Verily I say unto you, comma, today, comma, hold thy tongue, grayhead, for hast God given to thee the secret of His mysteries?? What hast thou which thou didst not receive?? I am not tired, as you suppose, seeing it is but the 15th hour of the day, but have been caught away with strangers unawares to the ninth corps heaven and earth, where rust doth not corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal. And I saw, His eyes behind my ears, Simon, standing with 9 stars in the left hand, and a hustler magazine in the right, and I heard a loud noise, as of a rushing mighty wind saying,"Ex, Ex, mother thy people." (I THINK it was "mother, but could have been "smother".)
And who was I to withstand God, as GUESS at what these things might mean?? All I know is, once I was blind, but now I am deaf.
It was Rev.2Ts that Ex called upon. That will cost me a couple of percentage points of credibility, with my elder corps, I'm sure.
It's just...
It's Just that there are so many Tom-Toms around here, I feel a visitation from the great Chief's spirit comming over you... > (Drums playing, and I am waving one of my Atlanta Braves foam tommahawks and hopping around on one foot and saying "WOO woo woo woo".
Can you feel it TomS??? Can you???
Do you feel an affinity for Turquoise and low grade silver jewlery??? That's the proof in the 5 senses world that you got the CHIEF!
quote: standing with 9 stars in the left hand, and a hustler magazine in the right
Man, oh man, you moved me! I had to fall down and proclaim that Larry Flint is in thee, of a truth!
Let's face it, you must have been doing a word study in the Songs of Solomon... "Oh that the Roe would dance forward with glistening knee-caps and prance on towards sun while the ointment of myrr that perfumes my holy memory of that sacred moment of the joining together of our loves!!"
What a God-inspired idea!! Rent-A-Prayer-Closets!! We should have had these for the single corps during ROA's in times past.
Nevertheless, concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me, it is good for a man not to touch a woman. Thank God Ex is MORE than a woman!!! How touching!!
And when he had finished saying these things, he BREATHED on them ...
Reverend2Ts... what meaneth all of this prattle of stars and hustler magazines and the spanking of the monkeys?... which way doth the sign pointeth?...
MyseestorsExandniKa... do not touch the hem of that trenchcoat... that's the one he wears when he's "witnessing"... you'll need to wait until Simontheloaded gets back with his worship rainment from the laundry...
Here my fellowsheep... I have brought for thee many refreshments... the juice of the cactus, the butter of the peanut, the honey of the bee... now therefore go forth with gladness in your hearts that you have also (Bullinger) been touched this day by the hand of the lord when he said unto you "don't forget the chips"....
And ye elder and yonger corps visitors may likewise partake of the refreshing ointment of the monkey... thank you and god bless, send your donations to Rose 328...
hmmmm... the prayer closet... I think I've seen that on the internet somewhere... I mean, I've heard about it.... never actually seen it... somewhere over there in the yahoo groups.....
I think I owe you an apology. I started posting some silly stuff and you had some GREAT real things you said in your post. I went back and read and realized that I had rather changed the tone of the thread and should probably not have done so... at least not then.
I don’t know you, (maybe I do…but), I DO know those songs that you sang and started singing them to myself. That whole post of what you did at the grave site was very – I think – inspired; and then the singing of nursery songs with the children was a great idea. What a bridge you built for the kids and all who participated!
But Paul (Too Gray) said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans (11th Corps), and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily (with a slap)? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out.
awww... 2Gray... don't get your feelers hurt... and don't condemn the other breatheren and sisternen for my lack of delicateness... come over here... let me give you a hug....
!SLAP!... ha! you fell for it again! here... pull my finger...
Thanks for your sweetness. Honestly, it never crossed my mind! I want to come and share that stuff, but likewise, don't want to bring the thread "down." It's kind of weirdly right that serious comments are juxtaposed with silly stuff.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Tom Strange
Graytype... it was Reverend2Ts that was called upon... I was moved by the spirits...
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Nika-son, thou art a strong woman, and a great comfort to others.
ijkherqq ivcj i4fywlx ith]6mdl %davre, oh myohmy, damiewhyyoudothistome.
Verily I say unto you, comma, today, comma, hold thy tongue, grayhead, for hast God given to thee the secret of His mysteries?? What hast thou which thou didst not receive?? I am not tired, as you suppose, seeing it is but the 15th hour of the day, but have been caught away with strangers unawares to the ninth corps heaven and earth, where rust doth not corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal. And I saw, His eyes behind my ears, Simon, standing with 9 stars in the left hand, and a hustler magazine in the right, and I heard a loud noise, as of a rushing mighty wind saying,"Ex, Ex, mother thy people." (I THINK it was "mother, but could have been "smother".)
And who was I to withstand God, as GUESS at what these things might mean?? All I know is, once I was blind, but now I am deaf.
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Too Gray Now
You are TOTALLY and 100% CORRECT!
It was Rev.2Ts that Ex called upon. That will cost me a couple of percentage points of credibility, with my elder corps, I'm sure.
It's just...
It's Just that there are so many Tom-Toms around here, I feel a visitation from the great Chief's spirit comming over you... > (Drums playing, and I am waving one of my Atlanta Braves foam tommahawks and hopping around on one foot and saying "WOO woo woo woo".
