And a good down on the farm morning to you too, sexie Mexie Exie. I sees you're up early. Me too. I was erect a 4:30am. And here on the farm, we eat a hearty breakfast of judy cunning hams with toast, made by our own peter & brenda cook. But even before that, we have
motion with devotion, Valerie Knowles breath training, Bill Mayes Hayes Gahagan Mo-Tech in Govt. training and jet style packing. Then it's Top Floor Wierwille for a dunamis-laden teaching from Acts.
Where is Vicki Del Duncan Negro? She is supposed to share on not Ed & Lin Hardening your hearts.
Fellowbirder, do your flycatchers have yellow bellies? This one had a beautiful dove-grey head and back, double brown bands on the wings, and a rich pastel yellow underside. The folks at Wildcare tried to look it up, but said that it's really not supposed to be here. What are your flycatchers like?
They've been getting more and more way-Southern species of birds in the past couple of years. Species are slowly migrating Northward, as their tolerable temperature ranges also move Northward.
niki, I know I should not do this on an open forum but with the change of the private messaging format I am unable to write you in secret. My email is This is not an invitation of any type of hate mail or other pestering from others than the intent of this post. Write me niki.
If you all care to drop me a line try or
I don't know what he's talking about either niKa... maybe he's been smoking some of that stuff from "down under" or eating too much vegimite... it seems the same to me...
Simontheloaded... I tried to reach you at the address you listed and all I got was somebody's mother...
Hey if this is the fellowshipper show go to commercial break now. You used to could go to my space and type secret messages out of earshot range.I think youins must be doing the God bless your best Way brain and forgetting. There is so many many people to bless here.
you can still go there shipping man! only now it's called "Private Messaging"... it's just easier for me (I am Texan ya know) to click on their name...
I tried Simon's addy also and got my wife on the other end. Isn't God good??
Yellowdripper, I feel led of God to inscribe your email addy on all the men's bathroom walls I frequent. Your window of opportunity to witness will be opened abundantly, for I am called my thy name, O lord God of hosts and hostesses. Just keep thanking God ...
Exie, I have NEVER BEEN CONVICTED of any felonies, but was once "detained" for impersonating a fire hose ...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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And a good down on the farm morning to you too, sexie Mexie Exie. I sees you're up early. Me too. I was erect a 4:30am. And here on the farm, we eat a hearty breakfast of judy cunning hams with toast, made by our own peter & brenda cook. But even before that, we have
motion with devotion, Valerie Knowles breath training, Bill Mayes Hayes Gahagan Mo-Tech in Govt. training and jet style packing. Then it's Top Floor Wierwille for a dunamis-laden teaching from Acts.
Where is Vicki Del Duncan Negro? She is supposed to share on not Ed & Lin Hardening your hearts.
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i don't know about steve morrow..... i mike just from day to day
you sure bless my old ken rine heart
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Fellowbirder, do your flycatchers have yellow bellies? This one had a beautiful dove-grey head and back, double brown bands on the wings, and a rich pastel yellow underside. The folks at Wildcare tried to look it up, but said that it's really not supposed to be here. What are your flycatchers like?
They've been getting more and more way-Southern species of birds in the past couple of years. Species are slowly migrating Northward, as their tolerable temperature ranges also move Northward.
Last week of school for the kids!
Billions of boxes to pack!
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Yo, Mellowtripper!
E-mail me! I've been sent a pretty decent deal on Australia tickets, and can't find your e-mail address!
(I surely can't go, but I'd imagine you're burning up the friendly skies these days!)
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niki, I know I should not do this on an open forum but with the change of the private messaging format I am unable to write you in secret. My email is This is not an invitation of any type of hate mail or other pestering from others than the intent of this post. Write me niki.
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Tom Strange
gripper... you could click on her name and click on 'invite niKa to a Private Topic and voila! it's there!
(now delete the post with your email in it, you can delete posts now)
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If you all care to drop me a line try or
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Thanks, folks!
I e-mailed the Shipper.
You, too, can write him.
Just write The Shipper,
P.O.Box 328,
New Knoxville, Ohio, 45871
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Whaddya mean, the change in the private messaging format? Enlighten the eyes of my understanding, please?
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Tom Strange
I don't know what he's talking about either niKa... maybe he's been smoking some of that stuff from "down under" or eating too much vegimite... it seems the same to me...
Simontheloaded... I tried to reach you at the address you listed and all I got was somebody's mother...
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y'all are ....ers
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Tom Strange
but LOVABLE ....ers!
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Hey if this is the fellowshipper show go to commercial break now. You used to could go to my space and type secret messages out of earshot range.I think youins must be doing the God bless your best Way brain and forgetting. There is so many many people to bless here.
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Tom Strange
you can still go there shipping man! only now it's called "Private Messaging"... it's just easier for me (I am Texan ya know) to click on their name...
carry on with the plan of the day....
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I tried Simon's addy also and got my wife on the other end. Isn't God good??
Yellowdripper, I feel led of God to inscribe your email addy on all the men's bathroom walls I frequent. Your window of opportunity to witness will be opened abundantly, for I am called my thy name, O lord God of hosts and hostesses. Just keep thanking God ...
Exie, I have NEVER BEEN CONVICTED of any felonies, but was once "detained" for impersonating a fire hose ...
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Tom Strange
Reverend2Ts... that was your wife!
Holy Moly buddy! Way to go!
...on to other things... don't forget to finish up getting your aerobics points early... why do today what you can put off until tomorrow...
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you people make me cry
you're corps damn it
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Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener ...
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That is what I'd truly like to be-e-e.
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just got snail mail from cyndi edwards
her oldest daughter is graduating high school
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I didn't even know Cindy Edwards was even fertile much less having a graduating daughter. Why am not I in the know.
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It's no disgrace to know---to not know...
How old is her oldest daughter,like 25?...We should all lift her...
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