No, not Hermsmeier, although he was quite a nice Bill, too.
The smoking lamp is lit.
I love you to the ends of the earth, Excie, it's just that I needed to be able to catch up on the 9th Corps crazies without my little girl asking me what that little boy was doing . . ..
She and I will discuss that when she's thirty-five, or so.
I michael just returned from ministering to our barbarian brothers in the Dominican Republic. Oh, you might say, that sure is nice, with the balmy nights, the warm waters of the Caribbean lapping my annie no-toes under the palms, but the children there were asking for all of the 9th corps to come over into Punta Cana and help us. So come assignments time, please have extra money (outside funds allowed) so as to be able to help those in need there.
And now I go to the internet, looking for another job, not knowing the things which befall me, save that the holy ghost witnesseth in every city that I should just retire. You know, take a three week vacation. Like Nika, I am praying with eyes wide shut that God finds me the right position, maybe a head-table type job, where the chief execs can be blessed by my stand and hedge of believing.
Tonto, how do you mean? Fellow Corps, but not a fellow, also not Fellowshipper (but he also posts here), fellowlaborer in figuring out what we're all doing here, I suppose.
Uh-oh...I think the spirit of confusion has entered this 9th cork thread, and if I have been the one to leave the barn door wide open then I ask that Reverend 2T's cast me out in the name of our Reverend Mother Ex.
(Nika, I meant thanks for explaining that annie no-toes and Dick DeNen** are your fellow 9th corps, if that's what you meant).
I'm going back to the movie game now. I'm all out of the man.
Thanks for responding to me Jardi...I was beginning to think that either I have committed the unpardonable Greasespot sin, or that I have rank cyber-b.o. stank.
Either that, KD, or when we run out of coffee . . .. Nice to see you in "the thread," by the way!
Helped Mr. niKa do a Chemistry / Magic demo and lesson for a couple of groups of second graders yesterday - waaaaay cool. Eyes that open, and minds that ask . . . learning being an exciting adventure, and all. :)-->
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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I have my eyes closed.
Trying to get to the bottom of the page without looking
love, niKa
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quite difficult
are we there yet?
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I have placed a call to the fastbuck mothership.
We may be hearing from heaven in another way.
No, not Hermsmeier, although he was quite a nice Bill, too.
The smoking lamp is lit.
I love you to the ends of the earth, Excie, it's just that I needed to be able to catch up on the 9th Corps crazies without my little girl asking me what that little boy was doing . . ..
She and I will discuss that when she's thirty-five, or so.
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((((((((( nika )))))))))
35 or so ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Tom Strange
so much love here... so little time...
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and sometimes there is too much time and so little love
((((((( you all )))))))
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Tom Strange
not where you're concerned young lady...
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I am going
to that city
with it's streets of gold
children laughing
children singing
with the happy angel band
I michael just returned from ministering to our barbarian brothers in the Dominican Republic. Oh, you might say, that sure is nice, with the balmy nights, the warm waters of the Caribbean lapping my annie no-toes under the palms, but the children there were asking for all of the 9th corps to come over into Punta Cana and help us. So come assignments time, please have extra money (outside funds allowed) so as to be able to help those in need there.
And now I go to the internet, looking for another job, not knowing the things which befall me, save that the holy ghost witnesseth in every city that I should just retire. You know, take a three week vacation. Like Nika, I am praying with eyes wide shut that God finds me the right position, maybe a head-table type job, where the chief execs can be blessed by my stand and hedge of believing.
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annie no toes?
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And Dick DiNe-No-Nose.
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Thanks, Nika. Your fellow corks, right?
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Tonto, how do you mean? Fellow Corps, but not a fellow, also not Fellowshipper (but he also posts here), fellowlaborer in figuring out what we're all doing here, I suppose.
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Uh-oh...I think the spirit of confusion has entered this 9th cork thread, and if I have been the one to leave the barn door wide open then I ask that Reverend 2T's cast me out in the name of our Reverend Mother Ex.
(Nika, I meant thanks for explaining that annie no-toes and Dick DeNen** are your fellow 9th corps, if that's what you meant).
I'm going back to the movie game now. I'm all out of the man.
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(Wow, tonto,nice silenced the whole group.........)
A feat not easily accomplished.....
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Thanks for responding to me Jardi...I was beginning to think that either I have committed the unpardonable Greasespot sin, or that I have rank cyber-b.o. stank.
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ittsa ok, tonto -- sometimes us non-niner korks get ignored on dissa tread...
however, being 66666666xxxxxxx kork, for me, isssa to be expectorated....
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Thanka you for the essplanation, Alfakat.
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No, no, that's not it - - some kind of counterfeit goin' on here. Not ignoring you, just too busy to check in.
Speak on, Sports Fans! As for me, I have to get some sleep!
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a little sleep... a little slumber...a little folding of the hands to sleep...
NiKa... I thought the 9th corps sleep when they die...
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Either that, KD, or when we run out of coffee . . .. Nice to see you in "the thread," by the way!
Helped Mr. niKa do a Chemistry / Magic demo and lesson for a couple of groups of second graders yesterday - waaaaay cool. Eyes that open, and minds that ask . . . learning being an exciting adventure, and all.
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here we are faithful little dog soldiers sleeping when we are dead
that one on the top right doesn't look quite like a doggie. that must be simon.
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just lay off the jim jones koolaid and you'll be fine.
drifting dog soldiers, lol ex ....
speaking of koolaid, you HAVE to read ala's wow year story on the "spiritual decisions thread" - - it's one of the funniest stories yet....
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