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  ToadFriend said:
A 9th Corps fellow who is a friend of mine has a neat new website ... hope he doesn't mind that I'm telling you all its URL ... <A HREF="http://www.mackaypainting.com" TARGET=_blank>www.mackaypainting.com</A> ... visit it and you can see what Jeff Mackay has been up to since he and his wife, Lisa (WC12) and family moved to North Carolina in the early 1990s.<BR><BR>He likes hearing from old Corps buddies, so I am reasonably sure I will not be pounded into oblivion for sharing this info with you all.<BR><BR>TF

Hello Jeff, God bless, thought you did refrigeration..oh well. drop me a line ,Jerry Mcsherry

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Now why cant we get any more 8th corps people to srop in like this???

Don't remember you and I'll bet the wagon you never heard of me. Outside of the oodles of 9th corps who post here, the ones I know best currently are LN/VN...of course LN started 8th with me. Or maybe you're not 9th but just someone all these people idolize? :)

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Hi, Jerry! Welcome and Love to you and Margie.

I don't think that Jeff visits here very often; at least, if he does, he's not anyone whose "secret identity" I know. Most of us on the 9th Corps thread have e-mailed or visited back and forth, and know who folks are. Point is: if you want to contact Jeff, you might want to do that through his work website; I don't think he'll see your note here.

It's great to have you here.

Hey, sports fans, How 'Bout Them Sooners???? I'm screamed hoarse from yesterday's game. It rained just lightly, right at kickoff, and again a few moments later; just enough to get everyone steamed in the humid heat. When the sun came out, you could practically see the water vapor rising up from the crowded stands. But it was the Miami game, and nobody was going anywhere, even if it downpoured, so we were very lucky. There were a LOT of bottles of cold water sold in the staduim, lemmetellya! It was like Florida weather, but it was three blocks from my house in Oklahoma.

Last week, North Texas (my Dad's alma mater, God rest his soul), which is known regionally as a superior music school, 71-10. Yesterday, Miami Hurricanes, 51-13. Something tells me (I am knocking on wood as I type) that this might turn out to be a decent football season. We acquired some pom poms. We'll see.


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  notinKansasanymore said:
Hi, Jerry! Welcome and Love to you and Margie.

I don't think that Jeff visits here very often; at least, if he does, he's not anyone whose "secret identity" I know. Most of us on the 9th Corps thread have e-mailed or visited back and forth, and know who folks are. Point is: if you want to contact Jeff, you might want to do that through his work website; I don't think he'll see your note here.

It's great to have you here.

Hey, sports fans, How 'Bout Them Sooners???? I'm screamed hoarse from yesterday's game. It rained just lightly, right at kickoff, and again a few moments later; just enough to get everyone steamed in the humid heat. When the sun came out, you could practically see the water vapor rising up from the crowded stands. But it was the Miami game, and nobody was going anywhere, even if it downpoured, so we were very lucky. There were a LOT of bottles of cold water sold in the staduim, lemmetellya! It was like Florida weather, but it was three blocks from my house in Oklahoma.

Last week, North Texas (my Dad's alma mater, God rest his soul), which is known regionally as a superior music school, 71-10. Yesterday, Miami Hurricanes, 51-13. Something tells me (I am knocking on wood as I type) that this might turn out to be a decent football season. We acquired some pom poms. We'll see.


For Arizona State :eusa_clap: also... but it's looking pretty gloomy for Michigan. :blink:

I think Jeff checked in to say hi a couple of years ago, but I agree he probably hasn't been here for a long time. :wave:

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Surely this is the year for the Fighting Illini ... they are due ... well, the Big Ten Eleven has 3 in the top 12 at least ...

I guess they had a couple good years in there since '78 when I was last there ... but now they lost the chief ... :(

Howdy Jerry and Margie, I hardly knew thee ... McSherry ... wasn't that the alcohol shake they tried at MacDonalds? I'd like a McSherry shake with fries ....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  simonzelotes said:
They(the names) were as of about 10 years ago shipper,I went up and looked around the campus when we were on a road trip... I saw most all of the 9th corpse signatures up there,almost in an alphabetic type order,except my own,and I can't remember for the life of me ever going up there to sign our names---There were still signatures up there from students as far back as like the 1920's so I hope they don't ever whitewash them...

