FINALLY getting the garden in at the new niKapad today; 850 square feet. Mr. niKa says that it's a farm. I say that it's a garden on steroids. I hear him pulling up in a truck with the first load of compost; gotta get off the computer and get the shovel.
nikie i love you, watch that wheat and chaff separation.... or tares.... or something....
YOU truly are the engine of the mystery train.... ALL ABOARD !!
i have been letting these spiritual hitch hikers walk on my feet since, i don't know, 1979 i think.... do you think it's time for them to take a stand caravan ?
There was a root, the root of evil, in the garden. Mr. niKa cut the sod, and verily we took it by wheelbarrow, by jot and tittle, and thimblesfull, to the back of the yard where the Merry Old Compost Pile will be. Under the place whereof the sod was removed, four inches lower, was a root which began in the Northeast corner of the garden of Eatin', and wandered like the children of Israel, for forty feet and a broken shovel, through to the veriest middle of the garden, and there met Satan, who said unto it: "Divide and multiply, and let every division grow as fat and as strong as the beginning of the root, and spread out unto all of the garden, even unto the Southeast corner, and there be vile under the foot of the niKas."
Longest, fattest, strongest d@mn weediest, fricken-fracken-ist root I ever saw in all of my life.
I have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in truth, making a joyful noise about the good seed they have pressed down and shaken together, running over to the branded 9th corps tread to takit to the believers.
You say toe-may-toe, they say toe-mah-toe, I say annie no-toe-yone, this VERY day, as we are standing here and all seems to be lost ...
....there's a day coming,when you're gonna be with me in paradise,and then it just fits like a hand in a glove,and WORKS!...with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision....and you don't have to run around...with your eyes closed...make a fool out of yourself...How many would YOU say were crucified with the Lord Jesus?..My Bible tells me FOUR!....One for the money,two for the show,three to get ready and four to go...This is the reason they were so sad,you see...Well,I guess we better get back to the Word...
I wonder if ALL the other corps have forgotten what we as the 9th take for granted - that THAT WORD, which we have implanted, lives RICHLY within us, it burns within us, as a dixie moore snowwhite-hot rod o' iron that sharpeneth iron.
Maybe that's why the other corps are so SAD-U-CEE, as brother Simon, the golden-tongued orator, has so elequently stated, writing only that which he has both seen and heard (HOLY men of God ((what kind of men?? HOLY men) spake, as they were moved by, WHAT, class?? It doesn't say "pushed around by the holy ghost". It says "as they were MOVED by THE pneuma, THE Hagion" ...
Now therefore, MOVE!!!!
Simon, please see Craig and TJ in cabin 2 directly after the meal ...
methinks she's out buying a baseball team reverend2Ts... at least that's what I think I heard...
simon! dangit! I was at my mom's the other night and I remembered (then forgot) to check to see if there was a 54 Ford truck manual there... I'm betting there is... I'll try to remember! I promise!
fellowsleeper, did you let the youn'uns sit in the lay zee boy in the back of the pickup on the way home? that would've been fun (not to mention a true beverly hillbillies moment)...
...sisterniKa, please don't over do it this weekend... don't you know that root was a sign from our God above that thou shalt not garden!
More to the point, there's an entire dump truck load of compost, dumped right in the middle of the garden.
You may imagine Mr. niKa's delight. He's like a kid in a . . . great big dirt pile. Broke another garden implement; this time a rake; he's headed off to the hardware store, in gleeful search of bombproof shovels, rakes, and other implements of destruction.
You mentioned orphan trains once, and I made a mental note to find something I'd picked up on that subject while doing some genealogy research.
It's an ad for the book Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story by Andrea Warren, but it contains a pretty good article on the subject of orphan trains.
If you'd like, I can either scan it and send you the file or make a photocopy and mail it to you. If you're interested, just drop me an e-mail (address is in my profile).
Thanks, Linda! I'll e-mail you. It was my husband's sweet Grandma Rose, whom we lost two summers ago, whose adopted brother came from the orphan train. He was a cherished family member for his whole life.
Happy Sunday, everyone! How's that lazee-boy, Simon? We're all sitting in it vicariously, through you!
It's great,Nika....I've really enjoyed my Living Vicariously Weekend...sports page in hand...Jon Miller and Joe Morgan doing play-by-play of the Braves-Phillies game on 'Sunday Night Baseball' three-piece suit or KJV w/ notes scribbled all over...I tell you,all I needed was a can of Old Milwaukee and "it wouldn't get any better than this"....
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Swish, swish. I swish for fish with my wish dish.
FINALLY getting the garden in at the new niKapad today; 850 square feet. Mr. niKa says that it's a farm. I say that it's a garden on steroids. I hear him pulling up in a truck with the first load of compost; gotta get off the computer and get the shovel.
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nikie i love you, watch that wheat and chaff separation.... or tares.... or something....
YOU truly are the engine of the mystery train.... ALL ABOARD !!
i have been letting these spiritual hitch hikers walk on my feet since, i don't know, 1979 i think.... do you think it's time for them to take a stand caravan ?
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Excie, After I left Simones house and traveled to Northern Arizona the song "High Country" came to mind from Branded.
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There was a root, the root of evil, in the garden. Mr. niKa cut the sod, and verily we took it by wheelbarrow, by jot and tittle, and thimblesfull, to the back of the yard where the Merry Old Compost Pile will be. Under the place whereof the sod was removed, four inches lower, was a root which began in the Northeast corner of the garden of Eatin', and wandered like the children of Israel, for forty feet and a broken shovel, through to the veriest middle of the garden, and there met Satan, who said unto it: "Divide and multiply, and let every division grow as fat and as strong as the beginning of the root, and spread out unto all of the garden, even unto the Southeast corner, and there be vile under the foot of the niKas."
