Bishop O'Brien and I are conducting a Youth Advance this weekend as part of our community service hours,but I'm sure he'll let me break away for a spell....
Tommy, I just noticed your new "Thinks Gore won the election" designation.
I think Gore won the election, too! Go figure.
When I see the headlines today, I don't feel particularly warm or fuzzy toward the electoral college. Just think; when Bush began running for President, I was a Republican. Funny, how one person can change your point of view.
Sorry, folks! Don't mean to derail the whole Saturday-morning congeniality of the thread. Just complimenting Tom on his designation.
As you were; the smoking lamp is lit.
(But watch out for embarrassed-looking people who step out of elevators, just as you're getting in.)
i hope you are all dressed casually elegant when visiting this thread
linzee and simon, i'm sorry i missed our phone hookup. i was at a day in the word which lasted all day and all night. we were doing a word study on a comma....
I was going to the Advance Class but had to work bless patrol ten hours a day even though I had to pay for the class out of my budget money. "That's Corps"
I just want to thank Simon and Rocky for showing me a grand time in Phoenix. Joe chauffeured me all around in his big truck, and I got to see Rocky's eagles in the flesh! Very cool. And they both put up with waiting around for me to make my donation to the casinos. One must always share abundantly when gathering together with the brethren, dontcha know.
I loved getting together with you two and with my wonderful FIII friend...that was a bonus! I didn't even know she still lived in Arizona.
And Exsie, I was dissapointed that we couldn't get you on the phone hook-up. You coulda led the singin'! Maybe next time!
So Simon and Rocky, thanks for showing me a good time. Hope you had as much fun as I did!!
'Twas my pleasure...Glad you didn't say anything about the road rage....
It's all a matter of walking in fellowship,one with the Father,and having our spiritual antennae on,so when He calls...I will answer,...when He calls for me,I will he-e-ear...or when the phone rings,...I'll be somewhere listening for my name,...or home,at least,...unlike a certain poster here,...who shall remain nameless....
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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linzeeeeeeeeeeee i immediately was going to say i want to come and then i read your note to me
damn i wish i could !
maybe we can do vegas sometime
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hey karmie, love ya
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Bishop O'Brien and I are conducting a Youth Advance this weekend as part of our community service hours,but I'm sure he'll let me break away for a spell....
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Tom Strange
sim one... you and the bishop teaching drivers ed are ya?
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Linda Z
Hahahah Simon. Aw heck, just bring the kids along, but please ditch the Bishop!
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Tom Strange
It's the weekend niKa! so it's time for storms and tornadoes! (the 'watches' are already issued)
You guys have fun in airee zonnee! (it's a dry heat)
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Linda Z
Yeah, dry heat. Like sitting in an oven versus sitting in a 100-degree rainforest. Whee! :-)
I don't mind so much. It's cold and rainy here now.
I hope that plane flies HIGH over Kansas!
Sorry you can't come, Exsie dear. But yes, let's do Vegas sometime!
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Tom Strange
I just plucked some hail out of my yard that measures almost two inches across... no tornadoes though... just lots of rain...
There were some 60 mph straight line winds in the area as well. (but not at my house!)
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Yup, t-ball practise got rained out. I don't know whether or not we got any hail; didn't hear any before we went to bed.
Did you put it in your freezer, Tommy?
Happy Saturday morning, everyone!
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Tommy, I just noticed your new "Thinks Gore won the election" designation.
I think Gore won the election, too! Go figure.
When I see the headlines today, I don't feel particularly warm or fuzzy toward the electoral college. Just think; when Bush began running for President, I was a Republican. Funny, how one person can change your point of view.
Sorry, folks! Don't mean to derail the whole Saturday-morning congeniality of the thread. Just complimenting Tom on his designation.
As you were; the smoking lamp is lit.
(But watch out for embarrassed-looking people who step out of elevators, just as you're getting in.)
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Tom Strange
gee niKa... I just noticed that as well... paw must've changed it as last night it was "intimacy means IMing spouse" or something like that...
... yepper, it's in the freezer! HAIL!
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Well, thought I'd check in the The Thread. Kinda quiet lately.
But I had this thought...
If Yo Yo Ma married yo mama, she'd be Yo Yo Mama.
I think.
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I have lots of friends here when it comes to the verd ...
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i hope you are all dressed casually elegant when visiting this thread
linzee and simon, i'm sorry i missed our phone hookup. i was at a day in the word which lasted all day and all night. we were doing a word study on a comma....
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I was going to the Advance Class but had to work bless patrol ten hours a day even though I had to pay for the class out of my budget money. "That's Corps"
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'dat's riiight !!! true dogs i mean dog soldiers
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Linda Z
I just want to thank Simon and Rocky for showing me a grand time in Phoenix. Joe chauffeured me all around in his big truck, and I got to see Rocky's eagles in the flesh! Very cool. And they both put up with waiting around for me to make my donation to the casinos. One must always share abundantly when gathering together with the brethren, dontcha know.
I loved getting together with you two and with my wonderful FIII friend...that was a bonus! I didn't even know she still lived in Arizona.
And Exsie, I was dissapointed that we couldn't get you on the phone hook-up. You coulda led the singin'! Maybe next time!
So Simon and Rocky, thanks for showing me a good time. Hope you had as much fun as I did!!
Linda Z
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'Twas my pleasure...Glad you didn't say anything about the road rage....
It's all a matter of walking in fellowship,one with the Father,and having our spiritual antennae on,so when He calls...I will answer,...when He calls for me,I will he-e-ear...or when the phone rings,...I'll be somewhere listening for my name,...or home,at least,...unlike a certain poster here,...who shall remain nameless....
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Siborg, we are ALL nameless before the father of lights (Zippo), with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of churning.
Did you take her to Peeps??
Now I lay me down to sleep ...
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God hath no form or comeliness,subsequently no ha-h-homeliness either...
God has no bread but our bread with which to serve their hands...
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Linda Z
You call that road rage, Simon? Methinks you've lived too long in the laid-back Southwest. In New York, they'd call that courtesy!!
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Happy Tuesday Night to You-ho-hoooo.
Made you look.
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Tom Strange
hello niKa!
Reverend2T's, saw your post over in the "About the Way" room... please report to the Sonlight Room and bring your DWA retemories with you...
You want POWER PEEPULL? Let's talk about POWER!
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Strange, Strange, thou art careful and troubled about maany things.
YOU, sir, are one Power for A-bung-ant Ranger.
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