"My yellow labrador "LADY GOOD SILVER BAILEY" (That is her Crofts Kennel Name) died tonight in my arms. She was 17 years old and gave me many years of excitement and enjoyment, I cried. Here is a pic of her.... Post it on GS please."
Gonzo the Cat went home with his new family a couple of hours ago. They really like him. It's a single mom and her son; the boy is in my son's class at school, and he's a very sweet-hearted kid, who has a real compassion for animals.
Well bless David's pea-pickin' guitar-pluckin' heart...I thought he'd be wearing a straw hat and bib overalls and plucking on a banjo....
How is everybody?....Fellowshipper still working on his book "The Dillema of Foreign Women"?...Nika,good you found a nice home for your cat....I ended up giving all of my kittens to a guy that had a pet boa constrictor...
Thanks John for letting our own Davie speak through you. I would imagine the spirit of God will show up in the uttermost part of Tennessee Joe fairly soon, sos he can speak for hisself...
Simon, good to hear from you again. And we thought it should've been you that would redeem the 9th.
Tuttle,I guess that would make John a prophet,...one who speaks for or from David in the language of the people present...Or maybe he's just a propheteer....
Now wait a minute....How's a woman who hasn't got a husband gonna ask her husband at home?....They never thought of that one,did they?...Context,people....Get 'to whom' correct...Who was Paul talking to?....The wives of the propheteers...You know what was going on in the Corinthian church?...Here's this wonderful man speaking a message from God or for God in the language of the people present,and here's his little woman,you know,...with those big blue eyes or big brown eyes,....(better not say much more 'cuz my wife's here),...and this little woman get's up in that union meeting and says "Honey,honeeey,I wanna say somethin',honeeeeeeeeeey!!!"....God looks her straight in the eyeballs and just says "Shuttup!!
Then it just fits like a hand in a glove,and works!....with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision...How many would you say were kept silent in the churches?
HegotHope: you should pay a visit to our Beatle smoking friend and take along a few of the items from 'the closet' that you don't use anymore... he'd be right up to speed with the rest of us that are using two and three year old stuff!
Excie,you have holy spirit with a small h and a small s....
Simon Z ~
Wast thou carried away with the devilish dust in Phoenix on 06-06-06????
Jardi,I'm only quoting you because I like those big purple letters in your posts...
Yes,I was in my office,on my knees praying,and I hardly ever pray when I kneel,but I told the Father that if that was really Him Who spoke to me,to give me a sign..."Let me see it blow dust"...My eyes were shut real tight as I prayed,and when I opened them,the dust was so thick I couldn't see the gas pumps at the filling station not more than 12 blocks away...I can't tell you what that did to me,but it changed my life...And to this day,I still haven't cracked up-in the automobile...
As I sit here typing this, I'm at work with my children. They're watching The Wizard of Oz for the first time. I was struck by an observation that my daughter made. Dorothy has been in Kansas, which is filmed only in black and white. Afte the cyclone, she wakes up in another place entirely. My daughter said, "Mom, it's in color!" Dorothy's next words: "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore . . . we must be over the rainbow."
Indeed. Life is simply so much more colorful these days.
Geography aside, I'm thankful that none of us are in "Kansas" any more.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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This is a current pic of David Bailey??
No way. Wait-a-minute. Really?? Are you sure? You must be. Where did the years go??
He looks so much more *cough* mature, since I last saw him!!
Wow -- time sure do fly by. :(
WOOPS -- do I even have permission to post here?? :unsure:
I forgot to check at the door, since I'm not 9th, or any corps.
{I'd best slip back into 9th Corps Thread *lurkdom*}
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I was asked to post this for David in Tennessee:
"My yellow labrador "LADY GOOD SILVER BAILEY" (That is her Crofts Kennel Name) died tonight in my arms. She was 17 years old and gave me many years of excitement and enjoyment, I cried. Here is a pic of her.... Post it on GS please."
Sure love you guys...Cardinal Bailey

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A seventeen-year-old Labrador? You must have given her amazing care. What a blessing she must have been to you, and you to her.
I'm sorry for your loss.
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Please pass along my condolences. It is heartbreaking to loss a beloved pet.
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This is the 5,555th post on our thread.
We may just be on a roll.
I love you guys. You've really helped me through some situations, and helped me think through some things.
