I don't know about New Orleans. While on staff at HQ I went there with brother Bo and 2 others for an IBM function. While there I met with my old man best friend from high school who had gone to Tulane and became (tahu va bahu) without form and void (you see, there is no verb 'to be' in the texts), oopppps, I mean a lawyer for Exxon. Excuse me while I shift gears without overlap. Anyways, we got together for lunch in the French Qtr one day and I was hit on by a female impersonator, who was performing across the street at one of the bars HegotHope and Sexie were wont to be. I still have his/her phone number, in case anyone here would have an interest (Francis??)...
So then, I see then a law, waring in my member, that the thing which is good I do... or in this case, didn't do ...
As you can see, it is either very late, or very early, a GREAT while before day. You tell me which you think it is, and I'll tell you ...
Yup, I can remember strolling the streets of the French Quarter with one of my Brethren, during that Word in Business conference; I still remember that the floor-to-ceiling drapes (not fahr-engine red, though, kind of taupe) in my hotel room had these little bitty dark squiggles as the design, with one end fatter than the other, and it was only AFTER my walk through the Quarter that I realized the incredible likeness of the drapery design to a floor-to-ceiling sea of SPERM, and remarked upon this likeness to my roommate, whereupon she and I both said, in unison as though in a choral speaking situation, "EEE-EUUUUUWWWWWW!"
Hmmm. What is it about walking down a few streets that would make a young girl's mind turn to spermatazoa, I ask you?
If we keep this silent much longer, I feel moved to require all 9th corps, in-res, out-of-res, interim, graduated, LOA, DOA, DFAC, Sunset, Precorps, Special and Honorary, to write an essay for me to read on, "The Way - Looking For Love".
Sexie, do you still have the original transcripts I sent you when the fodder put it on mah heart to write this?? Maybe we could post some excerpts booms-quick so's our people will have a clear vee-sion of what I want.
Sure,Tom,you're !@#$%$#@! right I love you,so would you quit asking me that !@#$%&%$#@! question...
sTranger was caught away in the spirit on the Lord's day...I was taught the Lord's day was Sunday...Then I was taught by another group of fundamentalists that the Lord's day was Saturday...I tell you I was so confused I didn't know if I was comin' or goin',multiplying or dividing,adding or subtracting...That's when I took all my wonderful books and commentaries down to the local gehenna,where the fire never ceases...And Father told me he'd teach me the Word,like it hadn't been taught since the first century,if I would require a minimum donation to teach it to others...
quote:Father told me he'd teach me the Word,like it hadn't been taught since the first century,if I would require a minimum donation to teach it to others...
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (LMAO) but it's more fun to type all the ha ha's
Niki I like your in unison EEEEUUUUWWWWW. I have no answer why you thought of that walking down the streets of Bourbon st. I just went down there last June. Not really a place to have a family outing. Trust me. To many questions from the kiddos I had to skirt around, Pardon the pun.
Simon and VP and me carried out the latter end of the minimum donation to teach others. Isn't the gifts of Gawd to come freely without variable wavering. Hmmmmmmmmmm. The light just came on. That is Sherwood Forest do to the density of our brains.
White man may speak with forked tongue, brother Yellowdripper, but thy tongue is the wonder and rewonderment of mine heart.
Simon, your words soothe and heal my bones.
Sexie, I am satisfied with thine breasts at all times.
Tom the Odd one, just as the body without soul is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Just popping into a fellowship every third week or so doesn't signify you have reached reverendum. Quit you like men. Be strong. Be ye a follower of me. Be careful for nothing. Be an imitator of God. Be perfect. Be... all that you can be ... Join the Corps. I hear they had 5 graduate this last year. You would be like an excellors session unto the babes in the Corps. Just teach them about ice cream bowls, and commandos, and all were were implanted with.
