I was not running, as ye suppose, seeing it was but the 5th hour of our day. But the internal alarm doesn't let me sleep too late. I've been working out of town for over a year now & have to leave very early, get home late, which also is why I don't post as frequently as I used to. Has nothing to do with the 44 crucified with Christ (see "Are You Limiting God, Part II").
I love Halloween at the elementary school. Little bees, Harry Potters, dinosaurs, ballerinas, ninjas. Definitely a Holy High Day in the realm of childhood.
I love Halloween at the elementary school. Little bees, Harry Potters, dinosaurs, ballerinas, ninjas. Definitely a Holy High Day in the realm of childhood.
Okay, that's funny. It was midnight on my computer, but it said three minutes 'till when I replied. Must be like the commas between the four crucified, or sumpin'.
Okay, that's funny. It was midnight on my computer, but it said three minutes 'till when I replied. Must be like the commas between the four crucified, or sumpin'.
Well, SOMEBODY (somewhere ;) ) remarked that we (at least some of us and that would include you) don't look like we've aged much...
And I'm just glad you don't have baloney in your shoes.
well, maybe not, but I've got turkey in my tummy. We had the all-church Thanksgiving Dinner tonight. I don't know why they always do it a week ahead, but it sure is fun to have a preview of coming attractions. Tryptophan is setting in, and there's not a football game on - what to do, what to do. Oh, wait. I don't have a T.V., anyway. Okay, I guess I'll just grade papers, then. I'm pressing on to Higher Ground. In other words, I have to get back to work now.
Not black here... plenty of sunshine... but as to being "in the black"... not this month, especially if I were to jump into the retail mania which is the day after Thanksgiving. :)
AAAHHHHH, Monday morning, after a five-day weekend. Well, it wasn't exactly an "off" kind of break; we were pretty busy every day. Oh, it's hard to wake up this morning! I'm surrounded by sleepy children, snoozing in their oatmeal. Let's have a FUN RUN!!!
Or not . . .
Now that I can get back to work, maybe I can get some rest . . ..
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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I was not running, as ye suppose, seeing it was but the 5th hour of our day. But the internal alarm doesn't let me sleep too late. I've been working out of town for over a year now & have to leave very early, get home late, which also is why I don't post as frequently as I used to. Has nothing to do with the 44 crucified with Christ (see "Are You Limiting God, Part II").
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Tom, Where can I get a copy of "Are you limiting God part 2". I want to be in the know. I think I could be limiting Gawd.
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Mellowtripper, you just write me. Just write The Creature, Box 328, New Knockswille, Ohio, 45871.
He that hungers after Part II should work in the 24 hr WOW burger stand.
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Tom Strange
myseestorex!!! I certainly wish you'd get a new halloween costume!!! YOU SCARE ME EVERY YEAR WITH THAT ONE!!!
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I love Halloween at the elementary school. Little bees, Harry Potters, dinosaurs, ballerinas, ninjas. Definitely a Holy High Day in the realm of childhood.
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Is that a burka you're wearing?
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It's a Super Secret Agent, you silly bunny.
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Ah... that's what I was hoping!
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dr. strange, i will take this mask off once i find my other one-
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Tom Strange
thank you dear... I love you no matter what!
are you going to do another phone hook-up this year with the BBQ?
we all wish you (and you other guys) were here... sweetniKa is here with her two kiddos!
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I'm writing this at midnight.
It's midnight, and I am a GREASESPOT!!
Heh, heh, heh.
Okay, that's funny. It was midnight on my computer, but it said three minutes 'till when I replied. Must be like the commas between the four crucified, or sumpin'.
'night, ya'll. Love, niKa
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Heh, heh, heh!
How can you BEEEEEE so funny?
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Well, I'm just trying to keep my young people awake, you know.
Whooops - didn't work.
But I did call you "young people." Do I get points for that?
'night, ya'll.
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Well, SOMEBODY (somewhere ;) ) remarked that we (at least some of us and that would include you) don't look like we've aged much...
And I'm just glad you don't have baloney in your shoes.
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well, maybe not, but I've got turkey in my tummy. We had the all-church Thanksgiving Dinner tonight. I don't know why they always do it a week ahead, but it sure is fun to have a preview of coming attractions. Tryptophan is setting in, and there's not a football game on - what to do, what to do. Oh, wait. I don't have a T.V., anyway. Okay, I guess I'll just grade papers, then. I'm pressing on to Higher Ground. In other words, I have to get back to work now.
Love, niKa
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was there a clare in 9th corps?
that married a ruc**uzzo or something?
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Son of the Master
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I love you guys.
On this special day L$nny H$pkins should post a link to
his recording of the "Red Thread" from the dining room.
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Happy Thanksgiving, 9th Corps Wonderfuls!!
I hope that it was a great day for you.
love, niKa
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Tom Strange
thank you my little tryptophan drunk seestorniKa!
happy black friday to all mah peeps!
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Not black here... plenty of sunshine... but as to being "in the black"... not this month, especially if I were to jump into the retail mania which is the day after Thanksgiving. :)
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Tom, NO, I was not a "tryptophan drunk," but I'd really like to know whether anyone got the license plate of that Dutch Apple Pie . . .
Hope that you all had a great day!
As for me and my house, it's time for sit-ups.
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My FAVORITE! But I only had one piece and sent the rest home with the person who brought it... and I DID go to the gym today!
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AAAHHHHH, Monday morning, after a five-day weekend. Well, it wasn't exactly an "off" kind of break; we were pretty busy every day. Oh, it's hard to wake up this morning! I'm surrounded by sleepy children, snoozing in their oatmeal. Let's have a FUN RUN!!!
Or not . . .
Now that I can get back to work, maybe I can get some rest . . ..
or not . . .
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Tom Strange
sweetniKa: did I remember to tell you how wonderful it was to see you and spend a little time with you at the BBQ?
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