What was wrong with us?...I can't tell you but my life changed in Tinney,New Mexico...There I was,on the bottom of this mountain,and I was what?...That's right!...Electrified!...And it was a beautiful spring day when I shut my eyes tightly and went to sleep on my solo(actually,'duo' is the more appropriate term)....When I woke up and opened my eyes,the snow was so thick as I peered out my sleeping bag,I couln't see the gas pumps next to the yellow school bus at the filling station not more than ten miles away...That's when Father spoke to me audibly,just as audibly as I'm cyber-speaking to you right now...He told me he'd teach me the Word,like it hadn't been taught since the roaring twenties,if I would never preach another negative sermon on the sins of drinking and alcoholism and so forth...
You know what I did?...I got up,patted myself on the back and nearly broke mah ba-hand patting myself on the back,put my hands in my pocket and said "I can lick any man in town,tonight!"...What would you say a thorn,or a prick in the flesh is?
What was wrong with us?...I can't tell you but my life changed in Tinney,New Mexico...There I was,on the bottom of this mountain,and I was what?...That's right!...Electrified!...And it was a beautiful spring day when I shut my eyes tightly and went to sleep on my solo(actually,'duo' is the more appropriate term)....When I woke up and opened my eyes,the snow was so thick as I peered out my sleeping bag,I couln't see the gas pumps next to the yellow school bus at the filling station not more than ten miles away...That's when Father spoke to me audibly,just as audibly as I'm cyber-speaking to you right now...He told me he'd teach me the Word,like it hadn't been taught since the roaring twenties,if I would never preach another negative sermon on the sins of drinking and alcoholism and so forth...
You know what I did?...I got up,patted myself on the back and nearly broke mah ba-hand patting myself on the back,put my hands in my pocket and said "I can lick any man in town,tonight!"...What would you say a thorn,or a prick in the flesh is?
God didnt make me a hand hold but I kept climbing, anyway. Most fun I ever had. How bout you Mr. Christian.
Oh yeh, mine was really beautiful too, but I was too afraid of snakes and bugs to sleep in it so I slept outside and woke up to pouring rain in my face and nowhere to go to come in from it. Never been so up-close and personal w nature before or since.
Seems like days since I last read up on the 9th and their companions in trouble... Were any of you guys REALLY in the 9th corps?? As for LEAD, I got that confused with the LEAD pronounced 'LED' . I thought we were to be LED to that city with its streets of gold, children laughing children singing with the happy angel band. Never happened.
I did however get to go LEAD last week. The new location was the Bahamas. And a cruise ship for mah hootch. Wifey is working for Carnival & can get cruises for next to nuthin. Anyways, got a few stingrays converted and taught Christian Ettiquette at the dinner table. People were so blessed, you should have seen the expressions on their faces, like God himself opened unto them a beer.
Gotta go to a Crusty Trustee meeting. Mah love and greets to our new babes, as well as us pillows of the truth.
me neither thank you god, well except for maybe a backyard campout with my boy, but the house was very close....
I remember Steve Ransom (amazing the names you remember when something triggers a memory peg) when we were done with our "solos or duos or ho-hos or whatever the correct word was) came forth with a huge snake skin that he had killed in his hooch, killed it and skinned it. Who knew he was such an outdoorsman. That's when I got real thankful that I hadn't slept in my hooch.
My idea of a roughing it now is sleeping in a three star hotel.
Bless me Father for I have sinned,it has been three days since my last post...LEAD's not over,nor will it ever be Mr. Sonofthemaster...Rocky and I learned---that when a 500 pound rock is falling on you from up above,and the Lord tells you to jump--you don't ask "how high?",...you just jump....
I didn't encounter any reptiles on my du-lo,but I heard Tom Tuttle had a one-eyed snake spit at him in his hootch....
That one eyed snake in the hootch could have been the same lead staff that frisked and confiscated all of furys choclate bars and candy stash when he first arrived. Somebody ratted him out. fury couldve been the first guy to gain weight on his solo/duo/self structured pronated vertical horizontal mandated lost in the woods under direct supervision with a 20 0z. baggie of laxatives.
