The "cool front" is on its way down to you. It came through here at about 7pm, while we were doing the garden-chair talk-about-our-day-with-a-refreshing-beverage thing. It felt great. Nice sleeping weather.
Thank you for not hogging it and sending it on it's way dearniKa... it is here as it's only supposed to be 80 today... storms tonight and in the A.M. so be careful and keep an eye on the dry line...
Sssoooooo, I was waiting at a stop light the other day, and across the intersection in front of me flew a tiny little sportscar. Driving this sportscar was an fashionable-looking, thin Black woman with such short hair (really just a dark dusting on her scalp) that her main adornment was the elegant shape of her head.
I thought to myself: "Whatever happened to Rita Smith?"
"I walked into class, and sat in my place.
But I forgot all about the smile on my face.
Well, you can rattle me, shake me,
smell my breath and make me take off both of my shoes;
search me any way you please, but I'm clean.
The only reason I'm happy is because I've got spirit inside."
No, I think it was "make me roll up both of my sleeves."
Anyway, nobody could sing it like she could.
Happy Sunday, folks. Lost little cat followed the churchgoers up to the door, and tried to go to Sunday school. It was still wearing the collar from the local cat-and-dog-adoption agency. The vet is going to board the sweet little critter until the agency opens back up for the week.
Little cat came to the right place. That's straight from the horse's mouth, which, I believe, is the North end.
No, the Wizard of Oz hasn't been on the site for about 5 days, according to his personal profile. But this place is like the Northern Star - it will keep drawing him, even if he has to climb over the Southern Cross to do it.
Niki it was a good b,day even though I went to work today. We had succulent lamb chops. I got a new phone with a camera thingy I need to learn about. I always enjoy a b,day as I go out and thank the the LORD for another year. I still need to call my identical twin brother to wish him a b,day too. Man is he ugly, we are identical. HEHE.
well happening day to you mr. sleeper! (but I'm confused as to whether it's today or tomorrow, you know, the Oz thing)... either way I'm glad you've had a great day and hope today (or tomorrow) is just as happening for you!
Speaking of which, the storms went right above us and right below us. Our town was right in the middle of two passing systems. I'm hoping that this kind of thing keeps happening, since we've sold the place that had the basement!
I thought it was a law that Okie's had to have a storm cellar ...
I'm pretty sure it is in the bible too ... there was a mighty wind, but God was not in the mighty wind .. (and neither was the Okie, cuz he was in his storm cellar) ... then there was a still small voice ... saying "holy sheet, glad we didn't try to ride that out above ground ..."
my hebrew has gotten a little weak, and the texts I have are old and crumbled, but that is a pretty close translation ...
btw ... a couple years ago I saw one of those cool anvil shaped clouds a few miles north of me ... really awesome ... a year or so later I visited a couple my uncle knew (he introduced them to each other) ... they saw that tornado approaching and got in their basement ... we were visiting them in their new home ... the old one was leveled ...
them tweesters be a mite feerse... we do not have any underground parts of the house down here... mostly because there's rock under the very shallow ground here... so we just go in the bathroom and lay in the tub...
Yup; we've got the tub scoped out, as well. How many kids and cats can I fit in there, with a big sofa pad on top of us all? Some day, we'll likely find out.
I was the one whose house was demolished by a tornado while I was on a three-day L.E.A.D. solo. We had a blizzard in Tinnie. Only when we were hitch-hiking home did I learn, because a trucker had a newspaper in his truck, that the blizzard had been the tail end of a system that had killed (I can't remember now; between 40 and 60) people in my home town. House was reduced to one wall that was about three feet high, in one section. Everything else was rubble. Everybody in my family survived.
Craig, loving man of God that he was, refused to let me leave Emporia to go and help my family.
I, being a completely idiotic, brainwashed cultist, stayed in Emporia, because he told me that I had to. One of our very sweet 9th Corps couples had even promised me the loan of their car, so that I could hop in it and go. I met with Craig, and he said "No." I didn't go.
That's one of the things in my life of which I will always be most ashamed.