I guess this new graduating corpse never broke up into twigs...Where did they hold their graduation at,IHOP?...Uhhh,table for five,non-smoking....Wait!...Make that a table for eight,the trustees need to be there...Heck,they could have all fit in my station wagon...They barely had enough for a good game of spades...How did they handle bless patrol?...At least they probably had plenty of 'seconds' available on bulgar wheat salad night...How the hell did they clean out the Jordan River?...If three of them were shadowing Harve,Rosalee,and Jacque Pierre,or whoever the third trustee was,the other two couldn't open their meetings with prayer and manifestations...Do they each get their own WOWburger tent during ROA?....So many questions....
is it something like the 5th corps had 200 people and the 200th corps had 5 people ? spooky :)-->
I think the 5th corps had 87. The 6th went above 300 with Emporia avaiable, the 7th was also above 300. The 8th was down a little at 250 or 260 I think, then the 9th and 10th were back up. After that, ?????
If they go out witnessing, two by two, that last group will be in direct violation of the wonnerful revelation the crustees have received from on higher ground. Or maybe they pair off in 3's ...
Lifted, please get with the spirit of this our tread. We are not interested in real numbers, only those numbers with spiritual significance in the bible.
Too bad lcm isn't around for his annual football game. He could have all 5 all the time on his team, and the rest (zero) on the other (heteros) side. Then believing for a victory in jesus would be as easy as falling off a greased log backwards ...
Maybe they can re-enact the others crucified with jesus ...
Who are they gonna marry? Maybe they can all marry someone outside the Corps household. Then they will all be forced to go back through the Corps like so maaaaaany others did in TWI2. Suddenly the size of the Corps has doubled. Now that's growth.!
Or maybe Simbi could abundantly share some of his wives. :D--> :D-->
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Tom Strange
I vote for New Orleans! ...but St. Marys is probably less expensive... then again, we could all go to Tampa but they're always having hurricanes...
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I don't know about New Orleans. While on staff at HQ I went there with brother Bo and 2 others for an IBM function. While there I met with my old man best friend from high school who had gone to Tulane and became (tahu va bahu) without form and void (you see, there is no verb 'to be' in the texts), oopppps, I mean a lawyer for Exxon. Excuse me while I shift gears without overlap. Anyways, we got together for lunch in the French Qtr one day and I was hit on by a female impersonator, who was performing across the street at one of the bars HegotHope and Sexie were wont to be. I still have his/her phone number, in case anyone here would have an interest (Francis??)...
So then, I see then a law, waring in my member, that the thing which is good I do... or in this case, didn't do ...
As you can see, it is either very late, or very early, a GREAT while before day. You tell me which you think it is, and I'll tell you ...
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Yup, I can remember strolling the streets of the French Quarter with one of my Brethren, during that Word in Business conference; I still remember that the floor-to-ceiling drapes (not fahr-engine red, though, kind of taupe) in my hotel room had these little bitty dark squiggles as the design, with one end fatter than the other, and it was only AFTER my walk through the Quarter that I realized the incredible likeness of the drapery design to a floor-to-ceiling sea of SPERM, and remarked upon this likeness to my roommate, whereupon she and I both said, in unison as though in a choral speaking situation, "EEE-EUUUUUWWWWWW!"
Hmmm. What is it about walking down a few streets that would make a young girl's mind turn to spermatazoa, I ask you?
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Where is mah peoples??
I command thee, let mah peoples GO!!!!
If we keep this silent much longer, I feel moved to require all 9th corps, in-res, out-of-res, interim, graduated, LOA, DOA, DFAC, Sunset, Precorps, Special and Honorary, to write an essay for me to read on, "The Way - Looking For Love".
Sexie, do you still have the original transcripts I sent you when the fodder put it on mah heart to write this?? Maybe we could post some excerpts booms-quick so's our people will have a clear vee-sion of what I want.
Simon Peter, lovest thou me??
Hunka Hunka Burnin' Tut
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Tom Strange
There I am! Send me!
...ah... the feelowsheep of the saints!
It does mah heart good to be here among youse, mah peepull!
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split foot crashed my computer tommy
will you believe for rerun revelation. i'm putting it on the top of my liftlist
were you caught away dear strange one ?
