In the words of Simon. when we did the trail of tears to the top observing all of foliage, he said" it was not politically correct to call it sqaw mountain" as it seems to degrade women. Whatever! Growing up with indians in the hills of Oklahoma, this is our venacular talk. Welcome to the 21st century.
If memory serves, Piestewa Peak was renamed in honor of Lori Piestewa, the first female casualty of this war. She was an American Indian. She was the best friend of the girl who was severely injured, and rescued in that famous mission.
I remember seeing a clip of a service for her; she was honored with the description: "our warrior sister."
On another subject, please pray some more for my stupid foot. We thought that it was getting better, but the improvement slowed and stopped. I'm now on the fourth antibiotic (but the first three were all at the same time), and it's getting very slowly worse. Going to see a specialist tomorrow. I did make it through finals week without having to go back into the hospital, but at this point, I want them to put me in there and pump me full of the good junk, to get rid of this. If you don't hear from me for a few days, that's probably what's up.
It puts a serious crimp in my plans to hike Aravaipa Canyon with mr.Nika during the holidays, and I've had just about enough of it.
Thanks for your love and your prayers.
this is me soon
P.S., Lori Piestewa left behind two children. If you ever run across any kids hiking up that mountain, might be them.
Tom Strange, you spoke of getting a prophetic council of CES/STFI, I say not! I comdemn thee to hell! That is quite a heated talk and so many pages but so sad. I feel lucky we got away when we did to grow in our own lives.
Slipper my brother... to hell? I've been there, but I would not want to go during the summer and if I go when the weather is cooler here then I have to pay those steep seasonal prices!
Instead, can I just be condemned to spend the entire summer here? It's often hotter than hell here during those months... even worse if I go to the ballpark in Arlington...
I had a dream last night that reverend2Ts was about to make a visit... there was a rainbow, and at it's base was an empty pot with a sign that said "for the gold, go to the other base"... so I started the journey, got to the other base and there was an empty pot with a sign that said "for the gold, go to the other base"... so I started the journey...
2 bases, 2 pots, 2 blondes were sitting in a bar... 2Ts! Can you see it people?
I'm putting together a new MAL pack.. how long do Slim Jims last? the wrapper unopened... I could put a bunch of them (and some Tums) in there couldn't I???
I think I'll seek council in the open forum as well... (no offense)
My little farm is perfect for survival. I will prepare your malpack here, but there is a $1000 up front cost, and then of course the maintenance fee ... but I will send you a monthly prophetic dream ... $50.
I will expound and interpret it for you for another $50. And don't miss out on this opportunity to be one of my underlings ... If you send me $200 for the class, you can be prophetic and sell your prophetic dreams for $50 a pop, of which i will get $10.
OK, i need a marketing person to clean this plan up, but I smell money.
Rhino, my spousal unit (she who must be obeyed) got me (well, I had to order it) the entire Green Acres series on DVD from some outfit in Canadia... all six or seven seasons...
You have rightly judged (glen ortho-judgemounta), our Strange brother. It indeed was a veesion that I should return booms-quick.
My HOPE and WISH is that we all would be LUCKY enough to have a great CHRISTMAS and New Year.
My absence is due to the principle of feast or famine. Either too much work and no time, or too little work and no CIF (rubbles, sheckles, dinars, pesos, dabloons, ducatos, ching). So I hereby ordain Tom Stranger in the night to be chief amongst you. Tom, git to crackin'!!! Be a doulos, run to swerve, checkup from the neckup, be all you can be, until such a time as I can requit of this mah labor night and day.
Merry Christmas to all of you. And don't get tricked by your families. Remember, you need to be back here Jan1 for the 5pm service.
I'm your marketeer here - - and in the dream off-season I can stomp grapes ;)
What a plan!
Yeah, I'm revamping grape plans for the new place ... farmer market ... vegies/fruits/ everything ... now if I could just escape the house for more than an hour a day. :blink: I did get the tractor and the 3 bottom plow out for the garden.
Right Tom, earthly families are such a distraction, except for having to be born into them, they are worthless.
It may be time to invite people to my farm to give their lives to the lord. CES is dying on the vine, there are no doubt some disenchanted folks looking for a new guru. All I need is to remember something about the Bible ... or is that even necessary? How much are ex twi clergy going for now?
Well, our own Rev. 2Ts is better than the next best thing.... He IS the best (thing). Mayhaps when a time of phamine finds its way to his door, he would give of the gifts of his life to assist you in all the remembrances necessary.
Happy winter solstace,and merry x-mas,and happy birthday dear (((((((Jesus)))))),and happy motoring,Mary and Joseph,and happy prophesying,dear (((((magi))))) and happy trees,Bob Ross, and happy posting,9th corpse, and happy shake-up, CES and happy,happy,Joy,Joy all you dishwashers and so forth....
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Tom Strange
I can't see the mountains either slipper... and the sky is clear here!
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I can't see the mounains, either.
Oh, wait. I'm in central Oklahoma.
There aren't any.
Come to think of it, I can't see the ocean, either. Must be Fellowshipper's haze.
I can't see the forest, either, but it isn't for the trees.
When I make jokes that are this bad, you know that it's finals week. Oh, Lord, save me.
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Tom Strange
I'll bet Rocky and Simon can see the mountains!
myseestorEx... can you see the mountains?
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As a matter of fact, we can! It's a bit chilly today, but the air is clear enough to see the mountains (only about two miles away).
(posted by Rocky and Zelotes)
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Simon is that sqaw hill? That doesn't count.
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Tom Strange
methinks Simon is speaking of the back of the dromedary...
