The Ice Cream Bowl deserves to be told by someone who was in on the plotting and planning. You know who you are.
Don and Bill had a list. It was nearing graduation, and they were making a list of girls whom they'd like to "get to know better." I remember walking past them one afternoon, the two of them in serious cahoots, heads together, plotting who knows what. Don made one of his usual good-humored remarks about whatever was the cover story, and I, for once in my life, came up with a snappy comeback. He gave me such a compliment, then! He twinkled his eyes, winked at me, and said, "Ohhhhh. You're on the List!
I thought very highly of Don. I called him a few years ago, when something momentus in my life had happened, to tell him about it. We had a wonderful conversation, and it was the last time we spoke.
He was, as he used to say, "built for comfort, not for speed." He may have been talking about his build, but to me, the comfort part was all about his great big heart.
I wasn't involved in that clique,George...In fact,the 9th corpse was full of cliques...Us'n's here at gs were the only ones left over after everybody joined their cliques...So,we're kind of a cliqueless clique with no clique to cling to but our own clique...
All I remember about the ice cream bowl is that there was a steakhouse in Emporia that you could get that softserve ice cream for ten cents a bowl...Often,many of us would jog over there and fill up a huge bowl of ice cream until the manager complained to Craig,or somebody,that the intent of the ten cent ice cream was to provide desert for paying,steak-eating customers,not starving way college students...Craig was very cross when he chided the participants at mealtime....
God told me to tell you that the only way we're going to get the true skinny on the ice cream bowl is for somebody to reach out and touch Bill, and convince him to come to Greasespot and tell us about it himself.
If you know how to reach Bill, please let him know that his name is being called over the loudspeaker.
Exie, what is your fasination? I am am trained just as you. I am a counselor I can help you with your compulsion to expose us males with what we deal with on a day to day basis. Let's talk. I have an ear. Was that boy circumcised. Ouch!
Duh! what is Speaking in Tongues good for ??? Will go to heaven and all hell can't stop you??? from going??? .... Ministers are sent to earth to make it hell while here so you know you won't go later cause you been through it here ... expert of the holy spirit field??? Wierwille ... ??? no F___king way....
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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The Ice Cream Bowl deserves to be told by someone who was in on the plotting and planning. You know who you are.
Don and Bill had a list. It was nearing graduation, and they were making a list of girls whom they'd like to "get to know better." I remember walking past them one afternoon, the two of them in serious cahoots, heads together, plotting who knows what. Don made one of his usual good-humored remarks about whatever was the cover story, and I, for once in my life, came up with a snappy comeback. He gave me such a compliment, then! He twinkled his eyes, winked at me, and said, "Ohhhhh. You're on the List!
I thought very highly of Don. I called him a few years ago, when something momentus in my life had happened, to tell him about it. We had a wonderful conversation, and it was the last time we spoke.
He was, as he used to say, "built for comfort, not for speed." He may have been talking about his build, but to me, the comfort part was all about his great big heart.
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By the way, why the heck doesn't FastBuck come to have a cuppa joe with us here at the Spot?
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So, come on guys, tell me about the Ice Cream Bowl!!!!
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I wasn't involved in that clique,George...In fact,the 9th corpse was full of cliques...Us'n's here at gs were the only ones left over after everybody joined their cliques...So,we're kind of a cliqueless clique with no clique to cling to but our own clique...
All I remember about the ice cream bowl is that there was a steakhouse in Emporia that you could get that softserve ice cream for ten cents a bowl...Often,many of us would jog over there and fill up a huge bowl of ice cream until the manager complained to Craig,or somebody,that the intent of the ten cent ice cream was to provide desert for paying,steak-eating customers,not starving way college students...Craig was very cross when he chided the participants at mealtime....
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I have had an epiphany.
God told me to tell you that the only way we're going to get the true skinny on the ice cream bowl is for somebody to reach out and touch Bill, and convince him to come to Greasespot and tell us about it himself.
If you know how to reach Bill, please let him know that his name is being called over the loudspeaker.
William, we are dealing you in.
Ante is your two cents.
love, niKa
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YUP and bring frankie along
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I dunno... Frankie's too fat, per 'Mother' ...
There's another big 'ole heart - Frankie ...
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Nothing profound about what you jest said,Tuttle....Just playin' with a new toy...
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i can't help it .... i thought of this when you talked about playing with a new toy simon
see next post
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Exie, what is your fasination? I am am trained just as you. I am a counselor I can help you with your compulsion to expose us males with what we deal with on a day to day basis. Let's talk. I have an ear. Was that boy circumcised. Ouch!
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Excid your a WOEman after mine own heart.
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fascinating fellow did i ever tell you, you are one of the ******* funniest people i know
try to guess the word that's in stars
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Tom Strange
what are the sheaths?
why must we bring them in?
is that what that little boy is doing?
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Hey,mom,how come this thing won't wiggle itself like my toes do?
Flaccid??...What does that mean?
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maybe he is "holding it forth". Maybe he might get into penal outreach someday.
Simon you're getting old. You just have to enhance enrich augment it.
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hey look at the pic again. i appreciate that he is speaking in tongues while doing other things
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LOLOLOL You guys are sick, you hear me?...

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Excie I wander if it is tongues of angels or men?
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i see you're using the brain god gave you shellowfipper
it's never stupid not to know it's just stupid to not pretend you do when you don't or when you don't and you do or when.... you catch my drift
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Does anybody here speak in tongues while they're posting?....
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uh DUH does the pope have the flu ?
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Duh! what is Speaking in Tongues good for ??? Will go to heaven and all hell can't stop you??? from going??? .... Ministers are sent to earth to make it hell while here so you know you won't go later cause you been through it here ... expert of the holy spirit field??? Wierwille ... ??? no F___king way....
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if you speak in tongues you don't have to nap, you know that !!!!
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