Here, a new babe is showing interest in the class,and your making anti-semitic remarks about .... and schit.Have you forgotten all of your corps training? First,you compliment the person.(For instance,Yanagasiwa,you have a nice handle,did you know it's worth 17 points in Scrabble letters?)Then you say,why are you like that?By your showing an interest,he will begin talking about himself.After twenty minutes or so,interrupt him and show him the benefits of the class on the back of the green card.Explain to him how it develops more contradictions in the home. When he says he'd like to learn more sign him up and get his money.If he doesn't have all of it,have him take his tv or stereo to the pawn shop and get the money that way.He won't need those worldly goods anymore.Then don't let him out of your sight.Visit him at least three times a day,because the adversary will surely be trying to talk him out of the class.The best way to undershepherd him is to take him witnessing with you.Pick him up every night of the class, until session 12.And if he doesn't speak in tongues,well, just make damn sure he does!Remember each one reach one..
I got out, that song brings to mind the sweetness of our return and the fellowship from returning from the WOW field. I'll never forget driving for hours, tired,bitchy, needing a shower and parking in the back forty. Walking to the registration tent in the the sweltering Ohio August summer that seemed like miles and hearing that song playing over the loud speakers. The discounted WOW Rock of Ages passes and my own free WOW burger pass gave me the feeling it was all worth the faithfulness. I was so blessed my jaw ached from smiling and saying God Bless you. Oh the memories! Sigh!!!
Altho,I'm glad I didn't wait 'til the following year ('75-'76).Those Wow nametags were as big as dessert plates....Where,s that tea-totallin',totalitaian Tommie Tuttle? Fellowwitnessor,the reason for the free ROA passes and Wowburgers was to get you to go Wow again.....Exca,....I love your bringing to remembrance those joyful noise tunes, can develop more harmony in my home anytime.....
Well don't look at me for an ensample excath! I will only lead you down the pathways to hell and heavy nu-metal music bands and Jack Daniels, cool cars and Harley-Davidson motorcycles!
Our house would be a party house with people coming and going as they please, everyone doing what they wanted and letting God inspire them, and no rules. Uh-uh, don't look at me for an ensample.
If Yana desires the office of a pastor, he desireth a good work, but he has no idea what he is getting into, wanting to join us in our happy household fellowship. As we learned from our elrod elder corps, we have a few guidelines which must be adhered to, just like those biblical truths.
1. Erect at 5am or earlier, read bible for 45 minutes.
2. Knowles breathing for 15 minutes, followed by a 5 mile fun-run for aerobic points.
3. Breakfast and family prayer at 7am.
4. Go to part time job at Shoney's or Bob Evans.
5. Meet back at the way home at 2pm for afternoon witnessing.
6. Pick up 2 baked potatos for the family dinner.
7. Supper at 6:00, PFAL setup following.
8. Welcome new babes to class at 6:45pm.
9 Reprove, rebuke and exhort all who are late (6:51 or later).
7. Hit 'PLAY' button.
8. Convene with 'mature' grads outside classroom, share Jack Daniels and Popeye's spicy fried chicken.
9. After class, go to topless bar for more witnessing.
10. Get home and in bed by 4am. Undershepparding new babes at this time is recommended.
11. Call parents for more money.
That's the first day. Schedule subject to change without notice.
Well now that there are at least 2 females in this group I wanna go WOW now brown cows. I'll be the driver. I have a van and a truck and I know how to warsh windows as a part time job.
Get those printed in syllabus form and out to Rosalee pronto booms-quick. Geez,it was easy when we were Wows.We only had to spend 18 hours a day walking like Jesus. Today,we would have to wrestle with the difficult question "what would Jesus drive?" I'll stick with my Ford Falcon with the dead battery and park it on hills so's I can push start it easily....
That transpo God got for you for only $75 is a real dandy. But I would suggest before we go to pick up our little ones for twig, you put a Way bumper sticker on the front and rear bumpers. Hopefully this one runs on ALL cylinders and we don't get any more devil-inspired police ticketing us for leaving a trail of smoke miles long. They just don't see we are leading the way, leaving a path for others to follow. The natural man receiveth NOT the things of the spirit of God ...
Oh yeah, don't forget to set a bible on the dash, seems to ward off those spirits of infamy, and attracts the well-to-do'ers like flys to chit.
I want to ask Yana to join us for Thanksgiving this year. I believe also, instead of watching worldly football or pagan parades, it would be best if we had a public ex for the newbies Yana will bring. Maybe even a special abundant sharing, this being the season and all.
As it is written, thanksgiving is thanksliving ...
That was you,you tailgating,illegal lane-changing so-and-so.....Actually,in 1976,I was living in Decatur,Il...The day before heading to the ROA,I happened upon a traffic accident,the people were ok but the cars were messed up.I noticed one of the cars had a way sticker...turned out to be three guys from another state passing thru on their way to the we shoehorned them into my falcon wagon and three flat tires later were in fort knoxville....Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving......
