OK guys, now it's mah turn. Our faithful brother and gypsy for Jesus, Simonion, along with his companion in trouble, err, travel (his brother) are now speaking the love in truth in the Florida Keyes (no, not Lynn Keyes). And he will be covering his feet and breaking bread with me and my 'earthly' family tomorrow.
If I were technically inclined on a different level, I would snap some pics also, but God's telling me, "Paul, don't go to Jerusalem!!".
The John & Hope show cannot enjoin us, as it is but the middle of the week. But all of you will certainly be in our conversation of the wicked.
Maybe I can convince the salty sailor himself to get a hair cut ...
Ex, you never sent me a love note e-mail. Are you really taking care of the needs of the people? I have an inferior complex that must be pampered, I need counseling now and yes it will take time on the trauma of singleing out the club members I was not included with.
Last night I called Simon. He was down in Florida as a WOW rover moving up towards Chicago as part of his itinerary. Hope he blessed all of the WOW's he visited.
stripper, i called them out before the foundations of this thread because the two were together with jesus in the mist.... i had to be sure that one did not drag the other into the gutter (like a dog returns you know where). i received guidance (from above) to check on their upholding the 2-drink limit policy.
Ex, we are men, they will figure it out. We don't need no female councelling. Hello! The boy's are on a mercinary trip to witness to then Wows on the field. Just let it go.
I have sent the counterfeit ambassadors singing along their way with a bag of gorp. You shudda seen their eyes well up with rears and tears and miles of smiles as they received with meekness that engrafted gorp, and headed off to the northland, where awaits them a chilly reception. We stayed up all night and prayed for all the 9th corps. And this is why the sun arose the next morning, because had we not stood in the gap, the roaring lion would have snatched the sun from its place in the firmament, which is evidenced by the cold weather maany of us are experiencing. But it would have been FAR worse if not for the courage of the fearless crew of two (no, not fellow Skipper and Gilligan, but Simon and Tut). So if God so moves you, please send us a love gift of US dollars sos that we might be able to continue this stand of believing in your stead.
My fiancee is involved with a group of girls that refer to themselves as "the ya yas". This is a group of girls varying from believers and non. Ya ya ya.
Is this safe? Because as a man I just feel this could be either profitable or un.
Talk among yourselves!
What do girls speak of among the same sex.
Is it like a womans purse a mystery or just something they need to do. The Ya yas.
Ummmm,...lemme get back to you on that,Fellowyayasisterhood...
Greetings,9th corpse,in the powerful name of the Yashladi Yashli Tulsi,whom Victor Paul preacheth...
After meeting with four virgin daughters who did prophesy about the price of beef,or the price of coffee or about who would win the next ballgame,we went bound in the spirit,visiting our brethren on the beaches,not knowing those things which befall me there...
And yes,we did call upon the Lord of Tuttles,and his fair maiden,who not only took us out for a delicious hot meal,but provided more than comfortable lodging for the night...We prayed together so fervently that we prayed in the holy spirit into the meeting...It was really an honor and a privilege to give the Tuttle's an opportunity to be more blessed than they already were...Though our intent was to leave his place cleaner than we found it,he and Mrs. Tuttle and his rugrats were more than happy to rise while yet night,give us our sack suppers and enough gas in the car to get us to lower New Bremen, and bid us godspeed with an admonition to write when we found work...
I also regret not being able to meet up with the Igotouts,but I can't help but feel that Florida is now a much more cleaner place,spiritually speaking...
Oh, I would to God I had more of those delicious hot meals, complete with ham, whipped potatos, and hot, fresh coffee.
Sexie, I am believing it to become God's primary will, as opposed to His secondary will, that you go an a get-a-tan-caravan trip to visit the brethren.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
Posted Images
OK guys, now it's mah turn. Our faithful brother and gypsy for Jesus, Simonion, along with his companion in trouble, err, travel (his brother) are now speaking the love in truth in the Florida Keyes (no, not Lynn Keyes). And he will be covering his feet and breaking bread with me and my 'earthly' family tomorrow.
If I were technically inclined on a different level, I would snap some pics also, but God's telling me, "Paul, don't go to Jerusalem!!".
The John & Hope show cannot enjoin us, as it is but the middle of the week. But all of you will certainly be in our conversation of the wicked.
Maybe I can convince the salty sailor himself to get a hair cut ...
Exie, wishin' you were here ...
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C'mon, take a picture.
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good morning friends
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Tom Strange
good morning mybeautifulseestorEx!
