John! ...where's your believing man! ...just rebuke it! ...send it on over here's not like we haven't already had enough rain this year! but geez... you guys have already had two hurricanes in a month! ...quit hogging them and share!
(besides, you can't wash windows in the rain can ya?)
Ahh, that's better. FINALLY got internet service back after the spring showers. Some houses here are kitty-wampus. I'm about 10 miles south of Ft. Pierce and Frances Cardullo ripped my lip and sliced my jaw, rubbed my faces raw, raw, raw.
I thought the uddermost parts of the earth was Wisconsin...Get it?...Wisconsin...America's dairyland...Dairy cows...udders....teats...The most udders are in Wisconsin?...Hello,am I gettin' thru here?...Engine's runnin' but no one's behind the wheel....Ah,whaddayou know about funny,anyway?
Mohammed Ali was the greatest fighter. Whaddaya know about fighters??
I lost 1 barrel tile from the roof, landscaping looks like Simon did the planting (fall over, fall over!!), and the pool had over a foot of pine needles and branches (and yes, twigs also) on the bottom. Power was out for only 30 hrs. As of today, only 30% of St. Lucie county has power. We were, and are, very "LUCKY" !!!!!
Yeah, must be the maaany of us copped out corps here in FL that have brought this upon us. Or maybe we kept the full fury at bay, and the REAL "gate-keeper" who opened the door is the revered Rev BM.
I want you to repeat after me, "I LOVE the Lawd!!!!". I want you to hold on to the hand that led the children out of bondage, the hand that saved Gilligan ..
Swellow, shutteth up not thine bowels of compassion towards me, as I have need of a 45 foot yacht to sail out from among these hurry-canes. Just sent your love offering to me, just write the Creature, Port St. Lucie, FL ...
And thou, Sexie, shalt be called 'Lexi', and shalt be the glory of all exotic dancers, unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
I love you. Sure. And I'd love to have you love me. But if it's a question of your love or the integrity of the Way's Word, I've gotta go with your love ...
Some of you guys know a bit about my Daddy, who died a year ago. I've shared here, before, about how he was saved in a WW2 battle by his best good buddy, who'd been killed in action the day before, appearing and showing him where to find enough ammunition for his patrol to hold off the Japanese, and survive.
Here's something from today, but the story actually starts more than a year ago. I thought that since I haven't had much time to share hardly anything with youse guys since we started getting ready to move, you might not mind me bending your ear for a minute.
The last time that I saw Daddy, he gave me an old watch. It was just a beat-up thing, that he'd found at the flea market, that didn't work. He thought that he could do something with it, which was so like him, and so he talked them down from fifty cents, and took it home for a quarter and two sticks of gum. He fixed the watch, but then couldn't get any of the kids or grandkids to take it, because the brown leather band was old and kind of cracked.
I thought that I could do something with it, and thanked him, and took it home, mostly just to make him happy. The next time that I was in Walmart, I bought some thick black elastic thread, and a couple of packages of assorted, exotic-looking blue glass beads. I strung the beads on three strands of the thread, and made a funky blue watchband for the watch, and wore it to teach. I loved it, and told my classes the story of the watch. I called Daddy, and told him about the watchband, and wearing the watch to teach, and he was tickled about that. The next week, Daddy passed away, very suddenly. By the time I got there, he was in surgery, and he died on the table.
A couple of weeks after Daddy died, I was a little later than usual getting in to work, and couldn't find a parking spot in my normal little parking lot, which is right next to my building. I had to park about a hundred yards away, in a huge lot. As I was rushing to get to class, and putting on my backpack, the strap of the backpack caught on one of the strings of that blue watchband, and beads went everywhere. Since I had to teach five minutes later, I gathered up what I could, and hurried to class. That was in October of last year.
This morning, I didn't have to teach, so I wasn't in any hurry to get into the office. I arrived after the little lot was filled with cars, and had to go to the back of the big lot to find a space. As I walked across the lot, I was thinking about the fact that Daddy was buried a year ago tomorrow.
Something on the ground , right in my path, caught my eye. It was blue glass, and round. Unbelieveably, it was one of the beads from the watchband, that I'd lost on that hurried day, almost a year ago. This said to me that Daddy was trying to say "I am here, watching over you."
I just thought that it was a cool thing to have happen this morning.
tommy tommy tommy are you being blown about by every wind of doctor, i mean ivan ? just put a big hedge of believing around your locale so you may stay rutted and grounded
Sexie, I had a beau-tee-ful hedge of love AND believing around MY whole state, until Tom Mausolf & multi-services come by a leveled it. They said it looked like the hedge died backwards, sos they wanted to burn the chaff.
