I guess I've been out of the loop for quite a while now, but I just joined the Grease Spot Cafe and wanted to drop by here and say hello. Not sure if if's pc to use names but I don't have any reason not to. I have some great memories of Corps days and experiences. Chuck and I were married in the 9th Corps weddings and are still happily married with 2 great kids, ages 15 and 8. It's kind of interesting explaining to them who all those other people in our wedding pictures are but they don't really know anything about TWI except that we met at a Christian College in Kansas. We left TWI in 1987.
I enjoyed reading all the name puns in the 9th Corps topic posts. A few months ago Chuck and I spent some time trying to list all the 9th Corps we could remember. We thought we came up with most of the names but going through the name puns brought back so many names we had missed.
I'd write more but it's Saturday night and I have to get out and run the stairs in (oh gosh what was the name of that building with the auditorium where I spent many Saturday nights)? to get my aerobic points in before midnight.
Karie (Tourne) Masterson
Hi Karie,
Glad you could join us.
You pretty much answered your question (highlighted). Though you would want to refrain from using others' real names without their permission. :)
A lot of life has happened in the last 25 years or so, eh?
Several 9th corpse folks are regulars here, as you've probably figured by now. Wish there were more.
Many of us have kids... I have a 17 yo daughter.
Say hey to Chuck for us.
It's also nice to hear you're still happily married... not enough of that these days (anywhere).
Welcome! We knew one another well; I might have even ironed your wedding dress. There were a few of us who weren't getting hitched that day, who went to Top Floor Wierwille to put finishing touches on things. I have often wondered how you and Chuck were doing, and hoped for the best. It's great to hear that you're still happily married.
You have a blog? I have to investigate.
Welcome, welcome! The first round of ice cream with popcorn on top is on me!
Hey Karie... Wow... you HAVE done a bunch of living. I looked at your blog... very nice.My daughter's name is the same as your daughter's, but spelled differently.And... before going in res for the 9th, I actually lived in Westwood for about 6months....Hope you enjoy the coffee here at the cafe.
Hi Rocky,Thanks for the compliment on the blog. Not sure who you are but glad to hear from you anyway. The coffee here seems really fine. A lot better than the stuff they used to serve in Weirwille. Wow, hadn't though of that in years but me and my friend Sheila used to have these huge plastic cups that we'd fill up with that awful coffee, until we found a room where we could plug our own coffee pot in and keep it going non-stop. I remember we had a great place in the basement of Anderson library that we used to hang out in after meetings or during "self structured veritcal" time. Good to catch up with some fellow 9th Corps!
Well, I wasn't very noticeable, but I think I remember Karie... and Chuck just a little ... it is all very hazy ... blonde and shorter than sheila? Was that Sheila Fern? The mind is a terrible thang. Only other Sheila I remember was in my twig ... till she left and became a deprogrammer. :o Good to hear you are doin' fine Karie.
I was tall and cleaned windows mostly first year ... oh, and light maintenance ... I was 20 years gone from twi and somehow found this site, wondering if there was even a twi anymore ...
That is cool, except you are too smart for me ... still, since you seem patient, maybe we can hang :)
I am a 40-something, Christian wife and mother, married to Chuck for 25 years. I have two children, Eric, 15 years old, and Aimee, eight years old. I have a Ph.D. from UCLA in Near Eastern Languages (Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude graduate). I am a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. I quit my job at UCLA six years ago to stay home with my kids and homeschool them. I love to read. I aspire to be a life-long learner, and I really, really want to impart, first of all unfeigned faith, and second, a love of learning, to my children.
WOW ... I once aced a pretty good team five times in a row in sand bar volleyball... does that count? (in New Orleans btw, post twi I spent 12 years there. But they are volleyball chumps compared to the SoCal VB'ers) You are obviously an over achiever ... but hopefully you can hang here a bit and connect with folks like me. There are prolly a few other over achievers here ...
I still think we used to talk a little, but can't quite bring it back ...
OK, I investigated ...Apparently this Socal Mom: Miracles DO Happen is your blog ...That is cool, except you are too smart for me ... still, since you seem patient, maybe we can hang :)I still think we used to talk a little, but can't quite bring it back ...
Hi Bill? Does your last name start with an H? I remember you, I do think we used to talk some. It's nice to hear from some old friends here. You did find my blog, because that's my blurb from it, but the link is to a friend's blog. Here's the link to mine:http://www.allmyways.blogspot.comEdited by wrdsandwrks
Hey, are you the 9th Corps member formerly known as ManyFeathers?