I remember losing the keys to my beloved Falcon at the rock that year. I had to hotwire it all the way home...I didn't want to spend any more $ on it so I junked it...couln't understand why my folks didn't want to take the class and live the more abundant life like me...
Back in those pre-corps days, when we were moving ahead with the things as we thought they were the things of God, I think that 95% of the believers, WOWs, Corps, twig leaders, etc, if they even had vehicles, had one that was at least 10 years old, with functionality at about 50%.
If you were up north, the heater didn't work.
If you were down south, no A/C or wipers.
But this is not to say we didn't live the more abundant life. What our parents and others did not see, spiritually, was that we were putting ourselves in a position to believe God, to be a witness of God's hand working in our lives.
didn't we head out to the redhaired demon's place in the high country in my '65 chevy impala? if i remember correctly, besides the cases of beer, we also had cases of oil on the back floor
What ....ed me off was the what to bring list said if you bring a car,it must look nice,and I didn't think mine would be acceptable so I got rid of it b4 going in-res...and it didn't look half as bad as your old war horse,Exc....That's right Tuttle,the tree died from the roots,..the last shall be first,the least shall be greatest,you get more by giving,tho I was poor,yet was I rich, the miracle of all miracles,speaking in a new tongue and quit your cussin' ...and swearin',...and raisin' hell...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Here, a new babe is showing interest in the class,and your making anti-semitic remarks about .... and schit.Have you forgotten all of your corps training? First,you compliment the person.(For instance,Yanagasiwa,you have a nice handle,did you know it's worth 17 points in Scrabble letters?)Then you say,why are you like that?By your showing an interest,he will begin talking about himself.After twenty minutes or so,interrupt him and show him the benefits of the class on the back of the green card.Explain to him how it develops more contradictions in the home. When he says he'd like to learn more sign him up and get his money.If he doesn't have all of it,have him take his tv or stereo to the pawn shop and get the money that way.He won't need those worldly goods anymore.Then don't let him out of your sight.Visit him at least three times a day,because the adversary will surely be trying to talk him out of the class.The best way to undershepherd him is to take him witnessing with you.Pick him up every night of the class, until session 12.And if he doesn't speak in tongues,well, just make damn sure he does!Remember each one reach one..
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I heard ya'll went WOW now and then.
"You've decided to be and Ambaaaa aaa aaa *** ador"
Congratulations to ya'll. I'll be sure to sing to ya when you return:
"It's good to be (clap) home again, it's good to have peace within,
My Father and me were reconciled and all my wrongs have been made right
My mind is (clap) satisfied, I feel so good inside,
My feet are walking in the right direction, everything’s all right.â€
and from Joyful Noise volumes I, II, III
"Ready to Go, Ready to go,
Got my affairs in order,
and I'm ready to go
He might come tomorrow
While I'm singing this song you know
If he does Ill never finish it,
Cause I'm ready to go"
You must only listen to these volumes of music this year...and no TV. Have fun finding babes.
[This message was edited by igotout on November 25, 2002 at 23:41.]
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I got out, that song brings to mind the sweetness of our return and the fellowship from returning from the WOW field. I'll never forget driving for hours, tired,bitchy, needing a shower and parking in the back forty. Walking to the registration tent in the the sweltering Ohio August summer that seemed like miles and hearing that song playing over the loud speakers. The discounted WOW Rock of Ages passes and my own free WOW burger pass gave me the feeling it was all worth the faithfulness. I was so blessed my jaw ached from smiling and saying God Bless you. Oh the memories! Sigh!!!
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perhaps we need an eldercorps as our ensample to go with us
we definitely need our babe yana for way productions (refer to kit's thread in way forum about committed ex-twi'ers). i know he wants to go and grow
if the word's gonna move, we need someone to move it
and it ain't gonna get done now if no one will do it....
well, we can witness witness witness from morning unti dark
from novato, california, all the way to floral park
the ministry of reconciliation has been put in our hands
let's go out and spread the good news all across god's lands
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Altho,I'm glad I didn't wait 'til the following year ('75-'76).Those Wow nametags were as big as dessert plates....Where,s that tea-totallin',totalitaian Tommie Tuttle? Fellowwitnessor,the reason for the free ROA passes and Wowburgers was to get you to go Wow again.....Exca,....I love your bringing to remembrance those joyful noise tunes, can develop more harmony in my home anytime.....
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Well don't look at me for an ensample excath! I will only lead you down the pathways to hell and heavy nu-metal music bands and Jack Daniels, cool cars and Harley-Davidson motorcycles!
Our house would be a party house with people coming and going as they please, everyone doing what they wanted and letting God inspire them, and no rules. Uh-uh, don't look at me for an ensample.
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it's settled, sunesis is our leader!!!!
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send me ...
If Yana desires the office of a pastor, he desireth a good work, but he has no idea what he is getting into, wanting to join us in our happy household fellowship. As we learned from our elrod elder corps, we have a few guidelines which must be adhered to, just like those biblical truths.