Longest, fattest, strongest d@mn weediest, fricken-fracken-ist root I ever saw in all of my life.
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Niki, it is always cheaper and less effort to just down and get a can of green beans or any other veggies. Most of all it is USDA approved. Yea Right!
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Have you never experienced the joy of a real, bursting-at-the-seams-with-flavor, still-warm-from-the-sun HOMEGROWN TOMATO?
Come on, man! You are a Certified Country Boy!
It's the Word, Keeds!
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Tom Strange
why yes I have wonderful niKa... I bought it at a roadside vegetable stand and my back didn't ache at all!
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I have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in truth, making a joyful noise about the good seed they have pressed down and shaken together, running over to the branded 9th corps tread to takit to the believers.
You say toe-may-toe, they say toe-mah-toe, I say annie no-toe-yone, this VERY day, as we are standing here and all seems to be lost ...
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....there's a day coming,when you're gonna be with me in paradise,and then it just fits like a hand in a glove,and WORKS!...with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision....and you don't have to run around...with your eyes closed...make a fool out of yourself...How many would YOU say were crucified with the Lord Jesus?..My Bible tells me FOUR!....One for the money,two for the show,three to get ready and four to go...This is the reason they were so sad,you see...Well,I guess we better get back to the Word...
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Preach it, brother Simon.
The spirit is so hot that there must be millions now smoking!
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I wonder if ALL the other corps have forgotten what we as the 9th take for granted - that THAT WORD, which we have implanted, lives RICHLY within us, it burns within us, as a dixie moore snowwhite-hot rod o' iron that sharpeneth iron.
Maybe that's why the other corps are so SAD-U-CEE, as brother Simon, the golden-tongued orator, has so elequently stated, writing only that which he has both seen and heard (HOLY men of God ((what kind of men?? HOLY men) spake, as they were moved by, WHAT, class?? It doesn't say "pushed around by the holy ghost". It says "as they were MOVED by THE pneuma, THE Hagion" ...
Now therefore, MOVE!!!!
Simon, please see Craig and TJ in cabin 2 directly after the meal ...
Sexie, where art thou??
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Tom Strange
methinks she's out buying a baseball team reverend2Ts... at least that's what I think I heard...
simon! dangit! I was at my mom's the other night and I remembered (then forgot) to check to see if there was a 54 Ford truck manual there... I'm betting there is... I'll try to remember! I promise!
fellowsleeper, did you let the youn'uns sit in the lay zee boy in the back of the pickup on the way home? that would've been fun (not to mention a true beverly hillbillies moment)...
...sisterniKa, please don't over do it this weekend... don't you know that root was a sign from our God above that thou shalt not garden!
(besides you can't eat of the fruit)
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Tom Strange I gave the recliner to my brother Simone Zelotes as a love offering for him to take his afternoon power naps in. What are brothers for?
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Does anyone know what happended to Lorian Anderson West?
She was my TC in Michigan around 1982-83.
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Can't hepl you there,Def...
Fellowshipper,you have a big heart...Besides,technically,I paid for that Sam Adams that had the winning number,or at least I suggested you order it..
Hey,Tom,that manual would be cool, long as there's nothing technical in it...
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There's compost in the niKa back yard.
More to the point, there's an entire dump truck load of compost, dumped right in the middle of the garden.
You may imagine Mr. niKa's delight. He's like a kid in a . . . great big dirt pile. Broke another garden implement; this time a rake; he's headed off to the hardware store, in gleeful search of bombproof shovels, rakes, and other implements of destruction.
Ah, Spring!
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Linda Z
For nika
You mentioned orphan trains once, and I made a mental note to find something I'd picked up on that subject while doing some genealogy research.
It's an ad for the book Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story by Andrea Warren, but it contains a pretty good article on the subject of orphan trains.
If you'd like, I can either scan it and send you the file or make a photocopy and mail it to you. If you're interested, just drop me an e-mail (address is in my profile).
And hello to the rest of you!
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Thanks, Linda! I'll e-mail you. It was my husband's sweet Grandma Rose, whom we lost two summers ago, whose adopted brother came from the orphan train. He was a cherished family member for his whole life.
Happy Sunday, everyone! How's that lazee-boy, Simon? We're all sitting in it vicariously, through you!
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It's great,Nika....I've really enjoyed my Living Vicariously Weekend...sports page in hand...Jon Miller and Joe Morgan doing play-by-play of the Braves-Phillies game on 'Sunday Night Baseball' three-piece suit or KJV w/ notes scribbled all over...I tell you,all I needed was a can of Old Milwaukee and "it wouldn't get any better than this"....
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Simone everyone knows Old Milwaukee is suicide beer. Step it up a notch and go to Milwaukees best.
How ya doing bro?
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Az. He iz .
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Simone, Are you talking in tonques? Praise the Lord.
You are speaking the wonderful works of Gawd.
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Weee-eeee-eeeeel, what do you expect?
If I were sitting in a Lazyboy, sipping a nice, cold beer, I might be speaking the Vonderful Verks, too!
By the way, best wishes to John Ratzinger, now A.K.A. Benedict the 16th. Lots of folks will be looking to him for guidance; I wish him and them well.
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Tom Strange
Ditto that my nizzle... ditto that...
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