There I was, on the back of my hooch, and that snake was standing there. And as the hooch began to pull out of the station, the snake said, I believe in your gorp, but I do not believe in your Jesus! And the one-eyed snake reached out his hand (which was really a neat trick) and the last thing I saw as that hooch pulled out of the station was the snake, with both hands filled with gorp high above his head, praising.
And the snow began to fall, so thickly that I could not see the gas pumps at the station. So I went back into my hooch, and bundled up, and slept for three days and three nights, whereupon the Lead twigleader came to bring me back to the real world.
Lead was a rather idyllic respite from being in residence; I really liked it.
It was a dark and stormy night... um... er... ... is THIS thing ON?
I thought I was taught in biology class (the section on reptilian life in the desert) that the correct name for that one-eyed beast is the "one-eyed trouser snake". But I could be confused or mistaken!
On LEAD I remember going up a rock with my assistant pulling on the rope to take the slack out. I kept yelling take the slack out, her name was Elizabeth from the 11th Corps. I yelled and got yelled back at by the staff and was questioned back in residence about this incident.
I remember me and Cathy a blonde a pretty woman in the 11th Corps. We both went down to a running stream and washed our hair against the advicement of staff. We later heard this was not VP's request to not bath.
I remember saving all of my gorp until the last day to have nurishment when all of the food was cut off. Yummy. I passed with colors with my hooch. It was so lonely, a time to reflect, alone without civiliazation and I cherish those days and often go into the wilderness to remind myself of what I experienced on LEAD.
I will never forget the time girls and boys were separted to go to the sweat lodge. Someone quit throwing water on the non-river rocks that explode and it got so intensely hot. Then they gave us a hot potato to eat. It was good with the salt, cheese, sour cream. Yummy.
When we got back to Emporia we had Borsch soup. No one in my twig liked it so I ate all of it and they obliged me as I was so starving from LEAD and ate all of it. My urine was red for days of the abuse I ate. I remember being full and yet hungry.
Wow. What an adventure. I hitchiked with one of the Fern girls. She was so bold and we got rides instantly by her boldness.
And yes, we returned all of the money given us, lest we be fined for vagrancy.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Talk among yourselves of what you recall if you will.
The potato had no condiments I forgot say without the condiments. As bland as it was it was delicious.
I heard when Wayne Clapp went, he stopped at the BIG TEXAM restaurant in Amarillo,TX. He ordered the 72 oz steak with all of the fixings. When he finished he asked for dessert and got it. When he asked for a beer for eating the eatable 72 oz steak, the waitress said I need to talk to the Manager. This is the words of his brother Michael my branch leader when I was on my interim year.
I remember hearing all about the Big Texan, then seeing it...but only from the outside.
One thing about LEAD I remember was the 9th corps leader of our group. She seemed very impressed with my cozy and presumably well insulated solo shelter. Not insulated enough to keep my water bottle from freezing solid though.
Crocky, keep your head outta the gutter. Why, I hadn't heard such vile terminology since walking in front of Kenyon and hearing a familiar spirit voice say "How the .... are you, *** dammit!!"
We're Kristons here, not sailors. I would they were even cut off which trouble you.
And mah Sexie, of course I meant our own Martha Sherman. Is there any other?? Hope she's using ash trays now...
Pretty dull around here! What's everyone doing, building hooches in their backyard for the Easter bunny? Fellowshipper, I like your post about LEAD, it was a lot of fun.
NotinKansas, I looked back at your original questions to start the thread off. I don't know about Don and Bill's list so I probably wasn't on it, but I do remember Gene Slavit's list. He had a list of all the 9th Corps women and he was inviting each one on a "date" to a meal with him. I think I ate lunch with him one day, so he could check me off the list. Anyone else remember eating lunch with Gene?
I ate many a meal with Gene but it never was date or I don't think it was. I really enjoyed his humor and light heartedness. Where is nowadays anyway? We used to really cut up and joke around about things.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Separate cars? It all depends upon where you put the comma. If you separate those cars in the wrong way, you get a whole different meaning.
Back in the day, we didn't get to ride in fancy-schmancy cars.