Not really replying to this post, but where are you??? You gave me trouble about my Indians the last couple years. Now get over to the baseball thread and give me your answer!

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The leaves are just starting to turn a little here in Illinois. We got 142 bushels corn per acre on our little 13 acres ... not bad considering some 100 degree dry days in August.

About our continued learning process, I'm not sure what else there is to learn from that distant past, but I suppose there is something. I'll throw this out ... farmers work pretty hard. It may be that VP's farm work ethic helped him achieve what he did, even as twisted as it became. And it may be that desire to escape the hard work led him to more nefarious endeavors.

Perhaps what we learn as wise adults :unsure: can give us more insight into that little world that for most of us was our 20's. I'd like to offer some training changes for future Corpse programs.

It sure would have been more fun if they had just put a few kegs of beer down on the garden level of Wierwille every weekend. It now seems alcohol was a key component of VP's ministry, and he should have shared that fully.

And shouldn't those warm ups for public speaking have included more swearing? Clearly the ability to curse up a storm was vital to motivational techiques. The most important things were left out of our training.

And why seperate men and women in the dorms at all. We should have been sharing rooms and showers ... it would have helped us all loosen up sexually, as VP helped Craig do. Why did only the top leadership get that training? I would rather have gotten my aerobic points having sex than running the stairs in Kenyon and pounding the pavement. :biglaugh:

So to all my 9th corpse sistern, I truly regret we did not koineneo more fully ... if only we had had drunken showers together, where we laleo'd foul language and practiced our tongues ... that would have really bonded us and made us all better 9th Way Corps ...

Or was that happening over in Kipp or Kenyon, and I just missed it?

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Dude, you crack me up.

What you just described is a pretty clear repetition of something a guy told me he THOUGHT we were doing all the time, back when he picked me up hitch-hiking on my way from Van Wert to HQ during our interim year. I thought that he was gong to attack me, but I got out of the car okay. When J.Fred heard about it, he made sure that the ministry loaned me enough to buy a Wowmobile so that I wouldn't have to hitch-hike any more. Come to think of it, as I type this, I wonder whether it wasn't J.Fred's own money. He was sweet like that.

Speaking of inadequate training for the late-seventies Christian leader,

What about the missed financial training, where they should have taught us all to keep a second set of books, with the REAL money records, as they did?

What about the training where maids, who think that they are serving God to do it, come in and make our beds and keep our children and get treated like dirt, and THANK US for the privilege?

What about training in how to properly walk up the stairway of my own huge corporate jet, and execute the proper kind of wave for the photo op, and training in how to not care that the people who paid for that jet work part time and drive wowmobiles?

You may have a point, Rhino, my dear, that only the very upper echelon of Corps got the best training. How did they pick that upper echelon? That question reminds me of a movie, wherein a character was asked why HE was the one recruited by the government to be a CIA assasin. "They gave us all a battery of psychological tests," he replied, "and saw that I had certain wide lapses in my moral center." Or, something like that; it's paraphrased.


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  notinKansasanymore said:
How did they pick that upper echelon? That question reminds me of a movie, wherein a character was asked why HE was the one recruited by the government to be a CIA assasin. "They gave us all a battery of psychological tests," he replied, "and saw that I had certain wide lapses in my moral center."


That sounds like Grosse Point Blank. He said they did tests and his character fit a certain ... "profile". LOL

But yeah, how do you convince your servants to be thankful when they clean your toilet? And not only do they not get paid, but they have another job so they can pay you!

And finances ... right ... it seems in every category, the rank and file did not get the real training needed.

Perhaps our final contribution to the younger corps could be a manual on all these advanced leadership techniques.

Or not ... :)

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  rhino said:
The leaves are just starting to turn a little here in Illinois. We got 142 bushels corn per acre on our little 13 acres ... not bad considering some 100 degree dry days in August.

About our continued learning process, I'm not sure what else there is to learn from that distant past, but I suppose there is something. I'll throw this out ... farmers work pretty hard. It may be that VP's farm work ethic helped him achieve what he did, even as twisted as it became. And it may be that desire to escape the hard work led him to more nefarious endeavors.

Perhaps what we learn as wise adults :unsure: can give us more insight into that little world that for most of us was our 20's. I'd like to offer some training changes for future Corpse programs.

