Eileen ing leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms ...
The bible says there is no God. He just forgot to read the first part of the verse, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." So you see, you can prove just about anything you want to by taking the Word out of context.
Maybe my sons have sinned ...
Bring that Simon out to us , that we may know him.
tomtuttle....I am not 9th corpse, but was a Wow in LA 1975-1976 with Ann Noto. She was in a different family than I was, but we were buddies. Havent seen her in ages.
Any idea where she is??
Scranton PA maybe? Anyway, you guys have given me many laughs. Thanks.
I took Walter Cummins class on the renewed mind. I remember him suggesting to read the verse of proverbs for the day of the month you were reading. I don't know if any of you bastard ninth corpse did but I did for years. Gee aint I righteous!!!! And I still do from time to time.
Fellowshippers favorite verse is Proverbs 22:17-21. The epitame of the whole bible pivots on this what did Solomon prep this figure of speech and say in verse nineteen.
Talk among yourselves. It set like a diamond so even a fool not err.
You'll have to blow off your dust covered bible and don't worry if you don't know where Proverbs is, there is always an index to help you find it. xoxo
Much learning makes us mad, and much grading makes me bleary.
Thanks for asking, Excie - I've been off doing open houses for the old niKapad. All the kids like shouting down the laundry chute,and all the moms wish there wasn't one. No, the basement doesn't leak. Yes, I have a Green Card right here . . . no, wait, that was something else that I was selling, once.
The house is finally all fixed, and it looks darn good. Mr. niKa has worked very hard. This was the first weekend that we've officially shown it to anyone, and we had a pretty decent turnout. Hope for me that it sells soon, but high is more important than soon. Soon, and high, both, would be wonderful.
So, what's everybody else been up to? Have you been sleeping, or awake? Good, or bad? Santa Clause is coming to town, I hear.
I just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season on your hoho relocation if the shoe fits. I will be beginning my trail of tears to my temporary dwelling on happy holiday day.
Too bad I'm busy on Christmas,Shifter,...else I'd help you move....or at least let you use my truck...Maybe one of your old limb leaders won't be busy on that day....
hey i talked to just one good ol' boy that got born again. he don't do the wild and crazy things he did way back then. instead of raising hell, he's raising his believing....
Love right back at whoever it is. Assuming that it's somebody that I ever ran laps with, or did kitchen duty with, or moved for the forty-umpth time in a Blizzard with, or hitch-hiked to wherever-they-were-sending-us-THAT-time with.
Well,I hope all you wonderful people have the finest Christmas ever...May you and your loved ones be more loving to one another,and you and your hated ones be less hateful to eachother...
Well, bust mah britches. The good ole boy with that fake Austrailian accent sends greetings. Sexie, where is he, still in TN?? The same back to him and the rest of you all.
It would be so fun to have a Christmas with all of you and your families. I do believe our chilluns (keeds) would see us in a new light after witnessing & undershepharding our laughter and silliness-isms.
It has been an interesting year. Job changes, moved into the new house we had built in June, my brother died (unexpectedly) in May, my mother Dec 3, my wife's father the day before yesterday, a partridge in a pear tree. Maybe I will hit the lotto sos we can have our reunion...
Have a wunnerful holiday season, all of you, even that crusty old sailor Simon, leader of legions, with his fleet of box-tail trucks. If only Rubin were around to service them ...
Tuttle,...eschewer of evil and lover of strawberries,you make me laugh and cry...
Yeah,that old boxtail,with the broken gas guage and no odometer...the stars guiding us at night and the mile markers telling us when to gas up...A six-pack of Old Milwaukee,and hey,it just doesn't get any better than that...
Peace and safety to your soul this holiday season....Og and Eggnog...
Excie: Oh, HIM! Weeeelllll, Very Merry to him. Somehow "good ol' boy" doesn't quite ring a bell there, but you have to understand that in Texas and Oklahoma, that is a specifically defined term, and a designated set into which I'm kind of glad that SmokedItWithTheBeatles doesn't fall. Happy Christmas to you, Excie, and your family as well.
Simon, keep on truckin', Old Milwaukee style, dude.
TommyTuttles, what a year you've had. I hope that next year is not quite as eventful, and that you can get down to the business of enjoying your new abode. I'm sad that you lost so many this year, and two funerals in one month is just plain hard.
Fellowshipper, good luck with your packin' and haulin' this week. Dreams come in all sorts of packages, and I'm glad that you have the opportunity to go for yours.
TommyStrange, wherever you are, I hope that the snacks are better than average, and that the chairs have been strung. If not, let me know; I still have some leftover fishing line somewhere.
Rocky, (and I know you're out there, dude) here's a Happy Holly coming your way. Miss you.
Lurkers: can this please be your last Christmas when somebody else decides where you celebrate it? Potential New Year's Resolution: "get out of this cult, and prove to myself that I can make it on my own."
Pawtucket, if you read this, thanks for letting us have the opportunity to have the weirdest, coolest thread at the cafe. It means a lot, and it's healing.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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....or out of her bosom....
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha it (tim) grieves him to take his hand outta there
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Bread of deceit is sweet unto the scornful,but afterward his mouth shall be filled with gravel....
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Eileen ing leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms ...
The bible says there is no God. He just forgot to read the first part of the verse, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." So you see, you can prove just about anything you want to by taking the Word out of context.
Maybe my sons have sinned ...
Bring that Simon out to us , that we may know him.
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tomtuttle....I am not 9th corpse, but was a Wow in LA 1975-1976 with Ann Noto. She was in a different family than I was, but we were buddies. Havent seen her in ages.
Any idea where she is??
Scranton PA maybe? Anyway, you guys have given me many laughs. Thanks.
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What's a 'WOW' ??? Never mind, I just remembered ...
