Well, I just spent about ten minutes writing a biting post, griping about an injustice from years ago, in the ministry. I re-read it, and decided that it's stupid to worry about it, and useless to spew about it.
I don't need the cardiovascular adrenaline.
They say that "living well is the best revenge," anyway.
So let's all just live well, and Happy Friday, everyone.
Well, I just spent about ten minutes writing a biting post, griping about an injustice from years ago, in the ministry. I re-read it, and decided that it's stupid to worry about it, and useless to spew about it.
I don't need the cardiovascular adrenaline.
They say that "living well is the best revenge," anyway.
So let's all just live well, and Happy Friday, everyone.
Absolutely Nika ... :) That is the thing about hanging here ... lotsa folks that are still decompressing ... or whatever ... and maybe they come here for info. I'm glad I came across this site, and it is swell to be back in touch with some of the good folks from way back, that has all been positive. I sorta think a different name is in order, greasespot seems too much like a reaction to something egomaniac Craig said once. But I look at any stories about past injustices as "testimony" to people still dealing with it ... I use the little dancing guy a lot to try to express that you got to keep moving on, LIFE IS GOOD! I'd like to write in TomTuttle style, spoofing pfal, but I am not fluent enough anymore to be very versatile at that, though it is a little scary how much of it comes back when hanging here Of course, I ran pfal like 23 times so some of it is surely indelibly etched in my noggin.
of all the scumbag outfits out there, I'm not sure twi really ranks that high ... you got your mafia, the drug dealers, the gangs, terrorists, commies .. I mean like China commies where they can might kill you for being a Christian ... we didn't really have it so rough. I mean how many of us were killed or tortured? A lot of political cronyism crap I saw in the "real world" in New Orleans strikes me as more evil than the twi turkeys ever hoped to be. But the political guy I knew that was part of that ... in prison now with his ex governor buddy. The building inspector scum that took payoffs (and owned the bar where I ran volleyball leagues for 5 years) ... found shot in the back of the head a couple days before the hurricane ... VPW ... didn't even make it to 70 ... maybe there is some justice out there ... but life is too short for me to try to dish it out ... if you have a case, get a lawyer, otherwise, party on Garth
Of course, reliving some of that may be healthy ... to a point ... I guess that is part of the idea of this site ...
So do they really still string chairs for Corps night somewhere?
i command it right now and i thank you and i thank you and i thank you
rhino could you shorten the posts please
my retememory doesn't work so good
Yes excie ... thank you for delivering me from the spirit of verbosity ... you commanded it right out
I can't promise it won't come back next time I'm drinking though LOL
And Father, thank you right now for beer in the fridge ... and thank you for excie's retememory cells and just bring those little boogers back to life right now ... in the name of Jesus Christ ...Amen
The Sooner Men's Basketball team whalloped Texas last night. Every seat in the stadium had a white shirt on it, in what the organizers called a "white out." Texas was #3 in the nation, not even considering the little . . . rivalry . . . these two teams have had going on since . . . forever.
OU beat Texas by ten points.
All of the OU fans were on their feet for the entire game. "The crowd went wild . . ." and never calmed down until the ending buzzer. Mr. niKa came home with a sore throat from yelling so hard, and with a bruised thumb from clapping so hard.
What a day yesterday! Coretta Scott King died in her sleep, from cancer, in a Mexican cancer clinic. Seems as though she should have been able to sign a release, or something, and get experimental treatments here, if that was the only hope left.
Samuel Alito was confirmed to the Supreme Court. If I let my nine-year-old get his way by avoiding answering my direct questions, that would be pretty analagous to how I feel Alito got onto the court.
Our current president has State of the Unioned that we should free ourselves from dependence upon foreign oil during the same week that Mobil/Exxon posted record profits due to his foreign oil policies.
And if I think back to this past weekend, to really prove that the world is upside down, Mr. niKa put out several dozen young plants in the garden. In January, in Oklahoma. They're doing fine, so far. We're going to have fresh lettuce, brocolli, etc., by Spring Break. We could even have put them out a few weeks earlier; our temperatures have been pretty analagous to those in Phoenix.
Pardon me for saying that things appear to be a bit kitty-wumpus at the moment.
Are you originally form Oklahoma? I had a good friend - 11th corps - who's dad was the Pres or Vice pres of OU in Norman for years. I spent one Christmas with her during Ho Ho relo and got to attned an OU basketball game. What fun! The audience on the OU side all brought newspapers and when the other team's roster was announced the up up their paper and shouted in unison"WHO CARES!" Her name was Ma ry J*ne G*nning.