Yes, he was a self-righteous foot. I was just as bad.
The trouble, as he explained it, was that none of my family was "in the Word," and therefore, the tornado was just the Devil's way of distracting me from God's Work.
Jerk could have sent a whole hoard of Way Builders down to Wichita Falls with me, if he was interested in God's Work.
I am so thankful to God that He delivered me from the way.
what can I say? ...'cept I'm glad your family made it...
you could always get a bunch of leather straps and loop them around the pipes like they did at the end of the twister movie... :)
but those root/storm cellars do come in handy... they're selling prefab reinforced steel ones down here that you just dig a hole in the backyard and get into... they're small, but they're safe...
Eatin Lamb huh FellowSheeper? Cool! And happy birthday to Rythm and Blues, "R and B". Glad to hear your doing well brother. And hey, isn't Lamb a common thing Down thataway? We had a friend who wroked at Dulles Airport for the Cutoms people or something. And one time they confiscated about thirty fifty pound boxes of Australian Lamb chops. And, she didn't know just how cool of a deal that was. And so, she gave us about seven of those boxes, and we had to scramble to find a place to keep it all frozen. Gave a good bit away. But man oh man, we'd marinate it, and put it on the old barbie, and damnation it was fine! Anyhoo, happy birthday brother, and God bless...yore friend,
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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I think it was Dana Carvey. He was playing some "old guy." But give a cigar to Rhino; he got it.
Happy Tuesday. I'm grading so hard that comma splices and fused sentences are oozing out of my ears.
love, niKa
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Tom Strange
grade away! ...when is the "cool front" supposed to be here?
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The "cool front" is on its way down to you. It came through here at about 7pm, while we were doing the garden-chair talk-about-our-day-with-a-refreshing-beverage thing. It felt great. Nice sleeping weather.
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Tom Strange
Thank you for not hogging it and sending it on it's way dearniKa... it is here as it's only supposed to be 80 today... storms tonight and in the A.M. so be careful and keep an eye on the dry line...
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Tom, is that the thing that I have to hang sheets on when my laundry equipment is broken?
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Tom Strange
Could be... but methinks you know of which 'dry line' I speak of... we're getting hit again tonight... it's that time of year...
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Tom Strange
What meaneth this bleating in mine earballs?
...oh... it's just the youngsters on the 10th tread...
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Bleating? Whose bleating?
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Sssoooooo, I was waiting at a stop light the other day, and across the intersection in front of me flew a tiny little sportscar. Driving this sportscar was an fashionable-looking, thin Black woman with such short hair (really just a dark dusting on her scalp) that her main adornment was the elegant shape of her head.
I thought to myself: "Whatever happened to Rita Smith?"
"I walked into class, and sat in my place.
But I forgot all about the smile on my face.
Well, you can rattle me, shake me,
smell my breath and make me take off both of my shoes;
search me any way you please, but I'm clean.
The only reason I'm happy is because I've got spirit inside."
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No, I think it was "make me roll up both of my sleeves."
Anyway, nobody could sing it like she could.
Happy Sunday, folks. Lost little cat followed the churchgoers up to the door, and tried to go to Sunday school. It was still wearing the collar from the local cat-and-dog-adoption agency. The vet is going to board the sweet little critter until the agency opens back up for the week.
Little cat came to the right place. That's straight from the horse's mouth, which, I believe, is the North end.
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J0nny Ling0
Hey. Anybuddy heard from FellowSipper lately? How's he doing? Probably still Down Under gnawing on fruit bat wings and kookaburra birds eggs...
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No, the Wizard of Oz hasn't been on the site for about 5 days, according to his personal profile. But this place is like the Northern Star - it will keep drawing him, even if he has to climb over the Southern Cross to do it.
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The Rockmeister has e-mailed me some privileged information for a special announcement:
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Fellowshipper, Happy Birthday to YOU!
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Niki it was a good b,day even though I went to work today. We had succulent lamb chops. I got a new phone with a camera thingy I need to learn about. I always enjoy a b,day as I go out and thank the the LORD for another year. I still need to call my identical twin brother to wish him a b,day too. Man is he ugly, we are identical. HEHE.