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Sure,Tom,you're !@#$%$#@! right I love you,so would you quit asking me that !@#$%&%$#@! question...
sTranger was caught away in the spirit on the Lord's day...I was taught the Lord's day was Sunday...Then I was taught by another group of fundamentalists that the Lord's day was Saturday...I tell you I was so confused I didn't know if I was comin' or goin',multiplying or dividing,adding or subtracting...That's when I took all my wonderful books and commentaries down to the local gehenna,where the fire never ceases...And Father told me he'd teach me the Word,like it hadn't been taught since the first century,if I would require a minimum donation to teach it to others...
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Niki I like your in unison EEEEUUUUWWWWW. I have no answer why you thought of that walking down the streets of Bourbon st. I just went down there last June. Not really a place to have a family outing. Trust me. To many questions from the kiddos I had to skirt around, Pardon the pun.
Simon and VP and me carried out the latter end of the minimum donation to teach others. Isn't the gifts of Gawd to come freely without variable wavering. Hmmmmmmmmmm. The light just came on. That is Sherwood Forest do to the density of our brains.
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White man may speak with forked tongue, brother Yellowdripper, but thy tongue is the wonder and rewonderment of mine heart.
Simon, your words soothe and heal my bones.
Sexie, I am satisfied with thine breasts at all times.
Tom the Odd one, just as the body without soul is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Just popping into a fellowship every third week or so doesn't signify you have reached reverendum. Quit you like men. Be strong. Be ye a follower of me. Be careful for nothing. Be an imitator of God. Be perfect. Be... all that you can be ... Join the Corps. I hear they had 5 graduate this last year. You would be like an excellors session unto the babes in the Corps. Just teach them about ice cream bowls, and commandos, and all were were implanted with.
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I guess this new graduating corpse never broke up into twigs...Where did they hold their graduation at,IHOP?...Uhhh,table for five,non-smoking....Wait!...Make that a table for eight,the trustees need to be there...Heck,they could have all fit in my station wagon...They barely had enough for a good game of spades...How did they handle bless patrol?...At least they probably had plenty of 'seconds' available on bulgar wheat salad night...How the hell did they clean out the Jordan River?...If three of them were shadowing Harve,Rosalee,and Jacque Pierre,or whoever the third trustee was,the other two couldn't open their meetings with prayer and manifestations...Do they each get their own WOWburger tent during ROA?....So many questions....
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Jacque Pierre ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what the hell is the name of that silent trustee anyway !!!!!!
were there corps weddings around the pond ?
did they each have a dorm to themselves ?
did everyone get to share at the afterglow ?
did they trade sack suppers ?
sit in alphabetical order on corps night ?
my head hurts
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Simon are you talking in tongues?
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did they wear nametags ?
did they use memory pegs to remember each other's names ?
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is it something like the 5th corps had 200 people and the 200th corps had 5 people ? spooky
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That's not tongues,shipper,that's....no deal...
I still can't get over 5 graduating corpses...I think Rev. Buyunga Simbi has more wives than that...
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Lifted Up
I think the 5th corps had 87. The 6th went above 300 with Emporia avaiable, the 7th was also above 300. The 8th was down a little at 250 or 260 I think, then the 9th and 10th were back up. After that, ?????
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if they were all in a band, who did they play for ?
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If they go out witnessing, two by two, that last group will be in direct violation of the wonnerful revelation the crustees have received from on higher ground. Or maybe they pair off in 3's ...
Lifted, please get with the spirit of this our tread. We are not interested in real numbers, only those numbers with spiritual significance in the bible.
Too bad lcm isn't around for his annual football game. He could have all 5 all the time on his team, and the rest (zero) on the other (heteros) side. Then believing for a victory in jesus would be as easy as falling off a greased log backwards ...
Maybe they can re-enact the others crucified with jesus ...
Maybe my sons have sinned.
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Who are they gonna marry? Maybe they can all marry someone outside the Corps household. Then they will all be forced to go back through the Corps like so maaaaaany others did in TWI2. Suddenly the size of the Corps has doubled. Now that's growth.!
Or maybe Simbi could abundantly share some of his wives.
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did buyunga have to bring all his wives back in residence ?
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oh and if they sneak off campus to guzzle a six-pack, who gets the extra one ?
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