Tom be sure to drink bottled water. Montezumas revenge still lingers there.
Niki when you guys do retire your more than welcome to come over 40 min to the beach, 30 minutes to the bay, 30 min to the rain forest and 90 minutes to ski. It reminds of California where I grew up. We for sure have to go to Tasmania for a week. I'll provide the lodging and everything else is on you. Hey we could have a ninth Corps reunion there.
so... we'll be world travelers! my wife wants to retire to Mexico as well... of course, it is where her family is from, she is Mexican and does speak the language (so do the kids)...
when we go down there I don't really worry too much about the water and I've never gotten the revenge... just be smart about it... I wouldn't go around drinking out of hoses or anything... but whatever our Reverend2Ts drinks anyway, most of the germs will be killed by the alcohol...
hey... we could start a compound! maybe call it TuttleTown....
TomtheStrangler, you should know I need not alcohol to disinfect and purify, for surely the spirits inside will take care of that. But better to be safe than sorry, right??
Corona chasers till our sunrise fellowship led by our own Sexie, Simon in the midst!!!!!
Well,my second youngest son graduated high school tonite....Very consistant....A "D" average...One more to go in three years,then I can sit down,patch my weary bones and get back truckin'....
Yeah,then I'll be ready to party with you dudes...I'm believin' to have the money to buy Todd and Cyndi Edwards' love bus(of,course,I'm believing it will still be available),complete with P.A. system and Beeeeeautifoool Ohio on cassette....All the guys can get together and build a gazebo and you lovely virtuous womans rise while it is yet night and gather and prepare our breakfast...
Yes,we'll gather in Mexico and hand out green cards to the nationals...Imagine their surprise and joy when they realize that rather than obtaining citizenship in the U.S.,they'll be receiving citizenship in the heavenlies...I don't know about gathering in AussieLand....I couldn't understand the English of the English there...When they told me to line up for the queue,I didn't know if I was supposed to go to the poolroom,or what I was supposed to do...
todd and cyndi's love bus.... OHMYGOD coffee all over the screen (damn you)
green cards and citizenship in the heavenlies, there goes the rest of the coffee !!!! (double damn you)
congrats on your son's graduation.
right now i'm doing really sheety in 4th grade. i don't know what i'm gonna do in the years to come. i need the snorkel advance (NOT retreat) sooner than then.
You must needs now open the eyes of my understanding.
Boxes, drowning in boxes. Does anyone remember the Box Factory story yer?
Found a flycatcher in the mudroom this morning; it was surrounded by yard cats, and had subsequently lost its tail feathers. I took it out to Wildcare, where they'll feed it nice, fat grubs until the feathers grow back in a few weeks. Funny thing is that this kind of flycatcher isn't supposed to live in Central Oklahoma. It's supposed to be a lot further south.
Didn't he get into the woid in pweerto reeko myseestorEx? IF I bring mi espoza, she can translate for us... and when young Jardenaro visits she can as well... me? ... I just like saying "habla no espanol"!
You're thinking Davis Cromwell, at least that's what I used to call him ...
I believe SirStranger needs a few dos equis, por favor senor, pero yo mando aqui y necesito mi amigas bonitas para noche de amor!!! Just kidding, mah beauteeful sistren in the vierville...
I remember that box factory thing,but not very well...I never worked it,jelled it or made it my own....But I do remember an old song about "ticky tocky little boxes all the same"....
Niki I remember the box story but could not repeat it if I had to. NO Alteimers is not at stake. I would like any Oklahoma state bird flycathers end feathers if you have any scroungable lengths left. The flycatchers here are everywhere.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
Posted Images
Tom be sure to drink bottled water. Montezumas revenge still lingers there.
Niki when you guys do retire your more than welcome to come over 40 min to the beach, 30 minutes to the bay, 30 min to the rain forest and 90 minutes to ski. It reminds of California where I grew up. We for sure have to go to Tasmania for a week. I'll provide the lodging and everything else is on you. Hey we could have a ninth Corps reunion there.
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Tom Strange
so... we'll be world travelers! my wife wants to retire to Mexico as well... of course, it is where her family is from, she is Mexican and does speak the language (so do the kids)...
when we go down there I don't really worry too much about the water and I've never gotten the revenge... just be smart about it... I wouldn't go around drinking out of hoses or anything... but whatever our Reverend2Ts drinks anyway, most of the germs will be killed by the alcohol...
hey... we could start a compound! maybe call it TuttleTown....