It sure would have been more fun if they had just put a few kegs of beer down on the garden level of Wierwille every weekend. It now seems alcohol was a key component of VP's ministry, and he should have shared that fully.

And shouldn't those warm ups for public speaking have included more swearing? Clearly the ability to curse up a storm was vital to motivational techiques. The most important things were left out of our training.

And why seperate men and women in the dorms at all. We should have been sharing rooms and showers ... it would have helped us all loosen up sexually, as VP helped Craig do. Why did only the top leadership get that training? I would rather have gotten my aerobic points having sex than running the stairs in Kenyon and pounding the pavement. :biglaugh:

So to all my 9th corpse sistern, I truly regret we did not koineneo more fully ... if only we had had drunken showers together, where we laleo'd foul language and practiced our tongues ... that would have really bonded us and made us all better 9th Way Corps ...

Or was that happening over in Kipp or Kenyon, and I just missed it?

With the kids today in their teens and 20s, I get the impression that many do have something like you described... with this thing they call "Friends with Benefits." :blink: And WE thought WE were pioneers! :confused::wink2::biglaugh:

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  fellowshipper said:
What has happened to all the 9th Corps on this thread. We need to keep our long distance learning process from our past that we are all a part of to keep going on.This is our thread, Speak on.

We are in spring here with all of the colors here of spring. The pollen is overwhelming.

We are in fall here with the fall colors brightening every day. leave are starting to come down. Our tomato plants survived an early light frost, and some suny days are helping them to ripen.

There is something about the season transition, on either side, that has it over my birthplace, which is southern CA.

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Per Fellowstripper's admonition, I will say on.

I have dreamed a dream, and in it was a cloud the size of a man's hand. And that I was the star of that movie. Oh, I get confused, maybe it was just a song I heard. In any case, I just wanted to share how blessed I was that just how you all have just kept this tread just running and running (laleo) in my absence and stuff. How beauteeful are your feets, all of ya's.

Jesus I know, and Paul I know...

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  tomtuttle1 said:
How beauteeful are your feets, all of ya's.

Jesus I know, and Paul I know...

Yeah, I've heard of them too....

Hey Rev. TT, we have endured your absence with great longing... for the wit and wisdom we had come to know and rely on for our monthly bread!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Holy Crap! I don't want to be designated a "Newbie". I'd better get busy adding more posts. Gotta bring that brown bar more over toward the right side.

Well, I just got off the phone with a long time very good friend of mine (an 11th Corps bro), telling him about these Corps threads. I told him it was good, because it wasn't a bunch of moaning about how evil TWI was/is, but about all of us who spent good times together, and reconnecting with people we miss. I think we're all aware by now of a lot of the bad stuff. Maybe after 25 years, some still need to rehash it. I don't. I'm 53 now, and some could bash me for being sentimental, but I look back with great fondness on those times. I remember the good stuff.

I may have been one of those invisible people that nobody else remembers, but I remember you (almost everybody), and I'm so thankful to God for all of my 9th Corps family. OK, maybe I'm still bent and haven't gotten straightened out yet, but I remember you as being my dearest family.

That 1st page on this thread reminded me of a lot of the ridiculous stuff that happened while we were there. BF and the ice cream bowl, makes me wanna cry (just kidding). I was at work when I read that stuff today, and I was laughing so hard - I knew those in the cubicles around me were considering a straightjacket. You know that laugh when you're trying to suppress the noise, so you laugh through your nose? Yeah, that one.

OOOOK, that's enough for now. Gotta save some for the next 16,000 posts so I can catch up with Kansas and fellowsneezer and lifted and excathedra, etc.

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Hey John Henry ...

It seems all the witty things have been said, and all the wit with names has been done ... so we are left with ... ummm

:) we know leeann kehhrs for simon ...

we know Russell is still lifting sindi edwaarrds ...

John, would you please stand and lead us in silent prayer?

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Man, I was soooo mad that Russell got there first. Guess that shows how much real courage I had, huh? What about Puzzo? and Brian J? Anybody heard anything about Puffy's master?

Thanks for the warm welcome. I was thinking last night about how some of youse guys are over on the other Corps threads, too. I see encouragement. What a great thing! Like "nice curtains".

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