Come, let us all reason together from OUTSIDE the scriptures. Not that which goeth into a man defileth him, but that which cometh out. So, eat whatsoever you desire. Just don't go anorexicly to the bathroom afterwards. Keep thy stomach with all diligence ...
Thanks be to swellolipper for keeping God and us 9th FIRST !!!
Ex, why don't we live in the same town??? I believe it is God's PRIMARY will. Please share that with your husband.
While I have your attention, it's such a sad thing about Mrs. Weirwille having Alzheimer's. I think that as a nurse, she surely saw the signs of Alzheimer's in herself, and knew what was coming. Such a wonderful lady, and so sad.
I will keep her in my prayers.
The only reason that I ever ran a twig in Van Wert was because she asked me to. Because of that, I got to spend time with Dan and Marilyn Friedly, Coramae Peters, and many other wonderful folks. I always appreciated how Mrs. Weirwille would answer a question "straight," without having to think up what was the "approved" answer. She is a very honest and nice person, and I like her very much.
Am I the only one who is a little concerned about TomStrange's absence, today? He ALWAYS has something to share on this thread. Such a sharing kind of guy! I have grown fond of his ability to bastardize everyone's screen name and morph those into an ever-changing witty-ism.
Not having Tom around is like sitting down for chow at Emporia and seeing the plurality plate is missing...
Or, going to SNS at Kenyon Auditorium and seeing Sher** Cra*** sittng on a bench with no Pipe Organ...
Or looking out your window at 3:30am and not seeing any Bless Patrol...
hang on goddamnit he's on here !!!! i thought you meant he was away. he's just away ignoring his primary first thought will of the household within the household within the household
MyseestorEx... how I love thee, thou knowest mine heart... but I am feeble and aged and it takes me longer to get here...
niKa... I have not done that diet diet for I have not willpower nor discipline in my life... but... take a look at a book called "Bodystat", it worked (back when I had a small amount of discipline and willpower)... I lost sixty pounds (yes, that's right 60#) in three and a half months... and it's not a crash diet, you lose what you don't need... I had a lot I didn't need...
Grayone2, please do not fret thyself and cause your brow to perspire my son... come over here my son, let me show you SLAP!
hahahahaha... you fell for it AGAIN!
I'll bring refreshments to the family meeting and if there are any left over, we can use 'em for twig... OK?
I bet you were the inspiration for John Goodman in "Brother, Where Art Thou?" where he plays the Bible salesman and then beats the sh** out of those naves!
Not ME!
Not anymore! No Siree!
I saw the movie again last night, so I saw your haymaker comming from way back yonder!
TOM!! You are RIGHT! I nearly forgot about bless patrol!
I walk my subdivision with a bright orange vest on and my name tag, and my little flashlight. Some strange looks - I get, for SURE!
I spend most of the nights down by the iron gate entrances... to meet the fire truck, stop them, and then point to the inferno and say "Bless YOU!! Sure am Glad you are here! I think the Fire is over THERE somewhere! But before you rush off, let me show you this Green Card...."
i have been diligently trying to get my neighbors to do bless patrol with me also(bullinger) but (in contrast to) they will not be persuaded and i ceased saying, "comma the will of the lord be done." bag after bag of popcorn wasted......
You can string it together and put it on your communal Happy Household Holiday tree... or throw it out for the birds to eat, "Your heavenly sister feedeth them! Oh they of little feet!"
As I read these threads and/or posts I just think what wilt this babbler say now. Where are the the other silent readers of the ninth corps. You can come out of the closet. Sorta a don't ask don't tell thingy. We are brethen with an ocean of love. I once spent a night with a 11th corps man from Ireland and heard how he grew up in his country trials of Catholic versus protestants and was enlightened of other countrys. I forgot more of rumors of wars than that boy will ever Know.
Greetings and God's richest abundant blessings to you wonderful 9th corps saints in the powerful name of our dear brother and Godly Lord,Jesus Christ,whom Victor Paul preacheth...I've just returned from the Legion coordinators meetings and we're planning some wonderful things here in the southwest that I'd like to share with you for your spiritual enrichment and enjoyment....
First,we're planning some witnessing weekends where our Spanish-speaking saints hang out at the southern border and hand out drinking water and PALF cards to our newly arriving brethren from Mexico...We're calling these weekends "Each one win Juan"...
For our wonderful saints that are behind bars we have an exciting erectional outreach program that will hopefully stiffen the penile system,and provide joy to those who are "doing all nine while serving time"....The theme for this year's program is "May the Good Guard lock and keep you"....
