Had a great day with the kids at school but paid hell when they got home. Oh the teenagers does it ever stop. I am looking for input here. I am going crazy.
If you're going crazy,Shipper,then act crazy...Turn the tables on them and put them on the defensive...Show up at their school hopping on a pogo-stick,wearing a fright wig,a polka-dot dress and waving a butterfly net at imaginary demons...Embarrass them at every opportunity,and they'll be so scared of your next crazy outburst,they'll start behaving like little angels...
It has to be done a little differently when you have your own teenagers at home...three now, four later this year. The twelve year old is starting to act like one right on schedule.
A small porch, platform, or staircase leading to the entrance of a house or building.
Originally brought to the Hudson Valley of New York by settlers from the Netherlands, a few items of Dutch vocabulary have survived there from colonial times until the present. Stoop, “a small porch,†comes from Dutch stoep; this word is now in general use in the Northeast and is probably spreading. The word olicook, which appears to be dying out, means “doughnut,†and comes from Dutch oliekoekliterally, “oil cake.†And the Dutch word kill for a small running stream is used throughout New York State.
"We sat on the stoop overlooking the kill having olicooks and coffee."
FellowFather, teenagers are just crazy; that's what we were like, too. At least yours will probably not run off and join a cult.
When they're a little older, they'll think that you're a little wiser. Then, they'll listen to you more. They might even feel a little guilty that they put you through this, but don't hold your breath about that one. It's just one of the joys of parenthood that we have to take what we dished out when we were young.
We have been between two houses for the past three days; two words: shelf paper.
We didn't take the T.V. over yet, and it will live in the closet when we do. Remember that old song:
"Blow up your T.V. throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try and find Jesus on your own."
That's kind of the idea. My husband even came home from the farmer's market with a big bag of Stratford peaches on Saturday, for a joke.
This is the weirdest thing I've done since joining a cult. But soon, we should have everything paid off, be completely debt-free, and know our children better. I'm glad that we're not too chicken to try it, at our age. Littler house, bigger yard, bigger garden, earlier retirement.
Thanks for the picture John. Look how blessed Davis appears!!! Looks like a ruined corvette (or, as the French would say, "Corvette de Ruin") would have blessed him more (Dixie).
Tom, Strange it is that thou shouldest be so concerned about stoops. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full on his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow tom strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.
Niki, do you want me to come over this weekend and fix your TV? Not for you, but for the husband. Priorties are priorities, I have the skills and umpty gump to get on it and finish the desired results.
That was a good picture of D.Crowell, but hey ,I will not be deceived, that is a twenty sum plus years photograph, what does he look like now, what are you holding on to, old memories, I too do the same and have changed. " You don't know the meaning of truth".Hummm, maybe some grey hair with wrinkles. Here on the ninth Corps thread,let's be honest we need current information and up to date images on our brothers/sisters in Christ.
If that is tommyboy he is not only tired and grey but a little loner type looking. Are you sure this is not your version of a ....ed off Jesus homeless look alike wanna be?
Thanks John. You could have posted the other pics where I had drool running down my face, my hands trembling, etc. I have been called not only the lamb of the lost sheep of Gawwd, but also "Aqualung", spying little girls with bad intent ...
Well, even though I look rather weathered from my battles for or from Gawd, I managed to get a job starting Monday (no longer 'Men Without Jobs'). Almost had to go to Memphis for 3 months or more, and could have gone to Tampa, from whence the John & Hope show broadcasts. But praise Jesus, I got hooked up locally here and for better money.
...And don't forget,Tommie,your suffiency is God,not some natural man,earthly,god-of-this-world boss who won't let you take days off to do setup for PAFL and limb meetings...Now that you're working again,I expect your blue forms and horn 'o plenties to be pletho and pleroo with abundant sharing to me so I can continue to go,stand and post the wonderful words of this life....
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Had a great day with the kids at school but paid hell when they got home. Oh the teenagers does it ever stop. I am looking for input here. I am going crazy.
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If you're going crazy,Shipper,then act crazy...Turn the tables on them and put them on the defensive...Show up at their school hopping on a pogo-stick,wearing a fright wig,a polka-dot dress and waving a butterfly net at imaginary demons...Embarrass them at every opportunity,and they'll be so scared of your next crazy outburst,they'll start behaving like little angels...