Dooj: She's still here, and is as sweet as ever. If you want to get in touch, let me know. I'm not from Oklahoma; I just find myself here. I'm a 5th-generation Texan. Mr. niKa and I both teach at OU; they don't do the "who cares" thing any more; they just try to beat the crud out of the other team as courteously as possible.
niKa, I would love to hear from MJ! Please check your PM's because I gave you my name so that you can tell her who wants to contact her. I can also send you another email address if necessary - just in case she doesn't want to be handing out hers.
It's OK, Pillowdrifter, I have seen them post in tongues. They need not to be brought out unto us, that we may know them. But I must confront you about the time of your posting by the spirit. Nothing profitable happens after midnight, per vpw. And don't give me that "But the TIME over HERE is DIFFERENT" sto-rey. There is only ONE true time, and that is that which sits there like a diamond, the posting time on this our thread.
who are all of these new people that have crept into this 9th corps thread unawares?
Hey fellowshipper
I'm Bill Worms Mire ... at least that was craig's memory peg for me ...
I had been AWOL for 20 years, but saw a bright light on the road to google something and now, thank jehosafat, I am back in alignment and harmony with my brudders and cisterns.
Of course I did my time in the ninth corps, so I walked in awares, and I've been here a few months ... but can't remember if I ever said Hi to you directly ... so HI...
not sure if the others crept in, but since no one seems to wear their nametag anymore, it's hard to tell.
Nika, what do you teach? Philosophy? Greek? Figures of speech?
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
Posted Images
Well, I just spent about ten minutes writing a biting post, griping about an injustice from years ago, in the ministry. I re-read it, and decided that it's stupid to worry about it, and useless to spew about it.
I don't need the cardiovascular adrenaline.
They say that "living well is the best revenge," anyway.
So let's all just live well, and Happy Friday, everyone.
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Absolutely Nika ... :) That is the thing about hanging here ... lotsa folks that are still decompressing ... or whatever ... and maybe they come here for info. I'm glad I came across this site, and it is swell to be back in touch with some of the good folks from way back, that has all been positive. I sorta think a different name is in order, greasespot seems too much like a reaction to something egomaniac Craig said once. But I look at any stories about past injustices as "testimony" to people still dealing with it ... I use the little dancing guy a lot
to try to express that you got to keep moving on, LIFE IS GOOD! I'd like to write in TomTuttle style, spoofing pfal, but I am not fluent enough anymore to be very versatile at that, though it is a little scary how much of it comes back when hanging here
Of course, I ran pfal like 23 times so some of it is surely indelibly etched in my noggin.
of all the scumbag outfits out there, I'm not sure twi really ranks that high ... you got your mafia, the drug dealers, the gangs, terrorists, commies .. I mean like China commies where they can might kill you for being a Christian ... we didn't really have it so rough. I mean how many of us were killed or tortured? A lot of political cronyism crap I saw in the "real world" in New Orleans strikes me as more evil than the twi turkeys ever hoped to be. But the political guy I knew that was part of that ... in prison now with his ex governor buddy. The building inspector scum that took payoffs (and owned the bar where I ran volleyball leagues for 5 years) ... found shot in the back of the head a couple days before the hurricane ... VPW ... didn't even make it to 70 ... maybe there is some justice out there ... but life is too short for me to try to dish it out ... if you have a case, get a lawyer, otherwise, party on Garth
Of course, reliving some of that may be healthy ... to a point ... I guess that is part of the idea of this site ...
So do they really still string chairs for Corps night somewhere?
Excie, your toilet is ringing ... :)
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did i hear a living will is the best revenge ?
mwah mwah mwah
doojie is a girl and is accepted into the copout clique
i command it right now and i thank you and i thank you and i thank you
rhino could you shorten the posts please
my retememory doesn't work so good
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Thank you Exie. I bow in humbleness to your acceptance. Then I dance my a$$ off just 'cuz I can!
Do we need a salt covenant or something? Got any pretzles?
Don't lay hands! If God doesn't tell you to then keep your hands off! (That's for you tom)
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Yes excie ... thank you for delivering me from the spirit of verbosity ... you commanded it right out
I can't promise it won't come back next time I'm drinking though LOL
And Father, thank you right now for beer in the fridge ... and thank you for excie's retememory cells and just bring those little boogers back to life right now ... in the name of Jesus Christ ...Amen
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The Sooner Men's Basketball team whalloped Texas last night. Every seat in the stadium had a white shirt on it, in what the organizers called a "white out." Texas was #3 in the nation, not even considering the little . . . rivalry . . . these two teams have had going on since . . . forever.