And then there's the laughter; we can never get enough of that.
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Gonzo the Cat went home with his new family a couple of hours ago. They really like him. It's a single mom and her son; the boy is in my son's class at school, and he's a very sweet-hearted kid, who has a real compassion for animals.
This could work out very well.
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Well bless David's pea-pickin' guitar-pluckin' heart...I thought he'd be wearing a straw hat and bib overalls and plucking on a banjo....
How is everybody?....Fellowshipper still working on his book "The Dillema of Foreign Women"?...Nika,good you found a nice home for your cat....I ended up giving all of my kittens to a guy that had a pet boa constrictor...
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Gawd, Simon.
How I've missed your rapier wit.
Whatcha been up to?
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Thanks John for letting our own Davie speak through you. I would imagine the spirit of God will show up in the uttermost part of Tennessee Joe fairly soon, sos he can speak for hisself...
Simon, good to hear from you again. And we thought it should've been you that would redeem the 9th.
Where's mah Exie??
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Thanks for asking Nika...I've been Az. He iz....
Tuttle,I guess that would make John a prophet,...one who speaks for or from David in the language of the people present...Or maybe he's just a propheteer....
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Tom Strange
I'm sorry I missed fellowship tonight... is there an aftermeeting in the Sonlight room?
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I no prophet.
Just a pesron who speaks from or for those who still have 56k dial up and who have not been born again of the seed of the Internet.
I hollered and I hollered and I hollered at him but I'm not sure if he hurd me yet.
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shake the dust off your feet i'm afraid
mwah mwah mwah
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Now wait a minute....How's a woman who hasn't got a husband gonna ask her husband at home?....They never thought of that one,did they?...Context,people....Get 'to whom' correct...Who was Paul talking to?....The wives of the propheteers...You know what was going on in the Corinthian church?...Here's this wonderful man speaking a message from God or for God in the language of the people present,and here's his little woman,you know,...with those big blue eyes or big brown eyes,....(better not say much more 'cuz my wife's here),...and this little woman get's up in that union meeting and says "Honey,honeeey,I wanna say somethin',honeeeeeeeeeey!!!"....God looks her straight in the eyeballs and just says "Shuttup!!
Then it just fits like a hand in a glove,and works!....with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision...How many would you say were kept silent in the churches?
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simon, you have a gift with a small "g"
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i'm really really sorry about Lady Good Silver Bailey. she reminds me of Lady Nicole (sniff)
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Tom Strange
HegotHope: you should pay a visit to our Beatle smoking friend and take along a few of the items from 'the closet' that you don't use anymore... he'd be right up to speed with the rest of us that are using two and three year old stuff!
aww... myseestorEx... here's a hankie for you...
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Simon Z ~
Wast thou carried away with the devilish dust in Phoenix on 06-06-06????
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And was the truck safe??
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Excie,you have holy spirit with a small h and a small s....
Jardi,I'm only quoting you because I like those big purple letters in your posts...
Yes,I was in my office,on my knees praying,and I hardly ever pray when I kneel,but I told the Father that if that was really Him Who spoke to me,to give me a sign..."Let me see it blow dust"...My eyes were shut real tight as I prayed,and when I opened them,the dust was so thick I couldn't see the gas pumps at the filling station not more than 12 blocks away...I can't tell you what that did to me,but it changed my life...And to this day,I still haven't cracked up-in the automobile...
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Tom Strange
simonzeeloaded... I hear there's a big 'garage sale' on HGH in your area... can you get me some?
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Hey, I do dial-up.
What have we got here, a counterfeit?
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As I sit here typing this, I'm at work with my children. They're watching The Wizard of Oz for the first time. I was struck by an observation that my daughter made. Dorothy has been in Kansas, which is filmed only in black and white. Afte the cyclone, she wakes up in another place entirely. My daughter said, "Mom, it's in color!" Dorothy's next words: "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore . . . we must be over the rainbow."
Indeed. Life is simply so much more colorful these days.
Geography aside, I'm thankful that none of us are in "Kansas" any more.
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Scarecrow: "I haven't got a brain. Only straw."
Dorothy: "But how can you talk, if you haven't got a brain?"
Scarecrow: "I don't know. But I suppose that a lot of people without brains do an awful lot of talking."
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