Hey Karie... I don't know about ManyFeathers... but I do know that Fellowshipper visits occasionally (not as often as some of us), and that he is living in the future... down under... so, his clock is way different than ours... but I'm sure he'll show up in a few days, if not sooner...
Hi Bill? Does your last name start with an H? I remember you, I do think we used to talk some. It's nice to hear from some old friends here. You did find my blog, because that's my blurb from it, but the link is to a friend's blog. Here's the link to mine:
I googled your name and "blog", and your friend's blog came up first. Apparently I went to the wrong tab when I grabbed the link for that last post.
I saw your tidbit about the Saints ... Your folks are still in New Orleans then? Did they fare OK through Katrina? Most of my friends there had substantial damage, many are rebuilding. The French Quarter was largely high and dry though, and much of uptown.
Many feathers came from an advance class we had in residence. There was some so called prophet named many feathers on video tape. My twin brother showed up at Emporia for a visit with long hair and was tagged as many feathers. Later like well over twenty years Mrs. wrdsandwrks husband was much of a gentlemen and came and apolagized for the insult. A curses go. Good man!. Many feathers was referred to my twin as I recall. Tallk among yourselves.
Many feathers came from an advance class we had in residence. There was some so called prophet named many feathers on video tape. My twin brother showed up at Emporia for a visit with long hair and was tagged as many feathers. Later like well over twenty years Mrs. wrdsandwrks husband was much of a gentlemen and came and apolagized for the insult. A curses go. Good man!. Many feathers was referred to my twin as I recall. Tallk among yourselves.
Sorry, fellowshipper, I didn't realize it was an insult. I just thought I remembered that some of the "in crowd" used to call you that. Best to you and your wife down under!
I saw your tidbit about the Saints ... Your folks are still in New Orleans then? Did they fare OK through Katrina? Most of my friends there had substantial damage, many are rebuilding. The French Quarter was largely high and dry though, and much of uptown.
Hi, All of my immediate family are deceased but I have cousins and an Uncle in New Orleans. My uncle lives on the West Bank which didn't fare too badly but he's in his eighties and had to evacuate for several months. He spent several months "on the road" travelling with my cousin and her family to various friends houses around the country. It was quite an ordeal. My cousin had a house uptown but the roof was damaged and so water and then mold got in the house. It took about a year to make it habitable again. My other cousin's husband passed away in December and I know that stress from the whole ordeal was partly to blame for his death. I know many people are still affected by it. I pray for New Orleans to recover. The successful Saints season was a real shot in the arm for many in the city. Too bad they didn't make it all the way...
Well,glory halleluah,I see that the Lord God Almighty has finally blessed us with new fruit on this here 9th corpse thread...It's about freakin' time...All it took was a little touch of the Masterson's hand...Nice to have you,W & W,we were getting tired of prayer,announcements,manifestations and singin' Camping in Canaan's Happy Land...
I came on because I had something to lift but Russell Coleman beat me to it. As Tom Jenk...used to say ....Joe Christian. It is GREAT to hear from you. I just had a long chat room with excathedra tonight. We go way back.. As fury used to say she is a puppy. Karie you and I spoke on the phone quite a few years ago. Trivia... I was Micah's childrens camp counselor at Rome City when she was 5 years old. How are you and the family. I miss the Lambs (feed my sheep). I lost contact with them several years ago. I think they are in Little Rock. I have seen Frank, Gambles, Coonsys, Cindy Ed over the years. Maybe we can hunt some folks down and have a reunion, sometime. you make me cry... I know you forgot the two drink limit. I quite altogether 12 years ago. feelin good. Your bro...touch of the .....
Son of Sam,...don't let Tomstrange's reference to me as simontheloaded mislead you...He's referring to holy spirit with a small 'h' and a small 's'...Why sometimes over here we even pray in the holy spirit into the meeting...
The family's doing well--thanks for asking...Micah's made me my own grampa about six years ago...Too bad you're still not working the chillen's camp so's I could send the little imp your way for a couple of weeks...I loved those mornings at Gunnison--our own electric coffee percolator in that little trailer that slept about 14...
Son of Sam,...don't let Tomstrange's reference to me as simontheloaded mislead you...He's referring to holy spirit with a small 'h' and a small 's'...Why sometimes over here we even pray in the holy spirit into the meeting...