Where is Kent Kiplinger? Eddie Lemos?? The flying firkins???
They are where they are because of their believing,just like you or me,Tommy....Not to brag,but you don't read about hurricanes and cyclones and typhoons here in Arizona...Maybe a little zephyr now and then...Coincidence?...I don't think so...Remember driving past Meteor Crater road near Winslow,Arizona,where the girl,my lord,drove a flatbed Ford?...I'll have you know in the 20 years since I've lived in Az.,we have not once been struck by a meteor...It's nice to know that even the unbelievers are blessed with my faith...
I also,(Lamsa)was moved by your story,Nika...It's great to be looked after...
Nika, not too many years ago I would have been critical of stories like that when I was in TWI. I was wrong then to do so. I think it is a heartfelt and inspiring story.
Tom Tuttle - Your hedge of bleving worked for our state! Please run for Governor. You made IVAN go to Lousianna.
New Orleans is evil, anyway. I saw it corrupt an entire Word in Business conference one year, as did exie. We stayed up all night (literally) ministering to people from bar, to bar to bar up and down Bourbon Street. We also ran into other top leaders doing the same. But alas, no one followed us to the household. Now they have no hedge about them.
Niki, you will always have parental connected attachments about him. I just had a dream the other night giving me advice but awakened to remind myself he has asleep for twenty something years. It was a good story, especially about the beads.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Hurricane headed our way. Help me.
John R.
Tampa Bay Florida
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i'm here as i told you upstairs my dear damie
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A la prochaine
I'll save you!
Here...hold on to my life preserver!!!
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Theme song of Titanic movie...running thru my head. Sinking.... drowning in the Gulf of Mexico.... glub, glub...
will the return be my next assignment!?
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A la prochaine
Hmmm??? Not sure? But if it is, will you be stringing chairs for those big believer's meetings?
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Tom Strange
John! ...where's your believing man! ...just rebuke it! ...send it on over here's not like we haven't already had enough rain this year! but geez... you guys have already had two hurricanes in a month! ...quit hogging them and share!
(besides, you can't wash windows in the rain can ya?)
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...coming up for air...
Ahh, that's better. FINALLY got internet service back after the spring showers. Some houses here are kitty-wampus. I'm about 10 miles south of Ft. Pierce and Frances Cardullo ripped my lip and sliced my jaw, rubbed my faces raw, raw, raw.
Now looking at Ivan - he's of the devil.
John, let's get together boomsquick for an hour of flour prayer session.
Sexie, sorry about your death in the family. My brother died in May - he was only 1 year older than me. Sucks, don't it??
Wierwille, git to crackin!!
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i am so sorry about your brother, that really sucks ohmygod
did anything happen to your new house ?
i worry about you and the priest damiejohn
can you get a degree from barber college ?
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My condolences too, to both of you. Life isn't fair at times. I am sorry to hear about Joyce Carr too. Damn!
I think you will be Ok in Ft. Pierce.
Is Florida accursed along with California because so maaaany CORPS wanted to come here instead of going to the uttermost parts of the earth?
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i think you nailed it my father in the bay
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I thought the uddermost parts of the earth was Wisconsin...Get it?...Wisconsin...America's dairyland...Dairy cows...udders....teats...The most udders are in Wisconsin?...Hello,am I gettin' thru here?...Engine's runnin' but no one's behind the wheel....Ah,whaddayou know about funny,anyway?
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Mohammed Ali was the greatest fighter. Whaddaya know about fighters??
I lost 1 barrel tile from the roof, landscaping looks like Simon did the planting (fall over, fall over!!), and the pool had over a foot of pine needles and branches (and yes, twigs also) on the bottom. Power was out for only 30 hrs. As of today, only 30% of St. Lucie county has power. We were, and are, very "LUCKY" !!!!!
Yeah, must be the maaany of us copped out corps here in FL that have brought this upon us. Or maybe we kept the full fury at bay, and the REAL "gate-keeper" who opened the door is the revered Rev BM.
I want you to repeat after me, "I LOVE the Lawd!!!!". I want you to hold on to the hand that led the children out of bondage, the hand that saved Gilligan ..
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if you look here on this here thread....
i love you
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Excathreda, When you look on this thread just know you have a home for venting purposes, play but most of all we love you for you not just your input.
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that's one of the nicest things i've ever heard fellow.... "we love you for you" probably one of the most important things to me in life
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Where the body. When one crieth the other wipeth the tears. Wait, I mean crieth too.
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either sounds really nice -- "healing" actually to use a wayword
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Who beats people??