1. Erect at 5am or earlier, read bible for 45 minutes.
2. Knowles breathing for 15 minutes, followed by a 5 mile fun-run for aerobic points.
3. Breakfast and family prayer at 7am.
4. Go to part time job at Shoney's or Bob Evans.
5. Meet back at the way home at 2pm for afternoon witnessing.
6. Pick up 2 baked potatos for the family dinner.
7. Supper at 6:00, PFAL setup following.
8. Welcome new babes to class at 6:45pm.
9 Reprove, rebuke and exhort all who are late (6:51 or later).
7. Hit 'PLAY' button.
8. Convene with 'mature' grads outside classroom, share Jack Daniels and Popeye's spicy fried chicken.
9. After class, go to topless bar for more witnessing.
10. Get home and in bed by 4am. Undershepparding new babes at this time is recommended.
11. Call parents for more money.
That's the first day. Schedule subject to change without notice.
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Well now that there are at least 2 females in this group I wanna go WOW now brown cows. I'll be the driver. I have a van and a truck and I know how to warsh windows as a part time job.
"I just vant the da knowldge"

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ok let's go
we have to stop for beer
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i just have to get it fixed
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Get those printed in syllabus form and out to Rosalee pronto booms-quick. Geez,it was easy when we were Wows.We only had to spend 18 hours a day walking like Jesus. Today,we would have to wrestle with the difficult question "what would Jesus drive?" I'll stick with my Ford Falcon with the dead battery and park it on hills so's I can push start it easily....
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That transpo God got for you for only $75 is a real dandy. But I would suggest before we go to pick up our little ones for twig, you put a Way bumper sticker on the front and rear bumpers. Hopefully this one runs on ALL cylinders and we don't get any more devil-inspired police ticketing us for leaving a trail of smoke miles long. They just don't see we are leading the way, leaving a path for others to follow. The natural man receiveth NOT the things of the spirit of God ...
Oh yeah, don't forget to set a bible on the dash, seems to ward off those spirits of infamy, and attracts the well-to-do'ers like flys to chit.
I want to ask Yana to join us for Thanksgiving this year. I believe also, instead of watching worldly football or pagan parades, it would be best if we had a public ex for the newbies Yana will bring. Maybe even a special abundant sharing, this being the season and all.
As it is written, thanksgiving is thanksliving ...
Bow Wow Now.
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there goes my family
i know they are
i can tell by the green bumpersticker on the back of their car......
thanksgiving is every day when you are living the more abundant lifestyle of the believer
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Did you ever flip off a honking motorist only to find it was another wayfer beeping 'cuz you had a way bumpersticker?
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why, did it happen to you today?
are you sure it wasn't me? hahahahaha!
It's been probably 5 years since I've even seen a way bumper sticker...
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Class, where's your fruit? Tuttle?
"In a moment you're going to speak again."
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That was you,you tailgating,illegal lane-changing so-and-so.....Actually,in 1976,I was living in Decatur,Il...The day before heading to the ROA,I happened upon a traffic accident,the people were ok but the cars were messed up.I noticed one of the cars had a way sticker...turned out to be three guys from another state passing thru on their way to the we shoehorned them into my falcon wagon and three flat tires later were in fort knoxville....Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving......
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ha ha ha ha our family car when i was a kid was a falcon wagon
thanks si, i had a nice earthly family thanksgiving
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I remember losing the keys to my beloved Falcon at the rock that year. I had to hotwire it all the way home...I didn't want to spend any more $ on it so I junked it...couln't understand why my folks didn't want to take the class and live the more abundant life like me...
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Back in those pre-corps days, when we were moving ahead with the things as we thought they were the things of God, I think that 95% of the believers, WOWs, Corps, twig leaders, etc, if they even had vehicles, had one that was at least 10 years old, with functionality at about 50%.
If you were up north, the heater didn't work.
If you were down south, no A/C or wipers.
But this is not to say we didn't live the more abundant life. What our parents and others did not see, spiritually, was that we were putting ourselves in a position to believe God, to be a witness of God's hand working in our lives.
There's your explanation ...
"This tree died backwards ..."
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didn't we head out to the redhaired demon's place in the high country in my '65 chevy impala? if i remember correctly, besides the cases of beer, we also had cases of oil on the back floor
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What ....ed me off was the what to bring list said if you bring a car,it must look nice,and I didn't think mine would be acceptable so I got rid of it b4 going in-res...and it didn't look half as bad as your old war horse,Exc....That's right Tuttle,the tree died from the roots,..the last shall be first,the least shall be greatest,you get more by giving,tho I was poor,yet was I rich, the miracle of all miracles,speaking in a new tongue and quit your cussin' ...and swearin',...and raisin' hell...
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
the what to bring list said your car must look nice
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
did they know who the hell they were talking to
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
stop making me laugh so much
weren't most people wow ambassadors on their apprentice year
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
oh simon, you're too precious, you should have brought your piece of sheet in, we could have done some dragracin
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