What the hey is going on here? What meaneth the bleating of the lambs that I hear in mine earballs? Last time I tried to get into this, God's kitchen, ever-thin was hung up, like our MOG to the sun. Now, I finally get in, and I see something about our Rocky raccoon being disbarred. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
I will return after my hour of power, my motion with devotion, here at work. Simon, thou art filled (pletho) with good stuff. Why must we READ our sermons ....
niki, whoa, wait a minute. Is tommy boy in Texas? This is imformation I need. Does that mean a total full blooded Yankee can be rehabilated to the Texas ways. (Question mark was intentionally left out to drive all English teachers bonkers).
feelowsleeper... I was borned and raised here... jes don tawk funny like them utherz har is awl... and then spent so much time up north being a missionary in a cult that when I got back here... they said I talked funny!
just saw a thing on PBS about supertwisters... you guys be careful up there... the season is nigh upon us!
We just watched the twister thing, too. Some of that footage looked like our house did, after the twister that took out the homeplace while I was on my L.E.A.D. solo, so long ago.
We are ten minutes from Moore, so we always try to know where the flashlights, radio, and bicycle helmets are.
I have students who come in from all over the country to study meteorology here. They're smart, and they have weird thingys on the tops of their cars. They get strange gleams in their eyes whenever it clouds up in the Springtime. Odd-looking vehicles prowl the city streets, with sensors bulging out at all angles. The doppler trucks from the Nova show are usually parked in a lot which is on my way to work.
It's kind of fun, in a spine-tingling, I-hope-we-don't-die sort of way.
They finally rebuilt our favorite Mexican restaurant in Moore (for the second time).
Hey 9th corps did you see what Joe believer wrote on the nice leader thread thing:
"Early on as a newbie Mike Gudorf for teaching New Testament Greek (on his own in his apt.) in Chicago. Great class and instructors were very helpful. Then there was Joe Kristen and his wife, Debbie Feese. God, Joe had a way of being a stickler on the Word then turn around and make you laugh your *** off. Never turned any one away from a fellowship I don't think. Debbie ran a fellowship 'fore marrying Joe in the area and she was awesome and sharp with people too. Just to watch her work with total strangers and minister the Word was something."
tommyeerie, Do you mean Grand lake instead of Grant? That lake is up on the Kansas/Missouri border although they do dump water downstream onto our lake. It is the Neosha river that ran through Emporia but once it enters Oklahoma it is the Grand River because of legal reasons beyond my understanding reasoning. That water from the Grand lake is discharged on us where I work at Ft. Gibson. Where I work at my dam job, I also give dam tours.
I guess that's the one sleeper... it's up in the top right hand corner... so... you live below the lake? how do you get to your house? dive? (or is there a tunnel?)
I drive 48 miles to the North from lake Eufaula every day. Hey that is like 500 miles a week but a new truck takes only four years to accrue 170k miles so hey it's okie dokie.
I know what you mean... I do about a 100 a work day usually... when I traded in my three year old Jetta in October, it had 93,000 miles on it... but that's crappy, in city, mostly sitting in rush hour miles... but it got 50 MPG in town (it was a TDI)... now the Element gets half that but at least I have room for more than myself and golf clubs...
Our big, green, boxy van gets lousy gas mileage, but at least I have room for my husband, myself, and all the kids, and the odd stray dog that we find wandering homeless, and groceries, and the weedeater, and the air compressor, and the rototiller, and all of the fishing equipment, and the Radio City Rockettes, and Cox's Army.
That's not too much to ask of a family van, is it?
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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What's that, Tom? (SKKKAAWWWWAAAAAWWWWSKSKSK) I can't hear you, Tom! You're breaking up!
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So, after we post, there is a sweet message: "Thank you for contributing to this forum."
I didn't even say anything that was very contributory, and I still got thanked!
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Tom Strange
well niKa... that's because the forum looks upon your heart... even if you can't find the words... it knows your heart...
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Niki was that tongues of men or angels? I didn't get no interpretation there.
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Dot Matrix
I think I would like to tatoo a guy in chaps...
Tom what are you doing later?
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Tom Strange
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Tom is doing the HappyDance.
I don't know if he's wearing chaps, but just being in TEXAS has got to count for something!