Can you feel it TomS??? Can you???
Do you feel an affinity for Turquoise and low grade silver jewlery??? That's the proof in the 5 senses world that you got the CHIEF!
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Too Gray Now
Man, oh man, you moved me! I had to fall down and proclaim that Larry Flint is in thee, of a truth!
Let's face it, you must have been doing a word study in the Songs of Solomon... "Oh that the Roe would dance forward with glistening knee-caps and prance on towards sun while the ointment of myrr that perfumes my holy memory of that sacred moment of the joining together of our loves!!"
Pardon me while I go into my prayer closet.
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Yup, you guys are just as weird as ever.
Just about all I can say, to mah people,
at a time like this,
it's good to be (clap) home again,
been away too long.
pecan pie, anyone?
"Be just, and fear not."
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Tommy can you feel me??
What a God-inspired idea!! Rent-A-Prayer-Closets!! We should have had these for the single corps during ROA's in times past.
Nevertheless, concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me, it is good for a man not to touch a woman. Thank God Ex is MORE than a woman!!! How touching!!
And when he had finished saying these things, he BREATHED on them ...
Blessed assurance, State Farm is mine ...
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ahhhhhhh tutty if but once i could touch the hem of your trench coat....
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Tom Strange
Reverend2Ts... what meaneth all of this prattle of stars and hustler magazines and the spanking of the monkeys?... which way doth the sign pointeth?...
MyseestorsExandniKa... do not touch the hem of that trenchcoat... that's the one he wears when he's "witnessing"... you'll need to wait until Simontheloaded gets back with his worship rainment from the laundry...
Here my fellowsheep... I have brought for thee many refreshments... the juice of the cactus, the butter of the peanut, the honey of the bee... now therefore go forth with gladness in your hearts that you have also (Bullinger) been touched this day by the hand of the lord when he said unto you "don't forget the chips"....
And ye elder and yonger corps visitors may likewise partake of the refreshing ointment of the monkey... thank you and god bless, send your donations to Rose 328...
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Tom Strange
hmmmm... the prayer closet... I think I've seen that on the internet somewhere... I mean, I've heard about it.... never actually seen it... somewhere over there in the yahoo groups.....
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Too Gray Now
I think I owe you an apology. I started posting some silly stuff and you had some GREAT real things you said in your post. I went back and read and realized that I had rather changed the tone of the thread and should probably not have done so... at least not then.
I don’t know you, (maybe I do…but), I DO know those songs that you sang and started singing them to myself. That whole post of what you did at the grave site was very – I think – inspired; and then the singing of nursery songs with the children was a great idea. What a bridge you built for the kids and all who participated!
I hope you are doing ok…
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hey jardie thanks
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is there a tongue of men or angels keyboard out there ?
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Why, yes there is, Ex. But wouldn't you know it, it's manufacturered by Diabolos Industries...
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Ex, it looks like my keyboard is the tongue of IBM
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i love yous guys (sniffles)
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Tom Strange
awww MyseestorEx... I love you too....
awww 2Gray, come over here son... closer... !SLAP!
now get outta here!
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Too Gray Now
I see how you guys are... ... (now I am sporting a sunken, downcast, swollen lower lip look on my face)
A slap, huh?? That is the thanks I get for all the silliness I spread in the name of good cheer and brotherly and sisterly love?
SURE>>> LOVE AND HUGGS AND KISSES for the 9th Corps... while us piddly 11th corps get smacked around like Curley Joe when Moe is in a bad mood!!
As Mel Brooks said in Blazing Saddles, "Hurrrumph!"
Or the Frenchman that is doing the taunting in Monty Python "I Fart in your general direction"!
I gotta go now. Like a once famous US President said...
"You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around, anymore."
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Too Gray Now
But Paul (Too Gray) said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans (11th Corps), and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily (with a slap)? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out.
More Monty Python - "Oh... to be spat upon..."
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Tom Strange
awww... 2Gray... don't get your feelers hurt... and don't condemn the other breatheren and sisternen for my lack of delicateness... come over here... let me give you a hug....
!SLAP!... ha! you fell for it again! here... pull my finger...
... confusion will be my epitath...
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha those 11th corps so much fun to slap around
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you know i'm kidding
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Too Gray Now
(Best for effect if read with Mel Blanc's voice of Tweetie Bird)
Dat MEAN 'ole TOM-cat has been slappin' me!!
Save me from that TERRIBLE TOM-Cat! EXXIE!! Womp him with your umbrella, EXXIE!!
Good! Again! AGAIN!!
BAAADDD TOM-cat. EXXIE gonna womp you again if you don't stop it!
i'm over it
totally out of my system
Now, Ex you must admit... that your smiley face and laughs put a WHOLE NEW meaning to "Slap-Happy".
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Thanks for your sweetness. Honestly, it never crossed my mind! I want to come and share that stuff, but likewise, don't want to bring the thread "down." It's kind of weirdly right that serious comments are juxtaposed with silly stuff.
It's cool, dude.
"Be just, and fear not."
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