Neither do I confirm thee. Go comma and sin period (remember class, there was no punctuation in the originals). No more ...
Yellowdripper, it is not CONVERSATION", but rather CONVERSION, as in when one thing changes to another (heteros), like my son's transformers. Just like ye, be ye TRANSFORMED comma by the renewing of your kind...
If any man be ignorant (stu - peed), let him be, comma, stupid.
Tommy blacksheep boy I misread conversation with conversion. I guess your more of a spiritual heavier than I cuz I don't know what that means either. I will just lower my voice and go away. we're all gone now.
Simon I was trying to follow you on the song. I was song leading and didn't know if that was a two count or a four count. Help me out here, throw me a bone.
No, sexie hexie, I also(bullinger) practice song leading while getting my aerobics points. And not only that, but stop every so often to teach the trees ...
Thanks Nika. I know you just went through this recently too. I am looking forward to the day when we will all be joined together, whether in Lost Vegas with HeistheBest or at the gathering. Speak up, Mellowtripper, for you speak and the sound of your voice is so sweet, the birds hush their singing.
Simon, drugs have not effected your long-term mammories in the least!! The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth mucho.
It's almost Finals week; this means that I have about a billion essays that were handed in during the past couple of days, and everyone wants them back before tomorrow.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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okay then
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good morning teddytuddle how are you feeling ?
good morning everyone else too
coffee and hugs
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Feelings, my Sexie, come and go comma but the word of tuttles ...
I'm fine. But you really are getting up too early. Just like me. It's hard for me to sleep past 4:30am, even if I'm up late the night before.
Have to go for now - big day of conversion verification. Have a great big wonderful God (and day) !!!!
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Tuttle what is a conversation verification mean?
I have been waking up earlier everyday too. It must be something in the air. Like stress.
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I have been searching for someone to confirm my conversion for years. I have been suspicious of it for a long time.
Will you do this for me comma Tom comma when you are finished with those folks at work.
How do you do it question mark? By listening to their tongue? What if they are mute? Then what mister? Lip read?
Is there an overseer in place to confirm your conversion confirmation verifications? Is is Excathedra? Question mark, question mark, question mark.
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Who hath confirmed thee?
No man, lord.
Neither do I confirm thee. Go comma and sin period (remember class, there was no punctuation in the originals). No more ...
Yellowdripper, it is not CONVERSATION", but rather CONVERSION, as in when one thing changes to another (heteros), like my son's transformers. Just like ye, be ye TRANSFORMED comma by the renewing of your kind...
If any man be ignorant (stu - peed), let him be, comma, stupid.
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Oh, TommyPrinceofTuttles, I have just read the Red Thread and learned the news.
Wow, what a Mom she must have been, to have raised you.
As you go about your conversations and your conversions, I'll be conversin' with Heaven about you,and your family.
Tough times, but as IgotSaved has spoken, time helps.
(But he's probably right about a trip to Vegas not being all that bad an idea, either.)
I raise my glass to you, Sir. God bless you and your whole family, and God rest your Mom.
much love, niKa
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Tommy blacksheep boy I misread conversation with conversion. I guess your more of a spiritual heavier than I cuz I don't know what that means either. I will just lower my voice and go away. we're all gone now.
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well i like to rise and shine and give god the glory glory
i spend an hour reading a word
another hour doing a retemory
another hour flossing
all this while SITting
tempted and tried, we're oft made to tuttle....
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Tom Strange
I tried to read the word for an hour, but it didn't take me that long...
I tried to retemorize for an hour, but after 15 minutes I forgot why I was there...
I tried to floss for an hour, but I ended up playing that "finger web" game...
I was SITting, then standing, then SITting, then... wonder I'm a cop out...
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We're standing on God's Woooooooord!
Steadfastly on God's Woooooooord!
In one spirit
with one mi-ind
for the Lord
We-re standing on God's Wooooooord!
Steadfastly on God's Woooooooord!
In one spirit
with one mi-ind
Praaaaise the Lord!
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
you scared the hell out of me simon. i just woke up and am having my coffee and you sang that ! next time some warning
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah
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Simon I was trying to follow you on the song. I was song leading and didn't know if that was a two count or a four count. Help me out here, throw me a bone.
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am i the only one who practices song leading while i'm jogging ?
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No, sexie hexie, I also(bullinger) practice song leading while getting my aerobics points. And not only that, but stop every so often to teach the trees ...
Thanks Nika. I know you just went through this recently too. I am looking forward to the day when we will all be joined together, whether in Lost Vegas with HeistheBest or at the gathering. Speak up, Mellowtripper, for you speak and the sound of your voice is so sweet, the birds hush their singing.
Simon, drugs have not effected your long-term mammories in the least!! The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth mucho.
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((((((Rev 2t's))))), (((((Nika))))), and all who have suffered loss, you're in my prayers.
Now I'll sing to you. (Sung with brogue)
Cheer up ye saints of God,
There's nothing to worry about (beep beep)
There's nothing to make you feel afraid,
Nothing to make you doubt.
Remember God is always near
So why not si-ing and shout?
There'll be nothing to worry about
Tomorrow morning!!!
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OHMYGOD ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah a ha ha ha ha
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Okay, this is from my six-year-old.
Why are all the other numbers afraid of Seven?
Because Seven Ate Nine!
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Niki, this is from a fortynine year old. What does an accountant do when they have constipation?
They work it out with a pencil!!
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Tom Strange
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what ? you don't like pencils ?
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Hi-die Ho, Cowpokes!
It's almost Finals week; this means that I have about a billion essays that were handed in during the past couple of days, and everyone wants them back before tomorrow.
Somebody tell me when it's over!
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after you're done, drinks and dancing in the kitchen !!!!!!
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Niki, just have a kegger party before the no alcohol mandate goes into effect at OU.
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