We mustn't forget our youth,and we're planning several teen advances with groovy Christian music...I can't wait to lead them in "I'm Gonna Carry My Bible to School"...These kids our are future,and when I get old,I would much rather my life be in the hands of our American Christian youth than youth in Asia....The theme for our teen advances will be "Mom,Dad,can we use the car to go witnessing?"
And also(Bullinger),the aging 7th corps is planning a 25th year reunion in Las Vegas....Lest the 7th corps men show up ill-equipped for such a love fest,we're offering Christian Family and Sex and Viagara classes....These are going to be laid back,informal,take your shoes off,and get honest about sex weekends....The theme will be "Let's get something straight between us"...I hope all the 7th corps men can come....
"What meaneth this man?? Other some, What will this babbler say??"
Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee.
"Say on."
There was this farmer, who had OOODLES of sheep... Thou art the man. Leave my sheep alone. Get thee from behind them. They shall not eat their dung nor drink their .... with thee. As surely as thou hast covered thine feet before the multitude, so shalt God, even thy God, cover thy sins, if thou wilt but fall down and worship Him. (Fall over!! Fall over!!)
Mine own husband readeth this to me from the paper of news this morning. We thinketh that it is a joke, and not true therefore, but the fact that we can't quite be sure is what worries us . . ..
President Bush was informed by his secret service agents that Vice President Cheney had suffered an attack of angina.
Bush replied, with a silly grin, "You can't fool me with that! Boys don't even have anginas!"
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Though your sins be as scarlet ...
Come, let us all reason together from OUTSIDE the scriptures. Not that which goeth into a man defileth him, but that which cometh out. So, eat whatsoever you desire. Just don't go anorexicly to the bathroom afterwards. Keep thy stomach with all diligence ...
Thanks be to swellolipper for keeping God and us 9th FIRST !!!
Ex, why don't we live in the same town??? I believe it is God's PRIMARY will. Please share that with your husband.
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I'm trying to get us to the 100th page!
While I have your attention, it's such a sad thing about Mrs. Weirwille having Alzheimer's. I think that as a nurse, she surely saw the signs of Alzheimer's in herself, and knew what was coming. Such a wonderful lady, and so sad.
I will keep her in my prayers.
The only reason that I ever ran a twig in Van Wert was because she asked me to. Because of that, I got to spend time with Dan and Marilyn Friedly, Coramae Peters, and many other wonderful folks. I always appreciated how Mrs. Weirwille would answer a question "straight," without having to think up what was the "approved" answer. She is a very honest and nice person, and I like her very much.
"Be just, and fear not."
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i can't imagine how hard it would be to be one of the "kids"
tutu i'll will share god's primary will at our family meeting tonight
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Too Gray Now
Hey 9th corps!
Am I the only one who is a little concerned about TomStrange's absence, today? He ALWAYS has something to share on this thread. Such a sharing kind of guy! I have grown fond of his ability to bastardize everyone's screen name and morph those into an ever-changing witty-ism.
Not having Tom around is like sitting down for chow at Emporia and seeing the plurality plate is missing...
Or, going to SNS at Kenyon Auditorium and seeing Sher** Cra*** sittng on a bench with no Pipe Organ...
Or looking out your window at 3:30am and not seeing any Bless Patrol...
somethign MUST be wrong!
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he's either golfing or having a 24-hour prayer vigil
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hang on goddamnit he's on here !!!! i thought you meant he was away. he's just away ignoring his primary first thought will of the household within the household within the household
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Tom Strange
MyseestorEx... how I love thee, thou knowest mine heart... but I am feeble and aged and it takes me longer to get here...
niKa... I have not done that diet diet for I have not willpower nor discipline in my life... but... take a look at a book called "Bodystat", it worked (back when I had a small amount of discipline and willpower)... I lost sixty pounds (yes, that's right 60#) in three and a half months... and it's not a crash diet, you lose what you don't need... I had a lot I didn't need...
Grayone2, please do not fret thyself and cause your brow to perspire my son... come over here my son, let me show you SLAP!
hahahahaha... you fell for it AGAIN!
I'll bring refreshments to the family meeting and if there are any left over, we can use 'em for twig... OK?
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Hundredth page.
"Be just, and fear not."
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Too Gray Now
Your silly trickery does not work on me any more!
I bet you were the inspiration for John Goodman in "Brother, Where Art Thou?" where he plays the Bible salesman and then beats the sh** out of those naves!
Not ME!
Not anymore! No Siree!
I saw the movie again last night, so I saw your haymaker comming from way back yonder!
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Tom Strange
awww... Gray2now... I'm not like him... why... I wouldn't harm a fly... honest...
besides, those were only cartoon slaps so they don't hurt as much... (at least they didn't hurt me)...
shouldn't you be getting some rest? I think the 11th corps has blessed patrol tonight...