The family's doing well--thanks for asking...Micah's made me my own grampa about six years ago...Too bad you're still not working the chillen's camp so's I could send the little imp your way for a couple of weeks...I loved those mornings at Gunnison--our own electric coffee percolator in that little trailer that slept about 14...
Well praise BE! (whoever BE is?) Simon our brother has returned! We have hungered for the wisdom of your indepth spurtchle insight!
Welcome Son of the Master!
Indeed, if Simon is loaded with anything, it's his overflowing knowledge of America's pastime! Less than 5 days, 14 Hours to First Pitch on Opening Day!
Simon I am glad of the fruit coming on board too. Paul planted Apollus watered but Gawd gave the increase and they were first called Kristians in Antioch. Me bewtiful people.
Let's have a dance! We need Gene Slavit to spin some records. Does Dana still have his "condemnation" costume? (like we'll ever let him forget THAT one)
We need Harvey on the guitar, and Cathey and Adrianne on vocals. Me, I'll just do a little Johnny B. Goode, and then sit back for some retemories and a cup of coffee - just the bottom half.
Share amongst yourselves, unless you haven't yet taught your tree. I have to get back to grading papers - there's no rest for the wicked.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
Posted Images
Hi Karie,
Glad you could join us.
You pretty much answered your question (highlighted). Though you would want to refrain from using others' real names without their permission. :)
A lot of life has happened in the last 25 years or so, eh?
Several 9th corpse folks are regulars here, as you've probably figured by now. Wish there were more.
Many of us have kids... I have a 17 yo daughter.
Say hey to Chuck for us.
It's also nice to hear you're still happily married... not enough of that these days (anywhere).
Rocky (meep)
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Hey Karie...
Wow... you HAVE done a bunch of living. I looked at your blog... very nice.
My daughter's name is the same as your daughter's, but spelled differently.
And... before going in res for the 9th, I actually lived in Westwood for about 6months....
Hope you enjoy the coffee here at the cafe.
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Welcome! We knew one another well; I might have even ironed your wedding dress. There were a few of us who weren't getting hitched that day, who went to Top Floor Wierwille to put finishing touches on things. I have often wondered how you and Chuck were doing, and hoped for the best. It's great to hear that you're still happily married.
You have a blog? I have to investigate.
Welcome, welcome! The first round of ice cream with popcorn on top is on me!
love, nika
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Well, I wasn't very noticeable, but I think I remember Karie... and Chuck just a little ... it is all very hazy ... blonde and shorter than sheila? Was that Sheila Fern? The mind is a terrible thang. Only other Sheila I remember was in my twig ... till she left and became a deprogrammer. :o Good to hear you are doin' fine Karie.
I was tall and cleaned windows mostly first year ... oh, and light maintenance ... I was 20 years gone from twi and somehow found this site, wondering if there was even a twi anymore ...
Edited by rhinoLink to comment
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OK, I investigated ...
Apparently this Socal Mom: Miracles DO Happen is your blog ...
That is cool, except you are too smart for me ... still, since you seem patient, maybe we can hang :)
WOW ... I once aced a pretty good team five times in a row in sand bar volleyball... does that count?
(in New Orleans btw, post twi I spent 12 years there. But they are volleyball chumps compared to the SoCal VB'ers) You are obviously an over achiever ... but hopefully you can hang here a bit and connect with folks like me. There are prolly a few other over achievers here ...
I still think we used to talk a little, but can't quite bring it back ...
Edited by rhinoLink to comment
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Hey, are you the 9th Corps member formerly known as ManyFeathers?
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Hey Karie... I don't know about ManyFeathers... but I do know that Fellowshipper visits occasionally (not as often as some of us), and that he is living in the future... down under... so, his clock is way different than ours... but I'm sure he'll show up in a few days, if not sooner...
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I googled your name and "blog", and your friend's blog came up first. Apparently I went to the wrong tab when I grabbed the link for that last post.
I saw your tidbit about the Saints ... Your folks are still in New Orleans then? Did they fare OK through Katrina? Most of my friends there had substantial damage, many are rebuilding. The French Quarter was largely high and dry though, and much of uptown.
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Many feathers came from an advance class we had in residence. There was some so called prophet named many feathers on video tape. My twin brother showed up at Emporia for a visit with long hair and was tagged as many feathers. Later like well over twenty years Mrs. wrdsandwrks husband was much of a gentlemen and came and apolagized for the insult. A curses go. Good man!. Many feathers was referred to my twin as I recall. Tallk among yourselves.
