.]
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btw, niKa,
did you and the family get to see the Rose Parade in person? That would have been very kewl... and some wonderful photos.
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We had a four-year-old with a cold, so we watched the Rose Parade on Great-Grandma's living room floor, sitting on pillows, with bowls of cereal.
We have worked on the Downey float in the past, however, because a Cousin lives in Downey and works on it every year.
My Husband and I rode to the game with four relatives who are Wazzuu fans; we bought them pie after the game; they were charming and sweet about the whole Sooners-kicking-butt thing, and we didn't rub it in.
Until we were alone in our van, on the way back to Grandma's - then, many high fives and war whoops.
I'm glad that you got to do some LEAD-type stuff on the break; it seems that I remember some LEAD experiences with you.
Love, niKa
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Well, sounds like great fun and a nice place for a stuffy nose youngun to be on New Year's morning.
I didn't watch the Rose Bowl game but figure it was most gracious of you and the other professor to wait before gloating!
:)--> I'm glad the buckeye nuts didn't riot in Tempe. THAT game seemed to get a real significant contribution from the 12th man (the collective body of screaming fans dressed in red and silver).
Probably some of your students in the game this year?
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Just thought I'd check in....How's it going NotinPasadenaanymore? New Years eve,I had to drive five miles out of my way to get around the Fiesta bowl parade....I like seeing the blimps at night....
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What's all this about bowl games, parades, etc??
My response would be "Flowers make me happy", or "I just want to be held tonite" or something like that ...
And what meaneth the bleating of the sheep that I hear in my earballs???
Go Bow Wow Now ...
If it's to be, it's up to me ...
Up from the dead he arose (he arose)
With a mighty triumph 'ore His foes ...
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Ah, Tom . . . couldn't find any tickets at the last minute, eh? Oh, well.
It was more like the bleating of Cougars . . . we had "a mighty truimph o'er the foes . . . we arose a victor from the flowery domain, and the trophy lives forever in our case to reign . . .
It's a Rose,
It's a Rose,
Hallejulah, It's A Rose.
Rockaroonie: Yes, a few of my former students were in the game; Antwone Savage, Quentin Griffin, and some who are on the roster but didn't play. One of the ladies who sat next to us has a son who was in my husband's class this past semester.
Last year, I even had a graduating senior on the team whom I'd taught in Honors English, back when he was in 8th grade! That was fun.
I didn't exactly teach them everything that they know, but Griffin sure taught me a few things about good character in collegiate athletes. That kid is the real deal. He was only 11 yards shy of the all-time OU record for single-season rushing, and our guys did a "gimme" to Washington for Wazzuu's 2nd touchdown so that Q could get back in the game and get his 11 yards. He wouldn't go in, though, simply for a record. He put on his Rosebowl champs ballcap backwards, stood on the sideline, and let the younger player have the downs. This is a kid who doesn't need record books to know who he is.
Lordy, I just love meeting kids like that. It makes me feel good about the world.
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Yo, Simon.
It's going solidly; how's it going on your side? I just looked at your profile; we are within one month of being the same exact age! Groooovy.
In which state do you live?
Regards, niKa
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I enjoy standing outside the Dallas airport and beholding the beautiful yellow rows of taxis......Hey,Nika,...so are you a month older or younger than me? I'm getting along swimmingly here in the semi-comatose state of Anozira...TommieT and I had a wonderful trip out here in a red truck so maany,maany years ago.....I'm sure we went LEAD together,or lightbearers,...or bless patrol,....or at least nodded off at corps night together....Glad to see Tommy's back,....thought he might have gone loa after ho-ho relo........
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Speakin of LOA, Simon, do you recall that fateful corps nite in Dec our interim year when LCM, outta the love 'o God in his big ole heart, blessed me by having me stand in the BRC and negetively complement me on my staff review in that still, small voice of his???.
Tears well up in mah eyes when I think back to the tenderness manifested that evening ...
And, as my ex-dept. coord, who wrote up the review knows, it was as honest as the snow covered gas pumps. Thanks for that to this day, ex-dept coord ... CHMF
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If you happened to spend the "winter" quarter of our last year in residence at HQ, then you may remember Vince Finnegan standing one of our married 9th Corps sisters up at a meal in the BRC and ripping her apart. Of course, he picked someone who was so intrisically courteous and sweet that she was too shocked and horrified to even respond to him. As tears began to trail down her cheeks, he continued to rail on her for some minutes, and we all watched, too frightened to do anything but sit there.
If we'd said anything in her defense, we would have been next.
Today, we are older, wiser, less intimidated by bullies, not brainwashed, and would have run him out of town. Who among us would have even listened to another word he said about spiritual matters?
Of course, a predator would sense that, and wouldn't try that kind of attack in the first place.
StillInThe WayLurkers: are there still predators like this in the Way? Do people still get stood up at mealtimes and ripped up? If not, then that's at least an improvement on "the old days."
If so, then why are you still there?
OH, sorry. I forgot - this is the fun thread.
So, this guy walks into a bar with a parrot . . .
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niKa I remember that exact incident and my very thoughts were not a matter what she did but why do these people (bullys) insist on embarrassing others to inflate their ego. I used to vonder vhy Jesus spoke of confronting a situation person to person not person to congregation.I always found those outbursts of anger unnecessary. Anger management could really do some help here. I know this is a fun run thread but it can also be an enlightenment one as well. thanks for allowing me get closure on that cold winter day at hq.
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[This message was edited by JainConvention on January 13, 2003 at 14:53.]
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did the guy with the parrot order a Cheeseburger in Paradise? Did he have a Pencil thin mustache? or did he dream of Margaritaville?
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Jain, what has the Gospel cost YOU???
In any case, we, the 9th corps, living by the motto "It Is Bitten", welcome one and all, for as it is smitten "That WHOSOEVER, it doesn't say christians, it doesn't say non-christians, it says "WHOSOEVER". That Whosoevr will, may come. However, you will need to master walking right on by The Spirit, The Hagion, which, sayeth he, ye have heard of me ...
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So, the bartender says to the guy, "Hey, you can't bring that parrot in here."
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The guy responds, "But THIS parrot is a very special parrot."
Just HAD to keep the 10th corps from the top ...
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