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Too Gray Now
TOM!! You are RIGHT! I nearly forgot about bless patrol!
I walk my subdivision with a bright orange vest on and my name tag, and my little flashlight. Some strange looks - I get, for SURE!
I spend most of the nights down by the iron gate entrances... to meet the fire truck, stop them, and then point to the inferno and say "Bless YOU!! Sure am Glad you are here! I think the Fire is over THERE somewhere! But before you rush off, let me show you this Green Card...."
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i have been diligently trying to get my neighbors to do bless patrol with me also(bullinger) but (in contrast to) they will not be persuaded and i ceased saying, "comma the will of the lord be done." bag after bag of popcorn wasted......
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Too Gray Now
Ahhhh, but that wonderful aroma of popped corn!!!
Don't throw all that our, Ex...
You can string it together and put it on your communal Happy Household Holiday tree... or throw it out for the birds to eat, "Your heavenly sister feedeth them! Oh they of little feet!"
So many uses!
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too gray wow, i received with meekenss your engrafted popcorn which was able to make my soul (save me whole)....
from upstairs:
finally some in-depth spiritual perception and awarenesspraise god.... (make a joyful noise onto the lord) PRAISE GOD.....
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come before his presence with singing
i don't know how to spell "hallaluuuya"
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As I read these threads and/or posts I just think what wilt this babbler say now. Where are the the other silent readers of the ninth corps. You can come out of the closet. Sorta a don't ask don't tell thingy. We are brethen with an ocean of love. I once spent a night with a 11th corps man from Ireland and heard how he grew up in his country trials of Catholic versus protestants and was enlightened of other countrys. I forgot more of rumors of wars than that boy will ever Know.
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Greetings and God's richest abundant blessings to you wonderful 9th corps saints in the powerful name of our dear brother and Godly Lord,Jesus Christ,whom Victor Paul preacheth...I've just returned from the Legion coordinators meetings and we're planning some wonderful things here in the southwest that I'd like to share with you for your spiritual enrichment and enjoyment....
First,we're planning some witnessing weekends where our Spanish-speaking saints hang out at the southern border and hand out drinking water and PALF cards to our newly arriving brethren from Mexico...We're calling these weekends "Each one win Juan"...
For our wonderful saints that are behind bars we have an exciting erectional outreach program that will hopefully stiffen the penile system,and provide joy to those who are "doing all nine while serving time"....The theme for this year's program is "May the Good Guard lock and keep you"....
We mustn't forget our youth,and we're planning several teen advances with groovy Christian music...I can't wait to lead them in "I'm Gonna Carry My Bible to School"...These kids our are future,and when I get old,I would much rather my life be in the hands of our American Christian youth than youth in Asia....The theme for our teen advances will be "Mom,Dad,can we use the car to go witnessing?"
And also(Bullinger),the aging 7th corps is planning a 25th year reunion in Las Vegas....Lest the 7th corps men show up ill-equipped for such a love fest,we're offering Christian Family and Sex and Viagara classes....These are going to be laid back,informal,take your shoes off,and get honest about sex weekends....The theme will be "Let's get something straight between us"...I hope all the 7th corps men can come....
In His Service....
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OHMYGOD. i've missed you but you are worth waiting for !!!!! i'm dying choking on my friggin coffee. you are the theme man!!!!!!
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"What meaneth this man?? Other some, What will this babbler say??"
Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee.
"Say on."
There was this farmer, who had OOODLES of sheep... Thou art the man. Leave my sheep alone. Get thee from behind them. They shall not eat their dung nor drink their .... with thee. As surely as thou hast covered thine feet before the multitude, so shalt God, even thy God, cover thy sins, if thou wilt but fall down and worship Him. (Fall over!! Fall over!!)
Oh, it's good to be (CLAP!!) home again ...
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Mine own husband readeth this to me from the paper of news this morning. We thinketh that it is a joke, and not true therefore, but the fact that we can't quite be sure is what worries us . . ..
President Bush was informed by his secret service agents that Vice President Cheney had suffered an attack of angina.
Bush replied, with a silly grin, "You can't fool me with that! Boys don't even have anginas!"
"Be just, and fear not."
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Oh.I love the Lord and all my breth-er-en....Good morning boys 'n girls...and how are your anginas today?
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(music notes) nuthin could be finer than to be with your anginas in the moooooooorrrrnin' (music notes)
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Nuthin' could be sweeter than to have her pull your p---- in the mornin'.....
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ohchrist i can't even respond..........
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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