you have to run the mouse over your name at the bottom of the page ... ok, those pages do have cute bottoms and I did flirt with them, but I didn't send them any emails ...
5902 messages here ... what a bunch of insightful revelation ... or is it just hot air?
Painting part of the granary was today's chore ... but now I pretty much have to paint the barn ...
Make it a reeeeeeeally hiiiiiiiiigh scissorlift, and you could be right up at the top, in your polyester leisure suit, when Ambassador One does a low flyover. The chicks will really dig it.
nooo thanks, no high scissorlift with you .... lol
those things are wobbly and only go straight up ... I used a 45' lift for atriums in New Orleans before ... that would be the way to go I think ... then you can really reach out and touch someone ... or a roof ... more like this
I think ZZ Top rents those things ... :)
Of course lcm thought a class 1 old aluminum ladder was adequate for the south side of wierwille library
I think B mitchell came off the roof to do the north side at some later date ... anything to save twi a dime
a nickel saved is another nickel for more drambuie and a better bus ...
Hey Rocky,...good to have you back!...So are you on parole,house arrest or do they have one of those ankle bracelets on you to keep you monitored?...They desperately need you over on the politico threads...That place is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest without McMurphy....
Tnks dmiller... and Mr. Zelotes, no ankle bracelets or anything... I served my time and thought I saw a yeller ribbon round the ol' oak tree just outside the Cafe!
Hey 9th-ers. Been on the road travelin here, there and too many places like Mr. Strangeone, so am catching up over a pot of coffee this a.m.
What? The Eagle has landed????? How cool is that???? Welcome back my dear Rocky friend. Simon's been kind enough to keep me posted on your well being :), but you've been missed. These slackers here have missed DAYS of posting so you'll have to whip them into shape again so Ms. Tonto and I can enjoy our morning coffee with a chuckle.
SimonZ, your memory never seizes to amaze me ;) I've not heard wooly bully in a long time. Andof course his daughter adores him, excie - - what's not to love???
NIKA, so glad you are well again and back dancing here at the cafe! Your updates were missed.
Just got back from a trip to S. Diego and then Orlando for 6 days and I come back to FROST! What's up with that?
Bill, we need to get those grapes in before they turn to frozen raisens.
What? The Eagle has landed????? How cool is that???? Welcome back my dear Rocky friend. Simon's been kind enough to keep me posted on your well being :), but you've been missed. These slackers here have missed DAYS of posting so you'll have to whip them into shape again so Ms. Tonto and I can enjoy our morning coffee with a chuckle. J.
Thank you my dear friend Jalapeno!
Nice to see you again, tooooo!
I don't know about WHIPPING anyone into shape... perhaps some WHIPPED cream on top of a sno-cone would be nice, however. That is if our dear Strange friend stops by soon with his sno-cone machine!
Yea, they let this thread slide for just over 5 days once recently. They're lucky someone doesnt cheat and posr on all the corps threads just to bury this one on page 2 (and that's not a Paul Harvey commercial). We of course are not like that. We're the humble quiet type. (Like the time I quietly raided the HQ pantry solo once at midnight in Nov. 79). Although, funny thing, I think I may be getting to be a little more like Simon since I found out I used to know him.
I think it got pushed down only to fourth, no worse.
Whoa - we skip for five days, and we've gotten nothin' but trouble for it. Other threads skip for five MONTHS, and people are just happy to see them when they show up again.
I suppose that it's true: "he to whom much has been given, of him shall much be required." Is it our fault that we've been given sooooo muuuuch?
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
Posted Images
you have to run the mouse over your name at the bottom of the page ... ok, those pages do have cute bottoms and I did flirt with them, but I didn't send them any emails ...
5902 messages here ... what a bunch of insightful revelation ... or is it just hot air?
Painting part of the granary was today's chore ... but now I pretty much have to paint the barn ...
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Bill.that is a cool looking barn...You should paint 'Mail Pouch Chewing Tobacco' on the roof...
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yeah ... or Meramac Caverns
but no one can see this from the road ... I'm like a half mile down a lane off the blacktop
maybe Jef Mackeey will volunteer to do the high work .... heh Maybe I'll rent a lift when I get to the barn.
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Make it a reeeeeeeally hiiiiiiiiigh scissorlift, and you could be right up at the top, in your polyester leisure suit, when Ambassador One does a low flyover. The chicks will really dig it.