No, I have no idea where our Ann is in this our day and in this our time. Sorry ...
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I took Walter Cummins class on the renewed mind. I remember him suggesting to read the verse of proverbs for the day of the month you were reading. I don't know if any of you bastard ninth corpse did but I did for years. Gee aint I righteous!!!! And I still do from time to time.
Fellowshippers favorite verse is Proverbs 22:17-21. The epitame of the whole bible pivots on this what did Solomon prep this figure of speech and say in verse nineteen.
Talk among yourselves. It set like a diamond so even a fool not err.
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oh cumminsflipper doooooooon't make me do a word studdddddyyyyyyyyyyy pleeaasseeee
where the hell is nika
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You'll have to blow off your dust covered bible and don't worry if you don't know where Proverbs is, there is always an index to help you find it. xoxo
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I hope you don't tell me now that much learning doth make me mad.
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Much learning doth make thee mad, fellowripper.
But no worries, mate. Even Jesus got angry ...
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Much learning makes us mad, and much grading makes me bleary.
Thanks for asking, Excie - I've been off doing open houses for the old niKapad. All the kids like shouting down the laundry chute,and all the moms wish there wasn't one. No, the basement doesn't leak. Yes, I have a Green Card right here . . . no, wait, that was something else that I was selling, once.
The house is finally all fixed, and it looks darn good. Mr. niKa has worked very hard. This was the first weekend that we've officially shown it to anyone, and we had a pretty decent turnout. Hope for me that it sells soon, but high is more important than soon. Soon, and high, both, would be wonderful.
So, what's everybody else been up to? Have you been sleeping, or awake? Good, or bad? Santa Clause is coming to town, I hear.
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I'm thinking that all of the kids are about out of school for Christmas, and many Greasespotters are headed off to see family.
Either that, or they're all out witnessing.
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I just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season on your hoho relocation if the shoe fits. I will be beginning my trail of tears to my temporary dwelling on happy holiday day.
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Moving on Christmas? Da-aaang, Fellowpacker, you must be as busy as a buck-toothed beaver in the Sequoyah National Forest. Good luck with that stuff.
Merry Christmas!
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Too bad I'm busy on Christmas,Shifter,...else I'd help you move....or at least let you use my truck...Maybe one of your old limb leaders won't be busy on that day....
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i have a truck but i'm not going to help you....
merry christmas my dear darling friends !!!!!
hey i talked to just one good ol' boy that got born again. he don't do the wild and crazy things he did way back then. instead of raising hell, he's raising his believing....
anyway he sends his love to y'all
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Love right back at whoever it is. Assuming that it's somebody that I ever ran laps with, or did kitchen duty with, or moved for the forty-umpth time in a Blizzard with, or hitch-hiked to wherever-they-were-sending-us-THAT-time with.
By the way, what's "nollaig shona duit!"?
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hi nikie, love you
nollaig shona duit! happy christmas in irish!
ok so the good ol' boy didn't work for you....
how 'bout
aboundin' in everyfin it's amazin' what the word of can do ....
or how 'bout "i smoked pot with the beatles"
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How's my posting?
Dial 1-800--E-A-T--S-H-I-T .
Sorry,got too close to a bumper sticker today....
Well,I hope all you wonderful people have the finest Christmas ever...May you and your loved ones be more loving to one another,and you and your hated ones be less hateful to eachother...
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is hate a crime ?
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Well, bust mah britches. The good ole boy with that fake Austrailian accent sends greetings. Sexie, where is he, still in TN?? The same back to him and the rest of you all.
It would be so fun to have a Christmas with all of you and your families. I do believe our chilluns (keeds) would see us in a new light after witnessing & undershepharding our laughter and silliness-isms.
It has been an interesting year. Job changes, moved into the new house we had built in June, my brother died (unexpectedly) in May, my mother Dec 3, my wife's father the day before yesterday, a partridge in a pear tree. Maybe I will hit the lotto sos we can have our reunion...
Have a wunnerful holiday season, all of you, even that crusty old sailor Simon, leader of legions, with his fleet of box-tail trucks. If only Rubin were around to service them ...
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Tuttle,...eschewer of evil and lover of strawberries,you make me laugh and cry...
Yeah,that old boxtail,with the broken gas guage and no odometer...the stars guiding us at night and the mile markers telling us when to gas up...A six-pack of Old Milwaukee,and hey,it just doesn't get any better than that...
Peace and safety to your soul this holiday season....Og and Eggnog...
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Excie: Oh, HIM! Weeeelllll, Very Merry to him. Somehow "good ol' boy" doesn't quite ring a bell there, but you have to understand that in Texas and Oklahoma, that is a specifically defined term, and a designated set into which I'm kind of glad that SmokedItWithTheBeatles doesn't fall. Happy Christmas to you, Excie, and your family as well.
Simon, keep on truckin', Old Milwaukee style, dude.
TommyTuttles, what a year you've had. I hope that next year is not quite as eventful, and that you can get down to the business of enjoying your new abode. I'm sad that you lost so many this year, and two funerals in one month is just plain hard.
Fellowshipper, good luck with your packin' and haulin' this week. Dreams come in all sorts of packages, and I'm glad that you have the opportunity to go for yours.
TommyStrange, wherever you are, I hope that the snacks are better than average, and that the chairs have been strung. If not, let me know; I still have some leftover fishing line somewhere.
Rocky, (and I know you're out there, dude) here's a Happy Holly coming your way. Miss you.
Lurkers: can this please be your last Christmas when somebody else decides where you celebrate it? Potential New Year's Resolution: "get out of this cult, and prove to myself that I can make it on my own."
Pawtucket, if you read this, thanks for letting us have the opportunity to have the weirdest, coolest thread at the cafe. It means a lot, and it's healing.
Merry Christmas, everybody!
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