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simon and tuttles,
i sent you both an email
i believe you already know this since you walk with the father in the word
you will need a third mature believer for manifestations via phone hookup
(i don't count your unbelieving believer family members)
i love you
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that's mah boy !!!!! HA !!!!!!
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tap, tap, tap.......
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Ex, you never sent me a love note e-mail. Are you really taking care of the needs of the people? I have an inferior complex that must be pampered, I need counseling now and yes it will take time on the trauma of singleing out the club members I was not included with.
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Last night I called Simon. He was down in Florida as a WOW rover moving up towards Chicago as part of his itinerary. Hope he blessed all of the WOW's he visited.
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stripper, i called them out before the foundations of this thread because the two were together with jesus in the mist.... i had to be sure that one did not drag the other into the gutter (like a dog returns you know where). i received guidance (from above) to check on their upholding the 2-drink limit policy.
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Ex, we are men, they will figure it out. We don't need no female councelling. Hello! The boy's are on a mercinary trip to witness to then Wows on the field. Just let it go.
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skipper, is your revelation at cross purposes with my revelation ????
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What's this we've got here? A counterfeit?
Somebody's got to be a liar!
I wonder if'n you'll be hearin' from Heaven in another way . . ..
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Greets mah Peeps.
I have sent the counterfeit ambassadors singing along their way with a bag of gorp. You shudda seen their eyes well up with rears and tears and miles of smiles as they received with meekness that engrafted gorp, and headed off to the northland, where awaits them a chilly reception. We stayed up all night and prayed for all the 9th corps. And this is why the sun arose the next morning, because had we not stood in the gap, the roaring lion would have snatched the sun from its place in the firmament, which is evidenced by the cold weather maany of us are experiencing. But it would have been FAR worse if not for the courage of the fearless crew of two (no, not fellow Skipper and Gilligan, but Simon and Tut). So if God so moves you, please send us a love gift of US dollars sos that we might be able to continue this stand of believing in your stead.
I shall not be moved. Lo shanta...
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Tuttle is this another tsunami scam. I recall and will remind you. "Much learning doth make thee mad". In a nutshell there it is.
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Tom Strange
Thank you for your intercession Reverend2T's... if only there were more like you still standing...
...I've misplaced the address to send the love offering to you... is it still "P.O. Box 328"...?
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My fiancee is involved with a group of girls that refer to themselves as "the ya yas". This is a group of girls varying from believers and non. Ya ya ya.
Is this safe? Because as a man I just feel this could be either profitable or un.
Talk among yourselves!
What do girls speak of among the same sex.
Is it like a womans purse a mystery or just something they need to do. The Ya yas.
Such a mystery.
I just can't feel they are caniving against man
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Ummmm,...lemme get back to you on that,Fellowyayasisterhood...
Greetings,9th corpse,in the powerful name of the Yashladi Yashli Tulsi,whom Victor Paul preacheth...
After meeting with four virgin daughters who did prophesy about the price of beef,or the price of coffee or about who would win the next ballgame,we went bound in the spirit,visiting our brethren on the beaches,not knowing those things which befall me there...
And yes,we did call upon the Lord of Tuttles,and his fair maiden,who not only took us out for a delicious hot meal,but provided more than comfortable lodging for the night...We prayed together so fervently that we prayed in the holy spirit into the meeting...It was really an honor and a privilege to give the Tuttle's an opportunity to be more blessed than they already were...Though our intent was to leave his place cleaner than we found it,he and Mrs. Tuttle and his rugrats were more than happy to rise while yet night,give us our sack suppers and enough gas in the car to get us to lower New Bremen, and bid us godspeed with an admonition to write when we found work...
I also regret not being able to meet up with the Igotouts,but I can't help but feel that Florida is now a much more cleaner place,spiritually speaking...
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Now THAT'S what I call a golden tongued orator.
GREAT is Elrod of the abundantsharings!!
Oh, I would to God I had more of those delicious hot meals, complete with ham, whipped potatos, and hot, fresh coffee.
Sexie, I am believing it to become God's primary will, as opposed to His secondary will, that you go an a get-a-tan-caravan trip to visit the brethren.
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thy elrod and thy staff they comfort me
tittlewinks, i would that god would get his needs and wants parallel
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Ex, Niki, Tuttle, Simon my lost brothr out there witnessing and bringing the children of Gawd back to himmmmmmmmm. YOUR STAFF COMFORTS ME!
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swello, your fiance and the girls are talking about your ya ya
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If that which Sexie speaks is true, you have no need for concern, fellow spearchucker. It would not be too long a conversation of the wicked.
"I don't care what you say about me, just mention my name..."
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