"Here's $20. Pick your hitching partners. Your objective: a yellow schoolbus in Tinnie, New Mexico."
("But, George, how will we find one school bus in a whole town?")
"Don't worry; the school bus is BIGGER than the whole town!"
We hitch-hiked UPHILL, BOTH WAYS, and we LIKED it.
What was wrong with us?
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What was wrong with us?...I can't tell you but my life changed in Tinney,New Mexico...There I was,on the bottom of this mountain,and I was what?...That's right!...Electrified!...And it was a beautiful spring day when I shut my eyes tightly and went to sleep on my solo(actually,'duo' is the more appropriate term)....When I woke up and opened my eyes,the snow was so thick as I peered out my sleeping bag,I couln't see the gas pumps next to the yellow school bus at the filling station not more than ten miles away...That's when Father spoke to me audibly,just as audibly as I'm cyber-speaking to you right now...He told me he'd teach me the Word,like it hadn't been taught since the roaring twenties,if I would never preach another negative sermon on the sins of drinking and alcoholism and so forth...
You know what I did?...I got up,patted myself on the back and nearly broke mah ba-hand patting myself on the back,put my hands in my pocket and said "I can lick any man in town,tonight!"...What would you say a thorn,or a prick in the flesh is?
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Son of the Master
Any body heard from Donnie and Marsha?
God didnt make me a hand hold but I kept climbing, anyway. Most fun I ever had. How bout you Mr. Christian.
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i made a beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful hooch
but i didn't fit in it
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Oh yeh, mine was really beautiful too, but I was too afraid of snakes and bugs to sleep in it so I slept outside and woke up to pouring rain in my face and nowhere to go to come in from it. Never been so up-close and personal w nature before or since.
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yeah how are our lambs of god doing ?
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Seems like days since I last read up on the 9th and their companions in trouble... Were any of you guys REALLY in the 9th corps?? As for LEAD, I got that confused with the LEAD pronounced 'LED' . I thought we were to be LED to that city with its streets of gold, children laughing children singing with the happy angel band. Never happened.
I did however get to go LEAD last week. The new location was the Bahamas. And a cruise ship for mah hootch. Wifey is working for Carnival & can get cruises for next to nuthin. Anyways, got a few stingrays converted and taught Christian Ettiquette at the dinner table. People were so blessed, you should have seen the expressions on their faces, like God himself opened unto them a beer.
Gotta go to a Crusty Trustee meeting. Mah love and greets to our new babes, as well as us pillows of the truth.
Sexie, hows come we can't track down Martha?
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I remember Steve Ransom (amazing the names you remember when something triggers a memory peg) when we were done with our "solos or duos or ho-hos or whatever the correct word was) came forth with a huge snake skin that he had killed in his hooch, killed it and skinned it. Who knew he was such an outdoorsman. That's when I got real thankful that I hadn't slept in my hooch.
My idea of a roughing it now is sleeping in a three star hotel.
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... and I got real thankful that I hadn't slept with Steve Ransom.
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Tom Strange
...one of the few, the proud, the...
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... latrines?
uh, no.... that can't be right?
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my dear reverend tittles
are we talking martha sheeHAN martha ferris martha stewart marcia lambofgod penny marchone (french prnounced) marchonchirstiansoldiers.......
marcia ferris
michael dugan
margie mcsherry
bill fury
martha jacobson
moira kenney
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Bless me Father for I have sinned,it has been three days since my last post...LEAD's not over,nor will it ever be Mr. Sonofthemaster...Rocky and I learned---that when a 500 pound rock is falling on you from up above,and the Lord tells you to jump--you don't ask "how high?",...you just jump....
I didn't encounter any reptiles on my du-lo,but I heard Tom Tuttle had a one-eyed snake spit at him in his hootch....
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Tom Strange
I think I like blueberry muffins better than banana nut...
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Son of the Master
That one eyed snake in the hootch could have been the same lead staff that frisked and confiscated all of furys choclate bars and candy stash when he first arrived. Somebody ratted him out. fury couldve been the first guy to gain weight on his solo/duo/self structured pronated vertical horizontal mandated lost in the woods under direct supervision with a 20 0z. baggie of laxatives.