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Actually, from SimonZ's house, Piestewa Peak is closer and a more direct line of sight. Piestewa Peak was formerly named Squaw Peak.
Camelback Mountain would be viewable from Simon's house except for lots of houses and trees in between.
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In the words of Simon. when we did the trail of tears to the top observing all of foliage, he said" it was not politically correct to call it sqaw mountain" as it seems to degrade women. Whatever! Growing up with indians in the hills of Oklahoma, this is our venacular talk. Welcome to the 21st century.
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Silly Rabbit!
If memory serves, Piestewa Peak was renamed in honor of Lori Piestewa, the first female casualty of this war. She was an American Indian. She was the best friend of the girl who was severely injured, and rescued in that famous mission.
I remember seeing a clip of a service for her; she was honored with the description: "our warrior sister."
On another subject, please pray some more for my stupid foot. We thought that it was getting better, but the improvement slowed and stopped. I'm now on the fourth antibiotic (but the first three were all at the same time), and it's getting very slowly worse. Going to see a specialist tomorrow. I did make it through finals week without having to go back into the hospital, but at this point, I want them to put me in there and pump me full of the good junk, to get rid of this. If you don't hear from me for a few days, that's probably what's up.
It puts a serious crimp in my plans to hike Aravaipa Canyon with mr.Nika during the holidays, and I've had just about enough of it.
Thanks for your love and your prayers.
P.S., Lori Piestewa left behind two children. If you ever run across any kids hiking up that mountain, might be them.
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Tom Strange
Can we get us one of those prophetic councils like the CES/STFI folks have?
niKa, it's the dancing dear... I tried to tell you... but I know how much you love it! always, a call has been put in to the mothership.
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Tom Strange, you spoke of getting a prophetic council of CES/STFI, I say not! I comdemn thee to hell! That is quite a heated talk and so many pages but so sad. I feel lucky we got away when we did to grow in our own lives.
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Tom Strange
Slipper my brother... to hell? I've been there, but I would not want to go during the summer and if I go when the weather is cooler here then I have to pay those steep seasonal prices!
Instead, can I just be condemned to spend the entire summer here? It's often hotter than hell here during those months... even worse if I go to the ballpark in Arlington...
I had a dream last night that reverend2Ts was about to make a visit... there was a rainbow, and at it's base was an empty pot with a sign that said "for the gold, go to the other base"... so I started the journey, got to the other base and there was an empty pot with a sign that said "for the gold, go to the other base"... so I started the journey...
2 bases, 2 pots, 2 blondes were sitting in a bar... 2Ts! Can you see it people?
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Tom Strange
I need your help.
I'm putting together a new MAL pack.. how long do Slim Jims last? the wrapper unopened... I could put a bunch of them (and some Tums) in there couldn't I???
I think I'll seek council in the open forum as well... (no offense)
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My little farm is perfect for survival. I will prepare your malpack here, but there is a $1000 up front cost, and then of course the maintenance fee ... but I will send you a monthly prophetic dream ... $50.
I will expound and interpret it for you for another $50. And don't miss out on this opportunity to be one of my underlings ... If you send me $200 for the class, you can be prophetic and sell your prophetic dreams for $50 a pop, of which i will get $10.
OK, i need a marketing person to clean this plan up, but I smell money.
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Tom Strange
Rhino! ...are you sure your name is not "Mr. Haney"???
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Heh ... good read ... I actaully have been watching Green Acres lately ...
Merry Christmas everyone ... almost time to celebrate the winter solstice ...
"After this celebration, there will be days with longer daylight hours and therefore an increase in positive energy flowing in. "
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Tom Strange
Rhino, my spousal unit (she who must be obeyed) got me (well, I had to order it) the entire Green Acres series on DVD from some outfit in Canadia... all six or seven seasons...
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That sounds like a great Christmas present Tom. Do you have a stuffed Arnold or a manequine of Mr Ziffel to watch them with?
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Tom Strange
nope... but now you've given me an idea for my birthday present!
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Marketing? Did I hear Marketing?
I'm your marketeer here - - and in the dream off-season I can stomp grapes ;)
What a plan!
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You have rightly judged (glen ortho-judgemounta), our Strange brother. It indeed was a veesion that I should return booms-quick.
My HOPE and WISH is that we all would be LUCKY enough to have a great CHRISTMAS and New Year.
My absence is due to the principle of feast or famine. Either too much work and no time, or too little work and no CIF (rubbles, sheckles, dinars, pesos, dabloons, ducatos, ching). So I hereby ordain Tom Stranger in the night to be chief amongst you. Tom, git to crackin'!!! Be a doulos, run to swerve, checkup from the neckup, be all you can be, until such a time as I can requit of this mah labor night and day.
Merry Christmas to all of you. And don't get tricked by your families. Remember, you need to be back here Jan1 for the 5pm service.
In Florida,
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Right Tom, earthly families are such a distraction, except for having to be born into them, they are worthless.
It may be time to invite people to my farm to give their lives to the lord. CES is dying on the vine, there are no doubt some disenchanted folks looking for a new guru. All I need is to remember something about the Bible ... or is that even necessary? How much are ex twi clergy going for now?
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Well, our own Rev. 2Ts is better than the next best thing.... He IS the best (thing). Mayhaps when a time of phamine finds its way to his door, he would give of the gifts of his life to assist you in all the remembrances necessary.
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Happy winter solstace,and merry x-mas,and happy birthday dear (((((((Jesus)))))),and happy motoring,Mary and Joseph,and happy prophesying,dear (((((magi))))) and happy trees,Bob Ross, and happy posting,9th corpse, and happy shake-up, CES and happy,happy,Joy,Joy all you dishwashers and so forth....
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