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What the hey is going on here? What meaneth the bleating of the lambs that I hear in mine earballs? Last time I tried to get into this, God's kitchen, ever-thin was hung up, like our MOG to the sun. Now, I finally get in, and I see something about our Rocky raccoon being disbarred. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
I will return after my hour of power, my motion with devotion, here at work. Simon, thou art filled (pletho) with good stuff. Why must we READ our sermons ....
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niki, whoa, wait a minute. Is tommy boy in Texas? This is imformation I need. Does that mean a total full blooded Yankee can be rehabilated to the Texas ways. (Question mark was intentionally left out to drive all English teachers bonkers).
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Tom Strange
feelowsleeper... I was borned and raised here... jes don tawk funny like them utherz har is awl... and then spent so much time up north being a missionary in a cult that when I got back here... they said I talked funny!
just saw a thing on PBS about supertwisters... you guys be careful up there... the season is nigh upon us!
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Hang in tommie I did know you were from the south. My Bad!. Gee, how interesting, I never knew you from there. I want to party with you dude.
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Hey, I want to party with BOTH you dudes!
We just watched the twister thing, too. Some of that footage looked like our house did, after the twister that took out the homeplace while I was on my L.E.A.D. solo, so long ago.
We are ten minutes from Moore, so we always try to know where the flashlights, radio, and bicycle helmets are.
I have students who come in from all over the country to study meteorology here. They're smart, and they have weird thingys on the tops of their cars. They get strange gleams in their eyes whenever it clouds up in the Springtime. Odd-looking vehicles prowl the city streets, with sensors bulging out at all angles. The doppler trucks from the Nova show are usually parked in a lot which is on my way to work.
It's kind of fun, in a spine-tingling, I-hope-we-don't-die sort of way.
They finally rebuilt our favorite Mexican restaurant in Moore (for the second time).
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Tom Strange
and to think... when I was a kid, we lived on the outskirts of town... we'd ride our bikes out to watch them... course, we didn't tell our moms!
and... we don't really live that far from one another... slipper, I got an uncle and aunt up on grants lake, that near you?
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Dot Matrix
Oh Tommy? Are you ready?
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Dot Matrix
Hey 9th corps did you see what Joe believer wrote on the nice leader thread thing:
"Early on as a newbie Mike Gudorf for teaching New Testament Greek (on his own in his apt.) in Chicago. Great class and instructors were very helpful. Then there was Joe Kristen and his wife, Debbie Feese. God, Joe had a way of being a stickler on the Word then turn around and make you laugh your *** off. Never turned any one away from a fellowship I don't think. Debbie ran a fellowship 'fore marrying Joe in the area and she was awesome and sharp with people too. Just to watch her work with total strangers and minister the Word was something."
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tommyeerie, Do you mean Grand lake instead of Grant? That lake is up on the Kansas/Missouri border although they do dump water downstream onto our lake. It is the Neosha river that ran through Emporia but once it enters Oklahoma it is the Grand River because of legal reasons beyond my understanding reasoning. That water from the Grand lake is discharged on us where I work at Ft. Gibson. Where I work at my dam job, I also give dam tours.
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Tom Strange
I guess that's the one sleeper... it's up in the top right hand corner... so... you live below the lake? how do you get to your house? dive? (or is there a tunnel?)
yes DotDotDot... our very own!
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I drive 48 miles to the North from lake Eufaula every day. Hey that is like 500 miles a week but a new truck takes only four years to accrue 170k miles so hey it's okie dokie.
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Tom Strange
I know what you mean... I do about a 100 a work day usually... when I traded in my three year old Jetta in October, it had 93,000 miles on it... but that's crappy, in city, mostly sitting in rush hour miles... but it got 50 MPG in town (it was a TDI)... now the Element gets half that but at least I have room for more than myself and golf clubs...
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Our big, green, boxy van gets lousy gas mileage, but at least I have room for my husband, myself, and all the kids, and the odd stray dog that we find wandering homeless, and groceries, and the weedeater, and the air compressor, and the rototiller, and all of the fishing equipment, and the Radio City Rockettes, and Cox's Army.
That's not too much to ask of a family van, is it?
Edited by notinKansasanymoreLink to comment
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It's Saturday morning. Coffee cake's in the oven; I can smell it from here. Tea, anyone?
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Tom Strange
oh niKa! sorry I missed the coffee cake right out of the oven... I HAD to golf... is there any left?
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Dot Matrix
I am making fajita's....
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No, we ate it all! And the appfelfanninkuchen this morning. Tonight: mussel linguini! Who's up for some?
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