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There I was, on the back of my hooch, and that snake was standing there. And as the hooch began to pull out of the station, the snake said, I believe in your gorp, but I do not believe in your Jesus! And the one-eyed snake reached out his hand (which was really a neat trick) and the last thing I saw as that hooch pulled out of the station was the snake, with both hands filled with gorp high above his head, praising.
And the snow began to fall, so thickly that I could not see the gas pumps at the station. So I went back into my hooch, and bundled up, and slept for three days and three nights, whereupon the Lead twigleader came to bring me back to the real world.
Lead was a rather idyllic respite from being in residence; I really liked it.
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It was a dark and stormy night... um... er... ... is THIS thing ON?
I thought I was taught in biology class (the section on reptilian life in the desert) that the correct name for that one-eyed beast is the "one-eyed trouser snake". But I could be confused or mistaken!
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On LEAD I remember going up a rock with my assistant pulling on the rope to take the slack out. I kept yelling take the slack out, her name was Elizabeth from the 11th Corps. I yelled and got yelled back at by the staff and was questioned back in residence about this incident.
I remember me and Cathy a blonde a pretty woman in the 11th Corps. We both went down to a running stream and washed our hair against the advicement of staff. We later heard this was not VP's request to not bath.
I remember saving all of my gorp until the last day to have nurishment when all of the food was cut off. Yummy. I passed with colors with my hooch. It was so lonely, a time to reflect, alone without civiliazation and I cherish those days and often go into the wilderness to remind myself of what I experienced on LEAD.
I will never forget the time girls and boys were separted to go to the sweat lodge. Someone quit throwing water on the non-river rocks that explode and it got so intensely hot. Then they gave us a hot potato to eat. It was good with the salt, cheese, sour cream. Yummy.
When we got back to Emporia we had Borsch soup. No one in my twig liked it so I ate all of it and they obliged me as I was so starving from LEAD and ate all of it. My urine was red for days of the abuse I ate. I remember being full and yet hungry.
Wow. What an adventure. I hitchiked with one of the Fern girls. She was so bold and we got rides instantly by her boldness.
And yes, we returned all of the money given us, lest we be fined for vagrancy.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Talk among yourselves of what you recall if you will.
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The potato had no condiments I forgot say without the condiments. As bland as it was it was delicious.
I heard when Wayne Clapp went, he stopped at the BIG TEXAM restaurant in Amarillo,TX. He ordered the 72 oz steak with all of the fixings. When he finished he asked for dessert and got it. When he asked for a beer for eating the eatable 72 oz steak, the waitress said I need to talk to the Manager. This is the words of his brother Michael my branch leader when I was on my interim year.
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Lifted Up
I remember hearing all about the Big Texan, then seeing it...but only from the outside.
One thing about LEAD I remember was the 9th corps leader of our group. She seemed very impressed with my cozy and presumably well insulated solo shelter. Not insulated enough to keep my water bottle from freezing solid though.
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The parable of the one-eyed snake is this:
The one-eyed snake IS the Big Texan.
Crocky, keep your head outta the gutter. Why, I hadn't heard such vile terminology since walking in front of Kenyon and hearing a familiar spirit voice say "How the .... are you, *** dammit!!"
We're Kristons here, not sailors. I would they were even cut off which trouble you.
And mah Sexie, of course I meant our own Martha Sherman. Is there any other?? Hope she's using ash trays now...
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Pretty dull around here! What's everyone doing, building hooches in their backyard for the Easter bunny? Fellowshipper, I like your post about LEAD, it was a lot of fun.
NotinKansas, I looked back at your original questions to start the thread off. I don't know about Don and Bill's list so I probably wasn't on it, but I do remember Gene Slavit's list. He had a list of all the 9th Corps women and he was inviting each one on a "date" to a meal with him. I think I ate lunch with him one day, so he could check me off the list. Anyone else remember eating lunch with Gene?
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I ate many a meal with Gene but it never was date or I don't think it was. I really enjoyed his humor and light heartedness. Where is nowadays anyway? We used to really cut up and joke around about things.
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