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nooo thanks, no high scissorlift with you .... lol
those things are wobbly and only go straight up ... I used a 45' lift for atriums in New Orleans before ... that would be the way to go I think ... then you can really reach out and touch someone ... or a roof ... more like this
I think ZZ Top rents those things ... :)
Of course lcm thought a class 1 old aluminum ladder was adequate for the south side of wierwille library
I think B mitchell came off the roof to do the north side at some later date ... anything to save twi a dime
a nickel saved is another nickel for more drambuie and a better bus ...
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I can see the sunlight again!
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Rocky -- Welcome back!!
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Hey Rocky,...good to have you back!...So are you on parole,house arrest or do they have one of those ankle bracelets on you to keep you monitored?...They desperately need you over on the politico threads...That place is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest without McMurphy....
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Tnks dmiller... and Mr. Zelotes, no ankle bracelets or anything... I served my time and thought I saw a yeller ribbon round the ol' oak tree just outside the Cafe!
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Linda Z
*blink* *blink*
Could it really be???
Welcome back, Rocky! 'bout time you showed up.
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Indeed! Thank you LindaZ
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holy sh itola !!!!!! (now i'm banned)
ROCKSTAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Tnks Excie dear... nice to be back... and a big MWAH to you and all of my 9th corpse friends... :x
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It's good to be home again
It's good to have peas wthin
My thread and me have reconciled
And all my wrongs have been made right
My mind is satisfied,I feel so gooood inside
My feet are walking in the right direction everything's all right...
(Sung to the tune of "Wooly Bully")
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How very nice of Mr. Rhino to let me know he remembers me!
You're a scholar and a gentleman.
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Rocky: welcome back, m'dear. What a nice surprise!
Simon, you zealot: I don't think that CAN be sung to the tune of "wooly bully." There's no place for the clapping.
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Hey 9th-ers. Been on the road travelin here, there and too many places like Mr. Strangeone, so am catching up over a pot of coffee this a.m.
What? The Eagle has landed????? How cool is that???? Welcome back my dear Rocky friend. Simon's been kind enough to keep me posted on your well being :), but you've been missed. These slackers here have missed DAYS of posting so you'll have to whip them into shape again so Ms. Tonto and I can enjoy our morning coffee with a chuckle.
SimonZ, your memory never seizes to amaze me ;) I've not heard wooly bully in a long time. Andof course his daughter adores him, excie - - what's not to love???
NIKA, so glad you are well again and back dancing here at the cafe! Your updates were missed.
Just got back from a trip to S. Diego and then Orlando for 6 days and I come back to FROST! What's up with that?
Bill, we need to get those grapes in before they turn to frozen raisens.
Love to all.
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Thank you my dear friend Jalapeno!
Nice to see you again, tooooo!
I don't know about WHIPPING anyone into shape... perhaps some WHIPPED cream on top of a sno-cone would be nice, however. That is if our dear Strange friend stops by soon with his sno-cone machine!
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Lifted Up
Yea, they let this thread slide for just over 5 days once recently. They're lucky someone doesnt cheat and posr on all the corps threads just to bury this one on page 2 (and that's not a Paul Harvey commercial). We of course are not like that. We're the humble quiet type. (Like the time I quietly raided the HQ pantry solo once at midnight in Nov. 79). Although, funny thing, I think I may be getting to be a little more like Simon since I found out I used to know him.
I think it got pushed down only to fourth, no worse.
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Whoa - we skip for five days, and we've gotten nothin' but trouble for it. Other threads skip for five MONTHS, and people are just happy to see them when they show up again.
I suppose that it's true: "he to whom much has been given, of him shall much be required." Is it our fault that we've been given sooooo muuuuch?
And yet we're soooo humble.
It just boggles the mind.
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Meanwhile, I keep waiting for McKean to burst out into song. Until Then, here's another classic:
(But, is it a three-count, or a four-count? Howard, help me out here.)
On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese.
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table, it rolled on the floor,
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.
It rolled in the garden and under a bush,
And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush.
The mush was as tasty as tasty could be,
And early next summer it grew to a tree.
The tree was all covered with beautiful moss.
It grew great big meatballs and tomato sauce.
So if you eat spaghetti all covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball and don't ever sneeze.
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Hey niKa,
I donno if it's a 3 or 4 count but it's good enough to dance to!!!!
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