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  notinKansasanymore said:
Hi, Tonto! Great to see you here!

And DWBH, just think of it as the Way Corps Version of War and Peace. If Spiderman was the main character, because he's the "imperfect" superhero. This thread is about five and a half years old now - it's kind of a cross between a diary, a biography, a high school reunion, and two men who walked into a bar. One had a parrot on his shoulder, and the parrot says . . . oh, wait, that was a derail. You know, that happens a lot on this thread. There are joys and heartbreaks and everything in between, told between people who had incredible experiences with one another, a lifetime ago. You certainly shouldn't try to read it all in one day, or even in one week. The continuity of the thing is just "love." Makes it right up your alley, my blessed brother.

I shall now go and dance in the kitchen in both your honors.






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when you were in NZ, did you see or observe the star constellation of the southern cross?

The only recognizable constellation of stars I see in this southern hemisphere is the Orion belt which lies greatly to the north.

Are you a star gazer or are you not knowing or did you notice when you looked at night.

I'm curious!

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  notinKansasanymore said:
Hey, this is a shout-out to mah peeps. Rejoice with me! After being gone on Sabbatical since early October, my sweet husband returns TODAY!!! It was beyond great to get to visit him there for Christmas, but it will be a very, very big deal to have him back home with us on a daily basis. Dang, I've missed that guy!!



Yayay!!! Happy for niKa! And the niKa clan!!!

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Thanks, Rocky! Hi, Fellowshipper! I did indeed "see the Southern Cross for the first time," as the song says. I wandered outside one night, in Hokitika, realizing that I hadn't looked for it yet. I looked up, and within about ten seconds, picked it right out. I hadn't realized that it would be so low in the sky, or that it would be upside down, but it was so obvious that it couldn't have been anything else. That was a pretty neat moment.

Mr.niKa looks fifteen years younger than when he left in October; my stepdaughter didn't even recognize him in a crowd until he said her name. It's all that walking everywhere, in Wellington, and living a 40 minute walk from work, in a very, very hilly city. The trek in the Tasmanian bush last week (which took 8 days), to climb Federation Peak (which took 1 day, for 9 days total on a sort of self-structured LEAD) did not hurt his conditioning any, either. It's great to have him back, and healthy. I now must get out my OWN walking shoes, and get back to my aerobics class, to keep up! It'll be a good thing.

Love to you all, niKa

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yeehaw!, niKa!.............welcome home mr. niKa!..........sure glad for all of you to be back under the same roof once again!.........enjoyed that southern cross incident!.........glad you get to enjoy your familial completeness again!...............rock on!......................peace.

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I see that we now have 333 pages on this our thread of glory. Does that indicate some kind of Bullingeresque complete completeness? I don't know - this seems to be a bunch of people who are still growing and inventing themselves - it would be kind of nice if we never stopped doing that. I sure do like you guys, and it's been an interesting ride so far.

love, niKa

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sweetniKa!!! what is it with this snow in March? ...and two different days in one week?

...is the end near? ...or does it just mean that we won't see our shadows for another six weeks?

fellowsleeper, how does that constellation turn over? is it because the earth turns cattywompus once a day during it's orbit?

where are the astronomers when you need them?

to all: carry on with the plan of the day...

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Yesterday was wonderful; it must have been almost seventy. The warmer days have brought out the very first Spring flowers. My next-door neighbor planted a whole herd of bright yellow daffodils right next to her front porch, and they are a riot of color. The poignant part of this story is that when my sweet neighbor planted them, she did not yet know that she had cancer. She passed away during the winter. Her daffodils remain as a sign of the good that she did in the world, and left behind for us to enjoy. Her work and joy is still active, speaking to everyone who enjoys those flowers, the opening salvo of good weather. As a person, even when she knew that things would end badly, she never lost her joy, or her courage. I think of that now.

Here's to ya, Jean. Sweet rest.


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  • 1 month later...

Tap . . . tap . . . Is this thing on?

It's been kind of a busy month here in the big town. How are you all doing?

My Mom, who is in late-stage Alzheimer's, fell and broke her hip late last week, and had a hip replacement this past Monday; everything went quite well, and she's back home at her facility, to undergo some physical therapy and healing. We've also been busy with work, school, scouts, and all of the usual children's activities. Finals week is within sight, and summer is on the horizon, so close that if I had a really good arm, I might be able to hit it with a rock.

I hope that Spring has finally taken firm hold wherever you live, and that it's a beautiful one. I hope that something unexpected and really neat happens to you today.

Love to you, niKa

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  notinKansasanymore said:
I hope that Spring has finally taken firm hold wherever you live, and that it's a beautiful one. I hope that something unexpected and really neat happens to you today.

Love to you, niKa

Thanks so much for the sweet wishes. I'm now looking out for that thing that's "unexpected and really neat" today!

And the same goes out for you...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

fish flying ... tom wants a cooler spring ... shipper has fall leaves ... very strange ...

here it has been a very cool and wet spring ... tomorrow finally soybeans go into the earth here ...

cows are gone .. lotsa deer and turkeys now (not you tom) ... golf ball size hail got a couple tomato plants, and punched a dozen holes in the siding a week ago ... still have wine to bottle from two years ago. The three year old stuff is down to a few bottles.

glad my ninth corps brudders and seesters are well ... I hardly knew yee ... but we did do that thang ... :)

keep dancing ... :dance:

Edited by rhino
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We did do . . . that voodoo . . . that we knew . . . so well. I stole that from Blazing Saddles, which stole it from an old torch song -- I don't know much voodoo these days, but this surely does feel more peaceful.

Summer has begun; yesterday was the last day of school for my sweet babies. They had an extra week, because they missed one during the ice storm this past December. I think that the first lightening bug was in the front yard tonight.

I love lightening bugs.


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Oh, ma-aaan. Had the first peach of the summer a few minutes ago. It was so juicy that I had to eat it over the sink.

I love summer.


Is this what I get for ditching my T.V.? Almost three years ago, now?

Just now watched Obama's press conference on the internet, about why he and his family have left Trinity Church. It revealed quite a bit about the inner man, in my opinion. He said that he prays often throughout the day, and often asks himself if he's making decisions and taking actions that line up with the precepts of his Christian faith, in order to keep himself on track. He said that he originally went to Trinity two decades ago because that's where he found Jesus Christ. This reminds me of why we 9th Corps kid wonders ever joined up with the Way in the first place.

Okay, that's probably enough rambling for now. I'm going to take myself into the kitchen and look for another one of those peaches.

'Night, niKa.

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