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Sorry, fellowshipper, I didn't realize it was an insult. I just thought I remembered that some of the "in crowd" used to call you that. Best to you and your wife down under!
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Hi, All of my immediate family are deceased but I have cousins and an Uncle in New Orleans. My uncle lives on the West Bank which didn't fare too badly but he's in his eighties and had to evacuate for several months. He spent several months "on the road" travelling with my cousin and her family to various friends houses around the country. It was quite an ordeal. My cousin had a house uptown but the roof was damaged and so water and then mold got in the house. It took about a year to make it habitable again. My other cousin's husband passed away in December and I know that stress from the whole ordeal was partly to blame for his death. I know many people are still affected by it. I pray for New Orleans to recover. The successful Saints season was a real shot in the arm for many in the city. Too bad they didn't make it all the way...
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Well,glory halleluah,I see that the Lord God Almighty has finally blessed us with new fruit on this here 9th corpse thread...It's about freakin' time...All it took was a little touch of the Masterson's hand...Nice to have you,W & W,we were getting tired of prayer,announcements,manifestations and singin' Camping in Canaan's Happy Land...
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Son of the Master
I came on because I had something to lift but Russell Coleman beat me to it. As Tom Jenk...used to say ....Joe Christian. It is GREAT to hear from you. I just had a long chat room with excathedra tonight. We go way back.. As fury used to say she is a puppy. Karie you and I spoke on the phone quite a few years ago. Trivia... I was Micah's childrens camp counselor at Rome City when she was 5 years old. How are you and the family. I miss the Lambs (feed my sheep). I lost contact with them several years ago. I think they are in Little Rock. I have seen Frank, Gambles, Coonsys, Cindy Ed over the years. Maybe we can hunt some folks down and have a reunion, sometime. you make me cry... I know you forgot the two drink limit. I quite altogether 12 years ago. feelin good. Your bro...touch of the .....
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Son of Sam,...don't let Tomstrange's reference to me as simontheloaded mislead you...He's referring to holy spirit with a small 'h' and a small 's'...Why sometimes over here we even pray in the holy spirit into the meeting...
The family's doing well--thanks for asking...Micah's made me my own grampa about six years ago...Too bad you're still not working the chillen's camp so's I could send the little imp your way for a couple of weeks...I loved those mornings at Gunnison--our own electric coffee percolator in that little trailer that slept about 14...
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Well praise BE! (whoever BE is?) Simon our brother has returned! We have hungered for the wisdom of your indepth spurtchle insight!
Welcome Son of the Master!
Indeed, if Simon is loaded with anything, it's his overflowing knowledge of America's pastime! Less than 5 days, 14 Hours to First Pitch on Opening Day!
Edited by RockyLink to comment
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Simon I am glad of the fruit coming on board too. Paul planted Apollus watered but Gawd gave the increase and they were first called Kristians in Antioch. Me bewtiful people.
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Let's have a dance! We need Gene Slavit to spin some records. Does Dana still have his "condemnation" costume? (like we'll ever let him forget THAT one)
We need Harvey on the guitar, and Cathey and Adrianne on vocals. Me, I'll just do a little Johnny B. Goode, and then sit back for some retemories and a cup of coffee - just the bottom half.
Share amongst yourselves, unless you haven't yet taught your tree. I have to get back to grading papers - there's no rest for the wicked.
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Son of the Master
I told fury about the site and am trying to get him on board.
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If you talk to him again before he visits our cafe, please remind him that the "Hammer will shine in '79"!
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Tom Strange
I spend a few weeks in the keys and look what happens! ...all of these faces... new and old at the same time different!
...yet still our wonderful seestorNika loves to cut the rug...
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Shirley the spirit is moooving mightily amungus ....
chuck I know, and karie I know ... but who is this furious one?
dust he was and dust he still clean dust off windows in the panhandle? Was it Lubbock?
sheila mcdonald, I remember now, yes ... good woman she was, shirley she is even gooder now ...
Well, it seems we are being called together to go lightbearers ... pack it up ... off we go we're on our way to Ohio ...
we will go shine the light at twi HQ? Are there any 9th corpse there we could save?
Nancy? ummm ... Bill n Fran ... not sure
Anyway, fun to see what is up with some of you good folks ... :)
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