....and put a ring on his finger,and bells on his toes,and proclaim "wherefore hast thou smitten me these three times?...Am I not thine foot?"....For now we are completely,completely and absolutely complete in him...
Hey.I didn't type "foot"...You add a word here,...change a word there,...what've you got?...
Since LindaZ is one of our biggest fans here at the ol' cafe, I figgered this would be a good place to invite all of us from the 9th to wish her a HAPPY B'DAY!
Hey, does anybody remember the words to the Whistle Song? I wrote the darn thing, but years ago burned the Corps diary where the lyrics were originally penned, and now I can't recall all of them.
We're glad you came to visit us
da da, da da da dah.
If the Lord tarries a little while more,
We'll sing you a little song.
(whistle the tune one time through) Some of the later Corps at Emporia did some cool caliope-sounding stuff during this part.
It's good to see your smiling face
So full of love and cheer,
da da, da da da da da dah,
We'll see you again next year.
I may have the first and last verses (or parts of them) mixed up.
Simon that song has often wrung in my earballs for the last 20+ years it is accurate enough and close enough for me. Good on you! I miss the Corps I Knew in my youth, NOT. It still effects me yes.
I think Cathy Brubeck from our superior 7th Corps wrote that catchy birthday song. Bless her. What's that other one??
Happy, Happy birthday
Frrom all of us to you
Happy, Happy birthday may all your dreams (later changed to prayers thanks to LCM.....sheesh!) come true
May you have happy birthday's
All .... your..... whole .....life throuuuuuuugh (pause)
Happy, happy birthday
It's God in Christ in you!
(Ex i got Mac's comp. I gotta wipe it all out start from scratch. Easy but take a littel time.)
Yeah,well bless Cathy Brubeck in your superior corpse,and bless you for blessing her and bless excie for loving you and bless God and all that,but I'm still confused about all these other birthday songs you'ns keep talking about...And I always thought satan was the author of confusion...
And bless Fellowshipper and all his aborigine friends...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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....and put a ring on his finger,and bells on his toes,and proclaim "wherefore hast thou smitten me these three times?...Am I not thine foot?"....For now we are completely,completely and absolutely complete in him...
Hey.I didn't type "foot"...You add a word here,...change a word there,...what've you got?...
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Tom Strange
Rocky's back??? ...who left the door open???
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Hey TommyStrange... glad to see YOU!!!
I hope you brought the sno-cone machine!
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Hi Strangelove!
Good to see you again!
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Tom Strange
why thankyousomuch jardi!
I went to the sonlight room earlier tonight... wasn't that where fellowship was supposed to be?
I brought sno-cones and twinkies for refreshments...
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Since LindaZ is one of our biggest fans here at the ol' cafe, I figgered this would be a good place to invite all of us from the 9th to wish her a HAPPY B'DAY!
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Happy birthday,Linda...Too bad we're too far away to toss you into the pond...
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Hey, does anybody remember the words to the Whistle Song? I wrote the darn thing, but years ago burned the Corps diary where the lyrics were originally penned, and now I can't recall all of them.
We're glad you came to visit us
da da, da da da dah.
If the Lord tarries a little while more,
We'll sing you a little song.
(whistle the tune one time through) Some of the later Corps at Emporia did some cool caliope-sounding stuff during this part.
It's good to see your smiling face
So full of love and cheer,
da da, da da da da da dah,
We'll see you again next year.
I may have the first and last verses (or parts of them) mixed up.
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This is kinda close:
We're so glad that you were born 'cuz if you were not here
We could not see your smiling face or hear your voice of cheer
It's hard to say "God bless you" to someone who doesn't exist
Especially on your birthday you would certainly be missed
So happy,happy birthday to someone who is so dear
And if the Lord should tarry we'll be singing to you next year.
Ok,now where are my car keys?...
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Simon, I think that's a different song.
Oh, I'm so confused.
My heart can sing,
When I pause to remember
But then my brain
Just gets all kind of numb,
Along a trail
that's winding always upward
the toughest part
is likely yet to come
But until then,
I'll try to skirt Alzheimers;
Until then,
Ginsana will be fun,
Until the day
I don't know what I'm doing
Until the day
my brain is gone.
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Nika,sweetheart,I think you've also gotten me a little 'at sea'....
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Simon that song has often wrung in my earballs for the last 20+ years it is accurate enough and close enough for me. Good on you! I miss the Corps I Knew in my youth, NOT. It still effects me yes.
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Linda Z
Thanks Rocky & Simon.
Simon, can you say "tsunami"???
'Tis an honor to have been birthday-greeted in the 9th Corps retread. Danke, merci, gracias.
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happy birthday dearest linzee
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I think Cathy Brubeck from our superior 7th Corps wrote that catchy birthday song. Bless her. What's that other one??
Happy, Happy birthday
Frrom all of us to you
Happy, Happy birthday may all your dreams (later changed to prayers thanks to LCM.....sheesh!) come true
May you have happy birthday's
All .... your..... whole .....life throuuuuuuugh (pause)
Happy, happy birthday
It's God in Christ in you!
(Ex i got Mac's comp. I gotta wipe it all out start from scratch. Easy but take a littel time.)
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i love you igotgeek
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Yeah,well bless Cathy Brubeck in your superior corpse,and bless you for blessing her and bless excie for loving you and bless God and all that,but I'm still confused about all these other birthday songs you'ns keep talking about...And I always thought satan was the author of confusion...
And bless Fellowshipper and all his aborigine friends...
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Is satan the author of confusion?
In my case, he may only be the ghostwriter.
I do pretty well at confusing my own self.
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....and bless you too Nika...
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That was to bless both you, Simon, and you niKa!
And lettuce not forget to bless Excie and the stRanger and Rev. 2T's...
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Tom Strange
I hear a chorus of koooom-bi-yah coming on...
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i don't know if i could be anymore blessed than i already am
is there a topic here ?
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Do your ears hang high?
Can you reach them to the sky?
Do they wrinkle when they're wet?
Do they straighten when they're dry?
Can you throw them over your shoulder
like a Continental Soldier?
Do your ears hang high?
Nope, I haven't been up all night grading . . . not me? Nobody around here is zoned out or spacey, not in the least, no sirreee.
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Tom Strange
ah sweetniKa... is that the reason that I go around whistling christmas songs no matter what time of year it is?
(of course, in my head I'm saying "walkin' 'round in women's underwear...")
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