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Reunions in Australia AND in Mexico! Hooo, YEAAAHH!
Now, that's Corps.
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Dat's right !!!!!
TomtheStrangler, you should know I need not alcohol to disinfect and purify, for surely the spirits inside will take care of that. But better to be safe than sorry, right??
Corona chasers till our sunrise fellowship led by our own Sexie, Simon in the midst!!!!!
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i'm there right now in the name of jesus christ
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i claimed it
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Tom Strange
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Well,my second youngest son graduated high school tonite....Very consistant....A "D" average...One more to go in three years,then I can sit down,patch my weary bones and get back truckin'....
Yeah,then I'll be ready to party with you dudes...I'm believin' to have the money to buy Todd and Cyndi Edwards' love bus(of,course,I'm believing it will still be available),complete with P.A. system and Beeeeeautifoool Ohio on cassette....All the guys can get together and build a gazebo and you lovely virtuous womans rise while it is yet night and gather and prepare our breakfast...
Yes,we'll gather in Mexico and hand out green cards to the nationals...Imagine their surprise and joy when they realize that rather than obtaining citizenship in the U.S.,they'll be receiving citizenship in the heavenlies...I don't know about gathering in AussieLand....I couldn't understand the English of the English there...When they told me to line up for the queue,I didn't know if I was supposed to go to the poolroom,or what I was supposed to do...
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todd and cyndi's love bus.... OHMYGOD coffee all over the screen (damn you)
green cards and citizenship in the heavenlies, there goes the rest of the coffee !!!! (double damn you)
congrats on your son's graduation.
right now i'm doing really sheety in 4th grade. i don't know what i'm gonna do in the years to come. i need the snorkel advance (NOT retreat) sooner than then.
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We need to contact Carlos Rice (Arroz) and Edward-O Di-No-toes to do a public ex to reconcile the locals.
Maybe Mr. Bay Leaves could sing some Bea-uls songs ...
Will "Mother" be coming??
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does steve cromwell have a gift to make room for him ?
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and our very own gambles ?
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You must needs now open the eyes of my understanding.
Boxes, drowning in boxes. Does anyone remember the Box Factory story yer?
Found a flycatcher in the mudroom this morning; it was surrounded by yard cats, and had subsequently lost its tail feathers. I took it out to Wildcare, where they'll feed it nice, fat grubs until the feathers grow back in a few weeks. Funny thing is that this kind of flycatcher isn't supposed to live in Central Oklahoma. It's supposed to be a lot further south.
Global Warming has come to niKa's back yard!
Break out the sunscreen!
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or is it steve crommett ?
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Tom Strange
Didn't he get into the woid in pweerto reeko myseestorEx? IF I bring mi espoza, she can translate for us... and when young Jardenaro visits she can as well... me? ... I just like saying "habla no espanol"!
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It's CROMETT, dagnabbit.
You're thinking Davis Cromwell, at least that's what I used to call him ...
I believe SirStranger needs a few dos equis, por favor senor, pero yo mando aqui y necesito mi amigas bonitas para noche de amor!!! Just kidding, mah beauteeful sistren in the vierville...
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I remember that box factory thing,but not very well...I never worked it,jelled it or made it my own....But I do remember an old song about "ticky tocky little boxes all the same"....
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ahhhhhh get your head in the word and next time put your thread in the rightly divided lovingly by proper arrangement memorial section
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yes davis cromwell and yvette dee (dikranian) ruins
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If I did that,every post would be moderated...
Are the Dee(Dikraian) ruins in the (Donna)Ozarkiw mountains where all those hillbilly (Mitchells)live?
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where the rebecca baldy eagle flies over the la valleys or would that be chevalleys and the melanie bison roam....
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Drove my Chevalley to the LaValley,but the LaValley was dry..
And them good old boys drank dramboui and Rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die...
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Niki I remember the box story but could not repeat it if I had to. NO Alteimers is not at stake. I would like any Oklahoma state bird flycathers end feathers if you have any scroungable lengths left. The flycatchers here are everywhere.
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Niki do I have to sing beautiful Ohio I try to forget that wakeup song from my Ohio Rock days.
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