Swellow, shutteth up not thine bowels of compassion towards me, as I have need of a 45 foot yacht to sail out from among these hurry-canes. Just sent your love offering to me, just write the Creature, Port St. Lucie, FL ...
And thou, Sexie, shalt be called 'Lexi', and shalt be the glory of all exotic dancers, unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
I love you. Sure. And I'd love to have you love me. But if it's a question of your love or the integrity of the Way's Word, I've gotta go with your love ...
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Some of you guys know a bit about my Daddy, who died a year ago. I've shared here, before, about how he was saved in a WW2 battle by his best good buddy, who'd been killed in action the day before, appearing and showing him where to find enough ammunition for his patrol to hold off the Japanese, and survive.
Here's something from today, but the story actually starts more than a year ago. I thought that since I haven't had much time to share hardly anything with youse guys since we started getting ready to move, you might not mind me bending your ear for a minute.
The last time that I saw Daddy, he gave me an old watch. It was just a beat-up thing, that he'd found at the flea market, that didn't work. He thought that he could do something with it, which was so like him, and so he talked them down from fifty cents, and took it home for a quarter and two sticks of gum. He fixed the watch, but then couldn't get any of the kids or grandkids to take it, because the brown leather band was old and kind of cracked.
I thought that I could do something with it, and thanked him, and took it home, mostly just to make him happy. The next time that I was in Walmart, I bought some thick black elastic thread, and a couple of packages of assorted, exotic-looking blue glass beads. I strung the beads on three strands of the thread, and made a funky blue watchband for the watch, and wore it to teach. I loved it, and told my classes the story of the watch. I called Daddy, and told him about the watchband, and wearing the watch to teach, and he was tickled about that. The next week, Daddy passed away, very suddenly. By the time I got there, he was in surgery, and he died on the table.
A couple of weeks after Daddy died, I was a little later than usual getting in to work, and couldn't find a parking spot in my normal little parking lot, which is right next to my building. I had to park about a hundred yards away, in a huge lot. As I was rushing to get to class, and putting on my backpack, the strap of the backpack caught on one of the strings of that blue watchband, and beads went everywhere. Since I had to teach five minutes later, I gathered up what I could, and hurried to class. That was in October of last year.
This morning, I didn't have to teach, so I wasn't in any hurry to get into the office. I arrived after the little lot was filled with cars, and had to go to the back of the big lot to find a space. As I walked across the lot, I was thinking about the fact that Daddy was buried a year ago tomorrow.
Something on the ground , right in my path, caught my eye. It was blue glass, and round. Unbelieveably, it was one of the beads from the watchband, that I'd lost on that hurried day, almost a year ago. This said to me that Daddy was trying to say "I am here, watching over you."
I just thought that it was a cool thing to have happen this morning.
That's all I have to say about that.
Love, niKa
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wow ((((( nikie ))))) that is incredible !!!!!
tommy tommy tommy are you being blown about by every wind of doctor, i mean ivan ? just put a big hedge of believing around your locale so you may stay rutted and grounded
you too getouttathere
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That is inspiring Nika, thanks.
Sexie, I had a beau-tee-ful hedge of love AND believing around MY whole state, until Tom Mausolf & multi-services come by a leveled it. They said it looked like the hedge died backwards, sos they wanted to burn the chaff.
Where is Kent Kiplinger? Eddie Lemos?? The flying firkins???
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They are where they are because of their believing,just like you or me,Tommy....Not to brag,but you don't read about hurricanes and cyclones and typhoons here in Arizona...Maybe a little zephyr now and then...Coincidence?...I don't think so...Remember driving past Meteor Crater road near Winslow,Arizona,where the girl,my lord,drove a flatbed Ford?...I'll have you know in the 20 years since I've lived in Az.,we have not once been struck by a meteor...It's nice to know that even the unbelievers are blessed with my faith...
I also,(Lamsa)was moved by your story,Nika...It's great to be looked after...
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Nika, not too many years ago I would have been critical of stories like that when I was in TWI. I was wrong then to do so. I think it is a heartfelt and inspiring story.
Tom Tuttle - Your hedge of bleving worked for our state! Please run for Governor. You made IVAN go to Lousianna.
New Orleans is evil, anyway. I saw it corrupt an entire Word in Business conference one year, as did exie. We stayed up all night (literally) ministering to people from bar, to bar to bar up and down Bourbon Street. We also ran into other top leaders doing the same. But alas, no one followed us to the household. Now they have no hedge about them.
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Niki, you will always have parental connected attachments about him. I just had a dream the other night giving me advice but awakened to remind myself he has asleep for twenty something years. It was a good story, especially about the beads.
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