OU beat Texas by ten points.
All of the OU fans were on their feet for the entire game. "The crowd went wild . . ." and never calmed down until the ending buzzer. Mr. niKa came home with a sore throat from yelling so hard, and with a bruised thumb from clapping so hard.
A bruised thumb.
Great game.
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Monday morning.
Is there enough coffee . . . in the world . . . for this morning?
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is there enough fig pep... in the world... for this morning???!!!
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All you need Niki is a little bit of Vegimite on toast for all of your B-complex daily vitamins.
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How about a hot cup of Postum? Anyone else here remember Postum?
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I'm a Borscht girl, myself.
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Where's the 10 cow woman???
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What a day yesterday! Coretta Scott King died in her sleep, from cancer, in a Mexican cancer clinic. Seems as though she should have been able to sign a release, or something, and get experimental treatments here, if that was the only hope left.
Samuel Alito was confirmed to the Supreme Court. If I let my nine-year-old get his way by avoiding answering my direct questions, that would be pretty analagous to how I feel Alito got onto the court.
Our current president has State of the Unioned that we should free ourselves from dependence upon foreign oil during the same week that Mobil/Exxon posted record profits due to his foreign oil policies.
And if I think back to this past weekend, to really prove that the world is upside down, Mr. niKa put out several dozen young plants in the garden. In January, in Oklahoma. They're doing fine, so far. We're going to have fresh lettuce, brocolli, etc., by Spring Break. We could even have put them out a few weeks earlier; our temperatures have been pretty analagous to those in Phoenix.
Pardon me for saying that things appear to be a bit kitty-wumpus at the moment.
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Ok, sorry - this isn't the political thread. I got a little
in that last post.
All I need is a little Fig-pep, and everything will be as right as rain again.
Or maybe some Emporia Powerbars; those things were righteously good.
Maybe I just need to wave a spoon in the air, give a Viking yell, and run across a grassy lawn toward a long table laden with Ice Cream . . .
Maybe I'll just sit down for a little G & T and chill o-u-t with Mr. niKa.
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Say niKa,
Are you originally form Oklahoma? I had a good friend - 11th corps - who's dad was the Pres or Vice pres of OU in Norman for years. I spent one Christmas with her during Ho Ho relo and got to attned an OU basketball game. What fun! The audience on the OU side all brought newspapers and when the other team's roster was announced the up up their paper and shouted in unison"WHO CARES!" Her name was Ma ry J*ne G*nning.
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NIKI on this site we share hearts.
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Thanks Fellowsharer! I LOVE YOU, MAN!!
Dooj: She's still here, and is as sweet as ever. If you want to get in touch, let me know. I'm not from Oklahoma; I just find myself here. I'm a 5th-generation Texan. Mr. niKa and I both teach at OU; they don't do the "who cares" thing any more; they just try to beat the crud out of the other team as courteously as possible.
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niKa, I would love to hear from MJ! Please check your PM's because I gave you my name so that you can tell her who wants to contact her. I can also send you another email address if necessary - just in case she doesn't want to be handing out hers.
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who are all of these new people that have crept into this 9th corps thread unawares?
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It's OK, Pillowdrifter, I have seen them post in tongues. They need not to be brought out unto us, that we may know them. But I must confront you about the time of your posting by the spirit. Nothing profitable happens after midnight, per vpw. And don't give me that "But the TIME over HERE is DIFFERENT" sto-rey. There is only ONE true time, and that is that which sits there like a diamond, the posting time on this our thread.
By the Way, did you get married??
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Hey fellowshipper
I'm Bill Worms Mire ... at least that was craig's memory peg for me ...
I had been AWOL for 20 years, but saw a bright light on the road to google something and now, thank jehosafat, I am back in alignment and harmony with my brudders and cisterns.
Of course I did my time in the ninth corps, so I walked in awares, and I've been here a few months ... but can't remember if I ever said Hi to you directly ... so HI...
not sure if the others crept in, but since no one seems to wear their nametag anymore, it's hard to tell.
Nika, what do you teach? Philosophy? Greek? Figures of speech?
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"Of course I did my time in the ninth corps, so I walked in awares"
I did my time under a 9th corps grad so I received an exemption.
Was that too naughty? I apologize in advance... :)
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big snort ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha karmie. did you pep his fig !!!!!!!!
never too naughty for 9th ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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LOL, no, not too naughty .... does your grad arrive 10 minutes early?
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