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Tom Strange
well happening day to you mr. sleeper! (but I'm confused as to whether it's today or tomorrow, you know, the Oz thing)... either way I'm glad you've had a great day and hope today (or tomorrow) is just as happening for you!
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We are 13 hours ahead of Dallas time this time of the year and going into fall. Brr is it chilly at mid 40's and wet.
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Tom Strange
just another day in spring in paradise here... I bet you don't miss the tornadoes and thunderstorms...
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Speaking of which, the storms went right above us and right below us. Our town was right in the middle of two passing systems. I'm hoping that this kind of thing keeps happening, since we've sold the place that had the basement!
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Tom Strange
niKa... dig thee a root cellar!
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I thought it was a law that Okie's had to have a storm cellar ...
I'm pretty sure it is in the bible too ... there was a mighty wind, but God was not in the mighty wind .. (and neither was the Okie, cuz he was in his storm cellar) ... then there was a still small voice ... saying "holy sheet, glad we didn't try to ride that out above ground ..."
my hebrew has gotten a little weak, and the texts I have are old and crumbled, but that is a pretty close translation ...
btw ... a couple years ago I saw one of those cool anvil shaped clouds a few miles north of me ... really awesome ... a year or so later I visited a couple my uncle knew (he introduced them to each other) ... they saw that tornado approaching and got in their basement ... we were visiting them in their new home ... the old one was leveled ...
Edited by rhinoLink to comment
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Tom Strange
them tweesters be a mite feerse... we do not have any underground parts of the house down here... mostly because there's rock under the very shallow ground here... so we just go in the bathroom and lay in the tub...
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Yup; we've got the tub scoped out, as well. How many kids and cats can I fit in there, with a big sofa pad on top of us all? Some day, we'll likely find out.
I was the one whose house was demolished by a tornado while I was on a three-day L.E.A.D. solo. We had a blizzard in Tinnie. Only when we were hitch-hiking home did I learn, because a trucker had a newspaper in his truck, that the blizzard had been the tail end of a system that had killed (I can't remember now; between 40 and 60) people in my home town. House was reduced to one wall that was about three feet high, in one section. Everything else was rubble. Everybody in my family survived.
Craig, loving man of God that he was, refused to let me leave Emporia to go and help my family.
I, being a completely idiotic, brainwashed cultist, stayed in Emporia, because he told me that I had to. One of our very sweet 9th Corps couples had even promised me the loan of their car, so that I could hop in it and go. I met with Craig, and he said "No." I didn't go.
That's one of the things in my life of which I will always be most ashamed.
Yes, he was a self-righteous foot. I was just as bad.
The trouble, as he explained it, was that none of my family was "in the Word," and therefore, the tornado was just the Devil's way of distracting me from God's Work.
Jerk could have sent a whole hoard of Way Builders down to Wichita Falls with me, if he was interested in God's Work.
I am so thankful to God that He delivered me from the way.
Any lurkers reading this? MAN, I hope so.
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Tom Strange
what can I say? ...'cept I'm glad your family made it...
you could always get a bunch of leather straps and loop them around the pipes like they did at the end of the twister movie... :)
but those root/storm cellars do come in handy... they're selling prefab reinforced steel ones down here that you just dig a hole in the backyard and get into... they're small, but they're safe...
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J0nny Ling0
Eatin Lamb huh FellowSheeper? Cool! And happy birthday to Rythm and Blues, "R and B". Glad to hear your doing well brother. And hey, isn't Lamb a common thing Down thataway? We had a friend who wroked at Dulles Airport for the Cutoms people or something. And one time they confiscated about thirty fifty pound boxes of Australian Lamb chops. And, she didn't know just how cool of a deal that was. And so, she gave us about seven of those boxes, and we had to scramble to find a place to keep it all frozen. Gave a good bit away. But man oh man, we'd marinate it, and put it on the old barbie, and damnation it was fine! Anyhoo, happy birthday brother, and God bless...yore friend,
"Jonny Lingo"

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