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Lifted Up
It has to be done a little differently when you have your own teenagers at home...three now, four later this year. The twelve year old is starting to act like one right on schedule.
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my mom put all my clothes out on the front stoop when i was 15.... that kept me in line for a little while
flipper, look how good i turned out
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Well isn't that where you put your dirty laundry?
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Tom Strange
why do they call it a "stoop"?
in the south (at least where I come from) we always have called it a "porch"...
I don't understand Demi... why you do this?
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It's just a phrase thang is all.
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Tom Strange
Our thanks to dictionary.com:
"We sat on the stoop overlooking the kill having olicooks and coffee."
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Fer shur a sight far better than peering about dem dam dykes o'er the ole' country....
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Tom Strangle hold, if I thought this was going to be a semantical forum I would have rephrased my words better.
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i would kill for an oil cake
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Excuse me for interrupting.
Who is this? Is it David??? from the 9th?
What is thy name! Reveal thyself! I know it is from 1979 at Emporia.
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the name is Bond.... James Bond
i mean
the name is Crowell.... Davis Crowell
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FellowFather, teenagers are just crazy; that's what we were like, too. At least yours will probably not run off and join a cult.
When they're a little older, they'll think that you're a little wiser. Then, they'll listen to you more. They might even feel a little guilty that they put you through this, but don't hold your breath about that one. It's just one of the joys of parenthood that we have to take what we dished out when we were young.
We have been between two houses for the past three days; two words: shelf paper.
We didn't take the T.V. over yet, and it will live in the closet when we do. Remember that old song:
"Blow up your T.V. throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try and find Jesus on your own."
That's kind of the idea. My husband even came home from the farmer's market with a big bag of Stratford peaches on Saturday, for a joke.
This is the weirdest thing I've done since joining a cult. But soon, we should have everything paid off, be completely debt-free, and know our children better. I'm glad that we're not too chicken to try it, at our age. Littler house, bigger yard, bigger garden, earlier retirement.
Less stuff.
Same cats.
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Thanks for the picture John. Look how blessed Davis appears!!! Looks like a ruined corvette (or, as the French would say, "Corvette de Ruin") would have blessed him more (Dixie).
Tom, Strange it is that thou shouldest be so concerned about stoops. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full on his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow tom strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.
La malacosita lo shanta!! Beep beep beep ...
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Niki, do you want me to come over this weekend and fix your TV? Not for you, but for the husband. Priorties are priorities, I have the skills and umpty gump to get on it and finish the desired results.
That was a good picture of D.Crowell, but hey ,I will not be deceived, that is a twenty sum plus years photograph, what does he look like now, what are you holding on to, old memories, I too do the same and have changed. " You don't know the meaning of truth".Hummm, maybe some grey hair with wrinkles. Here on the ninth Corps thread,let's be honest we need current information and up to date images on our brothers/sisters in Christ.
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Is that Davis or Ponch from CHiPs ?
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Or is that the GQ mag model?
Is it live, or is it Memorex??
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Hmmm, not sure I have too many recent ones of you 9th Cops.
But here is a recent one of Tom Tuttle. Try to look at the Christ in him.
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If that is tommyboy he is not only tired and grey but a little loner type looking. Are you sure this is not your version of a ....ed off Jesus homeless look alike wanna be?
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Oh and not actual size.
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Behold the lamb of Gawwwd!
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Thanks John. You could have posted the other pics where I had drool running down my face, my hands trembling, etc. I have been called not only the lamb of the lost sheep of Gawwd, but also "Aqualung", spying little girls with bad intent ...
Well, even though I look rather weathered from my battles for or from Gawd, I managed to get a job starting Monday (no longer 'Men Without Jobs'). Almost had to go to Memphis for 3 months or more, and could have gone to Tampa, from whence the John & Hope show broadcasts. But praise Jesus, I got hooked up locally here and for better money.
Isn't Gawd good?
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...And don't forget,Tommie,your suffiency is God,not some natural man,earthly,god-of-this-world boss who won't let you take days off to do setup for PAFL and limb meetings...Now that you're working again,I expect your blue forms and horn 'o plenties to be pletho and pleroo with abundant sharing to me so I can continue to go,stand and post the wonderful words of this life....
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