TomS, TomS, thou art careful and troubled about maany things.
Let no man dispise thy weight. If he were not corps, I would turn that ole' alfakitty over to satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved.
And right, Excampinelli, Lorian Andersen and Kent "The Kid" Kipplinger were who witnessed to our rising star Tom Birdseed. But when he would not be persuaded, they ceased, saying, the will of the Vierville be done.
Ex, I'm not sure if the Anderson trio said that but they probably did due to the spiritual frustration.
Simonthemostest, you had me thinking you were tapping into your feminine side there for a moment :D-->
Rev. TT, I can't undergo a new assignment yet until I finish the circle drive rock removal. I need a volunteer. I think I'll see if Rock .... y Balboa will help. I just know he'll say ... here am I send me.
Hmmmmm, Free Bird, wasn't Free Bird a Lynard Skynard song? Did I spell that name right? Oh the humanity!
What do you mean getting in touch with my feminine side,Ohbe?...I know what your insinuating...Oh,and by the way,that hat of yours is soooo yesterday...HELLO!...Warren G. Harding is no longer the U.S. president!!! And who are you and Excie trying to fool with your rosie cheeks?...Like,I'm the only one that's aged around here?...I can tell by the innuendos in you girls' posts what you really think of me....
Oh,gosh,forgive me for getting so ....y....I've just had a really stressed out day...I'm sorry (((((ohbehave))))) and (((((Excie)))) and you too (((((Nika)))))and all you wonderful handsome (((((guys))))) and (((((me)))))too....
Simondumpedonus, Ex and Oh forgive you because well gosh darn it ...we love you love you love you and we'll sing it once again ex and oh loves you loves you loves you comes back the glad refrain etc. etc. etc.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Tom Strange
and I say to you, in the name of the russian astronaut Ure Velkom... "who you calling leetle!"
(the voices say that's the first time I've ever been referred to as "leetle" or little)
... big hitter, the lama...
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Tom Strange
we should be on top... wasn't that the revelation Reverend2Ts?
I guess DrniKa is pretty busy these days...
... big hitter, the lama...
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TomS, TomS, thou art careful and troubled about maany things.
Let no man dispise thy weight. If he were not corps, I would turn that ole' alfakitty over to satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved.
And right, Excampinelli, Lorian Andersen and Kent "The Kid" Kipplinger were who witnessed to our rising star Tom Birdseed. But when he would not be persuaded, they ceased, saying, the will of the Vierville be done.
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did not lorian and julie and wayne anderson cease saying the vill of da vierville be done
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Ex, I'm not sure if the Anderson trio said that but they probably did due to the spiritual frustration.
Simonthemostest, you had me thinking you were tapping into your feminine side there for a moment
Rev. TT, I can't undergo a new assignment yet until I finish the circle drive rock removal. I need a volunteer. I think I'll see if Rock .... y Balboa will help. I just know he'll say ... here am I send me.
Hmmmmm, Free Bird, wasn't Free Bird a Lynard Skynard song? Did I spell that name right? Oh the humanity!
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Here I am!
;)--> You send me.
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Tom Strange
as it was before... so shall it be... let all thine monies... be given to me...
oops! gotta go make a tee time...
... big hitter, the lama...
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i love you all so much and when life sucks i love you even more
wow what a compliment bill mays
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dear dragons in the dungeon, i'm feeling a bit sad and overwhelmed tonight and don't feel like talking to the folks in the living room
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Gee I didn't know Anderson was such a wild one. I wonder where there at now adays, I always wanted to give my blessings.
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Hey,if alfakat comes here looking for me,tell him you haven't seen me....Tell him I'm out lightbearers,or on LEAD or something....
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What do you mean getting in touch with my feminine side,Ohbe?...I know what your insinuating...Oh,and by the way,that hat of yours is soooo yesterday...HELLO!...Warren G. Harding is no longer the U.S. president!!! And who are you and Excie trying to fool with your rosie cheeks?...Like,I'm the only one that's aged around here?...I can tell by the innuendos in you girls' posts what you really think of me....
Oh,gosh,forgive me for getting so ....y....I've just had a really stressed out day...I'm sorry (((((ohbehave))))) and (((((Excie)))) and you too (((((Nika)))))and all you wonderful handsome (((((guys))))) and (((((me)))))too....
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you're such a simonzesheethead
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Oh Simoncyborg, full of love and grace!!!
Praise be to thee, oh brother of Elrod, keeper of the gates, Gozer in disguise ...
I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts !!!
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Tom Strange
Simeontheloaded knows Gozar?
wow... I'm impressed... I knew he was spurtially sharp but I never would have guessed!
(the voices say they're impressed)
... big hitter, the lama...
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Tom Strange
anybody want to trade an apple for some GORP?
... big hitter, the lama...
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I've got a cheese wedge, but I'm not gonna help YOU!!!
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Tom Strange
that's OK brother2Ts... here... you can have my apple anyway...
... big hitter, the lama...
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Geeze Simon, you're pretty good at that feminine side thing. But do you dress the part?
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Rocky,why do you think I don't have a mug shot under my name?
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Simondumpedonus, Ex and Oh forgive you because well gosh darn it ...we love you love you love you and we'll sing it once again ex and oh loves you loves you loves you comes back the glad refrain etc. etc. etc.
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exohexohexohexoh...(((((thanx,ohb))))....And really,that hat looks adorable on you....
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and what's adorable about me ?
x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o
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The rosie red cheeks of the little chil-dren...
Engarland swings like a pendarlum do....
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